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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So I want to talk a little bit about my journey from being a gamer to being a trader. Now this whole computer system that you see behind me. these three computers. These are gaming computers and they're not the first three gaming computers that I've ever had.

my first gaming computer I bought literally in I Want to say 1999 Maybe it was 2000? No, it was 1999. So I've been doing this for a while and when I was getting into computers in the late 90s I was all about. you know HTML coding, building little websites and you know that was kind of like a fun thing I was doing I was making a little bit money doing it, building websites for people and my parents knew and stuff like that. and then when I was doing my free time was playing computer games.

and here's the really interesting thing I never thought that all that time playing computer games I've lost literally years to some computer games now I'm in my 30s and I have enough self-respect that I don't want to tell you which games I was playing but it's I've lost some some good time to gaming so you know I'm at a place now where I look back and I'm actually thankful for all those years as I spent. you know in front of the computer because what they did was they helped me develop a set of skills that now I use every single day as a day trader. So today's a day where I'm up 4116 dollars trading in about two hours. That's certainly more than I would have made in months of building small little websites.

And what I've used are the same skills I was honing as a gamer. the ability to make quick decisions like instant decisions, the hotkeys, the ability to use my hands to do things like instantly send an order, cancel order all that stuff I was honing in Middle School in high school when I was gaming. So what I'm gonna do today is walk you through that journey because I bet some of you guys are also into gaming. You've already got the computer set up and so the fact that you're not trading, you're missing a huge opportunity.

All right, So let's get into it all right. So when I was gaming, what were the things that that I need to be able to do? well? Obviously I was able I needed to be able to type fast right, be able to use commands fast on your keyboard, and some of you guys might have special and you know, like joysticks and stuff like that or special Mouse type of you know, things that have multiple buttons on them I never used those, but I just use my keyboard I Always preferred that. but in any case, the fast keyboard skills. that's a plus.

Number two: The ability just to kind of know how computer programs work, know how to quickly force quit, get out of the program, go to the task manager, lock it down, log back in because sometimes you have to do that when you're trading and you know you can't. Just like you don't have time to go call someone saying what's going on, you got to get logged back in immediately. and then the third one is just that. The combination of kind of hand-eye coordination and also the ability to make quick decisions just to see something in a moment, react.
Make an impulse decision and it's the right decision. So when it comes to trading, What? I Do Every single day? Now all of these computers for gaming are pretty much retired. They're not even at a level where they're really good for gaming anymore. But for what? I'm running with my charts on all these monitors, They're totally fine.

There are a hundred percent good for that. So I Know a lot of gamers have been frustrated with the costs going up for computer components because of all the crypto mining and so this is kind of your opportunity. get a little bit of revenge. Instead of doing the crypto mining or getting into that, you know that whole scene.

What you can do is you can use your computer that you cut right now. You don't even need to soup it up and you can start trading with it and making some money in the market. So my process every single day is really simple. Every single day I sit down and I look for stocks to trade.

Now one of the realizations that I made my first kind of year and a half of training was that the stocks that I made the most money on consistently were the ones that were up more than thirty percent in one day. You might think that's crazy, you know companies like Apple Facebook Tesla They never move 30 percent in one day. That's true. Most of the stocks that move more than thirty percent in one day they're less than $20 They're between like $2 and $10 per share.

That's kind of the sweet spot. So each morning I look for stocks in that price range that are already up between 5 and 10 percent. The fact that they're already up a little bit shows me that some people are seeing some something that they like. and so then I look at those stocks.

and usually each morning there's between 15 and 20 stocks on my Gap scanner. This is a tool that I use to search the market for stocks moving up. There's about 15 to 20 on that scanner that are up more than 5% with some type of news. So whether it's an earnings report or anything like that, and so I look at it.

and then from that point I've now narrowed down from a list of like 10,000 stocks to trade to a list of usually three or four. So now it got down to four. And then once the bell rings I just want to see it's surging up I want to see it moving up quickly I jump in and ride the momentum and that's exactly what I did today. It's what I've been doing every single day for the last eight years.

I mean it's so life changing for me because eight years ago in my free time and when I was kind of relaxing I'd be playing games whether it was you know Playstation or Xbox or his games on my computer and you know I wasn't I wasn't making a lot of money, I was just basically you know, having fun and whatever. And now since I learned how to trade a repurpose these computers is wrong. Now for training and I found myself gaming less and less and less because in my spare time I'm trying to think about how I can master this ultimate game which is the stock market right? This is the one that I want to beat because when I beat it I'm gonna have more money in my pocket now. That's a level of satisfaction that I never got from the other games I was playing.
Now at the time I was feeling really good about my successes in those games, but then this has taken it to a whole new level. All right. So I hope this video has opened your eyes. that transformation from gamer to trader.

