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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are Thursday morning finishing the day up 1600 bucks which on the surface, hey, that's a great day. $1,600 boom Green is good, but you dig a little deeper. You'll see that on my second trade I made $8,000 a huge eight thousand dollar winner and then I proceeded to give a lot of it back which is frustrating. I had a five thousand dollar loss on one stock I had twenty five hundred dollar loss on another and you know I just slowly ate away on those gains until finally I said that's it I'm done I can't keep trading today.

So I maxed out with three red trades in a row and a little disappointed because you know I had such a great day. Thousand dollars up almost nine thousand on the day and then just to let it slip away, how does that happen? So we had one big stock that was making a big move CH ci and that was the one that I made the eight thousand dollars on and what I thought would happen is I thought we would see sympathy momentum I thought that the momentum that we were seeing on that stock would carry over to other stocks that were hitting our scanners. so when I would see another stock hitting the scan, I was jumping in and being aggressive. and after all that's how I've turned eight thousand dollar day like today into a twenty nine thousand dollar day like earlier in the month.

But what kind of happened today is the they would pop up and then just fade. So I was buying at the highs and then they would just fade and I'd have to get stopped out and it happened like three times in a row. So you know, a little bit disappointing because I would much rather finish the day with eight thousand dollars of profit and I was like sweet I'm at 85,000 on the month but I spoke too soon. so you know I gave it back and it's just one less day that I have in the month to hit that 100k level.

So as of right now you know the scans I'm not gonna trade it as of right now I'm sitting at about 78,000 on the month. so I'm basically breakeven this week and you know those four days I really needed to get myself up to 100k level. but you know what? Just like today in one trade, I'm eighty-eight thousand dollars if that happens on Friday if it happens on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday of next week just like that I go from 78k on the month atak 95k to a hundred k. That's still the goal hundred thousand dollars profit.

it's within reach. It's just really a matter of the market and they suppose you know today I should have stopped after I gave back half of my gains and I took one last trade thinking oh, it looks really good and that was a mistake I should have said Ross you can't take that one last trade. you've already given up half your daily gain so you've got to stop. But I pushed it and Boom! Now you know up only sixteen hundred dollars on the day.

So all things considered, it's been a great week. Well, it's been slow week, it's been a great month, It's been a great year and you know I'm still green today. I still made more today than you know have more than I started with this morning. So any day you're in the green, you're making progress anyway.
So we'll break it all down in today's midday market recap. What's up everyone? All right? So we're gonna do our midday market recap here. Go over the trades from this morning, you know? Boy, Today, a green day of 1652 dollars, but not an easy day. A disappointing day only in the sense that I had an awesome win right out of the gates.

eight thousand, eight hundred, sixty dollars and I proceeded to take two big losing trades. Now you know the you could say well geez, Ross you should just walking away with the eight thousand bucks and I'd say yeah I mean in this case, you're absolutely right. However, earlier in the month, remember I had two $29,000 days back-to-back and I wouldn't have $29,000 days back-to-back if I hadn't been up eight thousand and continued trading and gone from then eight thousand to twelve, to sixteen, to eighteen, to twenty two to twenty five. and the twenty nine.

I Didn't get it all in one trade I Got it by continuing to trade and by capitalizing on sympathy Momentum. That's what I Thought we would see today I Thought we would see Sympathy Momentum. So what does that mean? Well, when we have a stock that's really, really strong like CHC I What often happens is that Momentum carries on to other stocks in the market. So CHC I this morning literally squeezed from two dollars and thirty cents up to a high of $5.25 That's a three point move that's more than a hundred percent.

That's really impressive right now. My first entry on it was a little bit on the late side: I Got in for a starter at 3:19 right here I Recorded this trade live I will update it or upload it for warrior Pro students, it'll be on the web site in the in the classes. So I Got in right here for the first time at 3:19 and I rode this momentum. This was a one-minute micro pullback.

Volume was ramping up and so I jumped in. Ended up selling a twelve thousand share position up here around Five Ten. That was my best exit right around Five Ten. I Added in to the halt and you know in general I did pretty well on this stock.

Added right here at seventy into the halt, sold some at 5:13 509, $5.00 and then the rest coming back down. I Took a couple more trades on it during the morning and I actually I think I gave back a little bit of profit on the last trade. but but overall I did I did pretty well in it. You can see right here eight thousand, eight hundred, sixty one dollars.

