You’ve probably heard this a gazillion times…
The trend is your friend.
But when you try to implement it into your trading, things aren’t as simple as it seems.
For example:
You’re waiting for the price to re-test support so you can buy, but the pullback never comes.
So, you buy the breakout of the swing high and it turned out to be a false breakout.
That sucks.
That’s why in today’s training, I’ll share with you price action trading strategies you can use to profit in bull & bear markets—even if you have tried everything else and failed.
Then go watch it right now...
The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading:
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns:
Pro Traders Edge:
Pullback Stock Trading System:

Hey hey: what's up my friends, so welcome to today's training right where you will discover my top trending price action patterns that work, because here's the thing right, i'm sure most of you or rather you know that you should trade with the trend. The trend is your friend, but here's the thing you know that the market is in an uptrend, but sometimes you just can't find the right trading opportunity to get on board the trend right. You know the price breaks out of resistance and you wait for the price to re-test previous previous resistance. That could become support, so you wait and wait and wait and wait and the price doesn't come right.

You just do a slight retracement and then boom continue higher and you miss the the move. So what now? So this is why, in today's training, i want to share with you four four specific trending price action patterns that work right. So you can always. You know find trading opportunities right in such trending.

Market conditions sounds good. Then, let's get started price action pattern number one, the first pullback. So what is this about? Okay? So this right is when you know the price breaks out of resistance and then when it makes a first pullback something like this okay. So let me just illustrate right: let's say the market is in a range: okay, it breaks out of the range.

So what we are looking here is for the first pullback not necessarily towards this previous resistance that could support, but nonetheless a pullback, something like this right pull back. So at this point right, we want the pullback right to have small range candles right, because when the pullback has a small range of candles, it tells us that the buyers are still in control. The sellers are not able to come in and push the price lower. Make sense right so if the pullback has a series of small range candles, it tells you that selling pressure isn't really very strong and that's what we want to see.

The next thing we want to have is the 20ma to catch up with the low of the pullback. So if you pull out your 20 me on your chart, it would start to you know: slope up higher right and the pullback reaches the 20 period moving average. This is to give us uh give the market right sometime to digest the recent move right, the recent upswing. We want to give the market some time to digest the move, so the 20ma right would be uh a way to gauge right how much time has passed.

So, usually about after you know, uh, depending on your time frame right, seven to ten candles on a pullback, the 20ma should you know catch up with the pullback already at this point? Okay, so once we have this uh small range candles on the pullback, we have the 20ma catch up with the uh low of the pullback. Then what you can do is simply to buy the breakout of the swing high, which is this one over here by buy right if the price breaks above this swing height. Okay, so let me walk you through a few examples right, so you can see what i mean so over here. You can see that this market, again aussie canadian, you can see the price has been uh below resistance right around the 91 and a half cent area.
Then the market broke out higher. So at this point you can see over here many traders. They are. What are they looking for? I'm pretty certain.

They are looking for a re-test of previous resistance that could act as support and that's not wrong. Okay, but if that's the only trick up your sleeve, then you'll find that you are missing a lot of trading opportunities trading opportunities that you could uh otherwise exploit had you know, and you have a few tricks up to up your sleeve okay. So let me walk you through right, how you could have you know uh trade, this particular pair, so again, right. What we mentioned earlier is the first pullback.

So when the price breaks out of a level right, we are looking for the first pullback. So, in this case, we let the 20ma be our guide. So this is the red line over here the 20 period moving average. We want to pull back right to have a series of small range candles when the range of the candles on a pullback is small.

It's telling us that selling pressure isn't really strong and that's a good thing because we are looking to buy so give it some time right as the market pull back. We can see that over here, aha, okay, now this market has the pullback right. The low of the pullback has touched the 20ma and if you look at this pullback right the price section, if you look at the range of these candles, they are relatively small and that's a good thing right. You compare this range of candles over here with this one over here.

Do you see the difference? This is what i'm talking about right. This is what i want to see small range candles on the pullback compared to this one. It's very big large range candles right towards the downside, so the smaller the range of the candles on the pullback, the better and what's left to do is that you know the market. Now.

