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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So on the traveling trading station: I've got my main laptop a trading laptop one USB monitor second Westby monitor as soon as I pulled it out of my bag I dropped it and now it's broken. So you know these guys are kind of fragile. It's kind of annoying. This is like the third one not broken.

Oh well, so that's fine. Got the common work down here named laptop one USB monitor and then my second laptop there. So this unfortunately is my third red day in a row. down 1,300 bucks.

But you know right now we're just not seeing good momentum in the market. I'm doing the best I can keeping losses small I didn't have a single loss today. Bigger than, well, $600 but you know I ended up with four red trades or read on four stock so you know what can you do I Gotta wait till Momentum comes back in the market. So that's all talked about during the the read day recap here today and I'll see you guys back at it first thing Monday morning.

Enjoy the long weekend Monday morning. Hopefully we've got a good Gap scam some good stocks that we can start. You know, getting back on a little bit of a hot streak a little bit more momentum this week has been a wash them down. Let's see.

Made 1,800 on Monday lost 2500 Tuesday a thousand yesterday so 3500 4800. so down about three grand on the week. Whatever. this is a wash week basically was up I guess about 35,000 before this week, so still up about 32,000 on the month.

which is a great month. This is a week of rest. good Friday Tomorrow be back at it Monday Morning. Try to really find some momentum.

Alright, that's the game plan. See you guys on Monday All right, so we're going to do quick midday recap here Thursday This is the end of the week. It's been a pretty a pretty lame week. really.

We haven't had good follow-through in general, most of the momentum has been on. We've seen some momentum on penny stocks like literal penny stocks. We've seen a some momentum on higher priced stocks like Qualcomm We've seen some momentum on higher float stocks like Yu Xin But we haven't seen a lot of momentum on the sort of price range of between $2 and $10 which is really my go-to price range. So today's gonna be my third red day in a row.

You know, the good news is that I'm continuing to keep the losses small so you know, down 1,300 Again, it's not more than I would make in one. it's not I'm not going read more than what I can bounce back in one really good green day. but look I'm read across the board I mean you know really everything that I traded I went read on just not seeing. We're not seeing good momentum right now.

MBI Oh I was the one I started on out of the gates and this one's kind of frustrating because it gave this really sort of impressive and surprising red to green move from 8 all the way up to 10 and I got in right here on this micro pullback I hit a high of 885, it then pulled back for a second and I got in at 866. but after I got in, it dropped to 837 and I was in it with 6,000 shares. so I was down 30 cents a share, 1,800 bucks and I was like oh, this is going to be a big red trade and it came back up to my entry and I got right back out breakeven and then it rips all the way up to 10. But you know what? the rules for me state that if I get into a trade, I'm instantly down big on it I got changed my focus from trying to make money to just trying to get out flat which is risk management 101 so manage the risk on it.
but then it ran without me and then it came back down I took my second trade on it right here anticipating and this is a little risky I got in at 9:27 with 2,000 shares anticipating the first one minute camel to make a new high would give us a retest of 10 but then it had dropped and broke 9 I had to stop out and so I went red $571 on it. My second trade was on I mu X I took I tried to take a trade on this coming out of a circuit breaker halt. I knew the risk was high I only traded it with 500 shares. it just squeezed up here, got halted at 18, hit a high of 20 dollars in 69 cents and then faded back down.

So not a big deal there you. Xin was my third trade and that one put me down $63 on this one. I Saw this long period of consolidation and as it broke right here I Jumped in, it hit a high of 318 and then came back down so you know it's still in range, but there's for me, just no point in holding these for a long period of time. One of the things you deal with when you hold stocks for long period time is your exposure risk.

The longer you hold, the more risk you have. that something happens while you're holding. you know and so on. This one I just got right out and then the last one was Bo XL kind of I don't know.

Jumped into it as it was breaking over the highs. So the high a day. this is a high daybreak setup. The high day was 34 I Jumped in at 33 it hit a high of 45, that's 11 cents and then it came back down to 425.

So the setup there was trying to scalp ten fifteen cents on the break of high a day, but it just didn't hold that level at all and immediately start coming back down. So cause of loss, there are five hundred dollars and a $583 But again, you know any day that I can experience loss without getting emotionally charged without getting really, really frustrated without hitting my max, loss is a great day. You know one of the things you have to realize as a trader is that loss happens. Conditioning yourself to experience loss and not get bent out of shape about it is really important.

So you know today's another one of those days where it's like, okay, you know, for small losses, it's really not a big deal. You know? obviously. Yeah, being down 1,300 bucks, the small losses add up. Of course they do, but you know, I'm still sitting up I Don't know.

Thirty one, thirty two thousand dollars on the month, You know, still sitting up over a hundred, fifty thousand on the year. So you know when you look at the big picture, this is just a blip. It's just one day, you know, or a series of three days where the market has been a little slow. We haven't had really good momentum.
It is a holiday week with the market closed tomorrow, so maybe not totally surprising. It's a little bit more difficult, but you know it's just it's just part of the deal. So really, you know a characteristic of a trader who's going to be able to make it is one that can you know handle taking a couple hits. you know, not get rattled.

