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Low float algo short squeezes are back. MDGS stock was the one that had shorts buying to cover in the short squeeze... myself included. Many other premarket gappers covered were small cap stocks MDLY, LIZI, WAFU, MDGS, EARS, PED, and large cap gappers NET, PTON, NIO.
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What's up guys hope everyone's having a great week so far? As for my canadian followers and traders, happy thanksgiving hope you had a really good long weekend, i'm not really a big fan of turkey, and usually you know. I only eat turkey. If i'm celebrating with my friends but this year, just me by myself, i don't have family here uh, so i didn't celebrate, but with uh hong kong style roast pork. I know you see this photo you're, probably really concerned.

Oh my god, humble trader. Did you eat all that food by yourself and let me reassure you yes, i did guys, i don't. I only work out so i can eat. I don't work out to look good and i eat a lot.

Okay, i can eat this. Is i don't spend money on lambos or whatever fancy, but i spend money on food. So let's talk about some trades from this week, even though i thought this week stop texting me so monday morning started off with me being stuck in a halt um on mdly. If you guys remember the stock, you know spiked up into the open right at the open onto two to 80s and then sold off, and then i covered some.

I had a small short starter just because i was kind of anticipating the dips getting bought back up and they're gon na squeeze it back up again, which they've been doing and on a few other stocks, so you'll see really soon um. But you know i covered some as per the plan and have very very small size left, and then we got halted. So this was not fun um, even though i didn't have a big size. Still, you know like it was a news pending hold.

It wasn't like a volatility hold. I was stuck for pretty much from the open like 9 40, all the way till uh two o'clock so not fun. I couldn't take a nap that day um but um. You know the the news is fluff.

You know et cetera, et cetera, mdoi. You can see on the daily charts. It was up. I guess what was it like? 200 300 at the time of the spike, and that's why, if you look at a daily chart, there's some hard resistance around three dollars.

That's why i was leaning more short bias and i was trying to shorts towards that three dollars area. I only had a starter, because i want to start building my position if we do get to three dollars: um, but small size, you know ended up being a small green, but i will say being stuck in the halt for like a good chunk of the day. Was not fun, so it was definitely not worth it. I was trying to take things easy because monday was the day of thanksgiving day, lizzie what's another stock, so this kind of action is what i was talking about.

Uh spike at the open, sell off bit started forming some base around 390s four dollars and spike back up um. That's what i was anticipating mdly to do it didn't um. I started shorting uh, let's see a little bit too early and i took a decent size loss on this early um and then once it starts basting around here on low 390s, i started building a small, long position, i'm not as comfortable loaning these stocks, even though I know they are probably gon na squeeze, i'm just not as comfortable having a huge size on these. After this failed follow through you can see, we failed um to test pre, uh pre-market highs, and that's where we got a nice slam.
Um from 430 is down below v-wap and we just faded off all day. So that's where i actually went back in short once it shows you that you know it's met some really hard resistance around the pre-market levels about 460s, 450s and no failing to hold v-wap, etc. This is where it became really heavy and a lot of selling you can see. After this, the stock could barely ever bounce.

So it's not a perfect thanksgiving until i get my face ripped off at the end of the day. So usually i don't like to trade in the afternoon. Sometimes i'll go in for some smaller sized place and i definitely got squeezed on wafu. So you know this is the kind of low-flow momentum play we're talking about a lot of times, even though i'm using daily resistance around seven dollars six dollars area too short, the momentum was so strong.

There was so much buying volume, it doesn't matter. If the stock is technically worthless. It can still go all the way to eight dollars before going back down, so i got squeezed you can see. I started a small position around five sixties, but the goal was to build about a six forties average.

You can see, i got squeezed, didn't work out, got squeezed got squeezed and i finally got out all of it. I did flip go back short after this failed spike. Um got a small piece back, but you know sucks to give back some profit at the end of the day um, but i'm always really careful near the end of the day. Just because, especially if i had a decent day in the morning with mdly and uh l, i z - i i want to be careful, it's okay, to give some profits back as long as it's not too much, because i've done that many times before.

So after that, i just don't want to fight it anymore. You can see the stock actually squeezed even higher after hours. This is why i don't like to hold any of these low float trash stocks overnight. I want to make sure i fall asleep at night.

