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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So it's a red day recap: Finishing the day down $3,400 but the silver lining is that I made about 650 in my IRA account. So my IRA is green Today my main account is red I don't know I mean I I don't like losing money, but it's nice to make money at least in the IRA since it kind of matters so much there. and I can't add more money into it so I don't know I today.

it's just a little bit of a bummer, but because of that silver lining I Really don't feel that bummed out I I think if anything, I wish that maybe the market was a little stronger and the stocks that I lost on in my main account had been. you know, had more momentum and just opened up a little bit more. But you know it is what it is. One step forward, one step back.

It's kind of the way this month has been so far. but I can I can grind on these ups and downs until things start to open up with some really good momentum trades. So anyways, we'll break it all down. and today's midday market recap.

As usual. any questions, any comments? leave them below and the love if you guys give me a thumbs up for doing the red day recap. Alright, I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone.

So we're gonna do our midday market recap here and go over what has been overall a disappointing day. For me, it's gonna be a red day recap. and it's my second red day. of the month.

Had one red day last week and one this week, which is on par with about one red day per week. The only thing that's disappointing really is the fact that so far the last two weeks have been very choppy and really quite frustrating. Any time you trade through choppy markets, it feels frustrating because you're following your rules, you're taking trades based on your strategy, but you're not finding success. and it's confusing because you're doing the exact same thing you did two weeks ago when you were doing really well.

And so you're saying, well, what's different I'm doing the same thing I'm buying at the same spots I'm setting my same stops my same profit targets. But this week I'm losing money when last week I made money and that speaks to the ebb and the flow of the market. that we see some markets that are incredibly strong where you get rewarded for every trade you take and it's just you know, it's awesome. and then we'll see some markets where even great quality setups just don't work, where we see a lot of choppiness.

And so what's important is to learn when to throttle up and be aggressive when the market is hot, and when to ease off the throttle when the market is slow. And that's something that takes a good amount of time to really be in that flow state. during our Fomo Friday's sessions with our our in-house trading coach Ted the who's a therapist and the counselor. He really talks a lot about that that flow state where you're able to react to changing circumstances of changing markets so fluidly that you're just instinctually.
You know if you're just imagine. For instance, if you ride a dirt bike and you're ripping around a dirt track or whatever you're up in the woods, you know you can instinctually know when to. You know, go, go hard and lighten up and stuff like that. You know when your wheels are spinning, when you're trying to push it, when you're you know, trying to get up a hill, when you need to ease off, and you get to a place where you're like the machine is an extension of your body.

And that's true with so many things. That's true with surfing, where the surfboard becomes an extension of your body is true with skateboarding. It's true with skiing and snowboarding. And it's definitely true with trading that this trading platform becomes an extension of my body in that same way that you know you are just able to read the market and pivot and adjust and get aggressive and then ease back.

And I Know that initially that's difficult. Just as initially stepping on a skateboard is very difficult. and then you get your balance and you get You Know you, You get, you get it, and and ultimately not everyone is gonna get it. And that's of course, the challenge with all of these things in life that as much as I would love to be an amazing guitar player, it's just not something that I'm good at now.

I Don't think I have a natural aptitude for it and maybe after a period of you know, whatever years of practice I would get decent enough that I could enjoy it. But you know with trading, most people don't want to spend years and years trying to learn. they want to be able to pretty much jump in and get it. And so one of the challenges of course is dealing with the fact that you can do the same exact thing and on one day make you know $636 and on another day lose $4,000 right doing the same thing so you know what's different, what the disconnect.

So today's a day where I got on the wrong side of pretty much everything and I didn't see really good follow-through and overall this is a disappointing day. This is this day as a step back. I had a day earlier in the week that was a break-even day and this is worse than break even. This is a red day.

