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Boiler Room Trading - Facebook Group Join! LINK BELOW
Thanks for this, but you never explained your entries and exits… why did you enter where you did? what caused you to exit at those points. If you want to add any value to a trading video pls explain the reason for entry and exit… maybe next time… 😉
Yo, what happened to the discord chat
Conner, I got mad love for ya BUT:
This will sound a bit harsh—–
So your goal is $10-15 thousand while your boiler room videos for the last week or even 2 weeks have been, well, nothings happening, gonna be another bad stock day. Yep, I don't see anything worth talking about.
But you plan to make $10-15,000. Well, kudos to you. I do hope you succeed. Then maybe you can let the rest of us in on how the #%$^#$%^%@#$@#&%^* you did it…….OR: try not to consistently say the market is a bleak pile while you confess you are on the way to $10,000 monthly takes. I mean, isn't that why we all follow along with you? To learn how to get a few hundred a month on a consistent pattern? Yep, that is why. Again, lotta love for what you share but try not to share the really big gains, it just isn't ….right?
Connor – Can you please also let us know how exactly you found these 2 stocks at the right time?
Connor, please do a video about your trading journey. Such as how long it took you to become profitable, what were the key changes that led to that, etc. I think it'll be helpful for many:)
So what is your trading platform now?