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Rez is a self-taught, high-risk high-reward, trader who started trading a decade ago to help his parents retire comfortably. Despite blowing up a dozen small accounts, Rez never gave up and was determined to succeed. He has one of the highest risk tolerances among day traders that I know and trades wherever there is volatility or movement, with no bias towards the long or short side.
Rez's story is one of perseverance and determination, and his experiences aim to inspire others to find success in their trading journey! I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.
In this vodcast, we cover the following:
- Rez’s story 0:00
- His trading style and his road to profitability 9:49
- His trading losses 18:30
- His trading strategy 25:53
- Rapid fire questions 50:42
- Lie-detector game 56:03
- Advice for new traders 59:45
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Do you have any advice for newer Traders or people who are thinking of getting into trading? Don't do it serious. I'm stubborn and so I'll I'll keep fighting I'll keep fighting until like I'm bankrupt and living off the street I didn't care at the time I've actually put on positions and taking naps without having stops in. Literally, it was basically my uh, paycheck coming in one hand and then do you mind sharing with the audience how much money did you lose? Did I threw away? um, at the bottom of somewhere around like maybe 60 or 70 grand something? Oh my. God Okay, so do you actually have an ex-husband is a self-taught Trader who discovered the market a decade ago through co-workers motivated by his desire to help his parents retire comfortably.

He spent 30 years trading with very little success. What makes his story so interesting and inspiring is that despite so many years of significant losses and blowing up a dozen small accounts, he never gave up rest, shut everything out, and dug deep inside his own personal psychology to overcome these emotional mistakes. Out of all the Traders I know he has one of the highest risk tolerance I've ever seen. And I found out recently that this guy also enjoys racing and building his own cars and bikes.

How cool is that? So please welcome my friend! Res. As for active: Traders I'm Shea AKA Humble Trader If this is your first time tuning into the podcast, I Interview Share stories and strategies from some of the most inspiring Traders from around the world. If you're interested in hearing what it's like to be a high risk High reward Trader then you're aim for a treat today. So make sure to smash the like button and subscribe if you want to see more Trader interviews like these in the future.

Welcome to the Podcast Dress! Thank you very much Thanks for having me yeah and we we actually initially met at Traders for cars which you're proudly representing today of course of course yeah, we had a good time in Vegas yeah we did. that was uh that was a good time. yeah um so tell us tell um just I'm res as you said uh I've been Trading actively a little over seven years now total maybe around a decade or so. a little bit more than that and what got me into it initially was actually um a way to help out my parents in their retirement.

so that was the whole motivator and the Kickstart for the whole thing. And when you got into a stock market were you immediately jump into trading? or were you looking at investing? well like swing trading at first? Yeah. so when I first actually started it was um how I found out about it was through some of my co-workers that were doing their like retirement funds and all that they were talking about. you know Rrsp and Tfsa and all this for later and that got me interested I was oh this is this might be something uh, interesting that I should get into as well I was young then and so when I got into it um I was buying the generic you know, big companies and just yeah, the apples Amazons and Netflix's all that stuff and just hanging on to them forever.
and you know I had the whole um intelligent investor mindset from uh from Buffett and those guys and you know I read those books I read like that one I read the um, what's the other security analysis it's like giant, don't even use them at all Um yeah. so I started with that and then of course I found uh, small caps after that and that's where it all went downhill. But yeah, but like now currently um I'm all over the place. so I touch anything that moves I have my hands on it.

um, any opportunity I see I try to get it on it. So yeah, so were you trading part-time when you first started? Well, you jump straight into full time? No, it was part-time from the beginning. Okay, what about now now I do Um, I'm actually full time on both. So I do full-time trading in the morning and then I do full-time like work right afterwards.

Um, okay. my work schedule is a little bit flexible here and there, so I'm able to do that. Uh, during covet was the transition time. so I used to be part times in the morning and then I'll go to work afterwards.

you know we're on West Coast time so it's a little bit that's easier. Market open 6 30 a.m here so you're low. you can do that and then you know start your workout like nine ish 10 whatever. um but then once uh I had a little more uh, leeway at work I was able to, you know, negotiate my my time and all that.

and so I was able to do full time. both. Okay, yeah, so there's no plan to ever go full time like actual I mean when I say go full-time trading I mean like quit your job to do that? No, it's funny you mentioned that actually just this morning. um on on the chat.

I was talking to a couple of the guys because I missed a really big opportunity and it was because I left to go to work and that would have made my month. So I'm having some days I have some like second thoughts about that. but in general I want to stay with with that full-time job because it gives me a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. whereas with trading I don't really feel like I'm contributing if that makes sense to like success.

Yeah, exactly like I'm just watching numbers go up and down and like it's not. It's not the same whereas when I have like a full-time job, I'm actually doing something and I feel like you know I did something today I helped someone somewhere. Yeah and plus it's helpful to have a um, regular income that I can use for taxes and all that kind of stuff. but we'll get into that later.

So you say you've been. So you say you pretty much been in the market for 10 years and trading for seven years. So how long did it take for you to become profitable? Um approximately when I started active trading, it took me approximately four, like three, three to four, three and a half, four ish years somewhere somewhere around then. um, it was a brutal time.
That was not a fun time because it was like yeah, very sleep learning curve. um it was literally it was basically my uh, paycheck coming in front end out the other end and you know it was very like I blew up multiple counts. um I was honestly I was depressed that time. like full-on depression and like just upset with myself and um yeah it was.

It was not fun. but once I kind of got the hang of things. you know once you kind of picked back up and take it seriously, then yeah then like went to break even and then from there kind of took off and of course the whole um Covid Market happened and I was prepared for it. So when that happened, that was the exponential takeoff.