This is definitely a step back, but certainly don't feel badly for me because I'm still in great shape on the year at 400 plus thousand dollars and you know these are these days are part of being a trader at my level where I'm trading with big share size, my green days will be my good. Green days will be anywhere from five to fifteen to twenty five, even forty thousand dollars. My big red days will be anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 to $15,000 Worst red day of the year was a $16,000 red day and as bad as that day was, it's water under the bridge and you know that was like six months ago and Here I am now at four hundred plus thousand on the year. So I really try not to sweat the small stuff and a red day being down net 3,400 is small stuff right? If my best day of the years for $40,000 in the green or actually my best day, this my best day of all time is $40,000 My best day this year is 30,000 So whatever.
my best days 30,000 of the year, my worst days 16,000 of the year. Everything else is in between, right? and everything else is just kind of. the you know, the ups and downs, the regular days. No need to get bent out of shape about it.

Having said that, I say that really even to myself because it's easy to get frustrated. So this morning I'm gonna go to historical data on this scan and also a reminder. we are still hosting our workshop here. This is going to be the first workshop for the month of November possibly the first and only workshop 1:00 p.m.

Eastern So the link is in the I Believe announcements tab for chatroom members and for those of you watching on Facebook the link is in the description below and those of you watching anytime past one o'clock the workshop will have already started, but you can certainly register to our next one. So what we'll probably do is replay today's live workshop tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. So if you're not able to attend today's you can still register and then you can watch it tomorrow. All right, So that's probably what we'll do anyway.

So this morning our Gap scanner looked a little iffy. The leading gapper was up 33% but I'm very light volume so I wasn't interested in that. The second-leading gapper was N/k with the 27 million share float and I wasn't sure it was going to be easy to trade right out of the gates. It ends up squeezing up from 350 up to 410 and you know what on this one I said I Think this is going to be a short I want to short it at 398 right here? Well, that would have worked out pretty well and I tried to short it I had shares available to borrow.

Let me just bring this back up here n K and K but I did not fill. That was at 398 so 6,000 shares short tried to take it at 398. it dropped down here to 370. so I had the right idea.

But you know sometimes they go without you. So with this one I Didn't get my trade on it, but the stock I was really watching out of the gates was Rs LS This was a recent reverse split, but unlike a couple of the recent reverse splits that we've seen in the last few weeks, this one also had a catalyst today. I had a headline that's what we like to see all right. So I had a pre market high of four dollars and fifty cents and a pre market low of two dollars and 20 cents.

So a huge range. Now on this one. and by the way, NV Ln with this red mark right here looks like it's about to get halted on a circuit breaker. Hindsight being 20/20 coulda shoulda woulda.

But I do have $600 of profit on the name so you know whatever. We'll come back to that one in a second. So I started the day with our Sls on this one. I kind of wanted to not trade it right out of the gates, but to wait like 15 minutes and let it do.
Maybe a little consolidation and then a one-minute micro pullback. However, right out of the gates have started to squeeze up so I jumped in it for the break over 350. it hit 355 and then promptly dropped to 85 and I lost $1600 on my first trade. So first trade 1,600 bucks.

I Then I took a trade. on Xon II and made $40 This was not a particularly exciting trade. this was on the scanners I jumped in on this little micro pullback right in here and ended up selling it. but I only got a partial fill so only 40 bucks on that.

So back to our SLS this starts curling back up and I'm looking at it thinking if this thing breaks over 350, that's a red to green move. and given the volatility that it's already shown I think it has potential to get at least to 375, if not $4 So I jumped back in. it drops down, it pops back up I'm still holding it, drops down, it pops back up I'm still holding it, Finally drops back down and I sell. So two trades on it.

First one was six thousand shares, second one was 9,000 So in total I lost. Let's see, on the first trade, I'm gonna just grow up I lost about 25 cents total and on the second trade I lost about 20 cents total. So realistically, my stops were tight enough, but we just didn't get follow through. We just didn't get that break over 350.

It kept hitting that level and not breaking it so that was disappointing. No doubt about it. I mean this is I really, really thought as soon as it broke 350 it was gonna pop up to 375 and $4 and I think that it would have, but it just could not break that level. So you know I I stepped up to the plate with bigger share size.

My target was 375 to four dollars. with my last trade of nine thousand shares at 3:40 that would have been a three to four thousand dollar winner. maybe five thousand. So the profit potential was there.

Lost about two thousand dollars on that last trade, but you know it just didn't happen. So anyways, know when to cut your losses and that's certainly better than still holding it now as its back down at like two fifty two thirty, right? So you know, gave it a couple tries didn't work. It is what it is. Here's the thing, this put me down more than two thousand dollars on the day, which is my daily max loss.

