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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? So here we are: End of the week and what started as an incredible month of May has really thinks it just slowed down. The last three days have been really kind of choppy and quiet. We haven't seen really good breakouts, we haven't seen as many stocks halting on circuit breakers squeezing up 20, 30, 40 percent and so it's kind of been a grind. We went from having really high training to crickets just quiet slow.

so I lost money on Wednesday lost money on Thursday and lost money again today today I'm down only 116 dollars so it's basically a break-even day. I Mean this is just kind of a scratch day for me, but what's frustrating is I took four trades I had three winners on BLM K and I made 1600 bucks and then I had one loser on bio L and lost 1700 s. So it's like you know, three small steps forward and then one big step back And that's probably what's most frustrating. and that's kind of when it's been the last three days is I've had these small little steps forward, the average winners 510 cents, just little scalp, a little winner here, a little winner there doing everything I can just to get that little winner and then BOOM a 30 40 cent drop.

You know, a big loss. A $1,500 loss. So $1,700 whatever it is. So you know when you're in that kind of market, you just sort of have to be patient because if you keep trying to fight and push, you're just gonna keep ending up having those big losses.

and so you're gonna stair step down. You know, couple steps up, big step down, a couple steps up, big step down and you got to wait until the market is at a place where your average winners are bigger and then you're gonna have a couple big steps up and small steps down on the losers. So it's all about patience, but you know it can be a little bit taxing having three days in a row that are red, having three days in a row where your average winners are really small, and where you keep hitting these kind of bigger losses because of false breakouts and stuff like that. So I'm looking forward to this weekend getting some rest, getting away from it all, away from it all, and just relaxing.

I'll be back at it on Monday morning and hopefully we start the next week really strong. So anyways, let's break down today's trades in today's midday Market recap. All right everyone. So time to break down trades from today midday Market recap.

Overall, another kind of choppy day of trading down 116 dollars. But you know, all things considered, it's today's a scratch day. It's not a data, it just doesn't really matter. it's a break-even day.

I'm still up over fifty thousand dollars on the month, which is awesome. So life is good. this is. You know it's been an incredible month.

We're only really a weekend. Well, I guess you know We're at the end of the second week here. we still have three weeks left. This is a little bit of a longer month here in a way and just kind of the way the days lay out.
We have really almost almost five like full weeks of trading. so you know that's that's solid and you know my goal will be that we finished the month in good shape. I Was hoping I was thinking this we might have potential for a one hundred thousand dollar month, but just like last month as I start to get closer to that level, then I start to pull back a little bit so you know it's kind of two steps forward. Two steps back right now is sort of how it's felt the last week or maybe actually it was I don't know.

up 60,000 and then down ten or fifteen thousand. So I don't know, it's just. you know it's part of the grind. And so there's no doubt about the fact that any trader would prefer to just make an average of 5,000 a day and be green every single day, right? We'd all love to just be green every single day and never have to have losing days.

but that's not how it works. So you're gonna have days where you make 5,000 10,000 dollars and then you're gonna have days where you lose 3,000 4,000, 5,000 dollars. Maybe you will have a ten thousand dollar blow out day, you know? And that's just part of the deal with trading. It's you know.

A couple steps forward, a couple steps back, couple steps forward, couple steps back, and you know the question is, what are your averages? What are your metrics look like? Are you averaging more? Are you making more on average than you're losing? And as long as you are, then you know you're doing something right? So right now I'm kind of in this a little bit of a grind here. March $42,000 Apryl 54,000 May right now I'm at 53,000 so kind of averaging between 40 and 50,000 a month. You know, this year on decent months, not including really good months, you know, So just sort of that. That's kind of what I'm grinding out right now.

and hey, I can't complain. That's really, really good. And that's the result of, you know, seven years of studying the markets. Seven years of trading.

You know that's that thing they talk about of the 10,000 hours. So you know it takes they say 10,000 hours to really master something. So you know if you've if you've got 40 hours in a workweek, 40 times, 52 is 2,000 work hours per year. So you know it's like five years to really master something.

And I think there's a trader I Know a lot of traders that have been doing this for two years, Two and a half years. Three years that really are at a very similar skill level as me. I Mean they're there. they've got it.

