Watch These Penny Stocks Today
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, everybody welcome back happy monday morning to you all. So, as the stream populates we'll run into what we need to talk about today, but off top of my head, we have seen stock tyme move, um, noav's kind of up uh xbio was moving earlier. Amc really doesn't look like it's got a ton of volatility in today, um imv was another penny stock and there was something with the d. I can't remember: hmm i'll have to double check that one, but give me it a second d-y-n-t there.

We go all right. Awesome all right, so we're going to start here with uh t-y-m-e, so delete the drawings really quickly. Give me a second sava news. I will take a peek at sava.

Let me just pop it over here. Okay, so looking at t y t-y-m-e we'll first go to the price here at 149., then we will go to the price. Well, we're going to mark this one here and then we're going to go to this guy nope wrong one daily chart and we're going to mark that guy. Then we're going to mark this guy and that's pretty much it for now.

So this morning, uh tyme pops up on some cancer news. It goes to the mean these two levels here are mean, so this is four hour. This is daily chart so long story short. This was kind of its first resistance marks in the day, you'll notice.

When we get to the red line on the day we pull back and then we push up. We get to the second red line, then we pull back and then we break through et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, um kind of looks like this might roll down and break back into the zone, but for those of you that are currently long, the stock tyme. Just know that if this red line fails here at 167, then the projected downside target for that move will be back down to about a dollar 49. So for right now the current support in the market for tyme is at 167 and if 167 support breaks, you will see tyme most likely move down to forty nine.

If, in the event, it doesn't actually break the dollar sixty seven, then we will most likely go for a plus one deviation, move which would put you into this top tier box from 198 to 210. So for now intraday our max long target for tyme is going to be that orange box on the top. Sorry, i meant to make that red. Excuse me: it's going to be that red box in the day, which is 197 to 210 max target right now looks like tym.

You might break support and if so, it's going to take us down, probably towards the dollar 50 mark. So that's pretty much. The entire analysis there for the stock tyme, which yeah i mean it, does kind of. Arguably look like it's getting bearish back from covet.

You didn't miss nat den ju miss a couple things all right, so that was t-y-m-e. I'm gon na look at this next, one which is d-y-n-t, i think yeah. So looking at this dynt stock, this one broke up last night or after hours over the weekend, whatever you want to call it um so pretty much. To put it simply, this is the long term resistance, these two red lines here at about 210.

That's a long term resistance to get the market up and through the 210 mark can lead you to a bigger move. Let me explain: go to the daily chart long-term chart. You see that blue line right there boom you see on the four-hour chart. You have that blue line right there boom so long story.
Short we've already hit long-term resistance. It actually went to plus four deviations today. Um so again, i guess the best way of explaining. Well, let me just go back and do that too.

So you'll see that look at where the bottom of this four hour candle. You see that red candle look at where the exact bottom of it is not exactly, but probably off. By about a penny you can see, we sold all the way down to uh the negative one. Well, that's actually plus one, but it doesn't really matter.

I'm just probably going to confuse you guys more, but anyways um, so you'll see that we sold all this was overbought. So these two lines up here three lines really overbought. Then it pulls back breaks down. Plus two runs the plus one back to plus two.

Almost back to plus three back down below plus two having resistance at plus two so going forward into the open, your immediate breakout level is going to be a dollar eighty five when you break a dollar eighty, five or if you do break a dollar. Eighty five, then the market will shift you up to 210. If you can actually get through 210 successfully, the nest shift would be up to 232, and if you can get through 232, then the sky is. The limit.

Max target would be up to 330 to 370. For the time being so again, those are all the key levels that you have to watch for and that's pretty much it with uh dynt all righty. Let's move on over to dynt there. Oh xbio is another one, but we probably won't have to do much with this, so yeah xbio ended up selling off.

So if we go back and look at the long term, chart you're basically going to see that this was a double top on plus three deviation. So again, if we go to the daily chart, you see the blue line right there. Let me delete all the old drawings as well, so give me a second all righty, so you see, plus three is right there. On the four on the daily chart.

