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Well folks, the stakes are rising again in Russia. Not only are passports are now being confiscated from officials within Russia to prevent defections as reported by the financial Times, this is clearly a sign that at least some within the Russian Uh leadership are worried that underlings might decide. You know what? I've had enough, it's time to leave. Apparently, there is so much a fear by the way of not just affections, but potential sabotage within the actual country that now, uh, there is a report circulating by the Independent that take a look at this.

The Independent is now reporting that the Kremlin is literally creating a replica offices to help avoid the potential assassination of Vladimir Putin. But this segment is not only going to be about Russia freaking out, it is also about Ukraine and the suggestion they make to being willing to negotiate again, but also the threat of World War III. So a lot to cover. First, take a look at this: Vladimir Putin apparently installs perfect replicas of his Kremlin office to avoid assassination attempts.

A former bodyguard of the Russian president as said that Russian president or sorry that former Bodyguard by the way, a 35 year old served as an engineer in the Federal Guard service the presidential Communications unit and said he has fled Russia over the war in Ukraine so he's already gone and now he's leaking intelligence essentially. although is it still considered a leak if you're not an Insider But anyway, apparently leaking Insight that Vladimir Putin has perfect replicas of his office. He's installed these replicas in order to confuse foreign intelligence. so there are no assassination attempts or I suppose no successful assassination attempts.

This is the first attempt to confuse a foreign intelligence so that there are no assassin attempt assassination attempts. Uh, this individual told uh, opposition groups I Highly doubt that by the way. I Highly doubt this is the first attempt to confuse foreign intelligence. Maybe this is just the one they were willing to quote-unquote leak I Have found that most things in politics that get leaked by the way are almost intentionally leaked because that way you could say oh uh, origin to me to reveal that but it still gets revealed anyway.

Oh no, our uh uh, one tool to disguise the president has been leaked. oh no, whatever will we do? But it is being used at least over here as as a way of looking at potential some uh uh, anti-russian propaganda. to say the the Russians are losing it after all, I mean they did arrest the Uh Ed or one of the writers for the Wall Street Journal Uh, the day after he published a piece talking about how how the Russian economy was starting to fail, that they're running out of money and not only are they running out of money, but that their Val the currency. Their currency has been devalued by over 20.

And get this in a report just yesterday by the Financial Times, we find that Russia has maybe two to six months left of parts for their aircraft. Now that's scary. and I'm not just talking about military aircraft I'm talking about commercial aircraft see commercial aircraft which 97 of the aircraft flying in Russia used by Russian companies like Aeroflot, 97 of them are using Western Machinery In other words: Western aircraft. Whether those are Brazilian, Uh, European or American Airbus Boeing Embraer Whatever.
These companies provide software updates and parts for planes. And let me tell you, as a jet owner, there is nothing that needs some more parts and more maintenance and more updates and more manuals than a freaking jet. It's really expensive and if you stop maintaining the darn thing, the birds start becoming inoperable. Not because they can't fly, but because you shouldn't fly them because so much crap is wrong with them.

So then you just park them at a hanger and you start having less planes that you can actually fly. In fact, there are these classifications for Russian planes. These classifications actually for all planes for inspections that planes have to undergo and we have some stats on the Russian numbers. The Uh There is a C check.

A C check is to be conducted every two years. It is a structural check of the plane. There are 159 Boeing and air buses due for sea checks in 2023. There is a Delta check that is due every 10 years.

It is a major inspection. It is probably the largest inspection for a plane every 10 years. Uh, it basically goes through every piece of the plane to check for corrosion and uh, there are 85 planes in Russia with d checks do recently in December a CEO of the Aeroflot Russian Airlines Pjsc said they have two to six months of Parts left and they're slowly just taking planes out of service. So Russia is literally crumbling From The Inside Out uh as this a war is progressing.

uh, but not only uh, do we have the uh, this, uh, this Russian crumbling. uh but of course we have more lashing out by Vladimir Putin suggesting that well, uh, the U.S not supported the revolution in Ukraine in 2014. we wouldn't be in this situation. So in other words, this Harkens all the way back to the days of the Obama Administration and one Russia first invaded Crimea Now this starts scratching, leading us to want to at least scratch our heads about the potential nuke clear perils that we now face.

We're going to talk about this in just a moment. But first, we have to remember that. wait a second. Wait a second.

