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The more you have peace, the more you have prosperity in the Middle East the more secure America is as well. There's deep American interest in making sure that happens. and the Abraham Accords were a remarkable outcome of the United States Doing hard work to make sure everybody understood that we'd be with Israel that we would help the Arab states be successful as well for the gulf Arab states and that we understood Iran as the problem child in the Middle East big deal. So here's just a quick background so you know what just happened in Iran and why Mike Pompeo is on Fox yapping about what just happened.

So, uh, Iranian-backed militias basically just used Uh drones to attack a U.S facility. It injured about six Americans and killed one American contractor. Uh, that's devastating. We don't want to hear about American deaths.

We really don't want to hear about any deaths worldwide, But certainly American deaths generally requires some sort of counter-attack and we did counter attack here. The U.S accused Iran of backing the attack. so we sent two F-15s to bomb sites that were used by allegedly Iranian-backed forces in Syria after that, because apparently that wasn't enough to actually, you know, deter further attacks on Americans You ended up having militants fire 10 rockets at a second military base in Eastern Shear in Eastern Syria excuse me at the United States operates one of those 10 Rockets Ended up missing the base by three miles. so I probably missed it by feet, but then it just kept traveling.

Injured two women and two children. So it shows you the militants who were attacking these American bases just don't care about America responding. And that made me wonder why why would militants actually shoot rockets at America Wouldn't we turn around and absolutely level them for that? Well, apparently no. See: American Retreat actually has more serious consequences in what happens in a region because it leaves a power vacuum.

And when we retreated out of Afghanistan, we actually told the world and we left the power vacuum That we did. We told the world. you know what, We're just not going to get involved. Now this video isn't to say whether we should or should not have retreated from Afghanistan.

After all, it was a 20-year very expensive War and the Afghans didn't want us there. But what's important is that what happens after a power a Hegemon leaves a region. Well, you have something known as a power vacuum. A good way to think about a power vacuum is like a black hole.

So think about a really powerful star like a sun. It's really strong and really powerful. and and when you look at it, you're like, oh man, it's it's strong. Like I Don't want to attack that star because it's way more powerful than me.

Amir In this case, being the star, well, when that stair star collapses or goes away in a region, it actually creates a black hole that sucks everything into the void that it left. Well, that's exactly what happens with Hegemonic power. Regional Power Players As well when one party leaves the next strongest party uh players Lee or enter and fill the void. leaving Afghanistan was basically like a bat signal screaming: don't worry Biden's no longer going to get involved in other International Affairs We're just going to leave a power vacuum.
So what happened in Afghanistan The Taliban took over within days. That is everything that we established. The military equipment, tanks Humvees ammunition that we left behind are now all controlled by the Taliban a clear terrorist organization that hates Americans. So Wall Street Journal Editorial board actually takes this one step further and they suggest that Biden's position of leaving power vacuums and not responding to aggression actually opened the door to Putin invading Ukraine.

Now people on the left say that's ridiculous Putin would have invaded Ukraine Anyway, people on the right say wrong if we still had Donald Trump Putin would have never invaded Ukraine because Putin either a respected or B feared Trump Now Iranian-backed militants are testing our military. Listen to this. out of 78 attacks on our military. Guess how many times the United States has officially responded to attacks against our American heroes in the Middle East Seriously, think about that for a moment.

Okay, think about what I just asked you out of 78 times. Okay, hoop, 78 times since 2021 since we left. Afghanistan 78 times How many times that we've been attacked have we actually responded a hundred 78, 70. No Folks under the Biden Administration we have responded three times.

That's it. We've been attacked 78 times in the last two years that we've since we've left Afghanistan. So a little less than two years we've been attacked 78 times and we've responded three times: Insurgents don't care. They think we are a joke.

This is embarrassing to our military. It's an insult to the heroes fighting for our freedom. It's like sending our army into the Middle East to create stability. Where they are, they're not actually really occupying and creating stability.

