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The AMC FTD's were never actually covered! Simply partially hidden/misreported for 3 days to get AMC off the NYSE threshold list, and then they came back thick and fast!
AMC is now back on the threshold list and will likely stay on for another few weeks at least. This is happening meanwhile the CTB is skyrocketing making it more and more expensive for the shorts to continue shorting.
There will soon come a time when this cracks and the shorts can no longer support their shorting fees and are forced to cover!
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#AMC #AMCStock #ShortSqueeze

Today I Want to talk about how the AMC Ftds were never actually covered and how AMC was illegally removed from the threshold list. We know this because AMC has gone straight back on this threshold list as of yesterday I Want to explain what kind of impact this has on those shorts, what kind of impact it has on the cost to borrow rate, and also on AMC as well. So stay tuned and let's make some money. And now I'll arrive straight in with the key information.

So as Nft happiness tweeted, he said AMC is back on the NYC threshold list. he's at AMC's cost to borrow is back between 878 percent to a thousand and thirty percent. and it's also back on the threshold list. Beautiful.

And as we can see if we filter for yesterday, the 12th of April, we can see that AMC has gone straight back on the NYC threshold Securities list now. I Want to quickly break down and explain what the threshold list actually is and how we know these Ftds were never actually covered. Basically, if there's High persistent fails to deliver on the AMC stock or an stock for that matter in above five percent of the flow for at least five consecutive days, AMC ends up on the regulation Sho threshold Securities list. This is effectively a list maintained of stocks that have very high and persistent and continuous fails to deliver, which is very indicative of synthetic shorts.

Now we know that back in late February, the AMC Fdds were absolutely off the charts with over 10 million shares, failed to deliver on multiple consecutive days, and through the rest of February, the number of Fdds maintained at this high level between 1 and 5 million shares per day. Now again, in the first half of March, this trend actually continued and AMC regularly saw over a million Ftds every single day, even between two and three to three and a half million Ftds as well. Now, the only reason that AMC was removed from the threshold list is because the Shorts managed to suppress the number of Ftds just for three simple consecutive days. On these days is AMC only racked in 591, 735, and 884 000 ftds in three consecutive days.

Now that was enough to remove AMC off the threshold list, but as soon as that was over, the Ftds came back in thick and fast. It's likely the Shorts managed to just hide a few of those Fdds just a million or so shares for three consecutive days to have AMC removed from the threshold Securities list. Now, what I don't understand is how they managed to continue suppressing the price of AMC during these few days AMC still continued to fall from six dollars and 58 cents down to 5.38 even though they were significantly less fails than ever. It's likely because the Fdds were still happening and still persisting.

They just weren't being reported and were instead simply being hidden. It's likely these Shorts were still failing to deliver AMC shares and still creating more and more synthetics thereby by pushing the price down, they just weren't reporting them appropriately. But what it does go to show is the fact these shorts are still desperate. so desperate to the fact they're illegally hiding Ftds just to continue pushing the price down.
But what that's also doing is pushing up this cost to borrow fee, making it more and more expensive for these shorts to short. MC Considering AMC is back on the threshold Securities list I Imagine AMC is going to stay there for another 13 15, 20, 25 days until it's magically removed again. but all the while this is happening, the cost of our fee is absolutely skyrocketing and it's getting more and more difficult for these hedge funds to justify their short positions. And as was just mentioned on, Bloomberg at some point this is all going to crack and at some point you're going to get a stock market cover of the shorts, but at some point given give Insurance to go the goods out there.

Where is that throw in the towel move? Given this given this data, it's out there somewhere now. I Don't know if you heard that as it was quite quiet, but I have tried to match out the volume, but he effectively said that at some point these shorts will throw in the towel. At some point, the sheer number of Ftds and the sheer skyrocketing of this cost. But if they will cause something to crack among these shorts and they will be forced to throw in the towel, guys, be sure to join me over on Moon with a sponsor of today's video.

