I’m not going to lie, 2020 has definitely taught us how we constantly need to pivot and adapt.
I’m also proud to say that our team and our followers were able to do just that with this year’s Success Summit. For our first virtual Summit, we had 25,000 people around the world step up and learn how to crush their business for the next 16 months.
For this episode of #TOMSVLOG, I’m revealing exclusive behind-the-scenes details on how my team was able to give you an innovative experience. Some of you appear to share what you loved about Summit!
Thank you for showing up, and for being so open to innovating and ready to move your business forward!
Keep up with me and what's new on my other channels:
Website - https://TomFerry.com
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So the only difference will be uh. The experience that the client chooses to have the same level of energy, the same connectivities available, the same fun um, you know compressing it into two and a half days. I think it's better for a virtual experience. It also really focused us in on only deliver what is new, what is the most relevant and take our time with it? You know you don't need to rush, you don't need to race, you know just because it's you know technically a full day less.

I just think, overall, it's going to just be an incredible experience. I'm expecting 25 000 people around the world over the next couple days to be jumping getting energized and whether that is with their team or with their kids or with their cat to play full out. We do that we have a huge victory because it's going to take energy to get through the next 16 months right. You can't.

You can't go into this expecting anything less than it's going to be exactly the same, and if that's the case, who do i need to be to be of service and to really crush my business for the next 16 months and that's what the summit's all about It was a crazy experience. We were literally planning for two summits. We were planning physical for anaheim and then all of a sudden, it was like okay, we're gon na plan, physical and digital just in case, and then when we had to go completely all virtual. It was like all right: full court press switch gears.

We started learning as much as we could learn as fast as we could learn it, the team all pulled together and man. It's been a big challenge, it's been super fun but exhausting and um. We've all learned a lot uh, it's been a real challenge, it's a whole different ball game from planning a live outside event, which is what my team and i do for tom ferry. So it's a complete departure from that to do to switch over to a virtual event, but tom challenged our clients to pivot and he also challenged us to pivot.

So that's where we are today summit has been awesome but really crazy. I didn't know half the stuff that was happening. I learned a whole different side of events that i never knew before. So, even though it was pretty much madness most of the time, i think it's been an amazing experience and it's turned out to be the best summit.

Yet dude, it's been an unbelievable experience just because of the unknown with kovid, just like everyone else like. No one knew what was going to happen, so we really had to wait until the wire to like decide to take summit virtually which was incredible experience because we have 60 breakouts. We had to virtually bring in our main stage speakers and we had to build a stage for tom, so we had no idea. If we're going to build a stage we had no, we just had no idea what was going on.

So it's been incredible. It definitely came down to the wire, but the team pulled it off and today's the third day - and it has just been so much fun to be with you guys again and can't wait until next year, man. I thought this was incredible. The product like i walked into the room, not knowing what to expect and, first and foremost, i'm kind of a gear geek.
The production was outstanding, but i got to tell you like. There was a level of intimacy in terms of tom talking to the zoom screens. It was very one-on-one, i don't know how big my head is right now it's got to be enormous, but i want to just do this and thank you for being a part of this experience. The q a was unbelievable.

This go around tom's content was as good as it's ever been, i mean literally ever so. My experience is, i felt like we just had summer 2020, regardless of whether or not it was virtual. That was that was my takeaway man. It was definitely different than anything.

I've done before i mean summit last year, obviously was in person, and it was so nice to meet everyone that i see online all the time. So this one was different because i wasn't able to see those people again and interact with them, but still i was able to connect through social, which is great um and tom did such a phenomenal job being on stage and you're still able to get like behind The scenes and stuff that people really want for summit, so that was a really cool aspect, was being able to see the true production behind all of it. Hi cook, here with keller williams, costa mesa, the tom ferry event, was a smash. What i took from it i mean gary vee, all the speakers, tom everything jumbled up basically take action, stop sitting on the sidelines: no one's gon na.

Do your business for you get out there from now to the end of the year, go for a hundred appointments step up to the challenge i loved it. It was great. Thank you guys, hey, i have to say summit 2020 tom ferry i've been with them since day. One 2014 and every year since and all i have to say, is 2020 has been a challenging year, but with tom ferry's success summit live i'm gon na punch.