Has you know, given you signals that it's about to make the next wave higher, what you can do is just simply have a buy, stop order above this high go along right when the market breaks out above that high, which is in this candle, you can see The price took out above this highs over here and that's where you can go along. So this is one example of the first pullback and as for stop loss right couple of ways, you can do it number one you can set it based on the 20ma right. You notice here the price has been constantly above the 20ma, so you can set it a 180r below it. So maybe 20ma is here, atr might be somewhere about here.

This is your stop loss or otherwise you can reference from the nearest swing load to set your stop loss in this case, the nearest swing low. Possibly, is this swing low over here right, so you set it 180 below this low somewhere about here. Okay, so, depending on how conservative and aggressive right you want to be so, let's have another example of the first pullback. So this one over here is the uh goal: g for goal.
Okay, so again, looking back, we can see at this market. We have broke out of this area of resistance, so at this point you can see - let's just zoom in a little bit right many traders, okay, the old rainer, will be thinking right now right now, it's time to be patient right now. Wait for the market to come to 1360. Wait for this previous resistance to become support.

Then i wait and wait and wait and wait, and then i see this. The market just go boom right up higher without me. So again, right uh! It's not wrong to wait for re-test, but if you are a one-trick pony, as mentioned, you will find yourself right missing a lot of trading opportunities, so this is again right where the first pullback comes into play, pull out your 20ma doesn't matter whether is it the 20, ema, the sme, the wme. The concept is: what matter right all these tiny uh differences in the calculation won't matter as much okay.

So when we pull out the 20ma, we want to see the pullback right touch, or rather the low of the pullback touch. The 20ma, in this case we have it over here, so this tells us that the market right has already digested this recent move over here he has digested the recent move. That's a good thing. The next thing we want to look for is to make sure that the range of the candles on a pullback is nice and small.

So, as we can see over here, the range of the candles are getting smaller right, pretty small candles over here we have here as well. Okay, so what we can what's left to do is to simply place a buy, stop order above this swing high. If the price trades above this swing high, we get long, we get onboard the trade right to see if we can catch the next wave of the trend. Stop loss couple of ways you can reference number one is using the 20ma, which is this red line over here, 180 below it so somewhere here or if you want to be more conservative, you can reference it from this swing low over here, 180 below it.

So you'll be somewhere about here, okay, so this is what i mean by the first pullback: okay, moving on the next thing, the pre-breakup. So this is an advanced technique right. That kind of you know, uh stack upon what you've just learned. So sometimes you know, i know there are traders who look at this and they think to themselves.

Oh rainer, but rainer. You know if i were to buy at this high right right now. You know this is at a high point right. Can i get it at a better price? I don't want to.

You know, buy at such a high price. Okay, if that's what you think right, i know some traders might be uncomfortable with buying when the price breaks out of the swing high. What you can do is look for the pre-breakout trading setup right. So what happens? Is that number one? You want to look for the price right to form a build up or consolidation after a breakup, okay and then, when that happens right, you want to go down to a lower time frame, a factor of four to six and look for a false break setup.
So let me just illustrate what this means so this portion here right, let's say the price is in the range it breaks out and then it starts to consolidate after it breaks out. So this is what i call a build up: a consolidation, the price forms a build up or consolidation after a breakout, pretty common sense. When this happens right, you want to go down to a lower time frame, a factor of four to six and look for a false break setup. So, let's say, for example, this one here is the daily timeframe.

Let's call it d d for daily, then, on the four hour time frame. Okay, now some of you might be thinking right, rayna, why? Why the four hour time frame so, as you know, right the daily time frame has 24 hours okay and over here i mentioned that we are using a factor of four to six, so 24 hours you divide by six right, will give you the four hour time Frame, so your lower time frame here can be the four hour time frame right because four hour, a factor of six you multiply by six gives you the daily time frame so anywhere between a factor of four to six right can be your lower time frame. So, in other words, your lower timeframe can be anywhere from the four hour time frame, the five hour time frame or the uh six hour. Time frame.