I Don't think it takes five years to master this it. I Think for most, one year of intensive studying and then your second year of really putting all of that into practice. by year two and a half three, you're in pretty much the same shape as me and and how much you make is just relative to how much risk you're willing to take. That's really the only thing you know.

John and I have been trading I think I've been trading for longer than him, but he's he really is trading in the same way as me. It's very similar metrics: profit loss ratios, accuracy, all that stuff. I might make a little more, but I risk more so you know he doesn't have days where he loses $14,000 like I Do you know it's just and that's okay. You know it's all based on risk tolerance and what you're comfortable with.
Three years ago, four years ago, I really wasn't comfortable risking as much as I am now. But you know, as you gain confidence, the longer you've been sitting in a chair, you know the better you feel about taking bigger positions knowing that yeah, you'll have losers, but you get winners on the other side that make up for them. So I think as I've talked about a million times, one of the things that's hard for me is walking away on a day that's choppy And so today I had a couple trades on BL and Khaya three trades on BL NK and made $1500 So making fifteen hundred dollars across three trades for me is actually pretty bad. It's only $500 per trade winner and with 5,000 to 7,000 shares or 10,000 shares, it's really very small profits.

So the first trade on BL and K I was anticipating a break of pre market highs which was 609 so I jumped in with 10,000 shares at $6 It hesitates there. There was like a thirty thousand share seller at six. It then pops up and hit 609 and I sold half at 6:06 606 and stopped out of the rest at 606 basically and $6 it just didn't work. So I made five hundred dollars on that one with ten thousand shares which is not good risk reward because when you take ten thousand shares you know you're risking probably 20 cents.

So to make only five cents it's not a good profit loss ratio, but you know it's it's what. What add that trade ended up doing, it just hit resistance. it then pulls back I Got back in for the first one minute candle to make a new high at 595, this time buying 7,500 shares and selling for 10 cents profit at 604 609 and then the rest at 595. So 500 on the first trade, 750 on the second trade and again for a third time.

we double topped at 610. So now I'm up 1200 dollars on this stock. Third trade was getting back in at $6 That was right here as it started to pop back up and I said $6 is the spot I'm watching I got back in at 6 I sold some at 610 and 618 and then I added back at 625 we squeezed up to a high of 640. I'm thinking this is gonna continue break over the 200 moving average this purple line on the daily, but it didn't.

It hit that level as resistance and then it came back down and so I ended up stopping out at 6:23 and 624 and 609. So on that third trade, I made about 300 bucks and I finished up one thousand five hundred, ninety five dollars on Bln. K which all things considered is not bad. The only problem is that it was over three trades each of them having fairly big share size.

so if any of those had gone the wrong way I would have been, you know at a $1,500 loss and then I had my fourth trade. So today my accuracy was 75% which is pretty much good. I mean that's good for me, but 70 to 75 percent is good accuracy. So I finally got that one loser and you know it's a $1,700 loser which is kind of.
My average losses are about a thousand bucks. so this one was a little bigger than average, but you know that's the problem when you have three winners and they're small. That one loser really wipes them out and so on this one. this was a reverse split stock, a recent reverse split that popped up and was halted at 212.

It then resumes higher and squeezes up to 339 to 98 and I was thinking okay, this looks like it's taking off with the reverse split I'll jump in So I jumped in with 2,500 shares at 291 and then I ended up stopping out. it dropped down here back to 320 and so I had to stop out on this candle right here as it came back down and so I took smaller size which is fine. My first order didn't get filled I filled on the second order, but you know it, just it didn't work and so like that. Boom giving back three trades of profit and that I think is the most frustrating thing to have three trades of profit and then to lose them all in one.

look in one loser. So when I look at my average winners over the last couple days, you know today I had four trades, three winners, one loser and I'm red on the day. So that's disappointing. Yesterday I had let's see, it was like five, five winners in a row on a WX here PT Iko SS and then I had one loser on FA mi and that one loser wiped out five winners and you know it was just we weren't having a good market.

those average winners. we're only averaging 11 cents per share of profit. so I wasn't getting big winners and you know it was just I felt like every trade I would get into, it would pop up a little bit maybe and then it would just drop and I wasn't seeing follow-through I get into bait at breakout points at Apex points and so I want to see continuation and when I wasn't seeing that I just you know kept getting stopped out and should Duns probably stop trading. but I took another trade and then boom $2,600 loser and now I'm back down to break even on the day, another trade a $600 loser and now I'm red on the day.

