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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So here we are back from the long weekend and starting Monday or starting Tuesday with a small win of $537 today. A lot of profit, but Green is good. I was up 600 on Friday and now 500 again today.

so you know it's kind of like right now I wrote on my calendar for both where's my calendar both today and Friday Choppy so you know I wrote how much I made and I said choppy cuz it felt happy Friday I went into the red and I finished the day in the green which was always feels like a victory today. I was down twelve hundred dollars and then I'm finishing the day in the green. So again that feels like a victory. Making back like 1,800 bucks is is awesome so you know Right now though we have to be careful.

the the caution flag so to speak is out. The markets are choppy I Was really hoping to finish May with some big wins I was already up 75 thousand dollars in the first two weeks and now last week I was breakeven and this week you know, 500 bucks. Whatever. a hundred thousand dollars is just, it's out of reach.

I've only got two days left in the month so I still kind of would like to get above 85 thousand. It would make it my second best month of all time. and I'm at 77 thousand right now. So I've got a little ways to go I need two really good days or maybe one really good trade to get me there so we'll see we can do.

But anyways, let's break down today's trades in today's midday market recap. All right everyone. so bring down the trades from today: another green day. This is the one two, three, fourth green day in a row.

but a day where I would say it was a little bit choppy, finishing up $537 and just like Friday I went into the red before getting myself back out of the hole and then finishing green. So any day that I start in the red, I immediately have to shift my game plan from being aggressive and trying to swing for the fences to just salvaging the day. And if I can finish green then that's awesome. So today the goal, you know very quickly changed from trying to make $1,000 to just getting out of the hole and you can see on my very first trade on BGI I went down $729 So I'm BGI this one hit our scanners and at today's a day where we actually didn't have anything on the watchlist from the Gap scanner, there was nothing that was gapping up that really looked good this morning.

so that's fine, that's sometimes the way it is. There wasn't a lot that looked good. So the game plan then is to wait for a stock to hit the high a day momentum scanner because it's showing us right now that it's moving up with volume. And so BG I was the first one that hit The scanner at a dollar 89 showing a 10 million chair flow and 138 thousand shares of volume, but very high volume relative to what's normal for it.

So I pull up BGI and I see Alright, it was a little bit of a gapper and I see it squeezing up, but I'm just not totally sure about where I want to get in it. It kind of just surges right up to 2:14 and then pulls back for a second and it kind of surges up to 225 and then pulls back for a second, taps to 27 and then this is where it did the first one minute micro pullback and so this is where I decided to take a stab, has it curled back up here I jumped in over to 20 anticipating a retest, a high, a day, and a break of this one-minute break out. one minute micro pull back. so I added it to onee to 22 to 21 to 25 and then again at 2:30 It popped at 2:30 up to 2:35 and then dropped right down and so I tried to sell half of my 12,000 share position break-even at well, breakeven to that last ad at 2:30 I filled 4,000 shares and then I kept trying to sell by putting my shares on the ask.
So I tried to sell more 224 and then I ended up selling the rest of 210 for a $729 loss. So the potential of this one if it had worked I would have been to sell around 250 and that would have been like a $2,500 winner. So $2,500 to potential profit versus 700 of risk. that's a good profit loss ratio and I'm ok with that.

but you know today's a day where it just didn't really work and so this one ended up coming all the way back down and I ended up buying it pretty much near the highs but you just never know and so this one didn't work. Next one was CHC I on this one again. you know it was on the scanners a little bit earlier and people were mentioning it around 4:10 but I didn't feel confident to take the trade at that level. I felt like I need to pull back more on the daily.

The daily chart was ok, but I really wanted to see more consolidation. but then once it started to take off, I was like alright. well clearly it's strong I guess I'll just try to, you know, jump on the momentum and see what we can do with it. So I finally ended up taking a trade at 10:00 at 9:59 buying at 54.