That's fine because it will fall in between a factor of four to six, because if you take 24 hours divided by six, you get four hour. You take 24 hour divide by four. You get six hour time frame. You take 24 hours divided by five.

You get some decimal point time frame, so so i'm going to keep things simple right. Daily timeframe is 24 hour time frame. That means that it has 24 hours. The lower time frame is the four hour time frame, and what i'm looking for on the four-hour time frame is.

This is that at this part over here, you see over here. The four-hour timeframe will look something like a range. So what i'm looking for is for the price to retest the lows of the this support and then close strongly back above support like this. So when this happens right.

This is what i call a false brake setup and i want to buy near the lows of support, so this is kind of like you know. A two part combo pump pump right. First, one is the daily time frame. Second, one is going down to the lower time frame like the forward time frame.

So again, i'm just going to walk you through an example, so you can see what i mean. So if you go up to the aussie canadian again, okay, you see that on this chart over here. This is where we have this consolidation that i've illustrated earlier. Okay.

So now, let's go down to the four hour time frame and see what this looks like. So i'm going to split the chart into two like magic, kaching right now, it's into two, so this portion here - okay, i'm just gon na you - know, walk you through this portion that you see over here is equivalent to this portion here. So the key thing that i want you to pay attention is, at this price point notice that we have a false break set up at the lows of this support notice, how the price smashed below support. Rather you get below it and then close back above support right and this candle over here.
So this is a sign of price rejection. This tells you that you know buyers are stepping in to push the price higher. At this point, you can look to buy on the next candle open, which is over here. Stop-Loss is one atr again below this low somewhere here and then to see if you can write the next wave up higher okay.

So this is what i call the pre-breakout setup. Let's look at another one euro aussie. If you look over here again, we have this consolidation this time around. It is the opposite side right.

We have a downtrend and we have this consolidation over here. So again, i want to split the chart up like magic kaching, all right so hero aussie. Okay. So let me just walk you through the uh, the area of the chart, so you know where i'm referring to so you see over here.

This here is equals to here now now, what we're looking for is for a false break, set up on the four hour time frame. So in this case, you can see that over here, the price trades above this highs and then make a reversal right closing below this heist over here. This is what i call a false break: setup and again stop loss can go 180 above. This highs enter our next candle open somewhere here, so in essence, right, if you look at it at the big picture on the daily time frame, you're selling this market right somewhere near the highs of this consolidation near the highs of this build up.

So this is as best as you can get for, an entry trigger make sense and by the way, if you're, enjoying this training so far smash the thumbs up button. If you don't then hit the subscribe button sounds good. Then let's move on okay. So this is what i call the pre-breakout trading setup, so this allows you right to enter as early as possible right to buy near low to buy near the lows right or sell near the highest depending on your trade direction.

Next, one, the moving average way bounce. Okay, so what this is right is that it's very useful if the market is in a healthy trend right, respecting a moving average. So usually when the market is in a healthy trend, it tends to respect the 50ma. So what you want to do is again be patient.

Let the market make a pullback towards the 50ma and then look for a price rejection before entry. So, for example, let me just illustrate this one quickly. So market is in a healthy trend right. You can see the app and flow of this market and, if you pull out the 50ma, it's like this right.
It's the price bounce here once twice then on the third time over here, you can look for a trading opportunity to buy. You want to wait for the price to break and close back above the 50ma to time your entry to go long. So let me share with you a few examples again over here: okay, merge the chart and nasdaq so over here you can see that on the eight hour time frame, okay, i'm going to pull out the 50ma. So i know some of you might be thinking ah ray now.

This is too good to be true right. This is a cherry pick chart. Well, guess what? Yes, it is right, it is a cherry pick chart and the reason i cherry pick shut cherry pick. Discharge is to illustrate my point.

It is so silly to pick a chart that invalidate my point. Okay, so again, i'm not asking you to trust me to take this at face value right in fact take what i've shared with you test. It validate the concept on your own, that's how you learn and that's how you get better at trading: okay, so nasdaq, eight hour time frame, so you can see over here again we have multiple bounds on this market at the 50ma. That's that once over here twice.

