Moving on from your trading losses isn't easy, but it is necessary! Tune in as Bryce explains why.
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What's going on everybody trader bryce here with tui tip tuesday um today's stewie tip, so i'm personally in a little bit of a drawdown this week had a pretty rough start on monday and then uh, just like a pretty average red day today. But what i'm gon na do here is simply forget about monday and tuesday, and i i know it's harder. It's a lot easier said than done hard to do in the moment, but one of the best things that you can do is really just forget about those other losses. And if you can't get mentally past that probably best not to trade for the day, because if you're stuck in that same mentality, when you were losing, then you do not want to be taking trades with real money.

Uh, that's just my personal tui tip of the wealth of tuesday, and i hope you guys are able to use that in case you are going through a bit of a rough stretch. Forget those losses move on to the next trade. There will always be another bye.

By Stock Chat

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7 thoughts on “Tuohey tip tuesday: forget your trading losses”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Segarra says:

    Thanks for that , …

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farzad Lami says:

    Had a big red day today 😩 lost more than half of my December gains.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    do you change or just keep taking same trades hoping for the shift?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glen Black says:

    Thanks for all your tips and content! I have trained my self to do exactly this, intraday as well as EOD. Only thing I would add is, at the end of the day, you should review your losing trades in detail. To make sure you were waiting for the right set up and that you followed your rules. Sometimes in the moment, you don't realize you were actually taking a "B" setup, not an "A". Or what is more likely is that you took your set up just a little early. It's easy to see if you review it after the close.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Kirk says:

    Same, on Monday I got smoked 🤯😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Quenzel says:

    Learn from your losses

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Merrigan says:

    i had a BAG ,big for me finally dump that BAG,Monday feel better still don`t like it but i can deal with it .Good lesson cut cut losses

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