You go to the four hour chart same thing: it's like right there, so nonetheless, that's two red lines that i put on the chart. Those are the long term resistance marks. That's where you stopped on friday, pre or stop friday sold down this morning, bounced back right up into the red line sold down. So, for the time being, i don't really see a ton of great trading opportunity on xbio because it blew up friday pulled back.

All the way blew up this morning hit resistance, pull back. So it's already done a good long, and it's already done it's good short. You've retraced back to about the 50 mark of this move, therefore, you're, probably on to a bounce, more hesitative trading, as opposed to breakout trading, so don't really care for xbio all that much this morning. I could be wrong and something crazy could happen.
If that happens. Awesome, but for the time being, i'm pretty much neutral on xbio, but wanted to mention that it did in fact hit a bunch of resistance. I will say this in the event that it does actually kind of jump back up from this bottom you'd be looking for a target of that red line, so this bounce move is targeting back to about that red line of 362 for the time being, whoo shitty Um looks like our friend t-y-m-e has started rolling below support a little bit here, tyme going down, so we could take a peek at this really quickly. So look at tyme how it broke that support.

They would mention and look at where it's almost gotten to hasn't. Quite gotten there, so there could arguably be a little bit more room down here for t-y-m-e until it hits about a dollar 49.. So we'll see how that all kind of develops here um now i'm gon na move over to imp is not the one yeah imv. So it looks like imv got some news uh this morning, just like pretty much all stocks end up gapping up overnight, so anyways there was some news on imv today, all right so right now the resistance in the market for imv is from 275 to a price Of about 293, your current support in the market is 205, so you're off the 205 bounce so again, 205 is support.

We bounced we pulled back we've held above. We pushed back to resistance these two red lines. So that is your breakout point on the day. If you can successfully break those two levels, then you would look to target up probably into the 348 to 380s.

So for the time being, we're just neutral. Until we see the market successfully crossing up and through the 270 to the 290 mark for a long term or a longer or a long move, excuse me alrighty going over to t-y-m-e looking at t-y-m-e, you can see pretty much where the candle's gotten down to hasn't. Quite gone to the price target, we told you but we're about to call it five cents or six cents off target so far in the downside swing all righty, pretty good, not bad t-y-m-e, just another couple: pennies down and we'd be 100 on target all right, ladies And gentlemen, so that was you know what we were trying to help anybody who was long on the top of this move. Understand your risk.

If this kind of wedge snap support your risk is all the way down to at least that 149, that's the way you have to view the market, so um tyme analysis so far, working pretty spot on that's good. So this is the support of the market. In order to keep tyme up, it has to stay above 1.49. If you don't stay above 1.49, then you would probably go back to a dollar 43, but i wouldn't even really try to trade for a downside move to 1.43.

Okay! Oh yes! Next one on the list: sorry uh n-a-o-v, all right, so n-e-o-v was a stock on friday. They picked up towards the end of the day, went absolutely nuts. I don't even really know why it went so nuts. I don't remember the news that it had um.
So this is 7 26 monday sunday, so that would have been 7 23. shares halted. Circuit breaker higher after the company got australian therapeutic goods and administration approval for its euro shield system triples trading on report of its uti treatment. Why none of them blah blah blah blah blah blah all right? So stock is up on some news regarding its approval from the australian administration for its euro shield system, uh yeah there's no shares to short on this.

Through light speed, the stock is already overbought, just because it's overbought does not mean that it can't go higher. But if we look at the long term, chart you're going to know exactly why it's stopping where it's stopping. That's, because i'm pretty sure it's at resistance. No, it already went over.

Excuse me, so you will probably notice when i put when i add levels here, you'll probably notice that we got decent interaction at these prices, so the prices that i'm putting on the chart right now are the three deviation prices. It could have changed a little bit since friday, but should be still pretty accurate, so nonetheless, the two levels we're putting on the chart are the plus three deviation mark in which we broke through. But what we should probably see is that when we look at these two levels on the chart, once we go back to the one minute chart that on friday's trading session, we should have seen resistance at those two red lines that i showed you probably got a Pullback and then that pullback got bought up through those two red lines and then a big short squeeze happen and the reason a big short squeeze probably happened. There is because that is generally the level that people are going to look to short at when you're, at plus, three and plus four and in the event that bulls are strong enough to push you through plus three press.