Third time over here so over here right, there was a trading opportunity for you to go long notice how the price came into the 50ma smash below it and then on the next candle it break and close back above the 50ma. I think i just covered it right so on this candle over here when the price staged a strong rally closing back above the 50ma, you can look to go long on the next candle open, stop loss again 180r below the swing low somewhere about here. So this is a valid entry. Here's another one right price was below the 50 m and then you bullishly break and close above the 50 ma you can enter on the next candle open, stop loss 180 below this low okay.

So this is what i mean by the moving average bounce, and this is useful right when market has been uh trending for a while. Let's say you missed the first pullback: let's say you missed the pre-breakout trading setup and by now the market is really no trending. For a while and in such market condition, don't change the market, don't trade for it from an area of value. So what i mean is, let's say for this point: right market looks bullish, okay and many traders.

They are tempted to buy in this highs because, after all, hey rayna, you look how bullish this market is right. You know it forms a bullish, engulfing pattern. The market is going up higher for sure arena guarantee plus chop, but here's the thing right when you buy at this price point over here. You know historically, that this market tends to bounce off the 50ma, which is over here.

So if you were to set your stop loss over here over here over here, it doesn't quite make sense, because when the market makes a pullback, let's say towards the 50ma guess what you're going to get stopped out. So this is a it's a poor trade location to be trading from. Alternatively right, some of you might be thinking right now, if i buy here, i can set my stop loss below the 50ma somewhere about here. That's true, but if you look at the size of your stop loss, it's again pretty done wide.
So what do you do? Well be patient right. Let the market come to you! Let the price come to you. This is where you know - or this is what i mean by trading from an area of value - make sense another example. So this is the oil market again same concept, market tested it number of times.

I would consider this a first test. Second test and right now. It's about here once again, okay, so so, okay, i can't share this. I mean i can share this right on the higher time frame.

Right now. The market is actually coming into this area of area of resistance right. This area of resistance over here and it's like range of the candles are getting smaller and smaller, and i sense right a breakup could be coming soon. So at this point right there number of ways you can trade this one right again, you can look to buy.

Let's say the break of this highs to go long as a breakout trade, or you can look for the price to re-test right this low over here. To trigger uh the low over there like this trigger the low and then close back above the 50ma to get long, so this one will be an earlier entry before the breakout. So this is uh not the best example of the moving average bounce, not the best example, but i want to highlight you right when you trade in the real world of trading right, you would have different moving parts together. Sometimes you might be thinking.

I want to trade a breakout, sometimes i might be thinking. Maybe i can look to trade, the moving average bounce. So what's the right way to go about it, so guess what there's no right or wrong way to go about it right, ultimately, right! It's where right! You want to be trading from where can you define your risk and what's your game plan, what's your trading plan, are you going to treat this as a breakout trade to trail your stop-loss, to write the next wave, or are you just going to capture one swing Because, for example, in this case right, if you just want to capture one swing in this market, i would rather forgo the trade, because you can see that there's really not much profit potential right to capture that one swing, because right now, let's say you market come Near this low and trades up higher, there's really not much meat left in this move just quite little right so again from a swing trading standpoint i would rather forgo the trade, but if you're looking to trade breakout right in anticipation of a next uh uptrend that Could continue right up? I mean you can't see here, but let me just zoom out, let's see over here, you can see how tight this is on the daily time frame over here. This portion right and you anticipate that this market, if it breaks out, could have another next search, or rather the next wave higher, then hey, you can look to trade, the breakout and trail your stops accordingly.
So really there's no, like you know, one size fits all. Okay, i hope this. I hope this little bit of uh aspect right would help you think deeper about price action trading. So, okay, this is the moving average bounce.

And finally, the last technique i want to share with you is the break and re-test, and in fact this is actually what i shared with you at the start of this video right, where many traders just simply look for a break and re-test and, as i said Right, it's not wrong right, but if this is your only tool right, then you know you find that you miss a lot of trading opportunities from time to time. So let me explain to you how i would trade, the brake and re-test. So very simple right! You wait for the price to break out of resistance and re-test previous resistance downturn. Support look for a price rejection before entry, so something like this price range breaks out rejects close bullishly above support.