The contractors and service men and women that we have in the Middle East are fighting Insurgency at least then and exercising missions. They're not pulling a Vietnam or Afghanistan. they're fighting Insurgency at least, so we're told. But anyway, the militias in Syria do not seem to care because they basically see our military saying don't worry, just ignore it.

We don't want the politics of us getting involved too much being an issue right now. and to me, that's really embarrassing. That's an embarrassing side of being an American because I think America is exceptional and it's important to remember that Iran is a nuclear power. They are supplying suicide drones to Russia Iran arms militants in the region specifically Houthi Rebels Who attack Saudi Arabia And what do we say to the Saudis Yeah, we just can't really help as much as we used to.
So what a surprise then that the Saudis are starting to distance themselves from America Now using the Chinese Yuan for some oil contracts. the Saudis are losing respect for America because we're not helping the region in a way that we used to. In fact, we're letting militants fire rockets at our bases and we're not even responding. This is disgraceful, especially when Iran is flagrantly violating the treaties that we have with them.

Consider the following: In Iran you have enrichment limitations set by agreement with the I.E Sorry the Iaea that is the International Atomic Energy Agency. and in a recent inspection in Iran, they found a traces of uranium that were way too pure for civilian use. That restricted level, by the way, is 60 Purity Anything above 60 percent pure uranium starts getting close to the threshold to actually make a nuclear bomb. That level is 90.

and the Iaea found uranium sitting at 83.7 percent enriched in Iran. And that's only what they found because the Iaea doesn't get invited everywhere within Iran. So this really implies that Iran is still working on enriching nuclear-grade uranium. At the same time, Iran is actually becoming more of a power player in the region.

And this is also very concerning because really, they're a state sponsor of terrorism. Look at this particular chart that I'm going to show you right here. Uh oh, it's not working. Uh.

Input Select. There we go. Look at this chart. What does this chart show you It shows you the International North-south Transport Corridor.

So the usual way to get goods and services from India up to Uh to Europe or Russia would actually be I should not put myself there. Let's put myself I'll try to there. No, that's not the right script. sorry.

I'm using a new switchboard here and screwing it up. I'll just hide for a sec. Anyway, the usual way to get Goods to Russia would be around this way because you would avoid going through Iran from India. Well, that's a substantially longer way than just going through Iran.

And so now all of a sudden Iran is becoming a more powerful player in the region by actually enabling substantial trade through what's known as the International North South Transport. Corridor. That project is also going to benefit substantially from now improved relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran because even though Iran has been arming Houthis who have attacked Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia realizes that Iran is a power player in the region and ultimately what we have to do is recognize that crap. If the United States is going to help the region less and they're not even going to respond to threats, then maybe Saudi Arabia has to align with people in the region like Iran.

Now Iranian Infrastructure remains a major obstacle for these trade routes actually reaching their full potential. Much of these Transit areas rely on roads that are really crappy and Railways that are terrible. You think our Railways are bad in America Just look at them over there. they're even worse.
But the point is China Saudi, Arabia Iran and Russia are all getting stronger at the same time. People make the argument that America is getting weaker that we're getting pushed out of control in the Middle East and this is dangerous for the United States long term after all, China was the mediator in negotiating a deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Remember Iran used to attack Saudi Arabia and now China is negotiating deals for them too. It's the first restoration of diplomacy in seven years.

Iran Just signed a 25-year partnership with China as well and the goal is basically telling the United States we don't need you China it gets discounted oil Iran gets investments from China. Although the trade balance is a little uneven, China is getting more of a benefit than Iran is. Russia is now Iran's largest investor. You've got pretty weak economies overall.