What is Ukraine suggesting right now Ukraine is suggesting hey, you know what? We are willing to negotiate with Russia but we're only willing to negotiate with Russia once again. Uh, which we have not negotiated or attempted to negotiate with Russia since last April. It has literally been a year since they have tried to negotiate with Russia which that's frustrating because it suggests there's literally no even attempt at peace talks right now. Which is scary because as there are no attempts of peace talks World War III and a nuclear World War III is coming closer and closer and closer.
It's absolutely ridiculous. So what is Ukraine saying right now? Well, Ukraine is saying hey, hey hey hey we will gladly negotiate with Russia right after we take you a Crimea back. Yes, I Kid you not. That is what Ukraine said today from Kiev military officials in Kief Kiev However, you want to say it today said we will gladly negotiate with Russia after we take Ukraine or Crimea back.

Well come on folks, that is a big ask right there. First of all, not not necessarily a big asking negotiations I Mean that certainly could be considered a big asking negotiations, but you're basically saying we're going to take all the 10 tanks we have. they have more. But I'm being facetious because we're waiting for more tanks to arrive from Poland and Germany and they're arriving very slowly in the United.

Kingdom we're going to take these tanks we have. We're going to go try to plow through Crimea to take it back as if Russia is not going to be able to substantially fight back in Crimea it is a very big ask to say oh, we'll be willing to negotiate as soon as we take. Crimea I mean hey, you know what? Look, if they could take Crimea back and then they can negotiate with Russia and Russia takes over or Russia gives up rather and negotiates fine. Then you were right I Just think you've set a very, very high bar to being willing to negotiate again and unfortunately, that leads us down the path of potentially nuclear warfare which we're going to talk about that in Finland in just a moment.

But I'd like to remind you of this chart right here: What country provides the most Aid to Ukraine Is it the Nots country of the European Union given that is a union of many different countries or is it the United States Oh, that's right, it's the United States providing over 78. We're probably well over 80 billion dollars now in either humanitarian direct Financial or military aid to Ukraine which is more than twice what the European Union has provided. Here are some of the examples of the Arsenal that we have provided: Patriot Missiles, javelins, Stinger missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, howitzers, explosive drones Phoenix ghost drones Bradley's Harpoon coastal defense systems ground support Vehicles including 1700 Humvees This is from the Council of Foreign Relations. This is a lot of spending now.

In Fairness: As a percentage of GDP the country's most near to the conflict are investing the most into this Uh that includes Estonia Latvia, Lithuania and Poland uh In Fairness. We want to mention that now, what about this threat of nuclear warfare And what does all of it have to do with a potentially uh, well, um, the rise of Finland Finland after all, just joined NATO Uh, that's a little bit of a oopsy-doopsies because we are basically telling Putin hey, not only are we unwilling to negotiate with you, but we don't really care if we have to confront nuclear Peril as you potentially move more nuclear weapons into Belarus you've already abandoned the start treaty. We're going back to the Cold War era. We're going back to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
We're basically you are now pointing strategic nuclear weapons from Belarus potentially at Poland Okay, it's a problem. It's a risk and a danger. Not only that, but look at this. Here's a piece right here: Finland joins NATO Finland officially becomes the 31st, a member of the Uh North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Tuesday marking a major shift in the security landscape in northeastern Europe that adds some 830 miles to the alliance uh, front with Russia.

Now the problem with this is now. Uh, we have Russia even more pissed suggesting that they're potentially going to scale up forces near Finland if Finland ends up putting Ornado ends up putting any troops and equipment on the border of Russia. Now remember this: you can take a train. A very short train from Saint Petersburg to Finland youth circuiting NATO troops put on the edge of Finland Looking into Russia Russia is going to feel pretty dang threatened.

This is one of the reasons they've started moving nuclear weapons strategic weapons into Belarus as an attempt to try to deter exactly this type of NATO expansion. Well, the NATO expansion has happened anyway. Some quotes here from data or from rather Russia's Deputy Foreign minister, we will strengthen a military capabilities in the west and North West if members of NATO deploy forces and Equipment unfinished territory. Yeah, I don't even know what accent that is.

Anyway, this is. this is exactly the reason why you need to get life insurance in as little as five minutes. Paid promotion prior to Tuesday Russia shared about a 755 miles of land border with five NATO members. Finland's Ascension more than doubles the border with Russia.