So what I did is I waited for this one-minute sorry for this five minutes setup to pull back on the 5 minute timeframe and then the first 5-minute candle to make a new high. That was my entry point. So I jumped in this for the break of 260, anticipating it by entering at 254 and then adding it to 66 and then it promptly dropped back down and I stopped out for a 492 dollar loss. So with that I was down 1200 on the day and I was like alright, you know what? I'm just not sure that you know I'm gonna see good.

You know good opportunities today. I think I'm done for the day and I was like I'm done. That's what I said I was I'm done for the day at the time Co DX was halted but I didn't really have a lot of confidence in it because we'd seen a couple other stocks this morning like Bo SC that popped up and then faded. Bo SC very weak Na KD popped up and faded and then of course BG I and CH CI So I just sort of thought, you know today we're not seeing good follow-through I better just you know, cut my losses and be done for the day.

Twelve hundred dollars in the red isn't that bad, you know for me. So anyway, co DX is halted I'm not thinking a lot of it, but it resumes from the halt and immediately squeezes up to 280. It pulls back for a second, taps to 90 and then taps $3 and so that's when I was like, you know what? I'm gonna take a stab at this So I started adding at 287 296 and $3 Looking for that break over $3 I ended up having a total of nine thousand shares, eighty-five hundred shares. So I'm adding anticipating the break of $3 which is the psychological resistance point.
But when stocks break them, they often make big pushes and so this squeezed up to a high of 324 and I sold 300 or 3,000 shares at 321, some more at 316 and some more as it came back down. And so I ended up making about $1,600 profit on that trade and I saw Zoe in the chat room made 13,000 which is awesome. I think a lot of you guys did better than me on it because you were more aggressive. you got into it a little bit faster.

I was just a little bit more conservative today because I had lost on my first two trades and I really don't want to go for a third loss in a row. so I just kind of waited until it really showed me confirmation that it was strong. which meant I was buying at a higher price. So I still made money, but I made a little less than a trader who is more aggressive.

Of course, being aggressive. you know it is relative to where you're at on the week, on the day, on the month. all that stuff. and I just didn't feel like I was really in a place to be super aggressive.

So anyways, took a trade there, made some money, and then I got back in right here for the break over $3 thinking it would retest high up day. So I added at 3 298 and 299 sold half at 304 and the rest at 3:02 and 290. so that was like a hundred and fifty dollar winner. and with that I was like alright now I think I'm done I said guys I'd keep it on watch over 308.

The high when I had gotten in was 308 and ended up coming back up and tapping 315 and then it dropped all the way down to 293 before then going and hitting high today. So you know kind of that choppiness and I don't know. um I I under traded it I didn't over trade it I didn't push my luck on it I under traded it but I'm walking away green on the name I'm walking away green on the day. $500 a day keeps the job away.

So I'm happy with that and you know I'm not gonna push it. Today's the 95th trading day of the year. I've been averaging right around $3,000 per day. So yes, today I am underneath my um below my average by quite a bit.

But I'll get it back on a day where you know the market is a little stronger and I'm willing to be a little more aggressive and I end up hitting that that big winner right out of the gates so you know. Anyways, that's kind of about it for me. two more days left in the month of May and you know I'm really hoping that we see some good opportunities, but since we've had too choppy days in a row and actually Thursday was pretty choppy for me as well. three choppy days in a row, you know I don't want to I don't want to make mistakes tomorrow or Thursday so it might be better just to continue to be conservative unless something really shows strength.
and so that's kind of thing is I want to, You know, have this stock, have a stock proved to me that it can be strong and it if it proves to me it can be strong. That's what. I'm willing to start to be a little more aggressive and and this one you know did prove itself a little bit. but also kind of strange because there's no news on it and you know it's kind of like where did this come from But you know by the time I was getting in at $3 you know it was up a lot and the volume was picking up so it made sense to take a stab at it.

But I would have felt maybe better about this one if it had a clearer catalyst that probably would have made me feel more comfortable being aggressive. So anyways, that's about it for me here today and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully we'll see as a gap scan or tomorrow that we can do a little more with than the one that we saw today. All right, so that's the game plan. I'll see you guys back here first thing tomorrow morning.