So so when you first started it. sounds like you. You said you kind of blew up a couple accounts with like your paycheck, right? So were you trading quite large at the start? It sounds like it. Yeah, because how much were you risking at the beginning? So I had no idea what like Risk Management or any of that stuff was in the beginning from what I had seen online from like YouTube and from whatever all these places was, you know you have like the small account.

you have a couple of thousand dollars in your account and you see something pop up and you just throw everything down because you wanted. You want that, that um, exponential growth curve right? like you want to, right? Why would I risk fifty dollars? Well, I can throw all five thousand. Other than that, try to double it or triple it. and that was the mentality back then.

that was the mentality when you first started. I'm sure like a lot of people when they first start out, they um, they're thinking like yeah, you know I've seen these guys, they turn a thousand to a million. So let me just all in all in every single time and get it going. But of course we both know that's not the way.

but you have to kind of go through that to understand that you can't do that. And so yeah, I was literally throwing 100 of my account into every single trade it was. There was no like yeah, there was no like let me risk whatever what I know it was. Oh geez, and then that includes margin.

Oh yes. okay yeah. so um, a few of my accounts I blew up because I used full margin on top of that. So um, at the time it was, uh, trade zero that was here.

but it was International I wasn't Canadian yet. Okay, so the margin amount was actually six times. So yeah, you can imagine the kind of disasters that came out of that. but yeah, um.

luckily though, they were manageable amounts like of course I heard and you know it would take a few months to reload and all that. but they were manageable. They weren't like insane crazy. yeah, good thing you kept your job.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. exactly. Um, so do you mind sharing with the audience how much money did you lose I threw away? Um yeah. before before uh I would say at the bottom of somewhere around like maybe 60 or 70 grand something? oh my.
God Okay, something like that. but mind you, that's like multiple tiny accounts. it wasn't all at once. Yeah, yeah, so it was.

Yeah, it would be like money comes in I'd load the account, jump in Hefty micro tuition week week later it's gone. So oh no. So that was yeah. Like I said, it wasn't fun, but it was necessary basically for me to learn.

So okay, So you know having gone through all of that up and downs, what do you think is are like the key lessons What? like key Concepts that got you become profitable uh I would say too. and I think we actually mentioned this before too when we're in. Vegas So we're talking about this. um the first one which I think is actually a little more important than the second one.

Um, and hear me out. Uh, first one is not to give up so you have to have a passion for it and not to give up because the minute you throw in the towel. so that's the first. um which I like my personality type is if I'm passionate about something and I want to learn something or if I want to exceed at something, you can knock me down 10 times I'm getting up 11 times.

A lot of people can't do that once they get knocked down so many times they say okay enough like this is not for me on the leaf whereas I'm stubborn and so I'll keep fighting I'll keep fighting until like I'm bankrupt and loading all this straight out I didn't care at the time um and then second and this is probably the generic and most important everybody else says which is very true is risk management and so you always always have to know you know how much you're willing to lose, how much you're going in with all that kind of stuff. and you can't just like, pray and hold and and all these kinds of things and add to losers and you know there's a whole bunch of stuff I'm sure your audience knows, but that that was the like. The main thing that flipped me from um, from actually from the break-even point to becoming profitable because I was more focused on okay, how much can I lose on this and adhering to my stops? So yeah, so if you could, knowing the two key lessons. now if you could restart all over again, what would you have changed? Stop adding to Losers that was a huge one.

Okay, I would just actually too stop adding to losers and stop re-hitting the same thing over and over because I would take a loss like once. I was like okay, yeah, yeah, you know I have risk management I can I can stop out? It's no problem. Okay I stop out but then emotions kick in and I'll go in again. Stop out.

Go on again. stop out now. I'm getting angry. so I'm doubling my size I know that feeling.

Yeah. so I have a rule that's something similar like that where if I get stopped out two three times and that's it. Like I'm not allowed to go back. Yeah, just throw it away even if it eventually works out the way I want it.
But I actually um, I did kind of like a back. test if you will. looking over of okay. had I jumped into this again over and over because there was a few times where I was like oh I was right.

why didn't I go back in again after like the fourth or fifth try. yeah but actually when I looked back over it you tracked it I tracked it I looked at it and actually no, it doesn't it's it would have still like bled me to death. Okay, thank God like I I kept uh and it actually feels good knowing that now. yeah oh yeah.

so next time you won't feel as much. Yeah, yeah exactly yeah because you know a lot of people focus like on the now instead of looking on the stuff they missed. Yeah, instead of looking at the future it was going to be you know, thousands and thousands of Trades especially if this is going to be a Uh career for like a lifetime career. Yeah, that one trip today doesn't matter.

Yes, well said. Yeah, it's like you have to look long term so wise today. Oh so I feel like nothing I want like the wrong the words are wrong I have to keep it a little bit clean. Yeah okay yeah I I know in Vegas I was that was a little bit off center but I remember your comment? um was it on Twitter for the Traders for cast interview I did your comment was like she has a way of getting everyone to talk where everyone smashed drunk.

Okay, that's like my favorite comment. She literally pulled me out like okay, it was the um that was the poker tournament right? That's what it was. yeah and me and the couple buddies that we were there together. we're like we were gone and I said oh, you want to come outside for an interview The timing? uh sure.

Okay, okay, but you did great. Yeah yeah I kept it together for us. If you didn't tell our audience they wouldn't have had no one was smashed. yeah I was that was yeah.

that's fine. Cop Detroit is where it costs. Was very fun. only go the Traders probably not going either.

oh no I'm going. oh oh I'm going I guess I just signed myself up. there's a few people I need to. uh so let's go back to trading Now how do you select the kind of stocks you want to trade in? What kind of makes you great gravitate towards them? So it's I'm looking for volatility basically.

Um, when I'm scanning, it's because I've looked in the past I've kind of done like some back testing to see what stuff uh, will move things, triggers news, whatever float all this kind of stuff when everybody's on it. That's how I find them and what brings me to them is the asymmetrical opportunity to make money off of them. So that's why I gravitate towards them. so I'll never play something like an apple that's just going sideways all day doing nothing or you know, or like, um, if one of the large caps have slow volume and you know I can't get in and out.

Actually that goes for the small caps as well. Like actually any any type of um, security that I'm Trading uh I need I need volume I need you know liquidity and I need um, volatility. Those are the main things that I look for to jump you have a preference for like the lower float stocks or the bigger floats. um not really.
I would say I've uh I have gravitated more towards small caps just because that's kind of where I started in. um and they give more range in general. Of course when you go into options, it's a different story, but for just equities specifically and small caps, there's you know, like the usual pump and dumps and stuff like that gives you a lot of range that you can play with on the front and the back. so that's usually my where I move towards but anything is moving I want in? Oh yeah.

okay, so do you usually have a bias like loan bias or short buyers? Yes, yeah. so oh um I'm gonna get kicked out of my own chat now. but yeah I have zero bias. Um yeah.