NATO's border with Russia has now been doubled. Think about that. Obviously, this is deemed to be good for a Finland uh. remember that an attack on one is an attack on all.

We had a scare once as a stray missile accidentally fell in the Polish territory and Article 4 was invoked uh to evaluate whether or not this was actually a violation of potentially Article Five The Finnish Defense Force also operates weapon systems like other NATO members, including F-18 fighter jets, German designed leopard battle tanks, K-9 howitzers amongst other weapons. There are obviously three ways: Finland benefits here: Reserve Forces Tech access and artillery forces artillery forces being the some of the largest in Europe over in Finland with some 1500 artillery weapons, Uh sitting in Finland Finland also has about 900 000 reservists. They can muster up wartime strength of about 200 000 standing troops. The mindset here is that Sweden is obviously a next to join Uh.
that is Uh. Then of course going to lead to thoughts that Turkey and Hungary might potentially end up joining Uh. this kind of expansion is likely to continue pushing the following right here, which we talk about via the Foreign Affairs article confronting the Nuclear Peril I'm not going to go through this entire piece because part of it they talk about implementing Global Fail Safes to prevent catastrophe I'm saying that up front because the argument of this article is the reason we should be worried about Russian expansion of their desire to Uh continue to promote Uh, the deployment of Uh or should I say the the positioning of nuclear weapons is the potential for an accident. Look, Vladimir Putin has already announced that short-range tactical nukes are going to Belarus China is expanding its nuclear weapons program on time and keep in mind Russia's got like 5 900 Warheads Uh, that might be as much as 6 000 now.

the United States has maybe around five thousand. Four hundred, Five thousand Five hundred. So Russia technically is slightly more than ours. I I Think ours are probably of better quality and we have probably many more functional.

but China only has 300. But all of this is urging a lot of countries to expand the proliferation of nukes, not reduce. We're supposed to be under nuclear non-proliferation agreements, which means non-expansion agreements. We won't build more nukes.

Well, now everybody's like, well, Russia is playing with their nukes, so we want to play with our nukes as well. This is obviously a problem, especially since conversations between Moscow and Russia are basically at zero. Dialogue is basically Frozen. That's a problem.

It's a problem because wait a minute. Wait a minute. We're supposed to be trying to implement diplomacy, not just fighting to try to end this war. Well, so far, there's basically no diplomacy.

That's a fancy word by the way for talking your way out of a crisis. There's a growing danger of that nuclear weapons could be used based on faulty judgment, false warnings of attack, or other miscalculation, aided by cyber attacks. and this is a global threat. Foreign Affairs Magazine is basically telling us the reason every American and every individual in the world should be nervous about the expansion and proliferation of nuclear weapons is not necessarily because we actually think Putin is going to have the balls to use a nuclear weapon or that Xi Jinping is going to do it or that Biden is going to do it.

It's actually that what if somebody somehow cyber attacks and somehow impersonates uh, a leader through artificial intelligence uh, you know, generated video generated voice combined with cyber attacks to potentially lead uh a Minutemen who are are on standby to launch nuclear weapons to essentially launch nuclear weapons? Okay, that is the fear. That is why Foreign Affairs is talking about figuring out how can we have fail-safes to prevent this kind of disaster. This is bad. It's very, very bad.
Okay, we do not want uh, this sort of expansion because remember the available strategies to reduce the nuclear threat uh have been built since the Cuban Missile Crisis, but unfortunately those continue to close and it becomes hard to imagine says Foreign Affairs magazine. Then a new Treaty of nuclear arms can be negotiated between the United States and Russia Unrestricted nuclear competition between Washington and Moscow will now overlap not only with China's expanding nuclear Arsenal, but growing threats from North, Korea and Iran and also be compounded by those of India and Pakistan both also nuclear armed countries to advance their capabilities, even while some U.S allies consider whether to acquire their own. Remember, a lot of countries in Europe say that they don't want nukes anymore, but now almost maybe people want nukes. It's a problem.

It's a big problem, and if the world is going to survive, every nuclear-armed country has to work to strengthen its defenses against those cyber threats we talked about. The problem is what if we don't and what if that Cyber attack happens. Listen to this. A number of factors have contributed to heightened nuclear blunder risks, including faster and more powerful Delivery Systems In other words, these these missiles can fly faster than ever before the rise of cyber threats and the dependence on launch systems and digital technologies that might be dated as well as even if we have Advanced Digital Technologies uh for launch systems, What if the other countries don't it's a disaster.