another trade $150 loser and now I'm down more on the day, you know. So that's that's where it gets frustrating when you have good accuracy in terms of being right 60 70 % of time and you're still losing money and that comes down to profit loss ratio. So the thing is, in a strong market, it's easy to have a good profit loss ratio because everything you get into just breaks out, everything squeezes, everything makes big moves. But in a market where things are a little bit choppier like BL and K where the moves aren't as predictable, the winners become smaller because traders are more cautious, more hesitant, they don't buy with as much size.
That means less buying at the breakout. any sign of weakness. Short sellers hone in on and they, you know, hit it to the short side and you just start seeing stocks dropping more than they're popping up. You know? Yeah, we ended up having one kind of unexpected move on HEA our today and you know this is frustrating because I didn't trade it and you know you see it make.

Did this nice five-minute pullback right here and on. This one I was just like. well I have a hard time trusting it because I really didn't do very well on it yesterday yesterday it was so choppy. It finished.

is this doji candle yesterday that tall upper wick. It shows a lot of indecision and typically we don't see really good follow-through on the second day. If yesterday, the market was really indecisive on the stock. why would it be suddenly strongly bullish? Today there's no fresh news, there's no fresh catalyst.

So what creates that bullishness? Usually it doesn't happen. so when you see a stock do this kind of surprise move, it's like you know where did this come from And so of course my instinct is to try to jump on the momentum. But the problem is now I'm red on the day and so if I jump on the momentum, what's gonna happen if I'm wrong I go from being down a hundred to being down five hundred or maybe I have another $1700 loss and I go from being down two hundred to being down eighteen hundred and I would say Ross why did you even bother trading this today when your profit loss ratio on the day was so poor, your winners were so small and so yesterday is a perfect example of this: I was down $700 on the day it had like 10 trades, 7 winners, 3 losers and I was read on the day bad profit loss ratio and I thought I just want to jump back into something I want to try to you know finish the day in the green and I saw IQ squeezing up and the stock. you know it just squeezed from 19 dollars up to 23 and I was looking at it thinking okay, well I missed this pullback right here at 2150.

but right now it's consolidating under $23 and this looks like it's starting to go parabolic and what happened you know last week with IMT e and Bo XL also recent IPO stocks making these big breakouts. So I'm gonna jump on it. and so what did I do I jumped in it with 5,000 shares anticipating the break of twenty three dollars and a minute later it drops down to 20 to 40 and I lose 2,000 bucks just like that and I finished the day down 3,000 dollars and said down just 700 and so I felt like geez, Ross that was so stupid. Why did you take that trade? You know you were already not having a very good day.

You were seeing tons of false breakouts. Why did you even bother and you know it was FOMO It was feeling like I was missing an opportunity and so that's the same thing on har I Feel like I missed this opportunity and if this thing goes to 20 bucks today, I'm gonna feel like geez, why didn't I just jump in. The problem is you know, jumping in yesterday cost me 2,000 bucks. if I jumped in today, what would have happened on here? Maybe I would have made money and that's what's so difficult.
You don't have consistent responses to actions so you'll have times where you break the rules, you do the all the wrong things, and you make money. and then you have times where you follow the rules, you do the right thing you say. You know what? I'm down a hundred bucks today I'm having really bad profit loss ratios. the the market just doesn't feel strong for me.

I'm done trading and then you see a stock go from $12 to $15 without you, right? And it feels really frustrating that that's probably the hardest thing with the market is that when you file, you'll follow rules and you can get punished for it because you miss opportunities and you can break rules and you get rewarded for it. So it's like, well, what's the point of having rules if you know this is the way it is and I'd say that the point of having rules is that even though on a day like today, maybe it's preventing me from having a big winner on a day like yesterday, it would have stopped me from going deeper in the hole. And so overall, over the long term, the days that you're stopped from going deeper in the hole most likely are gonna save you a lot more than the days where you get a little further into the green because the best days of training, you're hitting your daily goal in the first 30 minutes, right? Those are the best days. It's very, very rare that you catch some big afternoon move and that turns into the daily goal.

In fact, the $25,000 winner I had whatever a week ago that was the biggest winner of ever had. in an afternoon trade it was I mean it was almost just luck that it just that never happens to me. It never ever happens. In seven years of trading, it's never happened that I've gotten that type of winner in the afternoon.

