Trevor Milton Going To Prison? [Arrested and Indicted For Fraud]. Trevor Milton is now being indicted by a grand Jury for securities and wire fraud and faces an extensive prison time as well as complete forfeiture of his assets. Milton was arrested and indicted on Thursday, July 29, but since then already made bail, which in his case was set at 100 million dollars.
Milton was charged with 2 counts of securities fraud and 1 count of wire fraud. The securities fraud counts carry maximum penalties of 20 and 25 years in prison, respectively. The wire fraud count carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. According to the indictment, TREVOR LIED about “nearly all aspects of the business.” To rope in RETAIL INVESTOR to buy the stock at a high price.
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Hey boys and girls: this is tom and i got a crazy story for you today. It's even crazier than trevor milton going to prison, getting indicted, getting arrested, probably going broke and bankrupt. We're going to be talking all about that in a second, but before we do, i got ta. Tell you a crazy story that most of you have never heard about how nikola the company tried to take down my channel, and i fought and won with your help, or at least the people who were on my side back in the time when i was a Small channel that nobody knew about so in june 2020, i made a video when i literally had a hobby channel about nikola, basically saying: well, i don't see anything here.

The numbers don't add up, the company doesn't add up. Trevor is saying weird things. Essentially, i cast a doubt on the company. It almost feels that the whole badger track concept is just a spin.

It's a troll, you know trevor milton might be doing this just to generate buzz and drama and um around the share price and it's working. So, what's going on with nicola, i didn't know that this thing is going to catapult my career on youtube, but on the same time, it's almost going to be the end of it, which is why this is not an easy video for me to make. It's very emotional because nikola, on the one hand, really launched me, but on the other hand, what they tried to do to me personally is still scarring to this day. I'm not gon na lie, so the more i dug the more i find out that this company is total trash and the trevor is just straight up.

Lying general motors, gm and nicola have entered into a two billion dollars. Investment eleven percent of nicola are now going to be owned by gm. That's huge news, but in this video i'm going to explain to you why i think this deal the way it's structured and the way everything has been going on, including secrets that trevor milton doesn't want you, the public and probably gm, to know about what he has Been up to that whole thing doesn't make a difference in this video. I'm going to explain why this deal, trevor's, behavior and his plans for the future may have already sealed the fate of nicola so make more and more videos, and eventually the hindenburg research comes out and pretty much confirms everything i suspected it was pretty much the indictment That you have today served to the united states on the platter.

Was that good? So after that report comes out, i pretty much made a video in september 2020 saying well, if this is true, which i think it is based on the report. This is what's going to happen, there's going to be class action, lawsuits trevor's going to be fired, the gm deal is going to die and trevor will go to prison, essentially exactly what happened all the way to today, and now we have the final piece with trevor Going to prison now in that period. Basically, what happened is that nicolas started noticing me and other channels, but what happened is at some point. They decided to shut me up and they struck up my channel up the wazoo, essentially banning me from youtube.
Essentially what they did is they used a bunch of legal mumbo, jumbo and expensive lawyers to pretty much ban me on technicalities from youtube now. Luckily, for me, i had a contact with the financial times, who just did a story about me and nicola, and they approached youtube basically saying how can this happen and then youtube helped me get my channel back and to this day i'm indebted and grateful to the Financial times for caring, they had no reason to help me other than just to help me, because the article was already out was not newsworthy, some youtuber getting banned of youtube. Isn't that much of a story, but then we get to the interesting part. I made a video in september, basically saying well: trevor is going to prison, have no doubt about it, he's going to get indicted, and now, a year later, i know that the justice goes a little bit slower than the newspapers and social media.

It's actually happening. The u.s department of justice charging nicola founder and former ceo trevor milton with fraud that press conference ended just a moment ago and phillipo has all the details phil the list of false and misleading statements, and that indictment were really something uh. I've got about 29 pages here worth of examples. According to the u.s attorney's office, where trevor milton was lying about the development of vehicles at nicola, we're not going to go through all of them, but essentially it comes down to this.

According to the department of justice trevor milton since basically, 2018 2019 right around that time period as they were going through the process of putting a spec merger together all the way through when he left the company, they say he repeatedly lied about the development of vehicles. Like that one behind him, which was the nikola one - hydrogen fuel cell semi, so what the hell is going on here. So, first of all, let me tell you that i was really happy to see trevor getting arrested. I mean that's actually a good ending to the story.