The United States still dominates from an economic point of view. but our 900 soldiers in Syria and 2500 soldiers in Iraq battling the remnant Isis are really getting no support from our politicians. So the question now is: is our deterrence in the Middle East too weak? Is our presidency too weak? Should we be tougher? And the question then, is, Well, if Iran is enriching nuclear weapons, does it make sense to potentially attack Iran and bomb these nuclear weapons, Uh, enriching facilities? Maybe. But does that then just embold in Iran to actually just dig deeper and and build their bunkers even deeper out of the range of bonds and bombs and continue enriching nuclear weapons? It's entirely possible.

It's basically like a North Korea over there. So bombing isn't a great tool. Usually the good tool was trying to be a regional Power Player where you strike deals with all the countries around Iran to limit the power of Iran. Let me consider it: deals with Turkey Saudi Arabia Uh, Deals uh with Israel.

Of course, being in Afghanistan uh or Iraq gave the United States a lot of power around Iran. Now we're pretty much gone out of all of these areas we can't even respond to but three out of 78 attacks against Americans. So it's no surprise that Iran is becoming a larger Power Player and is partnering with Russia and China which is scary in the long term Now, practically how does this affect us? As Americans sort of in our daily lives. Well, little now.

But it's going to become very important for future presidential elections because the stronger Russia becomes the stronger China becomes and the stronger Ron becomes the weaker. Relatively, the United States becomes so long term. it's actually a serious issue that we should be paying attention to, and hopefully it motivates you to check out the links down below for the programs on building your wealth. so you can make sure you become a millionaire by building your wealth as fast as possible by investing in real estate in the next.
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30 thoughts on “War the end of the america.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Majed Agha says:

    Why is USA in Syria to begin with?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander GR says:

    Hey this is a plan to be honest think big

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Thompson says:

    The Saudis are selling to China because CHina will buy. The US has stopped buying Saudi oil. The Saudis are taking the Yuan in return for oil because China demands they accept its currency. That's big-time risky for the Saudis because a) the Yuan isn't an international convertible currency: they're stuck using it only to buy from China (which is why China demands the use of it); b) China shamelessly manipulates its currency even more than the US – meaning Saudi Arabia will be left holding a currency of unknown value, even if they limit its use to buying from China.

    SA can use the Yuan to buy Chinese weapons, & will (what else are they going to purchase? Temu cheap dollar-store goods?). But they're probably aware Chinese weapons systems, like Chinese Belt & Road tofu-dreg infrastructure, are crap.

    And China is dealing with Iran. Supporting Russia that is dealing with Iran, Great ally, huh? Saudi Arabia is desperate.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GeoSco says:

    I hear what you saying but 9/11

    Mason lodge full of skeletons lls

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David WC says:

    You say we're showing weakness by not responding harshly to Iranian distractions but I think we're conserving weapons for the coming red wave of China and it's soon war on America proxy Taiwan….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pablo Habibi says:

    How about get the fuck out of the middle east?!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mayo says:

    I wonder why Isreal is our greatest ally

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BizBuck says:

    good analysis. it was once said by Roosevelt to "walk softly and carry a big stick", but our Biden led government is walking "loudly' and carrying a small stick….

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soroosh says:

    US is trying to have stronger relations with its European & North American allies & has pulled back from direct presence in the east, Iran is of geopolitical significance with significant internal issues and a broken economy run by ignorant religious leaders that has lead to notable protests in the past few years, also note that Iran has a north-south railway (old but functioning). I think US is already involved in plans to break the Iranian regime and that would be the easiest way to hurt China & Russia alliance, trade, and economy.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ozzy Mejia says:

    Not our land, not our problem. We wonder why our money keeps getting spent on everything but it's people. Gross

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kpop Stan says:

    Bruh the Real danger is also for SK & Japan.They will suffer without Trump in power.I can almost guarantee u that.Its SK and Japan who will face massive tensions & US will retreat like it did always becoz there will be no other option left.Also not to forget that SK & Japan have smaller landmass & hence will lose a huge part of their land easily and have much lesser landmass after that.
    Just like US interfered in Iranian Politics,Now sadly Iran is doing the same by interfering in US politics.Keep Trump to Keep Peace or else..Nothing is gud.If Biden can play any power game,he should do it now either to restore relations with agreements or to outright have confidence to defend every move.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daigh Nugent says:

    Eurasia, Belt and Road project. Iran/Israel/China/Russia/Germany. The Ayatollah studied in Scotland and did his Thesis on a New Shia Iran. Friends with Jack Straw MP, cousins with the Roschilds. East India company. Look at the Bunting Map and you may get a clearer picture. Israel’s Cyber, talpiot program, China’s slave labor. German innovation/Tech. Russian and Iranian energy. Eurasia has 75% of the worlds resources, and I guess that the US isn’t invited to the party, especially with the US government and media being infiltrated by Kissinger and Schwab traitors.
    We have been supporting Saudi’s with the biggest arms deal in American history. 110 billion which was immediately waged against the Yemenis causing the biggest humanitarian crisis of the last decade. Just sayin😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mathaddict1985 says:

    Bad news is tradable, that's all that really matters in 2023.

    Ain't nothing getting better or changing. Just get money the best way you can and leave the distractions to the distracted.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NGC 7635 says:

    Kevin sometime it sounds like you're auditioning to be the next lead anchor of Fox News, which would actually be a massive W in my opinion

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A H says:

    Mike Pompeo: We lied, We cheated, We stole, HA HA HA!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A H says:

    You know nothing about the Middle East and you don't care either. You just want oil and to sell you weapons. Get the f*** out of there and let it's people do their things. Western countries ruined their countries during last decades. Do you remember? We lied, We cheated, We stole, HA HA HA!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyal Prince says:

    The FTX grifter / Stock Expert needed a new click bait fear headline. Nice fear mongering.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chop Shop says:

    The biggest issue America and the world has is Joe Biden's weakness. Unfortunately the worst president in history was elected at the absolute worst time.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars memyselfmedia says:

    and the USA supplies weapond and support Na$$iez in Ukraine

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars memyselfmedia says:

    so what the F* are USA bases in sovereign state ??? Assad invited them ?? nope. that's occupation. so if they can do it, so can Russia. protecting their own interests. in this case, USA stealing oil from ma sovereign state without a permission.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fawaz Saeed says:

    The greatest superpower country on earth doesn’t lose wars it loses interest.❤️🇺🇸

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan M says:

    Remember when Mike Pompeo under Trump negotiated the release of over 5000 taliban soldiers and ALL of the current leaders? Yeah that happened in 2020.
    Iran is a sponsor of terrorism? The US has sponsored Saudi Arabia in killing thousands of unarmed civilian in Yemen and even providedthe weapons. Causing the worst humanitarian crisis in decades. America is the biggest threat to world peace on earth and causes more death and destruction than any other country. Just the facts.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Koch says:

    Does this mean I need to throw out my girls bikinis by Summer
    and go ahead and buy a Hajab for myself and my girls?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ALWAYS ULTRA says:

    You do realize that the Saudis are the largest sponsors of state sponsored terrorism followed by Iran.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j c says:

    everything fine, dont worry

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sordidflyer3476 S says:

    Can you make a video about what you think about bricks going on right now with global powers going over to them very important might be using two systems and take us out of the petrol dollar

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek M says:

    I hate when Kevin does an opinion piece.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WTP WTP says:

    Disgusting! China, which is based on a dictatorial/censorship/surveillance/social-credit system, deserves absolutely no kudos whatsoever! Everything China is doing is purely for political & economic gain. And, they will call in their chips once the countries they've helped are in a desperate subservient position, as China increasing gains control over global commodities, resources, production, distribution & territory.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Koch says:

    When the Eagles are gone the Parrots begin to chatter.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zef says:

    I think U.S. Plan is just to leave the second powers to fight each other (get weak) and than just be dominant again

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