I'm like if you looked at my uh uh, my trading journal you'd probably see us 50 50. like right down the line. oh wow yeah yeah. so even in last year's market and this year's it's still 50 feet.

Yeah oh wow yeah. I I only take yeah I only take the um the trades that I think are gonna give like asymmetrical risk reward like really big upside whichever up down yeah to to the risk. So you know sometimes that ends up being the long side, sometimes it's the short side. um depends on who's stuck who, where everybody's uh sitting in and then just take the other side of that.

Do you have a favorite stock to trade? Yeah no no not really. I know a lot of people. um you know they'll have like their Teslas and and whatever their apples and all that where they just they they wash out or like their es's yeah um but for me it's not really I just pop up my scanner in the morning or from my previous night where I'm prepared I can see you know what's what's ready, what's available and then I'll see also in the morning from the scanner see what pops up and then yeah, just throw them all on the watch list and take it from there. but I don't really do like I only tried this basket and I'll stick to that.

Yeah so you just mentioned that you prepare in on the evening. so what's your evening routine like? um so I have like very very simple criteria um but during the day I just have or end of the day rather the scanner is just what. move today what has the largest range? like highest percentage? uh Gainer uh no so highest. um Range as in uh just like take the high and the low minus each other and then divide by I forget what the thing is but like which had the most movement.

yeah yeah yeah, which yeah exactly yeah, that's it. Um and then I'll look through all of those and see what can set up for it and that's that's my basically and the next morning you next morning trading those. yeah I plan on trading those plus whatever pops up also. um that morning.
um then I guess you can throw also in there like stuff that has been moving for a few days like say if something's been pumping or something's just been going straight down so that that'll that'll get thrown on the list as well because it's again it has big range although it's over multiple days or even months. Regardless, would you say you have a high risk tolerance as a Trader yeah I'm I have one of the highest uh responses I know of people um I've actually put on positions and taking naps without having stops in and and I just let it go. Yeah wow yeah so it doesn't stress you out, you can still fall asleep now. No, it doesn't matter to me back in the day.

Yes, but I had it was kind of like this psychological hurdle I needed to get over because once I started sizing up I was stressed like I would stressed out because I'm just thinking like this is a lot of money that's on the line and I can't risk it I can't I can't put it on and then so that would stop me from my growth I wouldn't be able to, you know, grow my accounts and all that and you can't push past that. but I learned to be uncomfortable and just accept it. and you know, as bad as it sounds, it's just numbers on the screen and so I didn't Yeah, but I'm just imagining what if it's like a low float Runner and during that time yeah, yeah, I've blown. Um what was the the last one that screwed me I like I I lhu if you remember that one I remember last year just yeah, it just went off.

Yeah so that one I took my whole account so yeah, sorry, but no. but like like I'm saying it took me like a week like a few days of just ah, like I hate myself I want to kill myself and blah blah blah um but then right after I'm like okay back on the horse, let's go. Well that's that's one. like I said knock me down I'll just get up doesn't so you wouldn't consider taking a nap with a stop in place.

I mean I do not. Yeah, but sometimes I like to keep it interesting. Oh God okay once in a while I guess that's that's the thing with having a job like you know that you can refund it if you need it, right? Yeah, it's um, it's stable income. um part of it is.

Also like a lot of the guys that I talk with we joke around a lot and stuff. but I I started taking a like at face value. so you're joking like hahaha like you know I'm in the stock and I don't have any stuff I'm like haha me too. oh no because that's true.

Okay and only one of you guys are joking. Yeah, um like let's just training gets boring. Like when you're doing it correctly, when you're doing it, it's boring. and I unfortunately I'm an adrenaline junkie and I like the I like to get my heart rate up.

So yeah, sometimes I do stupid stuff like that, it's it's still something I'm working on. Um, but yeah. so I I need to I need to work on. but so far that's worked out for you for you.
So far, it's worked out for me. Um, just because I've kind of like I I know what I'm doing like it's You know it's been a few years like I've been doing this a while so it's not like oh, I'm just throwing my whole account at something and then walking away and then let it do whatever it wants. that's not how it's working. I'm I'm still positioning so that even if it pulls like a um, well, there's a reason like HKD or Atxg or something on me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. right now, um yeah, like it's it won't make a difference. It's okay. like of course the losses are gonna be huge, but at the end of the day I can reload I can start again.

it's not. um, not a big deal. So I did introduce you correctly by saying that Res has high risk High Reward Yeah, very very high. Oh, let's go.

yeah it's it's not a good thing. it's not a uh no, don't don't like. You know, like don't don't give a praise yet. please don't copy it.

Um, it's just that's just how my personality is and it works for me. Okay I'm 99 of people that won't work for them. so I guess just that would be disaster. so you know.

So what do you think? Would you rather be a high risk? High Reward Trader Like Res Or would you rather be a little bit more conservative? Let me know in the comment section below. Um, and and usually after these like big downturns, how how soon or how long did it take for you to kind of get back to the same state? um I've noticed as the losses get larger, it takes longer to recover. um I mean like mental wise I'm funny enough, even if I take a large loss the next day, I'm still looking at the screens I just don't trade okay just because I like to stay with the ebb and flow of the market and all that and see what's happening. because I don't want to come back like a week or a month later and have no idea what's going on and then just you know go in.

Um, but it usually takes me like I said. so I will take like maybe a day or two to a week. um longest one way back in the day was like three, three or four months. um that was I think it was like my eighth or ninth account that I blew that I was just like okay, this is not for me I can't do this you know I'm I was in depression mode um I had the issues I work I issues with family and all that.

So I was just working through everything but once I kind of cleared the rest of my life. also. okay, time to go. let's go again and so get back up and keep going.