So what I expected is that the next stock they hit the scanner would take off because that's what often happens is om it hits our scanners down here at 10:07 at 389 I look at it and I'm like okay, this looks good and so I jump into ifon I'm long at let's see 410 I add it 410 there's a big seller at 4:15 it can't break that level and I stopped out at 4 and 382 if we're gonna lose a thousand bucks and I'm like, dang it. Alright, thousand bucks, thousand dollar loss. Alright, well that's okay. I'll bounce back and it ends up curling back up and then squeezing all the way up to 444 and I added thinking it was gonna squeeze into a circuit breaker hall and then maybe continue higher and then it dropped.
I had 15,000 shares and I lost almost I don't know 25 cents. So I lost another 3,000 dollars and boom I'm down 4,800 on the name and just like that, I gave back half of my daily profits so I was aggressive. It didn't pay off today. It certainly paid off really well earlier in the month, but today, it's certainly you know it bit me a little bit so took a loss on that one.

and then see Ytx recent reverse split I jumped in this a little on the high side, getting in for the break of $3.00 at 283 hits three dollars and then it drops. had to stop out of that 10,000 shares, 25 cent loss and so you know, just like that, gave back some of those gains from this morning. But here's the good news. still closing the day green I Still have more money right now than I had two hours ago by 1600 bucks and and that's great.

I'll mute the scanners here, you know? So you know the good news is I'm making some money. Would have really loved to have been able to capture $8,000 a total profit today because you know that would have put me up into the 80,000 eighty five thousand level on the month. but you know I was thinking today's a hot day I'm gonna be aggressive I'm gonna look for the next trade. turned this into a sixteen, maybe $20,000 day and today just wasn't the day.

So we had one big stock and that was it. You know today is like one-hit wonder. We just got this one big move and you know that was the only one. There was no sympathy momentum, there was nothing else that showed really strong good opportunities.

This did end up pulling back and curling back up, but choppy through this move. So I don't know, You know a little bit of a day I pushed it a little too hard, but I'm still up right now about? well. I guess 76,000 on the month or so right around there. 78,000 So you know life is good.

I've got no, no reason to complain sitting at $280,000 profit on the year. Still tracking for still tracking for a 600 phat, $650,000 year, that's my goal. Six hundred, Sixty Five thousand is the actual goal and I'm still tracking for that. So right now, let's see.

today is the 93rd day of the year. I've been averaging three thousand twelve dollars per day. That's my daily average in order to finish the year with six Hundred and Fifty Five thousand dollars. I need to average twenty eight hundred dollars per day for the next hundred and thirty seven days.

So you know we're not even at the halfway point. But I'm I'm ahead of the curve. I've been averaging more than they need to average by two hundred dollars per day. You know, two hundred dollars per day times ninety three days? That adds up quite a bit.
Let's see: two hundred dollars per day times 93. That's I'm eighteen thousand dollars ahead of goal right now and again. You know every every day is an opportunity, so tomorrow we might sit down. We might not see a lot off the scanners, but then boom.

You know we get a big surprise move like CH C I This wasn't on the scanners this morning, it wasn't on the watchlist, it just hit the scans the Hi Dame mentum scanner and you know boom we were off to the races. You know this might continue this afternoon. it might keep going higher, but this I think the easy money the big move I mean it was obviously right in here. This was a huge move and I guess the only thing I feel bad about is that you know it's so nice to get a big $8,000 winner and then to kind of squander it by taking a couple of big losses right afterwards.

feels I don't know. a little disappointing. a little discouraging, but I'm gonna try to stay positive Green is good. You know any day that I'm finishing with more than I started with is a great day.

So you guys that are in the chat room I want to know how much you guys made on CH C I and you could tell me whether it was in the Sim or with real money I saw John he made some good profits on it I'm sure some of you guys who. Well, we've only got 1200 people still in the chat room right now. so about 2000 or you know from 2000 early? err. So here are the profits from today: Real Money 4500 Brad You killed it FST Simulator withouts thousand dollars on 600 I mean those are all profits.

Some of it's real money. Some of his traders that are you know students that are in the Sim J $15,000 Awesome man. great job and yeah you called it out. You were one of the first to call it out so you jumped on that quick.

I don't know if you how you did on CYT X or ifon you call that COI TX Pretty early also. So yeah, keep an eye on. you know the things that Jay is thrown in the room. You keep putting out good ideas like that.

you got a moderator badge coming your way so that's exciting. You know seeing you guys putting down some big numbers here is is awesome I mean that's what we do it for. You know we don't really learn how to trade stocks in school. This is like you know we go to school.

We think oh, you got to go get a job. You know you either get a trade job, you get a job as a you know, plumber, electrician, you know mechanical stuff, you know whatever, or you know you go to college and you try to get a degree to get a you know, some professional job and you know we never learn about this opportunity that exists ever single day in the market. There are millions of traders all around the world profiting and you know them. talk about in school.