He got arrested, got indicted and actually had the perp walk. However, we do know at this point that he already made bail his nicola money, bailed him out a hundred million dollars in bail for him. It's like for you, 100 bucks. He just walked out now.

He has restrictions. He can't communicate with any of the shareholders blah blah blah. He can basically sleep in his bed swim in this pool chill at home, while this thing plays out. Maybe for years now hear me about this, what we have here as far as the indictment - this is nothing short of phenomenal.

This is insane the allegations being made against trevor, which i'll explain in a second are very harsh. The thing is that i think his own personal character and the way he thinks about the world and himself he's almost convinced in the lie. So i don't think he's going to try to plea bargain his way out of it, which means he's going to end up broke without any money and in prison. That's the bottom line! Now, if you want to stick around for the explanation of how this thing is going to play out, stay with me, because this is about to get interesting, but you know me, i like to give you the bottom line.
First, even in a video about trevor milton so before we get started with the analysis. Don't click, nothing, don't smash, nothing don't buy nothing! There's! No sponsorships! No affiliate links! No courses just give me your attention. So let's get started so. First of all, you know me i like to dig dip, so i got the actual indictment and we're gon na show it on the screen right now in a second and i'm gon na show you some crazy stuff from the actual indictment, not regurgitated secondhand, mainstream media, But just to summarize kind of the main point of the indictment, there's really three counts: he's getting indicted with two securities fraud and one wire fraud.

Every single one of these has either a 20 or a 25 year sentence respectively. So we're looking at a lot of prison time. However, in the indictment on the last paragraph, they're saying that they're going to go after his property, whatever money he accumulated because of this nicola thing, which is pretty much all of his money, they're going to take back and if he sold anything to get rid of Anything they're going to take every little piece of property. He has to pay back this money and they're actually going to levy a fine entrepreneur, so essentially by the end of this he's.

Gon na have zero dollars left and he's going to prison, and i got ta be honest with you, the language they use in this indictment. You don't see every day they were extremely harsh with trevor. Essentially, what the indictment says is that trevor lied about nearly every single point of the business to actually rope in individual retail novice investors to buy the stock to drive up the price. So him and his buddies can sell it at the highest point and get out.

Essentially, an elaborate corporate level pump and dump using retail investors at the height of the pandemic when they're all getting into the stock market. You know how everybody was starting to trade for the first time. Those are the audience that was targeted by trevor milton according to the indictment, and he got away with it. Until now he became a billionaire overnight.

He got the biggest house in the state of utah. He has a private island, the turks and caicos the cars. The parties everything he became famous and a billionaire literally overnight because of this thing, so was it worth it? I don't think so. I think this was a simple case of trevor actually copycatting tesla.

He saw that tesla did so well, and now people thought that tesla is already gone as far as an investment opportunity, and he was basically saying well he's the next tesla he actually named his company nicola for nikola tesla to rope these investors and basically saying well. This is the next tesla you can get in really really cheap driving the price. While me and my buddies get out, he bought a corporate jet. He bought a house massive mansion, a private island.
All of these things was purchased with stock. He sold from nikola now to be honest with you. I've never seen a founder at this stage, which is pre-revenue by the way. Nikola is still pre-revenue to this day, but early stage, pre-revenue startup, you have a founder selling, hundreds of millions of dollars of shares, buying private jets, mansions and private islands.

I've never heard of this happening, not because they're nice people not because they're moral, because if you think the stock price is gon na, go tenfold higher because you have a good product or a good idea. You'd never sell it now, you'll be short selling yourself literally, but the fact that trevor did it and he did it in style - shows what he thought about the company. So any claims of him of being an optimistic investor. Our total garbage obviously he's going to stand in court and he's going to say.

Well, i exaggerate a little bit elon. Does it i'm an optimist? Well, if you were such an optimist trevor, why did you sell so many stock? It's not like. He was exercising options and he had to sell. He was selling straight up stock to buy a private jet, an island in the mansion like if you thought the stock price are going to go ballistic.