Did you ever take these breaks with the intention on like you? you're just giving up and never like yeah, oh okay yeah like uh if I recall correctly I think twice was like a serious like that. like I can't do this I'm done like I'm I'm not I can't that's that's too hard or like um I can't control my emotional state when I'm you know, on a downturn or whatever when I'm making mistakes. um but somehow I always those two times um I got kind of motivated from my friends that were also in uh, trading and stuff and like the guys that I talked to and um that kind of slowly brought me back in and so I was like okay, you know what? let me try this again but like tiny tiny amounts I'm talking like five shows I'm not even kidding. At one point I was trading like I think like two shares, two or five shares was my minimum.
yeah and just from there slowly like single single single single single single single and then kick it back up again and slowly work my way back up through that. but um, it's yeah. Now now that I'm thinking about it, it's um thank God that I restarted again because I wouldn't be I wouldn't have met so many people as the my best. My favorite part about trading is all the people that I've met.

oh so yeah yeah. I Think you know trading is kind of like a relationship. sometimes you have to take a break and really like walk away from it to really miss it again. So yeah.

I I gave up on trading twice to during my first three years and I thought I was like you said I thought I was never gonna come back and I went back to the office and like a week later I'm like oh I'm so bored at work there's nothing to look at. there's no numbers, there's no losses. Yeah so things got boring I got really slow without the market so that's why I came back. Yeah and did you do you like coming back? Did you? Yeah it does well I quit my job eventually so I didn't love my job like you do even though I was making movies.

So technically speaking you can say it's adding more value to society like you mentioned. but I the environment was so bad so I I I you know it was either I'm burnt out and I become really sick and I had like arm problems from other all the drawing and stuff or I contribute to society with another Hollywood Blockbuster like like you know So yeah yeah. so I I don't regret quitting. So could you tell our our audience listening to this on a higher level? What is your strategy like for trading on a long side or on a short side? Okay so um I studied almost everybody that's like popular all their Styles and all that um and I took a little bit from everyone then myself.

I went back and look through thousands and thousands of charts and kind of made my own strategies of what makes sense to me. and so that's what I do now. and like I said, it's the ones that I'm looking for that have um, like a big risk to reward um or potential risk to reward rather. and what I always found is that and this is kind of my bread and butter.

I'm giving a little bit of a secret away here, but um I just want to know when the bunch of people are stuck and so if everybody's on the same side, I want to take the opposite of it and that's that's kind of my bread and butter. um, especially when um, uh, there is an opportunity and everybody thinks it's the same thing and so like, um, if you can imagine for example, everybody knows certain patterns. Okay, and so when the market maker I'll go whatever is painting that on the chart for you and everybody sees it. okay, you know, whatever, this is a flag or a wedge or just um, the Gap up shorts.
anything like any little thing that everybody knows and everybody jumps on the same thing and they give them like a little fake out. Yeah, that's yeah, I'm going in the opposite under that and those always have ended up being the biggest winners for me. Yeah, so that's that's kind of my thing. So it's um, like the major strategy is take the other end when a lot of people are on one side.

Yeah, yeah, especially I Think that happens a lot more in the smoke with crowd thinking, everyone thinking like I'm like whether it's short or like over the long bias. Yeah, exactly yeah. Um yeah. Um, even like large caps, there is kind of opportunities like that too where you know, um, like say, institutions want out or something like that and you can kind of see it.

like if you've looked back, uh, through, you can kind of see the signs of when that's about to happen or when it's going to happen. or like some news that pumps up something so somebody can get out. Yeah, then you can jump in on the other end of that and then ride it. So yeah, that's that's kind of like my main strategy.

and then I have like a Playbook of like 40 different, uh, smaller strats that when I'm bored I just use those. But the main thing is, check who's stuck? Take yeah and take the other side of because Nine Nine? What is it? 95 of people lose? Yeah. I think it's like anywhere between 90 to 95 or higher? Yeah, exactly. So take the other end of that.

that's 90 95 win rate. I Mean my win rate is not even close? Yeah. I Always joke on I Actually always joke with my buddies was that take your um if your win rate is low, just take your buy and sell button and like flip them. Yeah, just flip them like try it for a month I'm dead serious or you can just move your own monitor.

yeah or flip it upside down. Yeah, but I'm like that's it I'm like try it from I actually did that once for a month and I was profitable. Oh my God. Really? Yeah, you can do that and think with swim.

Yeah, like slash tickets or something like that. Yeah, yeah, so that's a tip for those who are always losing. No. but that shows you like it's all risk management.

It's not like you can literally flip a coin like close your ass, flip a coin and jump into something day in and day out. right at the open. Yeah, and just you can still make money that way. Like no joke, you can still make money that way.

Yeah. I Think you mentioned that you used to be very systematic, but now you're more discretionary. Could you tell us what was your system like and why did you move to a more discretionary trading style? Um so for the systematic stuff like I said, it was more of um I just back tested a bunch of stuff and I found you know it's just math. There's no like probabilities in math and and things like that and I needed that because I was too emotional I couldn't handle um like discretionary trading or rather actually I didn't know how to read um, tape I don't know how to you know check levels, make sure where the good levels are and all that.
and so I just had a like a little um like on trade ideas it would be. this alert comes up I have a whole bunch of parameters on it. it would pop up. that's my signal to just jump in.

Oh, and that would be it like that. Just that simple yeah because I have that strategy planned out beforehand. You know if it's up this much doing this jump in here, this risk this reward done. Oh so that's something yes yeah in the earlier yeah, so you don't have to worry about that at all.

and I actually recommend people doing that a lot because it also makes you look back and go through charts and you can kind of um, like put these uh, patterns in your head that you know stuff that happens over and over because that's all we're doing right. like we're trying to predict like the probability of something happening. yeah um and then as time went on and I got to kind of get to know things more and more. um it became more discretionary because now I see Okay I know what pattern's coming up but I can kind of tell you know this is a trap or a bunch of people are stuck on the same side and so I'll take the other side of that and so that that's where the description mind you.

I still do systematic stuff, but it's way less than before. Okay, yeah, so it'd be like let's say 25 like a quarter of my trades are just pure systematic whereas 75 discretion and I still throw in some discretion in the system trades and the discretion trades have some sort of system in them. Okay, right? like it's from like reading a lot more tape price action in gym it is. But yeah, it is.

