The market will always be there If you've got other things going on im your life, it's OK to take a break from trading!
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Hey everybody welcome to tui tip thursday um and here's the deal today's tui tip. If you can't tell i'm sick, i'm not feeling well just a little under the weather and that's kind of the big thing today. It's like, if you have a big life event going on uh or i'm not saying being sick is a big life event, but i definitely don't feel well not well rested. I need to stay hydrated and, like all that stuff, don't be afraid to not trade.
Today. Today i actually did end red um, and i've noticed you know the more times that i've got something going on outside of trading the more likely i am to lose money, i'm not in the right head space, and i might a lot of my emotions get in The way too much and that's exactly what happened today so again if you've got something going on, if you're sick, don't be afraid to not trade take the day off, and that is today's tue tip i'll see you guys back here on tuesday for two week tip Tuesday.
You getting sick kind of often man. Hope you get better!
Thanks Bryce! there have definitely been times I should have taken better care of myself but wanted so bad to study and learn from the market I forgot that IT'S a MARATHON NOT A SPRINT!
Wish i could hug you and make you better daddy
thanks for that – feel better!
Took most of today off observing Yom Kippur. Did me worlds.
For me focus is critical.
Today i was feeling like pile of shit but i kept watching the charts and ended up having massive green day keep pushing
Market is absolute trash lately
I'm afraid to take a break from studying
For those of on your feet, trading away – feel grateful that you can take a break!
Do as I say, not as I do lol
yeah dude for real