All right, see you guys in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Trading recap: strong comeback on a choppy day!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BEST OF EVERYTHING 100M says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3vilchina.is.doomed says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Retro Mike says:

    I lost a little on BGI but did great on KTOV and RKDA. Missed out on CODX but on my watchlist for tomorrow along with AMDA and ABIO. Love your vids, thank you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Nguyen says:

    Today was my first day in the chatroom with, Ross! I watched him do it live. It was awesome! Got into the chatroom on a trial subscription, 5 days for $5. I was very impressed with the chat room. I was so impressed that I just paid for the full year subscription with a 30% discount. See you tomorrow, Ross.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jereme Coleman says:

    I took the same exact trade on BGI and when it rejected I didn't take any other trades. I sat on my hands watching CODX. I thought for sure it was going to drop after the halt cause thats whats been happening the past couple of days.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Buchner says:

    If you do the math, if you make $537 every trading day of the year, that is still over $100K/year. The median income for an entire household is about $60K/year, so you would still be making far, far more than the average family combined.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aamir Karim says:

    CODX hit a HOD of 3.74. Thats a 230% increase from open . And that too without a catalyst . Sometimes I feel ghosts drive these kinda stocks up ..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Zhao says:

    Hey Ross thank you for your videos, on days where the market is choppy and traders like me perhaps go red on the day, we question ourselves and wonder if it was the market, if it was us, etc But seeing you talk about your trades and what you saw and confirm that we took the same strategy and entry points it really help to reinforce that the strategies were valid, and give a reason as to why we didnt do well. Whereas with other trading mentors who only have DVDs, its very much a solitary process and there are so many emotional ups and downs, I hope you understand that what you give is Hope, and that is extremely powerful.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    2 losers, 1 winner for me today, down 10c with 1000 shares $CODX. Proceeding with caution, sticking to A-class set-ups tomorrow.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felix Gonzalez says:

    $500 a day keeps the job away, I like it haha.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iDroolT says:

    Got in CODX a little late on the sim, but I still saw about $3k profit. I could never be disappointed with that. lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alejandro Moreno says:

    Hey Ross i heard in the chatroom that you are coming back to Orlando in September. How much is it to go for the pro students? Thanks

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa says:

    I couldn't find a thing of course i'm a newbie…but had I about $278 I could've gotten in on FB they were climbing! but of course not this time. anyone have a good day?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XYED Zeus says:

    great comeback ross……

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scurtrader says:

    Awesone! 👍

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Hill says:

    Well done.. Green is good.. Choppy is an understatement.. Considering the NQ gapped down below fridays low over night.. Market open pullback to fill the gap.. You will get your goal for the month.. You got this..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ዳንኤል ሙላቱ says:

    Ross Cameron do you know you're changing a thousands of people life for good.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick K says:

    Congrats Ross , thank for an daily explanation

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michel Karlos says:

    Hey Ross, good job. I like to watch your videos. Quick question….do you happen to have a video that explains how are you taxed on those gains? $3,000 looks a lot but when you have to pay taxes, what is the real take home profit?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dain Lewis says:

    In the simulator I've been setting stop limit orders with my stop and limit at the same price. If I set those same orders in a real account, can other traders see that in level 2 and target me, or does my order only execute if the stocks market price hits at the stop price?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owen Jeremy says:

    Why would Italy issues affect us i got in with TRXC LOST – $200…

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle wesker says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BINGEBOY says:

    Always calm and collected.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Jay Alamo says:

    when it comes to watching the day traders on you tube , you are by far the best . there isn't anyone that comes close.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Crooks says:

    Choppy days are here, glad it's green!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Price says:

    good job Ross ! i did ok as well ! just curious if we average past year on your challange account what would be daily % gain ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simo says:

    Are you a believer of "sell in May and go away" where the market is choppy over the Summer? Do you go into May, June, July with a more cautious mindset or is it more of the same day trading?

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