Uh and and in general. But the funny thing is actually I should also mention um I can do my stuff without the tape I don't even need level two I don't need tape. Okay, on top of that, Yeah, so it's like if you just read levels and volume, that's honestly that's all you need. Yeah, like yeah, because that's that's interesting because there are some people who say oh, I you can only become profitable if you read a tape whereas I think I've taken more trades I've failed because the tape like was like tricking me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no exactly yeah. Especially once you get to a certain size, you become a Target you gotta Target on your back. You don't want to do that. Yeah, so of course there are people who can.

You know that's the whole thing. They could literally just read the tape and they don't even look at the chart and they can be profitable. Yeah, good on them. That's that's what works for them.
for me. that's more just price and volume. That's it. So keep it simple for myself.

and that's that's how I've that's how I've been doing it. so are you more? I guess technically driven than fundamentals do you ever look at like news analysis? Oh, you do? Okay, yeah, um uh I need to see like I need I still need to look like if if there's a certain, um, stupid PR news coming out I need to see what's going on in the background. Okay, like I I still want a full picture I might not use that information. it might be like worth five percent or something of my total view of this thing.

but I still need that little information I'm one of those guys who needs like the full picture before going into it. Um, but the majority of it is just technical analysis. like simple crowd psychology if you will, because it's just like an auction, right? So that's that's all I'm looking for. But yeah, I do look into like you know.

Okay, what's the news and you know, does this for small capitals have dilution for a large cap? Are they planning on something you know ahead of time? or you know, as the earnings coming up? Something like that. And as you probably heard by now, Res is dropping a lot of golden nuggets and insights into his trading strategies. So if you have more questions for him, make sure to leave them in the comment section below. He'll do his best to answer them.

So we're gonna talk a little bit more about some really serious stuff now. Are you ready for it? Okay, okay, so you gave me the face. Okay, okay, serious. Okay.

serious face. Okay, seriously him. Okay. I'll lean in on everything here.

Okay, so we're gonna talk about something very serious. now. do you think trading has affected your personal life, your emotions, and how you deal with like the real life? how you show up to your family, friends, and your loved ones? Yeah, um, when. unfortunately.

So like I said I'm I'm a bit of a emotional guy only when it comes to trading for some reason like in the other aspects of my life. I'm very calm and like collected. but um, when it comes to trade because I think it's um that I want to excel at it that I take it so seriously that any little mishaps and stuff affects me a lot. um whether I show it or not.

um in the beginning years, even to this day it still kind of leaks out as well. but when I have like a bad morning or a bad day, just the rest of my day is kind of like and I sometimes I go into unfortunately I go into work sometimes and take it out on everybody else. oh no. um if it's like a Friday or something and uh I go home and you know my uh I go to visit my parents.

of course they don't. they're not familiar with with this kind of stuff like I can't go home and tell them like I lost this much I actually did like in the beginning and I learned not to do that and those were like much smaller amounts. Yeah, you know they'll yell at me I'm like what are you doing you're gambling and this and that and I'll just doubt make the cycle even more. Yeah and worse.
and so um, to that level. Yes, it has affected me like when I'm having bad days and all that. but I've gotten a lot better at dealing with it. Um, just because I know like you know what the game entails and and you know it's just that's just how it is.

It's part of, uh, part of trading so you have to learn to deal with it. Um, on the good days. Unfortunately, it's not. As for whatever reason, it's not as high as the uh, like the bad days.

Yeah, it's like, you know what I mean like yeah when you have a good day, like say the the amplitude is like that. when you have a bad day, the amplitude is like way worse. Yeah, even if this was a better day or something and I I don't know why that is. um, it might be.

you know, just too hard on myself. I have too high expectations and all that, but it's yeah, it's something. I'm still trying to work on to that level, but I tried to like keep it at my desk so you know you show up business mode, get your stuff done. uh, anything happens, leave it there, get up, and go and like live your life because especially with fat, close family and friends and stuff like that they don't need, they don't need that energy coming in.

Yeah, right? like I'm not gonna go out that night with my friends and then bring everybody down. Oh guys, if this and that and blah blah blah so yeah yeah. I've heard a lot of Traders say that about how they feel about losses so much greater than sorry. like that magnitude wise, so much bigger than the wins because I guess for the wins eventually you get used to it like it doesn't like in the very first year like oh I made hundred dollars I feel really really good.

but now it's like oh, it's nice. It's nice, right? But when you lose it's like oh my. God it sucks because I think it's because when you lose big, you know you messed up. When you make money, however big was small, you know you performed as you should.

Yeah, yeah. so I think that's the reason all the Traders I've talked to have said that. Yeah, it's like a it's like a baseline where you can only go under it. Yeah, where it's supposed to be instead of like jumping above it.

um I I've probably had like one or two major celebrations in my whole trading career from like just having a good day or something but those were uh, like biggest day and then when I cross certain numbers but that was that was kind of it. Every other time has just been like okay I need like the next I need a higher high or like I need the next high or something like that like it turns into like an addiction of it's not enough I need more to you know to bring that um, energy level higher? yeah whereas on the down down days the smallest thing? yeah, beat yourself up over it. Yeah. But you mentioned also that you are happiest before trading.
Is that still true? Uh yeah, that's still true. Um so this is a I know some people don't believe this but um before I started Trading uh you know I was making like lower than an average salary in Vancouver You know Vancouver is expensive yeah um just you know I had a little condo renting and like, um just had my life kind of in order I was so happy I had zero stress I didn't I wasn't thinking about you know, retirement and all the like, the expenses of Vancouver and all this kind of stuff right? um but then as soon as I kind of money came into my head and like oh no like you know, bills are gonna go keep going higher and housing is cost this much and everything we have here is the most expensive in all of North America that's when it was kind of like so it's not necessarily just trading, it's just about the High Cost of Living General then or inflation. it's just yeah yeah it's like the inflation and cost of living and stuff here but also I think it's more actually to do with money than any of those things. like once the whole money thing popped into my head of like okay I need to make something of myself I need to um uh, provide for the people around me for people that are close to me um it just yeah.

it completely shifted my mindset of of like now I can uh, like relax and enjoy myself? um so funny enough now. uh when I do have like disposable income and stuff I try to enjoy it as much as possible to go on vacations when I take my friends out like just you know, don't worry about costs and stuff I got you guys, it's fine and all this just to kind of make some sort of um, happiness or something like Joy come out of it right? because I'm putting all this um, energy into it at least I can get something out of it instead of just stacking up this pile of money for foreign you mentioned actually a kind of an anecdotal uh note um when I would take losses if they were like you know, decent sized losses I would go out the same day or um, even online and and get something at the same value so that I could feel better that like okay at least I have something in my hand or like you know, I got somebody something so it wasn't just I just threw away this money like that that was. It's a little bit of a messed up mentality, but that was one of the like coping things that I had to to help me out. Anything that helps.