If you're, that optimistic, why would you sell so that thing is going to take the ground below any argument of over exaggerated optimism by trevor that mother lover not only knew what he was doing? He was trying to shut me and other channels up in the process, but how ironic is this that now my channel is literally 10 times bigger, he's going to prison and about to get broke feels good to be a gangster and of course i read the entire Indictment, so you don't have to because i'm a geek. So what are the main points of argument here and you're going to really vibe with this? First of all, the nikola one was a pump and dump. It was a truck that never drove never functioned. They literally had to tape the door when they were filming the thing with them: rolling it down the hill so that the door don't fly off.

That track was literally just a pusher that they push down the hill, literally with duct tape to tape the door. So it doesn't fly off which they actually took that door from a minivan. I mean that thing was ridiculous, so the whole nicola one pumping up essentially them showing off nikola one and nikola world, getting all the money from the investors when they went public and then completely abandoning the product number two, the nikola badger. The pageant was supposed to be even better than the raptor and never happened.
Never was supposed to happen, they had no expertise. This was just a way to pump the stock. They had literally no intentions of building this truck and, of course, we have the hydrogen story. The hydrogen production by nicola, as claimed by trevor, so he was claiming that they're producing hydrogen at super low cost when in fact the cost was not low and when, in fact they were producing zero hydrogen.

So he literally made that up and number four was the pre-orders. Those and number four was the famous classic play now named the trevor and was actually used by lordstown, actually promoting fake pre-orders. He was talking about the pre-orders, but they were not binding. There were letters of intent, it's like me, pre-ordering, a private island.

I mean the likelihood of that happening is as likely as my grandfather quit drinking, never going to happen and, of course, number five. The vertically integrated company, as claimed by trevor, when, in fact the company was not only not vertically integrated, literally 85 90 of these trucks and these cars, whatever they were trying to make, was all off-the-shelf they bought from third parties. They were the first thing from vertically integrated and for him to say that was a blatant lie. It wasn't a case of optimism by an entrepreneur.

It was straight up wrong and now i want to pose two questions. Number one. What's going to happen next number two: are there going to be any more lawsuits or indictments well, first of all, as far as what's next trevor is going to prison, he's going to be broke, he's not going to take a plea deal because he's so arrogant. He believes his own lies, as indicated by his own legal counsel or some sort of an advisor who said they're not going to plea they're going to fight this, whatever i think he's going to end up broke and in prison for at least 20 years now.

What's next, i think that's saying that the entire management of the company, which is still in place they only replace trevor steve, is there kim is there. The entire management is there mark is there to say that they had no idea about trevor. They had no idea about him. Wrongdoing there's only two options here, either that they didn't know, which means they were negligent, they shouldn't be managing a company or they knew which means they're culpable, which means they should be also indicted.

Both options does not allow them to stay as managers of this company. In my opinion, and by the way everything is in this, video is just my opinion, which means it might be inaccurate might be wrong, might be ramblings of a madman. You have to do your own research, allegedly blah blah blah and before i leave one more question: what about the other institutional, smart investors that sold with trevor at the peak, while the retail were driving the price up? What about them did they know? Should they have known, did they have access to more information? I think those are questions worth asking and the doj and the sec should definitely have a conversation with everybody who sold at the peak as far as institutional investors and the bigger smarter money. And, of course, i'm not accusing them of anything, i'm just saying it's a question worth asking now.
As always, it's been a pleasure. Thank you for hanging out with me for these few minutes. It's good to see trevor actually going to prison, which i'm sure he will. Finally, this is wrapping up.

Thank you to the channel members. Thank you for the patrons for supporting me for all of this journey. This was not an easy video to make, but i'm happy. We did it i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

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29 thoughts on “Trevor milton: the man who “out-eloned” elon”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Empyrean says:

    He really Out-Eloned by creating a gravity only pusher truck. No one can top that.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars derrick kwashie says:

    My man here is having a ball…he cannot contain his joy at seeing Trevor Milton go to jail.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WRAITH! says:

    Look, there's only a few people that can out-Elon Tom, and I'm one of them 😂🤣😅

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Morgan says:

    I knew Trevor was FOS when he said he would "out-Elon" Elon Musk.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nadun Photos says:

    He’s not gonna be in prison.He has already hired best lawyers from the money earned from the stocks

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Mangino says:

    Damn remember watching this day it came out just realized this channel has grown like crazy wtf