Four then you're gon na shake out all the short sellers that entered at plus three plus four. So let's go back. Take a look at the one minute chart. There really wasn't a whole lot.

I mean you can see. We stopped there for about a half second, but just blew right through so you can see. We ran up to those two red lines pulled back, but just instantly right back through, and so this didn't have great resistance, but you can also see we had two red candles breaks up, big pulls back almost down to those two red lines and then it kind Of goes so that was the throwback or the pullback to retest the plus three deviation breakout on friday. Obviously it pulls back holds, and then you get above and you get once again another big pop taking out uh short sellers.

So, for the time being, i kind of want to be on the long side, and i think you should be on the long side, at least to start the day, because this is a really strong run and the market closed above. The plus three and i believe the plus four deviation mark, so the market was strong enough to hold above significant long-term resistance levels. So, for the time being, i got to watch this long, i'm not even going to bet bearish on it because i can't bet bearish on it. So i'm only left to really be long biased.
So i'm going to have to watch long bias. Okay, whoo she um! So i didn't touch on bitcoin yet so, if the for those of you that watch my channel, obviously you guys will know that my desired buy point is down here, which we didn't get to still right and we had this big breakout move. So in order to go to the price target and the desired buy point that i would like it's going to be very hard for it to do now, because, essentially, you have to take back this breakout move. So this breakout that just happened has to obviously come down and we have to cross below kind of that gap and that breakout price in order to really kind of be back on bearish momentum.

All right - and you will also see um - that we kind of snapped the downward wedge. So for those of you that watched the analysis on the video where i said my price target and or desired by 0.4 bitcoin is going to be down like 22 to 19 000. We had mentioned this descending wedge and put down the trend lines and basically said you know as long as we're following this trend down. That's good, but the bulls are going to be looking to break you above that wedge that ended up happening so market squeezed up um.

So for now that price target that i gave is pretty much not going to happen at least for now. So, on the way up, i would imagine bitcoin's going to be on the bull side today. I think that there's just too op, too much optimism after such a big move. Um.

Let me see where i try to get this to go to, though i mean well, there are two there right, oh one, second, okay, yeah yeah! So, for me, really, the max long target out of this kind of move that we're seeing slash breakout with bitcoin would only be up to forty four thousand eight hundred to uh forty, two thousand eight. Seventy. Currently the pullback support for bitcoin is down at thirty. Six thousand four, fifty! So in the event you actually pull back, you should expect your low risk.

Dip buy, would be around this price and you can see it kind of broke out there too got there and big volume came in. So you can see market moved up two red line cross through red line, big volume spike, so that right now is a significant level. So in the event bitcoin pulls back. That would be the dip buy support for the day down at 36.

419. The max long target for the damn bitcoin should probably be up to forty three thousand to forty five thousand okay. She, she um that pretty much covers most of that stuff evon on fighter, mr evie yeah ebon kind of little double bottom. There gapped up trying to get over this guy yeah.

I could see this having some momentum on the upside. I believe your max long target for now should be up to 323 to 360s, which don't exist within the realm of possibility for right now, um but yeah. That's ebo1 all right, we'll take a look at am mix sizzle um. I don't actually remember what my analysis was for friday on this.
I really can't remember um, i really don't but anyways. The last thing that we did touch on was that you wanted to be bearish and that amc would be bearish as it crossed down below the mean, which was at about a price of 40. So then it broke down um. We didn't have any training support till down here, so i recommend i remember now so the recommendation was um, basically you're watching for amc to hold price action trend, as opposed to deviation trend and if you can hold price action trying to move back up.

You should target now now that we're kind of holding trend - and it looks a little better than it did on friday - i'm kind of more on the long side of this today um wanting to see prices of 40 to 40 70.. So if i'm right - and this does move on the bull side, my max target for the day on amc would be up to 40 dollars to 40, basically 40 to 40, 60.. Okay, so i mean sam. Regarding your question, in volume i mean it.

