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Video Outline
0:00 Intro
0:25 Crypto #1
5:45 Get Started
6:34 Crypto #2
9:31 Crypto #3
12:28 Crypto #4
15:16 Crypto #5
17:38 Conclusion
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Since the end of the 2021 bull run, the crypto Market's crashed. but in this past year, we've seen the start to a path of recovery. So with 2024 right around the corner I think it's important to discuss which cryptocurrencies are the ones that you should consider to invest in. Next, we'll be going over all of the updated news, talk about the fundamentals of the crypto, and also give you a brief breakdown regarding the technicals of the crypto, so you at least have a good idea on the entry point.

Let's start with Bitcoin Still currently the number one cryptocurrency within the charts, which hit a low of $15,500 but even just a year later, right now, this asset is up 67% at over $26,000 This means if you invested $11,000 into Bitcoin a year ago, it would be worth approximately $1600 today. That right, there is a $ 67% upside, even through what experts have called this to being one of the worst bare markets in the history of crypto. Not only that, but let's not forget Bitcoin actually hit an all-time high of over $69,000 back on November 8th of 202 21. This means if we ever get back to those same levels again, $11,000 invested into Bitcoin when it was at its low of $15,500 will be worth approximately $4,300 if we return back to those same Levels By now, you should have a pretty good idea of what Bitcoin is after all, I've talked about it probably a hundred different times on this channel.

More specifically, I Wanted to focus though on why the use case of Bitcoin is more relevant than it ever has before. This is because Bitcoin is initially created to be an electronic peer-to-peer cash system, but it turns out that it also attracted many investors as it being a store of value currency. In the past 3 to 5 years, we've seen Money Getting printed by the Feds at an unbelievable amount. In just 2021 alone, over $13 trillion was printed out of thin air.

And just last month it was announced that the US national Debt hit $33 trillion for the first time in history. With all that debt that is now circulating throughout the country, it has resulted in some of the worst inflation we've seen in our lifetime. Even in Q4 with interest rates being at a 22-year high, our monthly inflation isn't looking so great either. Just from June of this year, we've had our inflation rate jumped from 3% to now still 3.77% without an end to sight.

Considering that the Federal Reserve inflation goal was actually at 2% I Think it's safe to say that we're still moving in the wrong direction. When you start to realize how flawed our monetary system has become and how easy it is for the government to manipulate the currency we use the importance of decentralized currency, then what we refer to Bitcoin becomes the solution that makes the most amount of sense on top of the current World Monetary Circumstance: Bitcoin still has the First Market mover Advantage because it was the first cryptocurrency to ever come out. As a result, Bitcoin is known worldwide, it has strong brand recognition, and it still has loyalty from the crypto industry as the number one crypto to exist among the vast ocean of over 16,000 assets. Bitcoin impressively holds its grounds, ranking 13 in terms of market cap against all the other world assets.
Now here's why Bitcoin is still the number one crypto on my list: Bitcoin is one of the few cryptocurrency that is officially labeled as a commodity by both the SEC and the Cftc. Now, this distinction here is important just because the sales of security are often heavily regulated and we've also seen a lot of external manipulation happening within those assets. Even right now throughout this bare Market where it seems like no one anymore is interested into crypto, we're actually still seeing an increase in demand globally for Bitcoin as more countries organizations begin adopting it as additional National currencies. Don't forget about El Salvador which made Bitcoin legal tender.

But let's Zoom back in to even the United States where our version of Bitcoin getting adopted more and more comes through the aspect of the Bitcoin spot. ETF Large money managers like Black Rock, Fidelity, Valkyrie and Arc Investments have all decided to pitch the SEC their application on having a Bitcoin owned ETF now as demand continues to increase globally and within the US for Bitcoin, one aspect that has been helping the price of Bitcoin even stay afloat during these times is the fact that it is still considered to be a deflationary asset. This is because Bitcoin does something every four years where it's called the Bitcoin having where the amount of Bitcoin awarded to miners is reduced by half until all 21 million Bitcoins have eventually become mined. This mechanism here helps Bitcoin to become a more inflation resistant resource.