The Biden Administration has given a priority to nuclear security committing to a Fail-Safe review in October of 2022. But what about the other countries? That's the question what everybody else going to do. But again folks, it's not just this. let's hop on over to what do we have here? Uh, we have Xi Jinping meeting with a an annual macron of France and there's this idea that maybe Emmanuel Macron who's landed with this is the French President who's landed in Beijing Hopefully he doesn't talk about social security uh or the retirement age going up in Beijing he might cause some riots people that might be too soon to joke about.

uh. But anyway, in Beijing he's landed to talk to Xi Jinping There's this idea that Macron it might be a willing to talk to Xi Jinping about uh, the cooperation with Russia uh and maybe urge Xi Jinping to make it clear that China is not going to supply lethal weapons to Russia I I Don't know if he hasn't realized this yet, but it's too late for that. China has already been delivering lethal weapons to Russia so it's too late to urge China not to do that. I I'm unclear if China has or if the French President has missed that boat.
Uh, but anyway, this shows you some of the concerns around Rising threats not only around nuclear war, but also around the rising threat that the prices for the programs on building your wealth may be going up. Well actually will be going up on April 12th. maybe going up soon very soon. In your case, that is on the 12th.

we'll be seeing the prices for the programs I'm building your wealth going up again. You can now use Buy Now Pay Later to join them. You can go to meet Kevin.com to see all about them. Uh, You can also scroll down to see my Affiliates or sponsors uh including short form or life insurance or free stocks.

And of course you can use Buy Now Pay Later Now to join the programs by Building Growth. Right now, we are about about 33 percent of individuals who are signing up are using Uh Buy Now Pay Later to sign up uh for the Programs on Ability Growth's lifetime access A link down below and we'd love to see you there. But of course this threat of a nuclear conflict is, uh, very concerning. I Personally believe that we you know I I Hate to say this because I don't want to sound political.

but let me just put it this way, there is one person who is making it absolutely clear that we need to do everything in our power to negotiate with Putin and Zielinski as soon as possible and like them or not, that person's name is Donald Trump That person is I'm not saying I would vote for them in the next election I'm just simply saying they are the ones that that person is pounding the table begging for negotiation. And so far, what do we have? China Pretending to negotiate Macron's not going to get anything done Biden's not doing anything. All we're doing is sending more money and more weapons to Ukraine and uh, basically joining more people into uh into NATO while at the same time Putin's worried about getting assassinated in his own Kremlin So he's making replica offices and sending more nukes to various different areas like Belarus. To me, that's scary I Wish we had more people waking up to the real threat of World War III and waking up and demanding a negotiated settlement as soon as possible.

What's the point of holding on to every inch of your damn land? If it is now a Badland A Wasteland Leveled worthless A Chernobyl There's no point. Give up some of it. Negotiate something. Give Russia a buffer.

End The death and destruction. Land is not worth people dying. especially if that land is going to be dead devastated. Anyway, it's stupid.

It needs to end Anyway, That's my take on this. Ukrainian Disaster.

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30 thoughts on “We just moved closer to world war 3 nuclear war.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NGC 7635 says:

    One does not simply take back Crimea. Much easier said than done.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Belle Banana says:

    As a political science major with a minor in History, I give it 10 years max for WW3 to happen. Pay attention to the parallels.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack v says:

    😅 way too much anti-russian propaganda and skewed biased information the Russian economy is doing quite well if you look at their grocery stores their prices are stable and well-stocked nobody's complaining, they're now of course uniting with China even more and other countries as well as the continent of Africa so they are looking pretty good, they are not into that whole lgtbq and putting billions of dollars into it and all this anti-family feminism satanic garbage like your Western nations are doing. This channel is f**** garbage, so biased. What's your dog in this fight? Are you a high-level oligarch Diane guaranteed territory and human resources? Plus his promoting buy now pay later go into debt. this guy is like some kind of snake oil salesman or what

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars homo erectus says:

    Ill see everyone in heaven thanks everyone for being alive to this point of our lives, we shall see what happens on the other side of life if there is one. 🥲

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wulfdane says:

    Every once and a while humanity needs a great reset, a nuclear war would provide that.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oxana Shutreac says:

    I too disagree with your last point. What if Canada invaded USA, occuppied east coast ports, industrial infrastructure, arable land, forced exile…would USA accept it?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TruExorer says:

    Financial times is fake news !! You base your information on fake news 😂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    It'll happen after Easter probably on a Monday morning

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bulging Battery says:

    I can't wait for billions of people to fry in world war 3, and then billions more to die the slow agonizing death of acute radiation sickness, and starvation.