Just volume generally picks up at key levels. So it's for there. It's you to determine whether or not it's a true breakout or not, but the reason that volume comes in around those levels is because they're generally very key levels that a lot of algorithms and your computers and institutions trade around so uh. That's generally speaking, why a lot of big volume comes in there, because once one of those levels is broken, you know that.

Well, here's the thing, a lot of big institutions and a lot of smart money generally trades around the deviation levels. So, in the event, a big trader is so so again, if big traders trade around those levels, they generally have big size right and the game in the market. Pretty much is you profit when your opponent loses and so again, if the opponents in the market are all big guys and all these big guys have a lot of big size and a lot of big volume and they're trading around these deviation levels when one of Those people is wrong, then they're going to cause a big move in the stock, see what i'm saying so like, for example, let's just say that like jp morgan was shorting at this deviation level right in the past, and today we're able to get up and through That deviation level a bunch of volume. Spikes in it could be the fact that there's a big, bigger guy covering positions at those levels so to speak, but that's generally it they're, just very good levels to be trading around a lot of volume comes in a lot of smart money, trades it so you're.

Just gon na you're gon na get bigger moves around those levels um or a lot of volume around those levels. When apple was at 123, it was considered a key level um. I don't, let's see 123., so the last time that we had mentioned being bullish on apple. I think was like down here in these zones we had mentioned.
This is where your dip longs would be, and our target was only back to the mean which at the time i think was 132 or what you said: 132, 123 yeah. So the last time we were mentioning longs on apples down here with the target of maybe like 130ish, which we were just really targeting back to the mean, and then you can see we broke the mean and went for another one. Deviation move so again, that's generally how the market works. Is it goes they move in deviations right.

They don't move ten dollars a share. They don't move five dollars here. They do, but they don't right. They usually go in.

They move within deviation. So whatever a deviation is for that given stock, that's the projected price movement. So for right now a deviation move on apple is from 136 to let's call it for simple math 128. So for or sorry one or wait, no yeah.

Sorry, 136 to 128 for simple math, so right there, that's an eight dollar move so from the white to this orange is an eight dollar move. If we go from the white to this orange up here, it's an eight dollar move. If we go from this orange to this green, it's an eight dollar move. If we go from this green to this blue, it's an eight dollar move.

If we go from the blue to the purple, it's an eight dollar move markets move in deviations. So whatever the deviation, uh dollar value is right: monetary price movement of the deviation - that's generally, you know how you can expect your stock to move right, so the higher the price, the more volatile, the bigger the deviation right. So if we look at shopify shopify's deviation, right now is we'll just say from 1560 to four hundred 1400, we'll just say it's from what i say: one thousand five sixty to fourteen hundred. So you have what a 160 dollar deviation.

So it's 160 from there to there - it's 160 from here to here - 160 from here to here 160 from here to here. It's always the same equal movement, no matter what! Okay, so again, when the markets are trading down, in this instance near the yellow, you could be like all right. I think we can bounce the market. One deviation back to the mean, and that would be a 160 swing - trade theoretically.

Okay, so that's how you can always kind of get an assumption of what your risk is, how far it can go and here's another suggestion how you can always determine a one to two profit: loss ratio in the market. Right so, like i said before, if the deviations are all the same in terms of the price movement so again, shopif, so we'll go back to apple right. So if apple is uh, eight dollars per deviation, then it moves. Okay.

Halfway of that would be four dollars. So if you have found yourself in the market on apple, positioned correctly, where you could successfully or hopefully get one deviations and where you're taking your entry is in fact on a support and you start to move for a one deviation - move. For example, let's say that we took our entry on apple at the plus or sorry. This would have been negative one.
So we take our entry around negative one deviations. Our stop loss theoretically could have been. You know, maybe a break or a close. How about that? Maybe like a close or a trend below the half deviation, which is the dotted line and we're looking to go back to the white line right.