So when you lost six feet, what did you spend? there's six figures on the mix. You bought another combo. In the beginning, you mentioned that you first got into trading to help out your parents. so are you helping them out regularly? No, no yeah, let's see if you how do you feel it feels pretty good? Yeah yeah, that's nice.

um yeah. like they I've told them I mean being uh, like Eastern culture I'm sure it's the same with yours. Parents are always like no, like we have to take care of you, don't even talk about, don't think about it like do your thing. we'll support you the whole time and and all this kind of stuff.
but um I've told them and they know like I have their back like regardless of what happens and then thankfully like I've gotten myself to the point where like I can take care of them if need be. so so that that part of it is really nice. Yeah I think like I really like your story because of what you said about your parents because that's also like my driver as well and it just every time I think of them now it like warms my health. Yeah yeah like earlier I mentioned my mom will meet you yeah like it like warms me up thinking about her.

Yeah so yeah yeah, it's um, uh that's that's nice. It's good to know that it's just one of those things that where you can give back right? It's like they've sacrificed so much for you and um, to be able to give back to that. It makes you feel good inside. like yeah, it's a little bit selfish on my end of like ah, like you know, pride and whatever but still like you know it's your parents and yeah, but it's nice to give back.

um um yeah it feels good. So do you have any regrets going going down this path of day trading, knowing all the emotional rollercoaster, all the losses, all the broken keyboards, other stuff was broken too. Um no because I wouldn't be where I am if I hadn't gone down that path and like I've come to love it so much that even if it wasn't for money like if tomorrow you told me you know there's no more money involved like that's it I would still do it I would still get up and yeah I would still get up and trade because just because I wanna it's a challenge. it's different every day it said something different.

yeah that's the oh that might be a big part of it. actually is the because yeah so is it serious or is it back to joking stuff? Okay okay it's not that serious. So for those who don't know, Res has created like a Vancouver Traders group what inspired you to create that and get everyone in the this lonely City together that you just said it. I was lonely I was so bored and lonely.

um every uh, every like at the time, every service or whatever that was a service so you have to pay to get into it and I kind of got tired of like jumping from different ones trying to learn something and they're too serious. like you can't joke. yes there's like off after hours and all that kind of stuff. but I wanted somewhere where it was like almost like a no holds bar.

like no like speak your mind right? like show me the raw view. Yeah and and um I want to be kind of local so that at least we could meet up and talk in person and all that. and so that was the whole thing behind that. um where I started it and just on.

Twitter I literally just went on. Twitter um started looking up people to see who's in Vancouver and I'll message them like come over to my chat and it's turned into more than just Vancouver now like I have a whole bunch of guys from other places and stuff. but um, the I mean you're in there so you know it's a little bit. uh, unconventional? Yeah, Yeah, exactly.
We have a whole bunch of characters in there, including myself. um but it keeps it fun, it keeps it interesting. you know, like um and the best thing is that like I hold meats and personally, if you go on my Twitter you'll see like I post up pictures and stuff about the last one. Um, it's fun.

You got to see people in person and you know it doesn't feel as lonely where you're sitting by yourself in a in a room and just you know beating yourself up for your problems whereas you can come sit together, have some drinks, cry together you feel better together. So and they celebrate together as well. When there's like milestones and stuff hit um and then it's always nice to have like a um, like a mentor and a mentee. Is that yeah? I think that's how I saw somebody that's better than you and somebody else below.

and then like everybody's just going back and forth and sharing ideas and helping each other out like um I know all the guys and girls in there and myself like we're all very open, like there's no like no, that's a secret like go do it yourself or something like no, we'll guide you I'll help you out and all that and so it's it's been, it's been good, it's helped me a lot on the mental aspects. Yeah, what are some of the I guess having met so many traders in person and then online as well, What? What's like a really common trait that you remember from the traders that you've met some anything like eccentric or anything like weird um common trait of Traders 99 of traders that I've met has been have been like super cool down to earth people like awesome like just I I don't know what it is that brings gravitates everybody towards us but the people that I've met bar like one or two people like but I've met like dozens and dozens. everybody is like these people like you could be uh, lifelong friends with and actually a few of them are like very very close to me and I just met them through trading like I flew down I've flown down to like different countries and stuff like that. just yeah just to meet up with them just because of you know we've been chatting online but then you go meet up and like you become super close friends.

It's like you've you've been, you've known them forever. So I think to that level um, the majority super chill, super down to earth, super fun. Um I don't think I've ever come across like a bad apple where it's like oh, like what's wrong with that person or something like that or there's something off about them like no, it's been even people you have like pre um, uh, misconception or yeah, like you assume something about them because maybe you've seen their online Personality yeah when you meet them in person, you're like well, this is completely no. this is like super person right? So I think most Traders are super like down to earth what show because they've lost money? Oh yeah, like that humbles someone unlocked see what I did there? but it's true I think yeah yeah it's the um when you step into that room, you know everybody's gone through the same thing.
Yeah, so that's a like a bond between between us. So I think that helps quite a bit. Yeah what? what? Outside of trading, what kind of hobbies do you have because trading is risky and stressful? Like what do you do to let loose outside the trading? Um I'm into nightlife right now where I'm trying to get out of so that's one thing. I Really like going on with my friends and just you know, showing them a good time.