Alright so my daily max lost two thousand dollars on the day. So yeah, our s Ella So let's see. first trade our SLS in at thirty selling some up here no Phil adding at fifty two trying to sell at fifty, selling the rest 306 287 so from 3:30 to 350 I made six hundred dollars on those three thousand shares o or the two thousand whatever that I sold it fifty and then I lost on these shares tried to short NK no Phil got in xon sold it for five cents got back in our SLS added here added here. couldn't break that level, tried to unwind the position eventually sold CHF s got into 125 sold it 112 Alright, so CHF s we'll go over second First, we'll go over n VL n So n VL n I jumped into this one even though I was down more than my max loss this one I really felt confident on I Didn't think it would do as much as it's done, but I thought it would almost definitely give a 15 to 20 cent move.
Almost definitely. So it was squeezing up here from 80 cents to a dollar and four cents. and then it got halted on a circuit breaker for five minutes. All right.

So it's halted and and not trading at all as it resumes Jumpin at $1 12 and his squeezes up to $1 20 now I sold some of my position at $1 21 and then I started to get nervous because it flashed as you can see here down to $1 6 and then popped back up to $1 26 and I was like whoa, Okay, maybe I need to unwind this position. This IRA has only $18,000 in it 18800 and I I was up to 20 just under $21,000 about two three weeks ago and my last two trades in it or my last three two days trading in it I lost $1,200 on each day. so I lost 2500 in the account and I can't keep doing that I I need to start going back up. So with my 9,000 share position at $1 12, yeah, it would be nice to still be holding those shares, you know, but that's that's not in my opinion.

really. trading that's buying a lottery ticket and hoping that something happens. I had a high level of conviction that from a dollar 12, this would go up to a dollar 15, a dollar 20. And what I thought would happen is that it would get halted on a second circuit breaker at a dollar twenty-five and a dollar thirty.

And if it did, it would most likely squeeze up to a dollar fifty. We have seen that happen in a period of about 15 minutes and that's what I thought could happen on this. So when it popped up to a dollar 26 and then dropped all the way down to a dollar 6, I was happy to get back out. Well, but then it curls up here and I ended up getting back in and a dollar 20, let's see a dollar $2,500 27 I Thought it was gonna get halted on another circuit breaker 2 dollar 35 It did a false halt, a fake halt where it looked like it was about to get halted and then it dropped back down and almost every time that's happened, it's been bad.

So I was like nope, got to get out of this right away. So I got out right away. Well, it ends up consolidating here, but by this time I had used all but $500 in my buying power. so I couldn't take another trade in this account.

So I was done and at this point I was like, well, you know I could trade in this in my main account but I'm really not sure you know it's I'm not sure. but then it popped up here 243 and then dropped back down to 27 and then pops back up to 44. drop back down to 33 and then ripped up here to 67 and got halted. It resumes and drops all the way back down to a dollar 35 and then it bounces back up to a dollar 63, right? You know? So I mean this was just kind of wild today and what I was hoping was that we would see another stock around this price range, break over a dollar and start this whole kind of thing all over again.
You know from a brand-new stock and that didn't end up happening. But see HFS did pop up on the scanners. so see HFS came up on our scanners right here and I looked at it and thought you know it's a close enough price with a low enough float that maybe it will move. Maybe it will make this big breakout like Nvl ended.

So I jumped into it with 5,000 shares at a dollar 25. Prepared to double over a dollar thirty. Maybe add over a dollar forty into a circuit breaker haul. Alright, so the high here was a dollar twenty nine and then it dropped back down here, flushing to a dollar and nine cents.

So I took the loss 640 bucks and said, you know what I'm done today I'm not feeling it I'm not gonna push my luck anymore I'm just gonna throw in the towel. So I'm red. Thirty four hundred dollars which is the same amount that I lost actually last Friday I lost thirty two hundred, you know. and last Thursday I made thirty eight hundred profit.