You know: okay, let's move on to talk about the place from today, which is tuesday, so pre-market um. If you look at the pre-market gapper from the day, the only play that was pretty much gapping up up was years um, which that one i did play on the short side. I don't like to trade these. You know one dollar two dollar stocks, especially when i think it closed around.

Oh this one's okay, 85 cents um, which is okay, but if it close below 75 cents, it's gon na, do the stupid hold up and hold down every every 15 cents like mdoi. Did yesterday, so that's why that's one of the reasons i don't like to play these stupid super cheap stocks. I did have a you know: small size, shorts from 140s and i covered pretty much around one tenth: 30 cents, nothing big, but the other stocks. That kind of started popping up later was p e d and n d, l y, so out of the three gappers from today, mdly was definitely the trickier one and i definitely gave back a lot of profits because of this midday squeeze algo that we're talking about You can see i had a decent sized position from pre-market.
I was out of my pre-market size tried to build it back up at the open, didn't work cut it for a loss, and by this point i was pretty much break even mdly. Sorry mdgs. All these turds, they all sound, very similar um, and then i started you know what this plant is kind of. Bothering me, let me just just oh okay, so this is where i started scaling back shorts.

I had the starter size um, just because i thought this very well could spike back up which it did um after it starts holding around three dollars. But by this point this does look really weak um. I did cover some. I want to keep on adding back to the pops um, especially if it pops to view up and be careful what you wish for, because i did gather ads and i also got squeezed um you can see, even though i wasn't full size, it was still decent Enough to wipe out um the gains i did on md gs so over here.

So you know i squeezed pretty much. You know i was a little bit slow today. Maybe it's all the food i ate last night on thanksgiving, i was a little bit slow on md gs on the cover got stopped out pretty much at the very top 370s covered, the rest of it tiny, tiny couple hundred shares left around 370s took a pretty Decent size loss um. At this point you know i was looking at it thinking that okay, are we really gon na start holding on 370s and consolidates to potentially go to four dollars at this time? It just looks like one of those low-flow squeeze elgos that we talked about last week, squeeze out all the shorts dump on the lungs and which is exactly what it did.

You can see v shape down, v, shape up and v shape down again, so i did have some re-hits on the short side over here from 370's uh 350's and covered over here um and i went back in a little bit later. So you know pretty much gave back a lot of profits from mdgs. At this point i was up only a couple, hundreds on the day and actually read from the locate um because of mdgs. I was frustrated, but you know it wasn't.

It wasn't the end of the world, so the next stock ped this one just a lot more straightforward, um, you can see you know it's. I kind of played this. The same idea, right after the stock was so weak sold out from pre-market highs pretty much around four dollars all the way down to 240s covered some re-hit, some short pre-market covered all the pre-market sizes, pretty much at the opening flush and after they open i'm just Re-Adding on the pops, even though those sizes are a lot smaller, of course, just because you know this, this is a very. This is a very weak bounce and why not be prepared if it does bounce back to 280s and doing some crazy, crazy shenanigans just like mdgs, so ped was a lot more straightforward, um, less headaches, uh and you know you know added up nicely so the other Stock, i played um the large cap side an et so this one i was loan biased, but i did take um some starter uh, starter long, and you know this one.
I think i kind of let it went a little bit too far on the stopout. Should i stopped out around uh 56 40s um, but even though i had a loan uh, you know, i think, at the time i was trying to battle dgs, no excuses, still decent size loss, even with just a starter size. I did start going back in, which is you know, really the saving grace on the day on the stock um, i went back in around 55 after they held a double bottom on the daily chart sold some re-added back some at this point, volume was a little Bit thin so i took some off and i want to add after it confirms that it's gon na break out and go red to green, which it did and that's where i added back here you can see. I accidentally shorted accidentally shorted added backing on the long side, so some and i held a tiny, tiny position with a trailing stop um throughout the rest of the day you can see my entry on the last position was around 57 80s and i had a stop Loss around 57 40s, an actual stop loss, um not like here, where i left it.

You know a little bit too loose, but i never got hit and at the end of the day i didn't really feel like taking this overnight, so i sold all of it at 60 dollars pretty decent. So you know trailing, stop, definitely pretty useful. If you have to step away in the middle of the day like i do to take a break so from the last recap, we had some pretty interesting questions and i think that would be cool to do. These kind of you know q, a where i picked some comments from the last recap, video and i'll answer it here.