I'm sure you know because I'm taking you off I thought rather I've forced you off a few times. yeah, um, it's only one shot, the only one 10 shots later I'm not even kidding right now. um that and then um uh my. one of my biggest Probably like the number one thing.

that kind of stress relief and therapy whatever you want to call for me is just I build um, cars and like bikes and stuff like I'm really into, um, like a creative Outlet when it comes to just you know, building like Fast Cars and like racing motorcycles and things like that. um I used to be I'm I was an acrobat for like 12 years as well. What? Yeah, I had a lot of acrobatics before that. again the adrenaline junkie thing, right? Yes, that was it.

Yeah, so like the longest time and then I like destroyed my body. Yeah, so I think most of it no, no, uh. back then yes, but not anymore. I'm so impressed right now.

Yeah, is there anything you cannot do? Uh, lots of things I can't do? um yeah, those what else like oh, art like I'm actually I'm doing so I'm like my tattoos and stuff. these are all my own art that I'm putting on myself. um yeah. dude, this guy is talented.

It's no, it's okay actually I have zero talent and everything. It's all hard work. It's all just the whole the whole. the whole, the whole, I told you like I mess up I just get up and do it again.

Like the cars that I built I've blown multiple like I've messed up. Oh yeah, blown engines left and right. broken stuff down. Yeah yeah, but you just over and over and over and over until you don't give up.

Yeah, don't give up until you get it. and I think that's one of the like Main things you need for trading specifically too. Yeah yeah, that's so true. Yeah, the minute you give up, that's it you're passionate about.

Just keep. just keep doing it. keep pushing. It doesn't matter I gotta gotta enjoy yourself.

What is the tattoos on your knuckle mean? um so now this is getting personal. but it's okay. okay um, it's the amount of taxes you owe. Oh I wish it was only four figures.

Um no. my grandfather passed two months before I was born and so this is a homage for him. Yeah, it's still here. in in Farsi basically in Persian Yeah, okay so that's that.
and then I have like my grandmother's name on my Justice also like every little thing. So now we're gonna go through some rapid fire questions. So I'm going to ask you some question and you only have a couple seconds to think about them and just spit it out. Sure whatever comes out okay, sure, let's go.

It's gonna be Pg5 Yeah okay, let's go. The key to successful trading is a risk management. Wow. I'm ready for that one.

Let's go. If you could have dinner with any investor, would trade her alive or dead, who would it be? uh um uh oh um. what's his name? the made the book? Larry Larry not Larry Jesse Livermore There you go. Yeah I should have any.

No, but it was in my house. When you hear that, say the book. Yeah, yeah. okay.

what's the one thing you would change about trading industry as a whole. Uh, too. Much like basically like there's too much, um, like, uh. smoking mirrors.

There's too much. just be honest. be real. Also cheaper.

locates police from the Brokers I would appreciate that. What the first thing you do after this? smash your keyboard. Actually smash the keyboard I think I broke one of my monitors. um I hit the gym a bit of a punching bag and then um, who would you rather become a really high performance professional Trader with high performance Motorsport Athlete traitor Really? Oh I Really? I thought you were gonna say the ladder traitor? Yeah okay okay yeah.

Trader yeah yeah, that's that's do you mind telling us why? um I know that was probably really tough Yeah I Gotta pick because that that has a higher passion to me than than the other one. Okay with the second party would potentially die I mean yeah with this too. From the way that I chose from the way I treat myself I'm gonna have a heart attack all the white hair on my face. that's why I'm dead from the stress.

yeah it's from stress of training. Well I think trading does Aid Jews yeah that's it does. It really does like I looked like I was 20 up until I started trading and then after I hit trading it was just you went from 20 to 40. yeah no honestly my even my parents were like what are you doing like why why does your face look like a stressed out all the time and then I thought I'm like yeah you know I'm trying this new business and blah blah they're like stop like it's you can see it in your face yeah like your face we can see it in your face and you're stressed out and blah blah blah and just stop and then they found out about what I'm doing and then but it's true.

they'll add Traders for cars and met so many Traders and somebody mentioned their age I'm like you only 25 you know I don't I didn't ask them what they think of me but yeah it's the stress. Yeah that's the biggest thing if I give like one advice for somebody that's trading or starting now or like whatever in the middle of their career or something as much as you can like take care of your health. Yeah because it will catch up to you like and it'll show on your face. and just yeah, yeah.
everything. Yeah. Like if you don't have your health, you can't trade. so keep that in mind.

Yeah, yeah. Last one, What are you gonna retire I can retire right now if I want to. Yeah yeah, so it's not a dollar figure. it's just yeah when you're done.

Oh okay, yeah. so I I never. Um It's never enough for me, but this comes in a lot of aspects of my life. I think I got it from my mom.

Actually it's like I get to a certain point and I'm like I can go more I want more I want more I think that's a case with most Traders yeah who are profitable? It's like oh, it's one mil no two, no three, ten. Now the goal post always moving. Yeah, yeah, because it's you. Think when you get to that level you're going to have some sort of Enlightenment or like okay, I've made it I can relax and like, that's it.

I'm done. No no, you just end up with something more. You always want more. Yeah, that's one of the downsides of it.

If you have, if you're really like centered and you're like Zen maybe you could, but then you wouldn't be in trading. Yeah, first place. Yeah. So if you have kids one day, would you want them to get into training? No, no way.

Yeah, no way. I would. Yeah. I've had so I've had a couple people ask me to teach them and I've taught some people.

Um, almost everybody has failed just because. Like, you need a certain personality for it. But um, anytime somebody asks me now I'm like just don't even bother. Like yeah, unless you want to spend.

let's say, four years. Oh, it's just like University like four years of eight hours a day every day for four years straight. If you don't want to put in that kind of effort, don't even bother. Like it's not.

It's so true. It's not like a hobby. trading is not. It's not.

It's not a hobby. It's not fun. Like it's work. It's real work and the most amount of work comes in outside of Market hours.

And that's like. the main thing about it is you can't just show up to your desk and oh yeah, I know some stuff. Let me, you know, trade a few hours and then go to work and then do whatever. Whatever.

No, that's not how that works and that is the reality of trading. You need to put in the hours. Yeah, if you watch the first episode of this podcast, you know that we played a game called the Lie Detector. Game Trader version.