It's like if you want to go into finance, you get an MBA or you go into accounting. I Mean it's just so strange that there isn't some type of you know accreditation program for becoming a trader because it is absolutely a legitimate career and it's a scalable career. You know, for me, two hundred eighty thousand dollars this year. Think about how much students you know accumulate in in loans and in debts to get a degree like an English major? You know what I mean like what? What do you use? What are you gonna do with that? a four-year degree from, you know, NYU or Columbia and English It's like, you know it's cool, those are great schools, but I Just wish that we were in a system where it really prepared you to have a good-paying job for me.
I Got my four-year degree and what did I do at the end of it? I Got a job making forty five thousand dollars a year and you know there wasn't Then that was a great job and I was living in New York City To get that job, my rent was sixteen hundred bucks a month. You know? I was putting a third of my income back into. you know, rent and you know it's a it was like paycheck to paycheck. So those you guys that are you know getting into the market and you're seeing it.

you're the early adopters of this new career. I Mean it's been around for, you know, maybe thirty years? I mean but it's been gaining popularity more and more So just as technology's gotten better, more people can trade, it's more accessible. You know more people have high-speed Internet You don't have to live in New York City Or you know, go down onto Wall Street To trade the markets. You can do it right from the comfort of your own home.

and that's what all of us are doing this summer. right. Trading from home, the home office. so you know, just keep keep studying, keep working at it.

The most exciting thing is when you you know, sit down in the morning and you're realizing you're starting to get it. You're starting to see the profits and you know, even if it is in the Sim, prove you can do it in a simulator and then from there switch to real money. So anyways, today another good day for me. A great day for some of you who really booked the profits and kept them in your pockets.

But hey, seventy eight thousand dollars, seventy six thousand on the month is fantastic. I'm happy with that and remember half of my profits this month. I'm donating to local charities in honor of Memorial Day So I Talked about this earlier in the month my grandfather was a soldier in World War Two, my grandmother was a nurse in the army and they met when he got wounded. so you know when I grew up you know I always heard about you know my grandmother and she we have her her army uniform in the house still and my mom she would grew up singing these kind of like you know army songs and you know all that stuff and it's a was a big part of that side of of my family and so you know I was thinking about Memorial Day My grandmother passed away in her 40s.
She was really young and you know they thought that she had gotten sick from being exposed to things as a nurse. you know I don't know if it was like she got it was a something wrong with her liver as maybe hepatitis or something but it's one of those things where they stepped up and that was the thing to do. You know in the nineteen forties to fight for your country and it's still the thing to do and so many of you guys are doing it. We have a lot of veterans that are in our community and you know I know Memorial Day is to give thanks to those who have given their life but I I definitely want to give thanks to those that have served because and I know we have Veterans Day for that.

but I want to get things to those who have served as well because it is a sacrifice on your life and so this month giving half my profits to local charities in the Berkshires is you know something that I really wanted to do. So you guys can check out our Memorial Day Challenge page you can make a pledge we'd love for you guys to do it even if it is only ten fifteen dollars. We've had a bunch of them coming in so I'm pledging half of my profits. It's around $38,000 right now and I know Mike has made a pledge John Elton excuse me he made a pledge a bunch of our staff at Warrior Training they've made pledges and so I would love for you guys to do it as well.

and you know to donate to your local community to keep money local as much as you can because I'm sure there's opportunities right where you live to help people that are you know, in need or could use some of these services. So anyways, um somebody where I remind you guys at that and I'm gonna go enjoy the day. It looks like a beautiful day outside so you know enjoy the day. We're gonna have a long weekend coming up here, but we back at it to finish up the week strong Friday morning and then we'll enjoy the long weekend.

Hopefully you guys will get some rest and we back at it on Tuesday morning. Those of you that are thinking about studying remember Morial day. This is a you know long weekend. It's a great time to get some studying in because you know June is right around the corner and the question is, you know what are you gonna do this summer? Where's your office? Mine is right here Home Office And this is why I Got into trading to make a living working from home I Was fine with working 8 hours a day but then I found out you only need to trade for about an hour a day to make a good living.

So the rest of the time you can enjoy your life, spend time with your family, your kids, enjoy summer, and you know, give back when you have the opportunity. Give a little back. Alright everyone, so that's it for me. I'll see you all first thing tomorrow morning back in the chatroom 9 9 15 for free market analysis.

Alright, see you guys in the morning if you're still watching. you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Trading recap: $1k in 1 day!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brightboy says:

    Cool i want to make 1k in some day

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scurtrader says:

    1k every day, baby

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Beshore says:

    What is the refresh interval for the scanner you folks are using ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoel Reinoso says:

    I am wonder how much he charge for the classes?!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoel Reinoso says:

    I have an scanner set but I didn’t know it can send a sound alert.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cube Plays says:

    Hey ross, i have an interesting video idea for you that I think could be very useful! It would be cool if you could film your day of trading from start to end and upload it with you telling about the whole process to give us an inside of what it is like 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gew99 says:

    We dont need schools to teach us this stuff as long as we have dedicated people like you out there. Thank you Ross