So benx asked i, like the new format more. Thank you. It would be nice to see these commission ecm fees and rebates and borrow fees. Nobody shows those numbers: okay, i'll show you right here: unborrowed fees on a stock like ped, it's about two cents and 82.

You know point: how do you say this point? Zero two eight dollars per share so on three thousand shares i'll, be eighty four dollars on a stock. I peck, which i you know, regret fully located a little bit too much: um 15 cents. So a thousand shares 150 dollars. So this is what i mean by if you like to short these low floats a lot of times, you usually start a day red.

I definitely started out red. I think i located um about eight hundred dollars worth of locates today, so i definitely started out red already pre-market, so this is kind of what the locates look like um. You know you have to pay to operate in this business. This are all business expenses and they're, all write-offs, so um, so that's kind of what it looks like on the locate side.

Okay, so as for the for the um, you know ecm fees, etc among the ticket. You can see right here uh. This is pretty normal for me. I do about 40 to 50 tickets.
That means trades per day on the you know, pre-date today isn't slow, but it's not like super hot um on super busy days. This tickets could be over a hundred um. So i guess couple weeks ago, with spi my commissions at the end of the day was a lot higher than this sometimes could be. You know, 500, depending on the size and amount of trades i take, but this is pretty standard on like a regular day.

Not so small day, like this commissions, nasdaq fees, sec fees, ecm fees, rebates, um, my equity, my buying power, my unrealized um, real life, so pretty much a scratch day. So if you guys have other questions that you know i haven't covered before in my past videos, please leave them in the comments and in the next video i'll i'll answer them. Okay, guys! Thank you guys for watching. If you like these kind of video formats uh, please let me know in the comment section below um: i'm only gon na make it if people are watching them.

If no one watches these videos, then i'm not gon na make it, because i usually don't like to do videos during the week. Just because you know i'm tired after a trading day, but if you guys do enjoy it, make sure to. Let me know and i'll keep on making them and make the videos coming for you guys. Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys next time.

Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy the video and the bad jokes. If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources.

Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Trading momentum stocks, trading halts, short squeezes mdly, mdgs, ears, ped trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2 U says:

    Definitely Valuable Video Log, although I'm not a paying student yet. Dissect Squeeze Process is good. When you got 'Squeezed' is that type of stock movement what i've heard called "Momentum Trading"?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew .Z says:

    all your videos have golden nuggets! love the videos!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drewcifer says:

    Take me as your disciple, I will do your bidding if you would just teach me like Im stupid, cause I am. I would also like to say, I like this format, great advice as usual. THANK YOU.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rubina k says:

    Great format!big fan of your channel ..was useful to know where you entered and exited ..could you go into more details in another video and also what happens if the drop down is so low-is it worth holding some of these stocks overnight or longer -like KXIN or OPTT for example!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Dela Riva says:

    Yes i love the video. i am practicing my paper trail like you said and learning all sorts. you rock for this channel thanks HT

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizo008 says:

    Really enjoy your recaps, very informative. One question how do you know when the algos come into play? And do they run on premarket?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wizard of Lizards says:

    Anyone else see WAFU and read waifu? I'm the worst…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fernando alvarez says:

    this monday 19/20 was incredible runing up KXIN,agarraste la oportunidad?Did you catch the opportunity?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Judy Vargas says:

    What provides more money, long trading or short trading?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marius18 says:

    I like this format, Shay; very helpful hearing your trades and thinking behind them. Thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flying Dutchman says:

    What is your most used technical strategy ?
    Like the new format keep em coming.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vegito Blue says:

    I enjoy these videos too, they are not educational like the others but they do teach a little on what went wrong and why on your trades, in addition you're funny too =)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Hart says:

    i feel ya on that MDLY halt movement that day. i was watching pre-market thinking "oooh this is gonna be a great dump stock!". got in for a short first thing when the market opened, and then like you, i wasn't able to take my noon nap because of the halt. i was both pissed AND happy …as a newer trader with just 2 months under my belt, that was the weirdest feeling i've ever encountered lmao 🤣🤣🤣

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DopaciD says:

    "not fun i couldn't take a nap that day" hahah

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob delaRosa says:

    Could you comment on how you trade halts specifically? I've only encountered that a couple of times before.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NIO says:

    Imagine for a moment that all the coffee globally had stopped production and nothing available on store shelves or in coffee cafe's. Coffee future contracts plunge to record lows and become worthless junk contracts. Day traders and investment firms start to really get hurt as the traders have a very hard time coping making quick trade choices with caffeine withdrawl symptoms they are experiencing. Would the world become Tea drinkers? lol Cheers 🤪🙃😋🌿☕️📉

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheetah PSG says:

    You are so funny. . . I dunno whether I am smart or dumb for actually really trading some of these stocks when I got started trading in March to "buy low– sell high" I actually made some money on Medigus (MDGS) when it started popping. Mostly trade options now and was actually up on my penny stock account till I blew it up playing Micro /ES Futures. Wondering when you will have chance to get into NNDM (Nano DImension). I love Israeli tech companines BUT have lived a drama of bagholding, revenge trading, selling back long positions on NNDM along with missing out on huge moves a few days later that ALWAYS seem to end with the inevitable NNDM announcing a Public Offering of tstock warrants for about 50% of what the stock closed at that sends it down overnight to that price . . . and process starts all over again. . . crazy. I still follow NNDM just for kicks and it is spiking big time again. . . felt tlike I knew the NNDM people for as much time as I spent on it back when it was trading at around 40-65 CENTS . . . Buy low sell high should have listened to myself hahaha

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Mwereru says:

    I think you are a very good, and sweet presenter!…come to Florida when on vacation!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obliviozy says:

    I learned so much from you thank you I mean $32 today with small account $600 bought shrimp and broccoli And steamed dumpling and had $12 Left LOL

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obliviozy says:

    This is why we love you keep it real like us regular people eat that food girl I love me some roast pork

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rafhit says:

    can you make a video about daily journal trades? how do you do it when scalling in and out? thx

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeborahW says:

    Thank you so much for all your videos. I made it my mission to watch them all. I have learned a lot about the stock market from you. Its "humbling" (pun intended) to know that , sadly, you lose money too. You recover faster than I do though. I guess that comes with experience. Please keep doing the videos. Deborah

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Thinks says:

    Thank you for the video. Sharing your commissions and associated fees was greatly helpful. You are providing beginning traders (like me) with a lot of useful information. I am extremely grateful to you. Have a good weekend.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serpief says:

    Good content. Would like to see more if you have enough steam. I know it takes a lot of energy to keep going.
    It was good to see someone go over the costs of shorting regarding fees. Not many ppl go over that.
    You're one of the few traders I subscribe to, so keep up the good work and thank you for all you provide.
    Loved the plant bit. thought that was really funny! Sorry to laugh at your pain, but….it was funny. Dead stop – annoyed by plant. LOL
    Keep the great attitude and WONDERFUL jokes. 🙂
    Have a great Friday and weekend!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WHATAPP 👉➕❶❾❶❷❷❶❼❺❽❺❹ says:

    I have been trying to trade live lost about 7500 $ i feel i ain't doing something right 😞 😢

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Giltner says:

    oh God you don't want to know 😭 all week it's been PLL, and VVPR
    I've already blown my exit stagity, PLL has a shot to recover at break even, VVPR on the other hand id like to know what clod hopper offers 3m shares at 8.50 a throw. my new ticker is now FUME 🤬 and I didn't even get the coursity of lube lol.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dutch Trader says:

    These mid week recaps are great, getting a take on how you have traded and comparing to my trades on some of the same stocks is very useful, thank for doing these

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deneuve says:

    Im really curious about this… when you were about to start trading 6 yrs ago, what factor or reason made you choose stocktrading over forextrading??

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mogar Bobac says:

    I watch the hell outta these videos. It's very interesting seeing the phycology of another trader in action. For instance the points/time you buy in are very different from the points i do. Just something to ponder…

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Titus says:

    Looking good with that leather jacket, quite rebellious look on you. 😉 Keep doing that good work.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dilpreet Nagi says:

    Love this format, its more relatable. Can you please include in your next videos how do you manage the emotional side specially FOMO effect at beginning and end of the day.

    PS Keep up the good work!!!!!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jean A says:

    I traded SPI in Sept and did well. Haven't been in since.

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