So a few examples to illustrate my point so canadian and eight hour timeframe you can see over here. I zoom out notice that this market has broke above this area of a resistance. It breaks out retests previous resistance. That could now become support, and this is where our price rejection came in right.

Look at this nice juicy fat bullish candle, not the fattest on this chart, but you know i would say it's a valid right notice how the price come down, lower and close near the highs of this candle right. This is a bullish price. Rejection right can look to go long on the next candle open, stop loss 180 below this low somewhere here, okay. So this is what we call a break and re-test, and this is a setup that i believe many traders are familiar with.

Another one. Is the euro against the swiss franc? Let's zoom out a bit, you can see over here the price previously this is the area of support price broke down. Re-Test previous support now become resistance, and, if you just zoom in a little bit right, this price rejection. This time round is much much stronger nice strong, parabolic move coming in then over here we have some price rejection lurking in the background, and it's confirmed right by the next candle as the price tries to rally up higher again, but then eventually closing near the lows Of the day, so again it can go along on the next candle.

I mean sorry, go short on the next candle open, stop. Loss 180 are above this highs somewhere about here, okay, so this is what i mean by the break and re-test, and i'm not going to show you the outcome of this trade, because it's not important right. What's important is the concept what's important? Is you know, taking the ideas and concepts that i've shared with you and validating right, whether it works or not right so yep no point sharing the result of this. This particular trade, okay and finally, right one last thing: okay, one last thing: just one last thing before we go this bonus training, so i'm going to walk you through right uh, what i've just shared with you right.
It's uh, it's of course based on hindsight, but when you are trading in real time, it's not high inside so so how should your top process be like? So i'm going to walk you through step by step right how my top process is going to be like to trade. This type of you know trending price action patterns. So, as you see right now, euro dollar - i zoom up - you can see that this price the market has broke above this area of resistance, previous resistance. That could become what support okay.

So here's my game plan right. I have a couple of rather a few tricks up my sleeve first thing right. I could wait over here at this area, previous resistance that could become support, price hit down, lower lower lower lower and then reverse close strongly back above support. I can go along on the next candle open, stop loss, one atr below this lows in anticipation of higher prices.

This is something that i think most of you are familiar with next thing. I can also look for a first pullback market uh pull out the 20ma. I want the 20ma to catch up with the price or somewhere about here. At this point, market makes a pullback right, small range candle pullback.

So at this point i have something that looks like a blue flag pattern. If the price breaks above this swing high, i can look to buy again. Stop loss can go 180 below this, the low of the flag somewhere about here. That's my second option.

The third thing right. What i can do is i can go down to a lower time frame like the four hour time frame and look to trade the pre-breakout. So, in this case, the market could form a new range on a four-hour time frame like this, and i can look to buy on this false break price: reverse close up higher in anticipation right that the market could continue up higher. So this is another option that i can use right to trade this market, so hopefully by now right you can see that as a price action trader as a trend trader, you don't want to be just a one-trick pony.

Hopefully, i've opened up your eyes right to the different possibilities that you can, that you can trade right in this type of market conditions. So a quick recap: today we spoke about the first pullback right, basically, a blue flag pattern or a bare flag pattern right. After a price breaks out of a support resistance, next one, we talk about the pre-breakup basically entering and write your trade before the market now breaks out of the flag pattern. The third thing is moving average bounce.

This is for markets right, which have been trending for a while uh there's, a very clear, app and flow right goes up, higher pulls back goes up, higher pulls back. This type of market condition is what i call the healthy trend and i'm looking for a pullback. Usually towards the 50ma and finally right the last one that you're all too familiar with the break and re-test right breakout of resistance, re-testing, your previous resistors, that could become support, looking for a buying opportunity at that area and by the way, if you want to learn More of such price action trading strategies, tips and techniques, then just go down to my website over here trading with download. This guide, the ultimate guide to price action trading click, this orange button and i'll send it to your email address for free, sounds good, then go do it right now, and i wish you good luck and good trading i'll talk to you soon.