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zZazz says:

    2 winning trades in sim $495 before going to work Thanks Warrior trading!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gone Fishing says:

    Ross, thank you for putting out such quality videos. I watched every single one of them and have learned a lot even though I'm not a actively member. Keep posting them. Can't wait to watch them everyday.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdul Malek says:

    What kind of scanner are using? Is there such scanner on amirtrade or on thinkorswim platform?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul B says:

    Thought 1k was typo …left the chatroom at 10am and you were up 8k.
    Would love to have some live vid ross.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ Frass says:

    Ross, although we never met, I really appreciate what you do and how you carry yourself, it seems like everyday when watching your recaps the message behind each video corresponds to a point in time where i'm in need of the exact words you utter. From a former red year in 2017 to now being in a place where i'm neither gaining nor losing money, I can definitely see improvement. As I study Accounting at Rutgers University doubt lurks in the back of my mind knowing that a degree in the subject matter will not grant true freedom. One day we will meet each other and by then I will have become a successful trader just like yourself, until that day thank you for the inspiration.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJP Junk Removal,Yard Waste Removal & Home Service says:

    What made chci double in price?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil Ferreira says:

    Just waiting for my first 4.5k trade… as soon as I get it I'm getting in the warrior pro, hahaha one day I'll be worthy lol just sitting at 25.3k rn lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dain Lewis says:

    As you mentioned, starting with the simulator. Been going for a month. Trying to be green for another month until using a bank roll. Looking forward to making this a career. The start of your video it felt like you were recounting my day with smaller size. There were so many opportunities today and I took on too many to watch. One big winner and a bunch of medium sized losers. Lesson learned.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pressure Washing Specialist says:

    That was a dope ass drone lol do you really use that for videos ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! anythinggoodproducts says:

    No risk no reward

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Breon Knott says:

    Thanks Ross! I see people talking negatively about you and your strategies on YouTube and it makes me a lil angry because I’ve been following you for over a year now on here and I can’t think of anything bad to say about such a generous human being you keep doing what’s right I’m behind you 100% and I tell a lot of people I know about you and they say if they see me prosper they will join too so I’ll try my hardest not to let you the others within the program down and let’s prove these YouTube hater wrong…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Zhao says:

    Oh man Ross, you were recording this on a drone the whole time?! HAHA!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beloved Lover says:

    Three days in a row we are playing the same stocks. Although this time I managed to actually take the profits and not turn CHCI into loser. Sweet +10%. Called it a day to avoid over trading and I met my daily goal so all is fine. Kinda wanted to get back into CHCI later, but didn't want to risk it and just analyzed the afternoon patterns.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyTypeOfBanter says:

    Hi, im 18 and at uni – i got roughly £500 (GBP) and I am currently doing spread betting with IG because im finding it hard to find a good brokerage that has a small commision while having alot of markets to invest in. What would you

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bilal Iq says:

    PLEASE STOP your cringy thumbnail photos.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas McCloughan says:

    Ross, bought your book, watch your videos and recaps… since using your techniques I've gone from losing to winning… spend my weekends practicing my hot keys so I could will be more profitable in the future. Thank you…. you are a great teacher and you appear to be a genuine man..

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smokey_IT says:

    Great job Ross!!! That shirt is a little to close to red, ditch it!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Breon Knott says:

    Hey Ross will there be a discount on the program for Memorial Day? If not when will there be another discount because I’m coming into some money real soon…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Educated Shows says:

    I see you with that Rolex 😎

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sindre Ingebrethsen says:

    Can somone explain to me quick what the scanner does. What information is it looking for in stocks?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B 0067 says:

    Thanks for the motivation Ross. Despite a loss you still keep it positive. Working the SIM right now but have learned a great deal thru you. Thanks man!👍

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    Nice win on $CHCI for me also, and i also gave some of it back on my 4th trade for this ticker. Worried about sudden pull-backs, i kept taking profit at signs of weakness. I pushed it too far, over-trading. But green today, so happy. Gonna celebrate with pizza (buzzer should indicate start of festivities in about 3 minutes). 🙂

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iDroolT says:

    I made about $9k on CHCI simulator. 🙂

    EDIT: It's funny you mentioned accreditation because I was wondering the other day if you had plans to try and get warrior trading accredited. That'd be great… I'm not sure how that stuff works, but it would definitely be worth considering trying to pursue.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Awan says:

    Ross I have learnt many lessons from your videos.
    You are doing awesome
    Good luck.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse brown says:

    Damn Ross don’t be greedy but you basically said that..!
    Love the videos

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Crooks says:

    $8000!! Dude! And green at end of day. Cool copter cam!!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ODUTOLA capital says:

    Great discipline and profit goals Ross

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RancherUSAFLA says:

    Good Stuff Ross Thanks!

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