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And as Jan Jack tweeted, he said he's still waiting for the millions of Ftds that have shown up on the threshold Securities list between February the 2nd to March 10th to be closed out of because AMC is back on the list again. He said there's no way to solve this massive clearing and settlement issue with AMC stock without a massive and system disintegrating short squeeze. If he said that's the only way he said we will not allow short Sellers and globalists to take down the 102 years strong movie company Never. And he said at the SEC Finra, the IRS, the New York Stock Exchange Gary Genslow, the Department of Justice and Lisa Monaco there's no more time to play with the criminals in the market and he said it's been more than 16 months since the Department of Justice opened a probe into the short-selling conspiracy over meme stocks.

He said it's time to cast the net of Justice on them all. I Think really? Jan Jack is absolutely right. These shorts obviously can't escape their short positions and that's why we're seeing so many Ftds a day after day after day combined with the Sky High borrowing fee and with a hundred percent AMC utilization. Yes, obviously these are big giant funds and that's why so far they haven't yet gone bankrupt even though it's been two years.
But I Do believe the shorts are indeed getting closer and closer and ultimately they cannot fix this problem they've created as is evident by the skyrocketing cost to borrow and persistent and continuous fails to deliver. At some point something will crack and you will see this giant giant short covering now. You may have also seen that AMC have just introduced their AMC Entertainment Visa card. When you use this AMC Visa card, you now get additional AMC Stubs points when you spend money at AMC Theaters but also when you spend money on dining, groceries and gas and on all other purchases too.

So if you want, you can use this AMC Visa card to really rack up AMC Stubs points to spend on free movies, free snacks, free entertainment, and free dining. Obviously, like all credit cards, it does have a higher interest rate and therefore I Obviously don't advise that you use this credit card simply to finance an expensive lifestyle. But I do think that additional AMC Stubs points are a brilliant reward that can be spent inside your favorite movie theater. As Peter hand tweeted he said when I hear there's an 80 000 people wait list to get the new AMC Credit Card He said I can't help but be amazed at the power of the brand and he said would the AMC brand be so powerful if the shorts hadn't dragged this out so long? Probably not, But drag it out.

They have and people are going to support any reasonable product that will make the company stronger. He said I do understand why the shortest did not anticipate this, but unlike Sears whose cultural impact faded decades ago, AMC is the largest movie theater chain in the world's largest market. He said people love entertainment, they don't want that choice to be taken away and therefore the support for AMC will not falter, will not waver, and will not disappear as time goes on and he said would senators and hedge funds have shorted Gladiator games in the Coliseum No, because even the corrupt ones knew the Gladiator recognize breed and circuses were key in keeping the masses plasticated. Petan basically thinks the shorts are underestimating culture and underestimating history and believes they've gotten way over their head and he he believes that ultimately culture always rules over stupid investment decisions now.

I've seen a few comments down below coming from obvious bot accounts suggesting that somehow I'm a paid off shill. Obviously these comments are coming from Bot accounts, but I Wanted to talk about this tweet I've seen from Peter Han He said this was off Reddit in 2021. He said he's got no way to verify its authenticity or what firm may have accepted the contract, but assuming it's real, the below shows fees for paid off Shields to pay staff members to build a community on Reddit or Weeble or in the YouTube comment section to effectively attack AMC Salaries range from between one thousand and five hundred dollars per month to around 3 500 per month. As you can see here in the notes section, it says to work with a third-party Community around AMC and GameStop before listing to build negative hype around specific Target timing as Peter Han said, you can see a hypothetical budget here and therefore based on these prices, they could afford Peter Hat Now obviously you guys know that I have a background in accounting.
I've actually reduced my accounting workload to make more videos here on YouTube obviously to keep the YouTube channel going I do receive money from YouTube for the adverts that I put in my video and also receive money. the sign ups that I get to MooMoo and other ads that I've run in the past Now obviously that does keep the channel going and including all of my revenue streams I do earn more than three thousand five hundred dollars per month and therefore similar to Peter Han The Shields couldn't afford me. This is why I've stuck with the AMC community over the last two years and to continue to post information on MC I Try to take a fairly neutral standpoint obviously because I'm not soliciting a financial advice, but you'll also know from my videos that I never post fud and I never post incorrect lies and therefore suggesting that I'm a paid off Shield is absolutely ridiculous as I just promote the facts of what's currently out there for AMC And as PhD even tweeted, he said to all the AMC C and eight community members since I've been called out as a pain Chill Will you please stop buying and holding because it's really hurting my shill payments. Obviously, if I was being paid as a shield, surely I'll be promoting way more fun and trying to convince you to sell your AMC shares right now for very, very cheap prices.