So you know it. This just kind of feels like two steps forward. Two steps back. Two steps forward.

two steps back. I'm basically back to right around breakeven on the month as of today. I'm actually a little bit red on the month and at the end of the first week. that's not what I like, but you know it is what it is I've gone through these ups and downs so many times in my career that I I really as as much as maybe the emotion gets to me in the moment where I'm like oh man, this is frustrating, you know I I feel like I'm missing opportunities like and Vln I'm not fully capitalizing on it or you know, our SLS a great setup and it's just not working what's the deal So it's kind of frustrating as that is.

And as much as I would love to be up 4,000 today or be up 10,000 you know The market for my strategy just hasn't felt super super hot and that's part of the ebb and the flow. but this move on and Vln on 16 million shares of volume is certainly nice to see and is something that you know maybe will trigger a little bit more momentum in the coming days and weeks. I certainly hope so. November Last year was my as of November last year it was the best month that I've ever had in my career.

I made $82,000 so you know I was really hoping that November would be another really strong month For the last like four consecutive years November has been strong, but at the same time last year in November I made $75,000 of that profit in two days, I made $30,000 and then the next day I made $40,000 So you know we still have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14 full days of trading left and I only need two days to make 80,000 bucks. So there's always hope. You never know I mean we get into a hot market and things start to open up. It can happen.

or maybe this will be a slow month and I'll have to be content with finishing the year maybe only at 450,000 instead of $500,000 of profit, but I can live with that. And you know this is one of those things about trading that this is a marathon. It's not a sprint, so you know as much as I might like to make a hundred thousand dollars in the next month. You know what what happens if I do well? If I do, then you know I'll take that hundred thousand dollars out of my trading account probably reinvested in long term investments.
you know ETFs mutual funds, bonds. stuff like that I use a financial advisor for that stuff I don't do it myself so you know. Okay and what if I don't Well, nothing really changes. You know it's just an arbitrary number and it doesn't really matter I'm making enough to pay my bills I'm making enough to, you know, live comfortably and that's the dream.

So you know I'm at $100,000 a month. I'm certainly making a lot more than I need. And it's always nice to have a couple months to give yourself a little cushion for the inevitable slow patch that you'll come across at some point. and I have that from earlier in the year.

So this is the slope a CH Then it's fine and when things do heat up, I'll get another cushion and use that for the next slope patch. and that's just the way it always is. so you know it's just. it's important to try to keep it in perspective and also remember that we're all very, very fortunate to be able to sit in our home offices, sit in our living rooms wherever you're sitting, and have the potential to be able to make a full-time income without having to go into a nine-to-five job without having a boss.

So I Always try to keep that in perspective and and be grateful for you, this opportunity to be a traitor and Vln, you know, curling back up here, this was the first five-minute pullback and this is the second high. A day is 197, but with 17 million shares of volume certainly becoming quite crowded. A good amount of tug-of-war on this one. 96 on the ask right now, double topping at just under high a day.

Looking like it might get halted, but then with so much volume, we're seeing a lot of false halts. Yes, a lot of people do trade an IRA account 401k. You can have a self directed 401k, but I'm not sure that you can actually open a brokerage account with your 401k that you would actively day trade in. I'm not 100% sure you can convert your 401k to an IRA under certain circumstances.

I is an IRA I use a Roth IRA That's the account that I have and it allows me. Well, right now, just a day trade a couple times a week because I don't have a lot of money in there. but once I build up the balance a little bit more, I'll be using it a lot. A lot more than I am now.

So anyways, so that's about it for me. This morning, a Red Day recap. but I know you guys learn a lot from the Red Day. So those of you watching on YouTube and Facebook hopefully you guys give me the thumbs up for doing the Red Day recap and hopefully you learn something and look back at it first thing tomorrow morning.
9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis and our workshop will be starting in about an hour and a half at one o'clock. So I will see a lot of you guys there. it's gonna be I think a really great turnout. Make sure you get logged a little early.

I'll open the the whatever it is the conference room just probably right around 1 p.m. but if you're in early, you'll make sure you have a seat. So again, those of you that are already warrior Pro students I'm not going to cover anything you don't already know, but for those of you who have been just in the chat room, those of you who are on YouTube Facebook who want to learn more about what we do every day would love to have you guys register. Alright, so that's it for me.

