Up Your Mental Toughness in 2022 | Mindset Monday
How many times in 2021 did you put your blinders on and absolutely slay the day? How many times can you do it in 2022? Here’s the thing: When you gain the mental toughness to do that over and over again, you’ll experience geometric growth in your business. Check out my important message in today’s Mindset Monday.
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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You did more of your work with inspired action, regardless of what's going on around you in 2022, and you went from 80 to 120 80 to 160.. I don't think you would double your business. You'd have geometric growth because of the compound effect. How many days do you think you actually worked in 2021? I just made the argument for many of my top clients and as as extraordinary as they are in business, i think most of them worked 80 days 80 out of 365 days.

Now, when i say work, i mean they did their job with inspired action, regardless of what was going on around them. They did their job with inspired action, regardless of what was going on around them. I call that mental toughness, mental toughness, mental toughness think about it. If you reflected back on 2021, if you thought just about the beginning of this year, 2022, what you've accomplished in the month of january, how many days did you actually follow your schedule? How many days did you actually fulfill the promises you made yourself about your goals for this year? How many appointments did you book? How many meetings did you set? How many phone calls did you make? Did you get your marketing done? Did you do all the things you said you were going to do? I i'm just encouraged by how much money was made in 2021 by a lot of people that maybe worked 80 days.

What would happen if, in 2022, you added a little more mental toughness? You did more of your work with inspired action, regardless of what's going on around you in 2022, and you went from 80 to 120 80 to 160.. I don't think you would double your business. You'd have geometric growth because of the compound effect, so much good output. So much good outfit over and over and over and over again and bam 2022 would be bananas.

Mental toughness, mama mentality, obsessed committed whatever you want to call it. I just call it doing your job. You are smart enough to write your plan. Can you be dumb enough to follow it? You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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