Step back, maybe a little bit if you need to readjust and then you know get back at it and not give up. It's not about how many times you get knocked down, about how many times you get back up, so you know I I'm bummed that we didn't see better momentum this week. Yeah and I see I mu X curling back up a little bit you know this is one that I kind of looked at on the daily chart and I was like you know if it starts to really get volume it might do something pretty impressive. but I can't take no way can I take big size on it.

you know the it's too expensive. the volume is too light so I just kind of have to sit tight and and watch it and you know I took a small position on it but you know nothing. nothing serious and the volume is you know still is very very light. So I I don't know I don't think it's good.

Do anything I think at this point traders are calling it a day. you know, shutting it down for the week. I'm sure that there's some traders that did well this week, you know, but I think Generally, the consensus from what I've been hearing from a lot of traders is that it's been a bit of a difficult week. you know, not a lot of really good follow-through not a lot of really good momentum, so you know a good time.

Just to you know, ease off the throttle. Today is not a day to be swinging with 1215 20,000 shares by any means. Today was a day to you know, just take some small size positions see if I get something going and I just couldn't And so you know I did end up having four losers. You know the final traders on Bo XL gave that one last trade and I was thinking myself I was like you know, should you take a fourth trade, you know I've got this rule about three losers but I the rule that I have about three losers is because typically if I've had three losses in a row I start to get you know, emotionally fueled and I really wasn't feeling emotionally fueled I was just pretty calm as just sort of neutrals like alright, well you know, whatever I'm just I'm still in a good headspace and that's probably cuz I was only down 750 bucks.

it wasn't a big deal and so so yeah. I took a trade on Buick sell which you know could have could have worked but and maybe I was a little faster it would have but I didn't So yeah, I'll just be really excited we get some momentum back in the market, you know MBI yo was definitely volatile today, but not in the way that for me was super predictable. I know some of you guys flip short on it and congratulations for those that did, it sold off quite a bit despite having shares easy to borrow I didn't flip directions on it and I wasn't super confident on the right entry point and so I just you know, kind of sat tight on it you Xin yeah you know you can see you know, kind of popping up and making these little moves for 25 was high a day. but I don't know.
Um, you're talking really literally about like a six cent move right now so you're just not getting a lot of a lot of follow-through Sick of me in sixth sense. You know it's just even when nine thousand shares that there's a lot of money. So overall market a little bit red. you know last three days last four days actually I don't think that has much to do with what's been going on in my trading I do well pretty much regardless of what's going on with the overall market.

but yeah, I'll just be I'll be really looking forward to Monday and hopefully we see some good momentum. We see some stocks that really start to take off I think probably a lot of traders start sitting on the sidelines after the last couple days of things being a little choppy so we need to see things start to take off and when they do, you know I'm braced. Step up to the plate but no sense in you know, swinging if there's nothing there swing at just a waste energy, waste of time, waste of commission. So trying to follow those rules, stay calm, relax.

You know it's like imagine for instance, like I'm just picturing for whatever reason being on a lake. and like some of the you know how they have those fishing challenges where you go out on your boat, see who can catch the biggest fish and you know you got a timeline on the on the challenge. So let's say you know challenge all stops at you know, 4 p.m. and and you're sitting there at 3 o'clock and you haven't gotten a fish yet and you start a two choices.

You can either just start just sending that line into the water everywhere you go, getting frantic, getting, getting stressed out, or you can become cool calculated look for where that big fish is hanging out. you know, send your line out there and get it on board so you know it's just the pressure. and I mean for me it's a little bit of pressure I suppose with the million-dollar challenge. but I'm not thinking about that too much.

I'm more just thinking about just kind of the pressure of wanting to finish each day green. You know if wanting to finish each week green and sometimes you'll get it. and sometimes you won't and it's alright. You know we're all really fortunate to be able to do this job.

Even on the days where you're a little bit red, we're really fortunate you know I can't I Got up to come to work here. It was 15 feet. You know I'm in a hotel room right now, but you know 15 feet to walk over and sit down in my laptop. Certainly today as an individual day could have been better.
but the fact that this is my job is awesome I mean it's It's really pretty pretty incredible. So I always have to just be grateful for that and not get too bent out of shape. When you do have a couple of red days, just keep it in perspective. All right.

So yeah, I saw SSL J earlier someone mentioned it and I was like oh, it's actually a pretty nice daily chart. The problem with SSL J was at the time the volume was only six thousand shares. that was back here. you know this time so I was like well I obviously can't trade that you know little volume coming in here.

Now the trigger on the daily or I guess I would call it a trigger would be right. Let me get mine right there. and then that gives you room up to the 200 moving average which is 640. But you know again, you right even right now you've only got eighty thousand shares of volume.

