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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up? I Run all right? Well, I'm finishing the morning here. it's 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time I'm in California at San Francisco right over there. that's the Sun rising and I've hit my daily goal I made more than $500 So another really solid green day.

Now today's kind of interesting because we saw some really crazy momentum. I mean we saw some wild moves on Heppa, some wild moves on Wafu, but I found my way to profit and that's gonna make today my fifth consecutive Green Day which is awesome I'm feeling good about that. Many of you guys know about my new rule, which is that if I have a loss, I have to cut out. it's not enough I philosophize I break a rule I have to cut off one inch of my hair for every rule did I break? So the rules I have right now include: max share size of 2,000 shares.

All right, so I'm hard set on that I can't really break that rule I'd have to call Rob and say hey, Rob at Lightspeed can you increase my max share size I'm not gonna do that. have $1000 daily max loss. that is something that you know I not allowed to trade them down more than 2,000 That's a restriction from the Lightspeed side, but I could potentially take a really big trade when I'm down nine hundred and ninety dollars and then end up putting myself down like you know, two or three grand potentially. So I have to be careful of that and then the one that's easiest for me to break right now is if I have three consecutive losers I'm done for the day and today I had two consecutive losers on two occasions and I was like, all right I'm I'm right at the last trade but then I had a green trade so I would say today I probably over trade it a little bit, traded more than I needed to and I made $450 in the first two minutes on Hepa and then spent the next 45 minutes losing it and then making it back on a different stock.

So I don't know. kind of a choppy day, but you know what a green day v. green day in a row? Let's try to make a six green day in a row tomorrow. And those you guys who are not already on a priority access list right down below in the description I want you to click to register because today we are starting our Black Friday sales for our current students and students or traders who are on the priority access list.

So make sure you guys register to that and become a member the Warrior Trading family. All right you guys questions. comments leaving below See you guys first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone.

So um, let's go over the traits from this morning: I'm gonna need almost a pair of sunglasses out here. It's pretty bright. It wasn't bad this morning at 5:30 In fact, it was pitch black. But I have everything ready to go.

So I just brought my laptop out here and started trading and it was pretty pretty nice. So this morning I traded two stocks you can see right down here and my P&L I made 1173 dollars on Wafu wafu and I'm a I lost 464 on Hepa now HEPA I made $400 on it in the first like two minutes of the day and then I proceeded to lose it and go into the read on that stock which is kind of a bummer. It was really not very easy to trade, kind of like see Gix yesterday which I expected, but it was even more difficult than CGI X So I'm gonna refresh this Gap scanner here for 925 925 am, there's my mouse. keep losing my mouse.
So 9:25 a.m. HEPA was the leading gapper up 76% 3.5 million share flow 2.3 5 million shares of pre market volume and I expected it would be choppy out of the gates as CGI X was yesterday. Let's Li as cgi X for one second. So CGI X yesterday's you guys will remember and I didn't do particularly well on it.

it was. It was pretty difficult to trade and but we had this kind of pre market set up and then the bell rang and it pulled back. It dipped down quite a bit, then it surged up and gave this nice breakout before doing a really nasty false breakout right here of 7:50 it broke 7:50 hit 779 and then dropped all the way to $5 so that's pretty ugly. but the red to green you've worked so on that one you know, um some of you guys did okay but it really wasn't the easiest.

So today HEPA kind of similar story out of the gates it ends up dipping down and but I made some money on this trade right here. this pop over for I made money on. that was a nice break out and in the first like two minutes of the day I made money on a quick pop which was right here right there. but first candle to make a new high.

so I made money on that one and then I made money on this one and then I lost money and let's see. uh I think I lost money right in here I bought right around here and then stopped out down here and then I got in somewhere in this area and stopped out as well. So I'm net negative and my last trade on it was when I got in right around here for the break over the half dollar looking for the break of high a day and I stopped out right down here I was not in on this candle here before this drop thank goodness and so you know it's not catastrophic, but on this one I was trading with two thousand shares and basically ended up losing twenty cents per share. So kind of a bummer now that was the main one that was on watch.

Nothing else here was I was really serious about SS I wasn't too sure, ain't Ameritrade is obviously not something I would trade fuv we traded that yesterday but it didn't hold up very well and you know and and so I wasn't really sure and then all of a sudden off the hide a momentum scanner the stock wafu starts you know popping and I looked at it and I saw hidden scanners I was like alright I'm gonna jump in this but I'm only I take a thousand shares So I bought a thousand shares going into the first halt right here and it was halted at 272. I think I got filled at 267 so bought into that hall with a thousand shares. It was then halted from 9:00 for now the socket squeeze from a dollar fifty up to 272 but it had news had a catalyst. It's a recent IPO Stockland all-time high of 520 that now today is broken.
So I saw that potential for a move up to 440 and then 520. those were the two levels I was watching so I jumped into it knowing is extended but mitigating that risk with only 2,000 shares by taking smaller size. Its then halted until 1004. So Talton halted for 30 minutes which is the longest circuit breaker halt that we've seen in a while and it starts to dip down.

and so right here on this red candle. I sold at 3:30 so I made like six hundred bucks on a thousand shares it then right here first candle make a new high I got back in at 67 anticipating a squeeze up through four. it got halted at 399. It then resumed and made a move higher and I added on this at 4:15 for the break over 420 and we got this squeeze here up to 475.

During this area here I was watching for a pullback and possibly one more trade up over 575 but then this red candle ended up dropping I didn't wait around for it, but as you can see, it ended up consolidating sideways and then over 550. watch the break of 550 right there. Boom! So break of 550 was the spot to watch psychological resistance at the half dollar. So broke 550 squeezed up to 624 for a 75 cent breakout and that could have been a good trade, but by that time I was I was already done.

You know making seven hundred dollars in the first thirty minutes is great and the fact that I was up 400 and then went to being down about I think it my worst I was down a hundred dollars on the day you know and then I had the trades on Wafu and I started going green but then I would start losing a little bit on happen and so I just got to a point was like you know what? let's just throw in the towel and hey, this is the fifth consecutive Green Day So let's just kind of keep this momentum going, you know I'm obviously training with a small share size I'm not being particularly aggressive. You know that's okay. This right now is all about the training for my small account Challenge which is gonna start a week from Monday in fact, on Cyber Monday And you know, so for me, it kind of makes sense right now just to be trading a little bit more conservatively. and as I go into the small account, it's very possible.

I Want you guys to know this is very possible that I won't trade on the first day if I don't see an equality set up. I'm not gonna take the risk right? I mean I need to see really good quality setups with a 500 dollar account. You can't just trade anything that's moving. You've got to be really calculated.

Wafu I probably wouldn't know I wouldn't have bought this going into the hall with that small account I Think the risk would have been too high on it, but I would have been okay trading it coming out of the hall once. we had sort of a confirmed pattern and HEPA probably would have taken one trade on it and said hey, I'm green I'm done I'm walking away. That's pretty much the goal. It's like I'm gonna come into the market each morning if I can find one trade that will give me 20 cents per share profit I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna be done 20 cents a day, Stack that up over 5 10 15 days and I'll be making some money I'll be growing the account if I try to go for 50 Cent's 75 cent winners homerun trades.
that's we're gonna start to get myself into trouble and almost definitely I'll end up with a couple strikeouts and I'm simply not gonna be able to afford that as I get started. So um, anyways, that's kind of my. um, that's sort of where I'm at here today, finishing up Thursday with a green Day green Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday And you know, hopefully we can finish off this week with one more green day tomorrow. All right you guys! So that's the plan and I will see you all first thing all morning.

All right everyone did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watch list. subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description. If you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment posts on my channel.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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