I'll see you guys at one o'clock and then first thing tomorrow morning. All right bye everyone! if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

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30 thoughts on “Waiting for momentum ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario M says:

    Great post Ross but I'd have to say even though becoming a full time day trader and never having to go into a 9-5 job with a "boss" we do have to answer to our emotions! Emotions "the ultimate boss" Thank you for all your incite!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toni Evanu says:

    What broker do you use in your IRA account?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David C says:

    I’m a week into the program and practicing on the sim. Only one Green Day. Learning every day. It’s great to watch these recaps to see applications to the classes.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solijax says:

    Take a look at EARS It could pop like NVLN soon!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Boudro says:

    If your selfemployed you should checkout a SEP IRA, allows you to contribute more per year than a Roth. Really enjoy these recaps.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheWhylie says:

    Love the thumbnail lol. I have been red nearly every day for like the last week, but only small red days and mostly due to commissions with Suretrader. Tried following the sort side with Mike but never seem to get shares to short which is so frustrating. I have to say that I am learning so much every though. I don't mind loosing a few bucks if the upside of this learning curve is so big.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doshin Wills says:

    Superb!!! Not a lot of people have the guts to this video.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Herman Bester says:

    "Becoming part of you body", true with Helicopter Flight also. Nice videos Ross – thanks!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rayrockny says:

    I need to stop trading, ever since I started trading again the market has been shit, anyway looking forward to the workshop. 👍 Cheers

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Shreve says:

    Thumbs down for the red day. Thumbs up for sharing honestly! See ya tomorrow for a GREEN Friday.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vizionary_trading says:

    Ross, thank you for the “pep talk” before getting into your trades. I’m at that point, where last month I was winning by doing the right things and this month have been very difficult for me because I’m still following the rules but losing. I actually started studying even more but you’re right, I have to adapt and play with less shares until I start green again, thanks, really needed to hear that.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruhop60 says:

    I love the analogy of the extension of your body. So true in those things you mention. I do a few of them and you don't even think about the equipment you are using it is just a part of what YOU do.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    Wow..I learn more and more from you every day….Even know you lost today, I know tomorrow you will get em….Im seeing your plays and you are so quick..Great job.. Not today ..just in general.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Varun Sharma says:

    I would like to learn from you.. till now I was trying by myself but didn’t get any success.. love watching your videos everyday

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 12,999,999 views says:

    @Warrior Trading Do you trade for a living? Do you have another job? If so, can you share it with us? You’re a great guy

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ruststar says:

    Here is the remedy for this funk you are in, first take a bubble bath then put the raccoon suit back on

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chicken Chipotle Sandwich says:

    i love that video you did a loss with ross hahaha i watch it every time a loss gets me

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BubbaTilly says:

    Ross, who are the best brokers for opening a Roth IRA like you trade? Without a Lightspeed acct currently I couldn’t open one with them.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Houston Cranford says:

    Really enjoyed the webinar today, learning so much from you! 🙏 thanks so much my brother, I’m determined to learn as much as possible and become a great trader, thank you again.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Bill says:

    Planing to go for pro courses November 2019

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin J. says:

    Ross, can you tell me how you suspected NK was going to be a short?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Learnzz says:

    at least you are real.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Ross can you do a dedicated YouTube live QnA would be fun 👍🏼

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lombardo141 says:

    "Past Performance is not indicative of Future Performance". 🙂 Joking. I don't know why but I actually learn more on your red day videos. Thank you.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ezcore G says:

    These videos help me more than your green day videos. Idk why, maybe its because I traded with you today on those stocks and took some losses as well on the simulator, and the fact you with all your experience can go back and say what me and you did wrong or didnt do wrong is so helpful.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars k says:

    i watch your videos everyday and take notes on mistakes and lessons. thank you for uploading high quality videos. 🙌🏻

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Griffith says:

    i hope trading doesn't take nearly as long :/

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Griffith says:

    lol it took me 3 years of kissing concrete to be good at skateboarding

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turbo Life says:

    Well, bad for you, but I value all these re-caps! Thanks!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoot anTony Stark says:

    Hey Ross, I'm a Canadian with 5k USD$ ready to invest in day trades. What brokerage would you recommend for me, i would like something that has significantly low commission and competitive enough with other top brokerages and not require high deposit?

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