So I can't count on it at all. I have to just expect that afternoons are choppy and if I haven't hit my profit target by 10 a.m. that right there I should have a red flag that goes up at 10 a.m. If I'm not at $2,000 a profit right Because it's just like hey, this is not a strong market.

So today the red flag is up and saying hey, rods for trades and you're red on the day despite 75 percent accuracy. Don't keep trading, Be done. Be done for the day and come back tomorrow And you know, come back on Monday I Want to back at it on Monday if we see good follow-through If we see good opportunities, I'll be up three four thousand dollars in the first 30 minutes, you know, look at my P&L from Thursday $29,000 in two hours of trading Friday $8,500 in an hour of trading Monday $5,000 in an hour of trading and Tuesday $4,000 an hour of trading Wednesday down 13,000 an hour of trading So on. Wednesday Would it have been smart for me to keep trading past that first hour? No.
I don't think so. That would be stupid. That's how I finished the day down thirty thousand right on Thursday I'm down seven hundred in the first hour of trading I Decided to keep trading and I closed the day down three thousand bucks today. I'm down one hundred fifteen dollars in the first hour of trading and I'm closing up shop I'm following at the rules and if it means I miss here, it means I miss here.

Most likely though, you know this would be that one outlier that ends up working. But statistically, it's following the rules and so that's what it really comes down to. Not focusing on individual trades that may have worked, but focusing on your averages. Focusing on your statistics on average.

how much money do you make? Let's say, for instance, on stocks over twenty Five dollars a share. when you start to look at the averages, you know then it's like okay, maybe I feel stupid that I didn't trade Lfi n on the day that it went from you know, seventy dollars to one hundred and forty dollars a share, right? cuz Jesus people are talking about making huge profits on this and I'm the guy that just sat on the sidelines and didn't trade it. Well, let's look at my metrics. Was there a reason that it in traded? So let's look at price from and volume.

Where do I make the most money? It's on stocks under ten dollars. This right here is almost a million dollars on stocks under ten dollars. And how much have I made on stocks over twenty over twenty I've have I have a net loss of down, whatever and now I'm on the next page down. Twelve thousand dollars, right? And it's because trading these higher priced stocks look at this as an eleven thousand dollar loss on any te that was pathetic.

So my averages tell me not to trade those stocks. not to even bother because statistically I don't do well in them. So yeah, when you see the one that ends up working, you can think out geez, you know of course I should have traded it, but you know. same.

Same with your metrics. When do I make the most money is between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 A.m. Not, you know, up before 11:00 and yeah, I have a little bit of profit at noon and a tiny amount of profit.

This is one trade basically in the after in a couple trades. I mean how many trades do we actually have here? We've got probably like five trades, one big lucky winner and then the rest is just choppy stuff. So you know that was luck I got a get out of jail free card on that trade and you know whatever. I'll take it.

but statistically, afternoons are not my time and remember I traded in the afternoon on that day, but I was already up five grand on the day. It was already a good day at trading. It wasn't a day like today where I'm choppy and breakeven it was a strong day. So have faith in your metrics and follow your rules.
create your rules and then follow them. And if your rules say don't trade past 11:30 then don't trade past 11:30 And you made those rules for a reason. Will you miss opportunities? Yeah sure. But you'll also save yourself the headache and the heartache of having days where you go from being profitable to being in the red.

All right. So follow your rules and And for me today, I Kind of felt like one of my rules was I went for being green on the day to being red I'm just gonna cut it right there I'm not gonna keep trading because I feel like if I go from green to red I'm just gonna go further into the red I Don't feel like it's really likely I'll bounce back to green, especially at this time of day so that right there could be a new rule. If you ever go from green to red, the moment you flip back to into the red, you're done. You don't take another trade, you just say that's it.

I'm done and that for me worked well today. Look, it's the writing on the wall. If you go from being green to red, that tells you the market is choppy. So throw in the towel.

You know tomorrow's a new day. Today is not the day that I should be aggressive in trying to swing for the fences I'm not gonna hit a thirty thousand dollar winner today. That's not gonna happen. So you know if I'm not gonna have big winners today.