    About 90% or more of the entire world's human population is going to perish, and it's going to be fucking spectacular!

    That's approximately 7,200,000,000 people!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon-Orlando Singhai says:

    I actually don't think nuclear war will end the world… the media threatens this scenario but if you use any brain and realise how many nuclear tests were done after their creation, you will see we will need a stupid amount to all be detonated all together to even come close to what the media tell is.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Lal says:

    WW3 starts on 14 July 2024. Insiders reveal all ground works are well laid out and tested.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MIKE MIke says:

    Dont worry the Russian planes and weapons wont work , if they manage to fly they wont reach intended target and if they did they wont make "Pummp"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Diamantopulo says:

    You do not negotiate with terrorists.
    FEAR is the tool terrorists use.
    Stop spreading fear.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Typic Playz says:

    were all fucked!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars András Bíró says:

    Trump is all over the place, even if he's accidentally right, it means nothing. Plus he's a horrible negotiator. He let North Korea keep their nukes and got nothing in exchange. He removed troops from Syria allowing Turkey to attack the Kurds there who were fighting ISIS, and got nothing in exchange. He pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, which essentially allowed Iran to restart it's weapons program, and got nothing in exchange, except further damaging America's reputation. And there's probable more I forgot about.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silver Back says:

    Closer? If we get any closer we are going to fall in!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claude Corbet says:

    Unfortunately, appeasement through negotiated settlements of ceding land or countries to Putin to hopefully back away from nuclear war is a fanciful idea. Putin cannot be allowed to win anything. He’s going down. The powers that be have already decided that. To let him get away with anything resembling a win is to let the monster just grow and to continue invading the Baltic countries. If Russia invaded and occupied Alaska, would we negotiate to let him have it if he promises not to deploy or use nukes? No we wouldn’t. So why should Ukraine give away Crimea? Unfortunately, we have to confront nuclear blackmail for what it is and show other dictatorships that it won’t work.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El gamer says:

    The way youre speaking, you should hold your breath and never breathe again please thanks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S. Moore says:

    The U.S. does not have the industrial capability to mount a long-war of attrition. Thus nuclear war it shall be. Let's hope the surface of California's cities are turned into radioactive glass.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Azevedo says:

    Kevin, please do the world a favor and wear a gag every time you consider commenting on world politics. You are an embarrassment speaking Pentagon/'Intelligence" talking points like the Russian economy is falling apart, Putin is in grave danger of being assassinated, there's nothing to Putin's claim that the US caused the Ukraine war by overthrowing the democratically elected government in Ukraine etc.. You never mention that the US/NATO promised Gorbachov that they would not expand east of Germany or that Ukrainian Nazis dominate the Ukraine government and have murdered 12,000 to 20,000 innocent citizens in the Donbas for the crime of speaking Russian. Please stick to stocks and real estate. Readers who want some truth instead of Pentagon bs can watch George Galloway/MOAT, Scott Ritter, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, The Duran, The New Atlas, Alexander Mercouris,Garland Nixon, Redacted, Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand, Chris Hedges/Real News, The Dive, Noam Chomsky etc..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney Shank says:

    Seen the media has attention on the war in Ukraine, this war is about common sense not if you are western or others. You cannot say you invaded Ukraine because Donets called for help. Can the war invade Russia if the people off st peters complains?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CW Eric says:

    Make Nuclear War Great Again! 🇺🇸

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Og S says:

    Stop puking adds at your viewers

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SimCityEA says:

    "War is simply the continuation of political intercourse with the addition of other means" – Carl von Clausewitz

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elusive says:

    Russia is Kremlin

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric says:

    Kevin, we get it, DOOM AND GLOOM pays more than actually giving useful content. Your videos, headlines, and thumbnails are getting exhausting.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gesha says:

    Thorough analytics, cool video from central point of view, not left not right just straight 👌

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lord Prutsikas says:

    Where will the first NUKE hit?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DavidElCid300 says:

    Dude, you are getting your information from biased Western propaganda media.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grace Boyer says:

    Good cup of tea

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