By Stock Chat

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25 thoughts on “Top trending price action strategies to profit in bull & bear markets”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Krazarian says:

    Been watching alot of Market content, I really like your stuff the absolute best my friend!.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars meo meo says:

    I'm trusting you sir. Thank you sir for all your videos. I used the strategies I learned from you, but I'm always making sure that I have a stop loss because stock market is a game of probability.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashutosh Srivastav says:

    in which time frame sir its 20 sma working like this

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kunkao Sangdad says:

    555 The gesture u're waiting really makes me laugh..
    But u're absolutely right. I was like that before..😂😅

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S. SAKTHIVEL S193 says:

    ❤️Please explain some strategies about indian NIFTY50 🙏

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alk says:

    hi All, 20 EMA can be used on every time frame? I aske it because all the samples in the video connected to daily time frame.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Violeta Veleva says:

    Your videos are the best on this topic! Keep the good work

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yusuf al kafi says:

    thank you for opening my eyes for more opportunity in price action trading strategies

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amarsanaa galbadrah says:

    Rayner asks something. trendline or support resistant which is powerful and useful?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amarsanaa galbadrah says:

    yes Rayner its uptrending chig chig guaranteed I will go long kkkk boom turned its all times again again so horrible.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade Raider says:

    Rayner I just want to let you know that I appreciate your time. I have a few students that I teach for free and I don't have the time to make videos for them. So i often send them the links to your videos that connect with what I am teaching them at that time. So thank you. Your videos are being sent to India, Nigeria, Mexico and of course here in the US. Please keep em coming.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J C says:

    I am very thankful for you Mr Rayner. I had no business trading before I learned from you. But am literally trading from the training with you I study and listen to every night. You are gifted,& great teacher of conveying challenging ideas & making them simple. Its profound how good you are at conveying. Thank you, thank you, & thank you again. I pray the Lord blesses you for all the time you gave so unselfishly, that we might learn.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Shurtz says:

    Your videos on price action have been the most helpful to me. I was stuck at break even for quite some time. After watching the price action vids a few times and taking notes, I have finally crossed into profitability. I'm so thankful for your help rayner, this will help me for years to come!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hue tran says:

    Hello Rayner thank you so much for your good work I'm so enjoy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pleefmsd says:

    Thanks Rayner for another great video! I have noticed that many stocks trending upward bounce along on the 50ma, so thanks for confirming that for me! 🙂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lolli poop says:

    yo rayner. u seems had some tired days. and your eye bag so big acting as support below ur eye. health and family are priority!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! jor-el Perez says:

    thanks a lot for this rayner, very helpful and useful tips love it. this opens my mind in trading

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Volkan Ateşmen says:

    The most honest and trusted trader videos on Youtube. Thanks my friend, you are best and changing this world!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricka Dobson says:

    I keep asking my self why am I getting down day by day bill’s on me shit I just wanna be free thank God mr Sylvester Schneider helped me with the trades if not am pretty sure the county jail ain’t far from me.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! nithin pm says:

    Hey Rayner, if it was perfect like these, then why don't majority people not succeed , and say only 95% succeed.🤔
    Can u share a video on where people go wrong.?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nickjohn Grant says:

    Could have entered when that second bullish candle closed above resistance after touching and respecting the 20 MA with stops below the previous bearish candle

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Samuel Ministries says:

    Great teacher you are thanks for your time God bless you

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pushpa latha says:

    Sir.., my doubt is finding MA and RSI indicators (moving average, relative strength index) which time freams we have to follow like 2h,4h ,6h or plse mention ranges of Ma and rsi for best results, for bull market

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apostle Reply Aphiri says:

    How are you Rayner your videos are helpful I am a beginner but I understand most of the things you say

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnold Mutugi says:

    Hi Rayner ….after the price breaks support or resistance….and I wanna trade the first pull back..and here I am..waiting for the 20MA to touch the price should I wait in the daily or H4 time frame…..coz currently for instance my trading timeframe (H4) the price has broke the 20 ma but in the D1 time frame it hasn't even reached….can I trade the d1 price comes along with the 20ma

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