What's up everyone? All right? So I'm gonna give you my watch list for today so far leaving Gappers SQL 123 Kprx 54 So we've got a couple of Gappers this morning that are moving higher on news I've gotten green which is good and I'm looking to add to those gains. It's about 8 20 so we have possibly news at the bottom of the hour at 8 30 and then news maybe again at 9. A.M So I'm gonna keep watching the headlines I'm going to keep watching the scanners. That's where I'm primarily seeing stocks squeezing up and then this is giving me the list of the top gainers in the market today.
So these are the scanners I'm using. You can see the small cap room is live. large cap room is live. so we're broadcasting I'm green and I'm looking to add to those gains.
So thank you guys as always for tuning in. Leave some comments down below. I'll answer questions later today I'll do you know one question a day. so throw some questions down below, Come back and answer them and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.
Yoooo another good trading day. Thanks to your watchlist.
If I buy at pre-market when is it time to sell before it ends or can I sell at regular market… Never understood that part
Dubs on SQL🙌🏿🙌🏿
Can you give me money?
Locked 3k on sql👍
Which screener did you use before your experts developed one for you?
What gets a better fill, market order or buying the ask?
So how much of trading have you found is mental skill vs technical skill?
How are you green already before market open?
How many different strategies do you have in determining the factors that you enter a stock and what is your most successful singular strategy do you have if they are based upon ticker outcomes?
Keep these coming 💯 loving the suggestions
For every thousand I make day trading my 401k Loses 2!
Enjoy the day thanks.