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carm Carm says:

    Incredible that the company Nikola keep running is the biggest open scam actually. Why they let him out so easily?. Reminds me of Elizabeth Anne Holmes and Theranos.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farah's Mirage says:

    This video inspired me so much. I mean, that you did not give up inspires me and how something bad that happened to you, ended up helping you gain credibility in the end. I hope this same thing happenes to me in my business because there are haters everywhere in this world attacking me.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Harris says:

    I've been around heavy equipment for my entire career. Electric trucks have no problem getting going, I believe it's the stopping that is the issue. You cannot rely on the brake system alone to slow down and stop 80,000 pounds, or more in some cases as some states have a 105,000 pound limit. And that's just on flat ground. Once you put a steep down grade into the picture you're basically riding in an 80,000 pound Electric Bobsled, at the mercy of every corner ahead and Fred Flintstone's braking method.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Dooley says:

    This is normal, not good, but in the renewable fuel space, this is normal yet illegal obviously. Have you ever been on the investor side?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Kang says:

    I know this sounds crazy, but just LOOK and LISTEN to Trevor and you know he's dirty af — to get to the place he is mentally, you have to believe your own lies… this is narcissism 101. He oozes every disgusting trait of an American capitalist dog, in spades.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InfamousCheeseburger says:

    Even if Trevor is/was lying, a lot of people saw SOMETHING in the company! They still had to put a ton of work into it. And the company lives on without him and they have an actual product.

    BTW, are the people over at Anheiser-Busch lying too? I mean, a load of beer was supposedly transported in St. Louis using a Nikola truck.

    Good for you that you feel vindicated somehow and have more followers. But like EVERYONE else, you’re telling an incomplete story in order to fit your narrative.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tx king says:

    How about Jeffrey Ubben. He took Nikola public, made hundreds of millions. How about when he said, Nikola is a hydrogen infrastructure company? Complete BS. The stock jumped on his baseless comments. This POS needs to be investigated. He doesn’t have Nikola anywhere on his resume, he is distancing himself big time.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DIY-Overland says:

    If you have to tell the media that you are "better than Elon"……… you aren't better than Elon

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Spindler says:

    Can we play who is a better liar? Elizabeth Holmes and Trevor Holmes? Can you tell us what Nikola is building at their site in Arizona?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Ntagkas says:

    trevor's behavior is extremely textbook psychopath
    if you dont believe me go do your own research
    but im telling you, he ticks all the boxes
    hes not one of the smarter ones thats for sure, he got too greedy, maybe he was inspired by that woman who conned silicon valley and dissapeared

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tesla RS3XY says:

    Elon sends a car he built to Mars on a rocket he made 👍
    Trevor rolls a pusher truck down a hill to sell his wet dream 👎

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hank Kingsley says:

    It never really shocks me when a Mormon is shown to be a fraud and a con man

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eb b says:

    Like Biden didn't know what was happening while he was Theranos vice president …..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Jones says:

    The Name is a cheesy pathetic rip off of Tesla. That alone should have made people think.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brooke says:

    So,was this truck hydrogen cell fuel product invention/concept, still in a product development stage to refine the technology process,or was it present as a product ready refined truck?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rwdplz1 says:

    Hoping Hindenburg does a report on Faraday Future now they're trading publicly

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Marine says:

    Sadly he will plee to lesser crimes and get to retain a large amount of his wealth. Just like all before him.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Davidson says:

    Everyone who worked for Nikola was part of the scam. When they rolled the truck down the hill, they knew it was all bull.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricardo Mercedes says:

    Celebrity con artist and bullshit salesman Elon Musk is a very bad standard against which to measure yourself.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aftonline says:

    “Out-Eloned” Elon ??? In what universe do the actions of this fake Elon wannabe equate to Elon Musk, who has built gigafactories on three continents, and sold over a million actual cars, without even taking account what he's achieved with Space-X or the Boring Company?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlad-Marian Marian says:

    A moron who not just dumped but also wasted the money on temporary bling. He screwed himself deep and hard.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sky high says:

    He did outdone Elon by got indicted in fraudulent charges. Before long, he will be in jailed and broke.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Nash says:

    Did not want to rush out this video. Needed time to really think about how I wanted to cover this.

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