Obviously, that's not what I'm trying to do here and therefore obviously I'm not a paid off Shield. But guys, be sure to let me know what you think down in the comments below. And as always, guys, be sure to ding that notification Bell because that way you'll be alerted when I upload a new video. Cheers!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “Urgent! the ftd s were never covered! – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJohnnyLondon says:

    Hedge funds are not doing anything stupid right now while all eyes are on the stock and the Judge is probably watching. Once these criminal get what they want they are going to Rob us blind. I hope the Judge see's through all of this. They have broken every law going to manipulate this stock and created new ones. I pray the judge does the right thing and postpones this and asks for a proper share count and investigation into these synthetic shares and naked shorted… Dear Lord please help us. The DTCC is Complicit and so is the SEC.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripp Hazzard says:

    That’s bread not breed m8…. That’s way two different shows!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Gallant says:

    The rs split is aa way of helping the shorts they wont have to cover if thesplit happens before mid june.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Massaro says:

    You are very trustworthy and I never try to miss your videos. You are always spot on

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos San Miguel says:

    Tom I hope you make as much money as you can … for me you’ve been a beacon of hope these passed two years… f the shills

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos San Miguel says:

    Woop woop thanks πŸ™πŸΌ Tom good stuff

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Nickisher says:

    The sec knows the split needs to happen the get shorts out, otherwise the whole market will tumble, just like the banks were careless and feds had to help them. This is a joke, the one percent have no rules.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Nickisher says:

    They never was off. They just hid it

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UniversityUTube says:

    You bring confidence hope and trust to the picture Thomas. Thank you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars πŸ’° Make $756 Per Day says:

    "Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference." —Robert Frost

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jermunkle says:

    Culture and history are a powerful force and IMO you're one of the most legit AMC news sources around, consistent and more DD than most YT channels.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fire Goblin says:

    RICO law!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris and Laurie says:

    Nobody's pointing this out but you look either drunk or high on Fetty to be looking like that.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Bossom says:

    Not all paid shills tell you to sell. Some, like yourself try to convince people to buy and hold while the price is driven into the ground. Just look at your last two years video titles and tell me how many times you claim "x" will cause the squeeze and yet, still no squeeze.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris and Laurie says:

    Like Ewww

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris and Laurie says:

    That face needs to STOP.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Schwartz says:

    Thank you for all you do. Thank you for your honesty.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Kielman says:

    You'll have to forgive me as i genuinely don't understand. If they're synthetic, or fake shares, and they can just create this out of thin air….. how would they have to borrow those shares and then pay said borrowing fee?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Lewis says:

    Just mark the trade long instead of short and then pay a fine 5 yrs later. You dont even have to admit any wrongdoing. Thats crazy to me! Maybe I’m crazy!!! Ill take it

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drex and Lana Shira says:

    Way of presenting all the facts and opinions you can find. Thank you for being such a positive factor! Hang in there!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drex and Lana Shira says:

    You are doing great! I have followed you from close to day one. You have a very positive and factual

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Stephen says:

    We are all long now

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Roderick Johnson says:

    You may be right but Adam Aaron is helping the hedge funds we all see what that mutt is doing

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Stephen says:

    The SEC has been cheating us for two years , probably since it was created , I would bet the hedge funds and institutions blackmailed the US Government years ago and were given complete control of the American markets

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Watts says:

    I don't view you as a shill. We just don't agree on our perspective view on Adam Aron. That's the only disagreement I have towards you. Other than that, keep making great lucrative videos.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Gentey says:

    Hilarious. They must not understand what a shill is.They are just little trolls that need to get back in their mom's basement where they belong.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy C says:

    Keep up the great work Tom and thanks for your dedication to the AMC community. Moass party will be fun. You’ll get your on stage time and input to the documentary!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JEFFLOUD2007 says:

    We are here to STAY !!!!
    🦍 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍

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