It's real I've gone through it I've seen other traders go through it I Want you to go through alright. any questions, any comments? leave them below I look I read all of them I Love to see them. so I'll check them out and I'll see all you guys later. I Hope you subscribe to the channel if you like this content.

Alright, see you soon. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the warrior trading family.

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29 thoughts on “Video gamer to day trader”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars False Alice says:

    great thanks brother , i used to be a LOL pro gamer and won champion in my nation area, now I am trying to be trader

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Peppered says:

    Ross I think you would like Don't Starve Together. You're essentially juggling meters. Survival mode requires you to have a efficient early game. I think of building from $500 to $1M like having the most efficient early game. Watching multiple charts at once like having a full inventory you can choose from but limited by what you can fit on screen and practically focus on. It's definitely a game about reading the environment, recognizing patterns, exploiting opportunity, and staying focused. You're also learning to produce in excess of your needs, teaching others to give more than they take so they are not a drag to you. Lots of parallels.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skeevy Skeever says:

    Thanks for the videos Ross!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ssilva005 says:

    You could tell this guy has a huge heart. Thank you so much for all of your posts Ross!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TooMuch TooFast says:

    Amazing story Ross! I love gaming and live music .. in my forties and we’ve all lost time to some negative things in our lives! Look at you now. One of my idols!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damien Frazier says:

    This is exactly how I've been viewing it in the 5 weeks i've been trading so far. It's literally just the next game to beat xD

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrei says:

    Bro, clearly you played EverQuest (I did too, no worries), also learned a lot of skills ,from raiding (leading people, acting quickly, etc etc..)… no shame in that 🙂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wese says:

    Is there a trading type of game similar to a simulator. Something someone could use to master their charting and strategy skills before jumping in and using real money?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andreas Pamungkas says:

    Gamer – Teacher – Trader

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeh Rhm says:

    I just so happen to have have 2 portable monitors that I don’t use. Is it ok to use a Macbook pro air?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrDre6000 says:

    I was never into gaming when I was younger. I’m gonna start gaming now to get better at trading Lol. I need to make split second decisions and HEC

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FC Premier says:

    Bruh…..mind blown…..ty!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FooDaki says:

    Invoker from dota made my fingers super fast for scalping lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moncimoov says:

    u should try dragon quest XI ! its my top 3 jrpg of all time for me after xenogears, and suikoden II

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dud45 says:

    cough In my 30s and still a gamer….*cough*. It's funny, I'm a new Pro student and was thinking my hotkeys would need to use WASD. I had a laugh when I found this vid Ross.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlaineyM15 says:

    I find playing on the hardest difficulty is a good way to help you learn to take a loss. I get my butt kicked a lot…but it helps me keep calm

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pam Simonson says:

    VR or not I'm going to the mountains to live in a few weeks. No phone no matter what cause of it

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PrincessNadira80 says:

    I bet you played a little Final Fantasy too.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spiritual Warrior says:

    I want to learn how to trade stock

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spiritual Warrior says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Galazzo says:

    Definitley WoW

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John N says:

    Why so many dislikes on this? I don't understand. Did this upset some people who don't play video games or something?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bright says:

    It's totally Runescape

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Arnold says:

    Although they may have a large amount of "data" on everyone else, Gamers possibly will continue trends of increasing the value of United States Money if they "trades" only to increase the amount of money they have (quantity).

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lovepeacebliss says:

    "lost" years to gaming?? GAINED!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emick33 says:

    You should note that if you know nothing about trading and you are watching this video please take the time to learn how to do technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kane says:

    By your chart you are losing money

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iDream2Stream says:

    what if you dont have alot of start up money to buy with do you recommend penny stocks to get the feel for the market. I'm a gamer thru and thru if you cant tell by the name but your right it dont pay the bills and ive wasted well spent alot of time on games myself take blackops4 for example it was released late Oct.and I had over 11 days played in 3 weeks after release max rank etc. I wish i could put that kind of dedication into sonething thats profitable such as trading just dont know where to start.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mcshane01 says:

    Yep I'm a gamer and in my early 30's and I want to go from zero to a trader that's my main goal after I get my own place. So if you were in my shoes what/how would I have to do to get started???
    Thanks a bunch!

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