So if I wanted to buy six thousand shares of the stock and sell it, that's 120 thousand shares traded. That's more than ten percent of the volume today. There's not enough liquidity to get in now without getting lost slippage. so that's fine to lose, You know? wait, wait, maybe it'll be another day that this one gives us a good opportunity.

So popped up right back down. That's kind of what we're seeing. the pop and drop action and you know that's that's the way it is when trading is flowed. Sometimes it's like that, so it's alright.

I'll be back at it Monday Morning back in my office so I'll see you guys then. Alright, bye everyone if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I Upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Trading on the go! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars w david gulesian says:

    NIO is looking tasty now. Should be an interesting week.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevork Atashian says:

    very nice view whats the name of the hotel?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shaka cat says:

    Again no nothing about this but its surely interesting 🐈👍🏽

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Jr says:

    Happy Easter to you & your family

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PoN says:

    Ross when you jump into stock with little pull back where is your stop?Cant be low of previous candle which can be over 20 c + .So you set it up for what? 10 c -20 c ?I learn your strategy it will be now 0ver year and half and I finally see little progress but still week like was this put me on RED.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wilber Hernandez says:

    i got in MBIO at 7.60 got out 8.50 couldve held it but oh well

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChan59 says:

    missed MBIO, didn't chase and no trades for the day. I have more money than I started the week. Good enough for me.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sincere says:

    Do you have any swing positions with all that money?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Informed Tradez says:

    Tradeing gap and go on the go 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoffeeWithFred says:

    Tough getting to $1 million apparently. Just think, this time next year, you will have made your million! right?!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Taylor says:

    Hey Ross! Got two questions for ya. first, is it possible to know when people are shorting a stock, such as on level 2 or time and sales? And second, is it true that if you don't see profits almost immediately after taking a position that you entered the trade at the wrong time?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe P says:

    The momentum dies off during earnings season and very low volume in the overall market – checkout the spy daily charts

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Lin says:

    long stock market weekends are always a bummer

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Orrantia says:

    Traded only 70 shares in my small account of MBIO made $120. You've seemed off past few days. I noticed it, I even told my wife. You'll get it back, no worries, of that I'm sure, you the man!!! Have a good long weekend.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Edwards says:

    I got in MBIO 8.65 out at 9.25 and 9.40, made 1280. paper though. stuck to my rules

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tako 002 says:

    Dang, sold too soon on UXIN. I was tempted to enter at $3.12 at the flag pattern b/c the low of the pullback was $3.10 and there was a 10k buyers at $3.10. Instead, I waited for a surge of green for an entry and got in at $3.18. Ther were too many wall of sellers, so I was gonna sell for a small loss but then a 500k buyer popped up in the lv2, so I held for a long time in case it pops up, with the big buyer as the backstop. It finally broke out to $3.3, but then there was a 100k seller at $3.3, who was most likely the same big buyer. I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep, so I decided to sell at $3.26…just for it to grind up over $3.5 1.5 hrs later.

    1st green week since forever, even though it is really small. My accuracy is pretty good, but my P/L got killed by a really bad false breakout on OPTT 2 weeks ago…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fm14 says:

    Very nice. Thanks for your recap!!! Well appreciate these recaps!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Torres says:

    Hey Ross! Right, really slow week and no momentum on low-floats. I did switch to larger mid-floats where I found a good momentum this week: $TIGR, $SKX, $QCOM, $CGC, $AMD (which trades really well almost every day), and today I catch the bounce on $ZM (risky, I know) but it went really well. Not sure if you do that, but maybe something worth exploring in the chat room.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars htx goth says:

    :/ would just stop for a month and enjoy mylife

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Gastelum says:

    Yeah down -438 this week. I trade options I really enjoy listening to how you put things into perspective. 🤘

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cowdown says:

    All the breakout were small, without the momentum we had from before.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arkane Knight says:

    Ross what Brand of Laptop do you use for trading? specs?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andres Jara says:

    Awesome, the hardest thing is waiting for setups!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ASCEEE says:

    How do you make the USB screen sit side by side to the laptop

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unknown says:

    What laptop do you use to trade.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ely Pelowski says:

    I missed the open surge on $MBIO. So I waited for a good entry indicator on the first pull back. I didnt see it so I decided to watch to see if it stepped downand it did. I decided to change strategy knowing how many people seemed to be shorting. I turned too bottom fishing the low of day and watched for any momentum that would squeeze out shorts. I ended up green only by 5.5% …. But I was green and that was what mattered most to me. Ross. Did you take your entry out of the gate at $8.39 pre market pivot? That should've put you in the green really good in the first few minutes !

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smgibson52 says:

    Welcome to getting up early for premarket and 6:30am market open.  the part I hate about D.T..  but we do have good weather!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rippertrader says:

    I had a alright day…traded QCOM and NETFLIX…QCOM for $651 and NETFLIX for $135….not bad…

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ulises Bernales says:

    Are u in L.A?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beth Shapiro says:

    Plug into the TV as an additional monitor

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerome Aba says:

    No one will understand you Ross because of poor quality of your video.

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