If we're not seeing a quality set ups then what's really the point of trading this month I have two days where combined I made $60,000 so everything else has just kind of been noise. Make a little money, lose a little money, but follow the rules so that's what it really comes down to. So the thing with By O/l is that and this is obviously the challenge with trading small caps and trading low float stocks is the volatility is insane. These can move a 50 cents in a minute and so it's not because you want to lose 70 cents per share.

Obviously, risking 70 cents per share is an ideal, but the reality on these is that this is how much they can move in one minute. This went from a low of 232 to a high of 298 and if it kept going, it could have gone right up to $4 and then BOOM. You know it's a winner, but you just have to manage your risk. You have to expect that these types of stocks when they go the wrong way.

you could lose 50 cents or $1 Yeah, so that's why my profit loss ratio usually ends up being closer to one to one. I have lots of winners and there are about a thousand bucks each. but my average losers are also about a thousand because you know I'll get knocked down by a trade like that. So being a scalper, being a trader where you get in, take quick profits.

Typically your accuracy is gonna be really high because look, it's easier to predict what a stock is gonna do in you know, 10 minutes than what its gonna do in in in 5 hours. So when you're trading on really short timeframes 5 minute, 10 minutes you know things like that. It's easy to have high accuracy 60 70 % and so you can get away with having a poorer profit loss ratio. you know cuz you make it up with the accuracy.
but you know with stock like HEA are your stops. probably would have been 20 30 cents but you know you could have gotten a $0.50 flush. It's just you know the way these stocks often trade so a little bit more risk. but you know we also have more reward on the upside when they are working well.

So anyways, that's it for me today. I'm you know, going into the weekend, just kind of ready for a couple days off and relax, take a break and be back at it Monday morning. It'll be a new week and hopefully we can get things off to a strong start so those are you watching on Facebook YouTube Love for you guys to give us the thumbs up! Throw down comments below. We'll come back and answer them later.

And if you like these videos, subscribe to the channel. Alright, so that's it for me. I'll see you all first thing on Monday morning. All right.

enjoy the weekend everybody. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

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36 thoughts on “Trade recap: time to get away?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crazydude409 says:

    Ross, I've been trading exclusively by swing trading with only a moderate degree of success. I've been contemplating looking into day trading but I'm a little bit nervous as I feel like it is much more risky. Do you have any advice to get more comfortable?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJP Junk Removal,Yard Waste Removal & Home Service says:

    Ross is the king of daytrading. Taking losses makes u a better trader.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cube Plays says:

    Hey, you talked about low float stocks having high volatility. If this is true, couldnt you invest in them when it looks good. If it goes bad you wait untill they rise again because of the volatility? (I know nothing about stocks at all)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cube Plays says:

    I am completely new to trading and have just started looking into it, you seem to be an expert at this. Do you have any recommendations on how I can learn to trade? For example a website or youtube video? Thanks!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Csr Trs says:

    Why how you been doing bad if markets are going up finally?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dain Lewis says:

    It has been a rough week. Almost every day It was hard to get a good entry after the bell. Then had to scalp all day to break even or have a small profit.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stang280 says:

    lol the stock in the background is going to the moon!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivo Roperto says:

    Follow your rules.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Am SAL says:

    Your attitude/outlook is very helpful Thanks for sharing on your channel that is very humble of you👍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andydoesitall says:

    Man Ross you crack me up with with your headline pictures and videos! I like how you handle the losses and I see your keeping your losses smaller on the past couple trades like this one you posted. Keep the good work up.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liborko says:

    Hi Ross , you have on your monitor at the same time two trading platforms . One is Lightspeed and please can you let me know , what is the name of the second broker ….. eS ????? …. …. Thank you .

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sealows86 says:

    Ross I took the step on going in to trading I have a small account on a 14k margin and made 2900 last week and expect to receive 2 k but my question is you think it's luck or I might be using a good technique my family tells me.not to trade because i own a small trucking company where i make about 3k a week but have to work 70hrs this week I traded for 14hrs In 4 days i have been using well respected traders advice they give out on their videos and recently got a small account because i didnt have start up money. one day I hope to be a pro because i was able to spend time with my family instead of being in a truck all day. well I thank you for your advice and appreciate that you took time to answer my last coment.. keep up the motivation and focus you got this

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kayman Family says:

    Got it. Thank you Ross.Keep it strong next week.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Zausch says:

    It seems like everything cycles including the time of day they try to make their run. There seems to be a lot more stock price advances starting later in the morning over the past couple of weeks.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A A says:

    Hi Ross after you reach your daily goal and you see perfect set up breakout would you get back in or take your daily goal walk away if you had small account I'm really scared giving my profits back to the market ? If you look at $ANFI made money on that then it pulled back started trending up again to break 2.85 resistance it went high as 3.44 that's big move

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruhop60 says:

    Great video's. I love your honest take on trading. So refreshing vs. some others that are out there.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hheythered says:

    I absolutely agree, I hate afternoon trades for the most part. Nothing moves the same, to me its a completely different world. I try to avoid it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 大目陳 says:

    Ross, Ross, Ross… GO! GO! GO!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iDroolT says:

    I'd really like to learn how to do this. 🙂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 223554545 says:

    i was ready to join HEAR @ 11.5 but i got scared to lose my week gain !!!
    and i was again ready to join ANFI @ 2.6 and sell it @ 3.3 and again YEAH i felt very bad so i went a dump trade to ISR @.59 sell @.55 !
    well its ok haaafoooooo 🙁

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nurgali Baymatov says:

    Thanks for honesty and for sharing your losses and profits, good advice. Have a nice weekend.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vic1torius says:

    Thanks for the good words Ross. Tylers swing trade call on BLNK was beautiful made some moneeyyyy. Maybe one day he can make videos and break down his calls .

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Torry Hudson says:

    You are an excellent teacher, Ross. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to help fellow traders out!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tajah McCullough says:

    Yes I agree, when overall momentum starts getting choppy with the premarket gappers, I dont trust the staircases as much bc so many times, the sliding board comes right after the stair you get in on smh. Especially when it's continuation from yday. Maybe in these times it's better to pretend those big winners are just there to lure us into the red. and hold out for only nice clear gradual bull flags or reversals forming on the 5 min

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R W says:

    I cant remember, do you ever short? I've only seen your videos where u go long but maybe I havent seen enough of them.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harshal Chaudhari says:

    Do you consider long term investing in stock market

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars biggwill21931 says:

    Just signed up for the beginner class. Been watching your vids for a while. Hoping to learn a lot and take the Warrior Pro class in a few more months.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan te says:

    Hey ross can you make a vid how you set up you're esignels platform with all the indicators and when you have multiple screens it would help a lot because there not a lot of vids on youtube how to set up esignels it would help a lot !! Keep up the good work

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    Hey Ross!! In the past few videos you have mentioned how nice it would be to have an emotional indicator to get a feel for the market. Have you ever followed the Dow and Nasdaq pre-market numbers and compared those to how well your first trade or two of the day went? Obviously if the pre-market was down 200 points alot of selling has taken place and more then likely that carries over when the bell rings. I think that would be interesting to chart for a month or so and see if your good days and bad days correlate with the pre-market numbers. I would try this but I'm now back strictly trading futures as I got beat up pretty bad trying to trade like you. You the man Ross!!!!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramneet K says:

    Hi Ross! Do a lot of your members use tradezero? What's their experience with the broker? Really hesitant to pick a broker that doesn't have a lot of reviews online.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JonGoodman says:

    Why don't you learn to take your wins and call it a day? You wouldn't be in the red if you keep pushing further after your first win. Learn to be appreciative of your win, and don't get greedy.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A K says:

    Hey Ross, just wondering if you could scalp like 5 cents repeatedly on a stocks day range?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GreifNation says:

    He defines "don't know when to stop trading so i will lose all profits and then some"

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kay Cooper says:

    Ross, are you using the trackpad of your laptop or a separate mouse?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Roberts says:

    Serious question. Is there a reason you continue to trade after making $1,600? Or are you going for like record breaking profits? Because personally if I was making over $1,000/day I'd be calling it a day and living the nice life. You are a beast btw, nothing against you.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosetta Bryson says:

    You have the best scanners. Sometimes if the market changes you must tweak your strategy. You rarely trade in the afternoon, but if the momentum is there as it was for HEAR, at least take a look. But if your strategy is to stay within a certain time frame and it has made you $ I get it. Also, ☝️ one bad day does not make the TRADER. Congrats on your $53,000 in 11 days! 😜

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