So your entries here stop loss here. Target is sorry here. Okay, remember: deviations are one the dotted line is half so wherever the half dotted line is that's half way between the solid line? So if you take an entry at a solid line, stop loss at the dotted line below the solid line targeting back up to the next highest solid line, then you will always have a one to two profit loss: trade within the market. Every time guaranteed you'll never have to question whether or not your trades are one to two risk to reward, because it's literally showing it for you thumbs up.

It's lit all righty um all right. Let's take a look at mrna. Why not yeah? I got a very. I got a very sad email this morning from um.

You know it was a student client, whatever i call but got an email this morning that he's uh. Currently his wife is sick. They got no. What i'm just never mine, not even gon na, say it she's doing she's she's gon na be just fine, she's gon na be just dandy.

Forget what i was gon na say it's not a smart thing to say online. It's just just not! Unfortunately, we don't have that f-r-e-e-d-o-m anymore kind of uh, so anyways mrna uh max target for me, which was sort of the same they've, changed a little bit. But we did mention that on like mrna, once you start seeing prices of 375 to the price of now 400, you should probably be bearish. So as we start to near 375 to 400, we just it just can't really be too long by us.

Mrna, that's a price where we expect you're going to see decrease in price price or pullbacks. So on um yeah i mean that's pretty spot on so far, we'll take one peak at the market so once again wrong about the market. I've only been right about the dip buy. I just haven't been right about how aggressive each day is gon na been following that, so our recommended long for the market was we'll just say the exact penny to the bottom of that candle, and then we didn't really give you a long tart one.

I guess we kind of did but didn't um pretty much any time you buy the dip you're, always targeting back to the mean so pretty much off this dip buy. We didn't mention it, but you're always targeting back to the mean um, which we've gotten back to the mean so usually most of the which i've said this for the past couple days. Right most of the long moves already been done, we've gotten back to the mean right. The first two big days was this bottom, and this second day there and after we've had good green days where it's just kind of been creeping back to the mean.
So, nonetheless, the current support of today's market on the spy is going to be at 4, 30. 7, 60. So pretty much 437.60. Is your support on the market today? That's why we bounced here the reason the market on the spy went down to here and bounce is because that's where the mean was, you could figure out that bounce price before it happens just by knowing where the mean is so, if you run the same system, We do you would know where the mean is, which means you would know where the bounce level is pre-market for the spy before it gets there thumbs up alrighty um.

So nonetheless, i will say that i'm neutral to market again. I really don't think it's gon na. Be a big long day, i'm even more so thinking it's gon na be kind of slight to neutral, and maybe it trades back down to the statistical mean today, all right. So that's all we have for you here today.

Ladies and gentlemen, i do appreciate you guys soon and make sure to thumbs up before you go and the notification bell um on august 1st, which would be next week, um august 2nd, would be a monday. So, on august 2nd i will be moving over to youtube full time um. So just an fy you'll probably see a little bit more of me for longer than you normally would on monday of next week. So with that being said, i will catch everybody back um.

Oh yeah, by the way won't be on tomorrow morning, won't be on wednesday, might not be on thursday, not really sure, because i'm getting my wisdom, teeth removed, um pretty much in the next couple hours. So, depending on how that whole recovery thing goes, i would expect i'm good, i'm pretty much guarantee i'll, be fine uh by next week, of course, so just an fyi, i probably won't be on for a good majority of this week. As i'm getting my wisdom, teeth removed here pretty soon so uh anyways. That being said, i'll see you guys uh later this week or beginning of next week, guys take care.

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7 thoughts on “Watch these penny stocks today”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peaceful Scrimp says:

    Great video 👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Dorsey says:

    What r ur thoughts on EEENF

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janx NoLoveTV says:

    Loving the content brodie💫

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Clark says:

    Damn Connor dont make me kiss that smile! These videos are gold, I can't help but feel obligated to spread the word and smash that like of course. then the cherry on top man; Going full time on youtube bro? Congrats man!! Keep it up, you bouta move up another level my man! 👏

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Bernabe says:

    What do you think of nuro and naov?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manas says:

    Great content, the discord link is not working. Can you update that?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed S says:

    Aren’t you the same guy that said bitcoin will test $19,000- $22,000🤣

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