So uh, this should be pretty fun. Can I go first? Um, well, you have your hands yeah I guess I guess I Guess you shall ask the question first? I have to go first. Okay, uh. first question.

would you date a Trader The answer is no. it's going towards a lot. Wait, did you get shocked or no? So that was the truth. So does that means it's true? Okay, yeah.
all right. so my turn. Are you ready for this? They're ready to be stunned. Hit me.

you're just like I'm trying to get started. Make me feel something that's depressing life. Do you want to be a top G Hetto Hit it Hell no. Are you sure? I'm assuming you mean that the bald guy right? I don't know I actually like really hit that guy.

Oh you're telling me the truth. Damn she had lighter against stun. So do you actually have an ex-husband God this still makes it very dramatic. Um no I do not.

Oh okay, no, not everyone's gonna no. nobody's gonna like my jokes. now you can't make those jokes. So dating as a Trader do tell the girl that you are almost gambling on the first date.

no are you sure currency? What's going on? No actually I don't I don't like I never tell them about it. Never ever they will. Yeah. I'm serious I think it's like too late? Yeah exactly.

you're like I only lost Yeah I Like to Too bad. Yeah Okay, everyone's telling the truth here because so do you actually like going out and like partying? So when I was in my early 20s no I don't now I really don't I used to though in my early 20s like if you had met me when I was like in that phase I'm like yeah, 10 a.m let's go. Will you ever consider quitting your full-time job and just head into trading full time? No, No. Are you sure? No this is the most boring game.

Have you paid taxes in the last five years? I've I've paid all my taxes every single one of them. I've never hidden anything from the CRA all my money is in my bank account percent taxes I paid 79 taxes of everything that's in thing. oh was that supposed this thing? oh it didn't You didn't feel anything. that was it though.

I mean it was like a little but that was about it already. yeah I've tortured myself too much with carboxes. This is the problem. Okay so you didn't feel anything.

No I did but like okay I thought it was gonna be like so do you have? do you have any advice for newer Traders or people who are thinking of getting into trading? Don't do it Okay, do it if you want but like maybe don't actually use money for like a year or two just so you can see how you feel and all that because that statistic of majority of people lose is true. That will hold true. So if you can't handle the losses, you can't handle losing that money. If it's money that you can't lose, just just don't.

Um, on the other end of that for the people that are serious about it that want to put in the time that want to sacrifice that are okay with Blood Sweat and Tears through the years. number One and you'll hear this over and over and over and over and over. Risk Management: Where can people find you if they want to find you on social media? Uh, social media? I'm on Twitter and Instagram specifically for trading I mean my Instagram's a little more, um, just personal as well but on Twitter as well. Um, but both of them are 604 res 604's res.
Yeah, 604 res. yeah and I'm I'm my DMs and stuff is always open. I'm more than happy I'm an open book I can answer anything you want. Um, um yeah.

like I said I don't hold any secrets but I I don't mind guiding people and just helping them out, passing the ladder back down. Basically, if you enjoyed this video and this conversation with Drez, make sure to leave any questions you may have for him in the comment section below and remember to drop a like And subscribe if you haven't done so already. Thank you guys so much for watching! As always, I'm the humble Trader and this is Rez and we'll see you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

22 thoughts on “Truth of a high risk high reward millionaire trader humbled traders”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Task Master says:

    Love this Rez, super straight up and honest like Shay , i respect you guys so much thank you.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 65memphis says:

    Hey likes you. Like “likes you likes you” 🫣😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D G says:

    Hey Shay can you please do a video on BRW. Brunswick exploration. I have bought a lot of shares and now I am very scared 😢

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hawker35 says:

    Use twice the stop when learning. It will make you much less anxious and allow you to stay in the trade. Staying in the trade is a must. A wider stop gives less risk reward BUT, if it keeps you in a trade that would have stopped with the smaller stop, and that trade becomes a 3R winner, you just saved/made 4Rs. Also you have the option to move your stop up and add shares (with the same risk) when the trade goes in your favor. It's all math. Your spreadsheet should track multiple trail methods, stop placements and tell you what to tweak to maximize your money.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Tsigaridas says:

    He sounds like me a bit.
    I didn't know what "BUY" or "SELL" is.
    My broker had a default "BUY" option and I liked GOLD, that was going up a lot, so in the first 2 months, my account was 20% up!
    Obviously, that didn't continue, I blew it all in the next 4 months.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AnDrew Pennington says:

    hahahaha, im just getting passed this mark. 8 minute mark in video. risk management has become an amazing part of trading. and i as well have taken 3 or 4 years to get to a point to not lose, now trying to get passed just breaking even and actually being profitable. thanks for sharing your story and the interview!! 🙂 and the biggest hurdle now is getting passed pdt

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Shirley says:

    Great podcast!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H T says:

    what is the maximum has Rez bet in $ and gone to sleep?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonlite Sonlite says:

    @ HumbleTrader have Bob Kendall from the @KendallReport on your pod cast very knowledgeable person!✨

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HVAC Mania says:

    Holy cow
    When did you hit 1 milli subs ? Wow
    I been with you since 2020 you didn’t have that many subs . 🎉 congratulations!!🎈🎉

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars juakin says:

    I lost 200k. Now I'm homeless 😢

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gunz Empero Lagahit says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ikonic Invst says:

    Feel like I'm watching 2 people fall in love, the chemistry is unreal. Great interview / First date. LMAO

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars united\river capital says:

    Great interview thank you – what event in Vegas are you guys referring to ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars London Nicky says:

    The only way these guys make money is charging others for courses.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ROTTER says:

    Always lose the gum when being interviewed.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Lucas says:

    Man Rez really speaks the traders hardship. I can relate to a lot of this. I’m glad he found success

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amelia Tah says:

    This guys story is fishy I kind of don’t believe him

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amelia Tah says:

    Why would you work if your making enough money from trading

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars USDJPY EA BOT ROBOT 🤖🤖 says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sflush says:

    I had the same problems as rez did and other similar traders. I blew accounts similarly. I made a trading bot to implement my stategy which allowed me to get in and out of trades automatically. This has allowed me to not be glued to a screen watching my trades. Good luck.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humbled Trader says:

    I hope you all enjoyed this conversation with Rez as much as I did!

    If there are any other questions you want to ask Rez, please drop them here 👇🏼

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