The rest of 2020 in the face - let's go hey tom. I just want to tell you that i have loved the summit. So far it's been great. I love the part about artisans, i'm an artist, i'm an artist anyway uh from the very first summit i ever went to um.

I have learned so much and i appreciate it and i learned something every single time all i have to say was like wow what an amazing an amazing uh summit. I've never gone to one before, and the amount of information that i received and knowledge i gained in just two and a half days was absolutely exceptional. Thank you. Thank you.

So much for doing this and um allowing us to capture all this information in the comfort of our own homes. It was truly much appreciated and i look forward to actually attending a live summit. The virtual summit absolutely exceeded my expectations. The past two and a half days were freaking fantastic.

Since the conference was virtual, my entire team was able to attend. We were able to work on our goals as a team and then their professional goals and also their personal goals and breakthroughs. So i'm really looking forward to the rest of a great 2020 and an absolutely fantastic 2021.. You guys rock! Thank you, hey tom.
Thank you for summit, just wanted to drop the video and say thank you. This is awesome really enjoying it looking forward to going all in on video, i'm dedicating myself to do videos a day. Thank you for the motivation, hi kelly luchmann here from north carolina, my big takeaway. So far i love joseph and it's just smile.

More summit has been amazing. I didn't know what to expect. I have to be very honest with you, but it has been great: the energy, the content, oh my god, the content like today i was like blown away, so i can't wait to see you guys and to hug you and to tell you how much i appreciate You and how much i love you all of you. So, okay are you excited and it is like 30 seconds.

Okay, so bye, bye, bye, hi. This is mary layton from milestone realty in kentucky, and i've learned that if somebody who can make 10 million dollars a year can go knock on doors, i can certainly do that. Ding dong nobody's home you're gon na put it under the door. Mat ding dong, no one's home, put it under the doormat nikki fears here from st louis missouri.

I am absolutely loving the virtual tom ferry summit this year. It's my first summit. I've been to many conferences, but this one is the one that takes the cake. It has all the best kept secrets of the industry, and i just can't stop watching and writing and taking notes - and i'm excited to take some of this stuff and implement it into my business.

This is the jfk living team from south jersey, hey tom, we're committed to process, not property, which means improving the client experience beyond what we're already doing, and this is jfk living and we're a bunch of badasses, i'm not gon na lie. When i heard it was virtual, i was a little bit bummed out, but the days leading up to it, the buzz dude tom, delivered today. All the speakers delivered today i am so pumped. I can't wait for day three.

Yes, yes, yes, i'm sean morrison realtor and i attended the tom ferry success summit 2020, where he created us some great ideas to help catapult our businesses over the next 16 months. Hey coach, stevens, candy, here remax. Now what are my takeaways from summit 2020? Well, the first thing is: i'm proud of the business i built through old, school marketing and sweat. Equity now learned about check equity today, innovating doing things new.

When we started out in this journey - and i mean the journey of saying we're going virtual - there was a lot of people on my team that were, like i don't know like. Do you really think our best clients and all our friends around the world would actually sit in a room by themselves with their cat or with their team in front of a big screen, their laptop with their phone? You know what i said. I know they will because our ecosystem, we need to stay connected, we need to be together. We need to learn together and even just seeing all the faces of all of our friends and we're texting them when we're dm and oh did you get that point? Did you hear that idea at the breakout? I knew it was going to work.
You know i just want to say thank you. I wanted to say thank you for letting my intuition prove true, not that my staff was doubting you, but i just knew the power of our community and our desire to get better and ultimately, our intent to build a better business to serve more clients to be Ahead of the curve, i knew you'd be here with me the whole way - and i just want to tell you i'm grateful for you. I thank you and i can't wait to see the next success you.

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6 thoughts on “Virtual success summit 2020 | #tomsvlog 051”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chantel Cook says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RedHotNaples REALTOR says:

    It was epic Coach and great work again as you never disappoint. I cannot wait until we are all shoulder to shoulder again, giving hi fives and taking selfies again together!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Edgardo Palomo says:

    Nice, but what about mindset monday?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars April Tatum Porter says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rabillo Jahbil says:

    Keep on soaring higher Tom.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:

    There’s always somewhere to pivot with your business. Congratulations to the team. Congratulations to Tom.

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