By the way, the next Bitcoin having is expected to occur during April of 2024, where we're going to see the reduction of the block rewards go from 6.25 Bitcoin to 3.125 bitcoin and this is where I possibly believe is going to be the start to the next. Bull Run All in all, if you want to have exposure within the crypto markets, I Still personally believe that Bitcoin is going to be the safest bet to do that with with still decent marginal upside. Taking a look at the weekly chart, Bitcoin currently has had a healthy bounce off the $25,000 support level, but then got rejected at the $288,000 resistance level. The Catalyst to keep an eye out for would be the Bitcoin ETF getting approved which could send Bitcoin upwards to $30,000 especially as we get more confirmation that we're coming out of a recession.

A lot of things are still up in the air, but if you're playing this as a long-term game, I believe that you still have a great buying opportunity here, especially when we look towards the future of where Bitcoin will be at 5 to 10 years from now. The way I also see it is that Bitcoin's potential downside from here is returning back to previous support levels. and I give this like a 20% chance of it happening again, but still, there's a higher percentage chance that we will just slow roll to the upside on the off chance I'm completely wrong and Bitcoin flash crashes again down to the $155,000 level. I Believe that is going to be the best buying opportunity that we can see opening up for anyone who's is a long-term holder.
Now by the way, if you're looking to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like the one we'll mention today, be sure to check out the Discord group Down Below in the description where we have several qualified and profitable trading analysts. Where one of them is even on a 16 trade winning streak on Bitcoin since the beginning of August Collectively, amongst those 16 trades, the ROI is just shy of 800% And if you've ever wanted to make money from investing, get an idea from some of these trade alerts. Be sure to check us out. down below in the description, my analysts include the entry price, the stop-loss price, the takeprofit price, and explanations as to why the trade was made.

If you're looking for community and direction from others within the space I'd love for you guys to join, By the way, for whatever reason, you're not satisfied. We also have a 14-day money back guarantee so you can join risk-free and get your refund if it wasn't what you looking for. All that comes to you no questions asked. Brian I Just want it back because I'm broke.

Sure get it back. Now The second cryptocurrency on my list for today is going to be Ethereum. Ethereum is currently the second largest cryptocurrency in the world by Total Market Cap, and there are still pretty good reasons for that. While Bitcoin may be better known and have a larger market share, many people even now still agree that Ethereum takes the price for popularity and will still provide even higher returns than Bitcoin over time.

My favorite analogy for this is bit coin being like gold and Ethereum being used like silver where silver is more commonly used in everyday items, where it has more versatility, more function unlike gold. Now, since Ethereum is a foundation Network for so many projects and for most of the big Nfts as well, a lot of people justify that Ethereum is going to have a bigger opportunity than Bitcoin and one day that it could even flip Bitcoin in market cap. If we consider the fact that Ethereum also had 338 more transactions in 2022 than Bitcoin, we then begin to get a bit more clarity on that claim. Where I'm most bullish about Ethereum is going to be the use case and fundamentals Ethereum recently had a major Network update where they transition from a proof of work consensus model over into proof of stake where Ethereum has now reduced its inflation rate to the point where it's now considered to be deflationary as well.
This upgrade also resulted in Ethereum diminishing its carbon footprint on the world, making it about 99.9% more energy efficient, and the average Ethereum gas is currently at its lowest Point since November of 2022. With these new upgrades coming out, there's an increased earning potential for Ethereum owners as the new version promises even more passive income as people can now stake their Ethereum and earn a higher yield. Ethereum also maintains its position as a top Altcoin due to its unmatched utility of its Network The Ethereum blockchain has launched more cryptocurrency projects than any other blockchain in the world. As of May 2023, Ethereum has now built over 3,500 different projects with a total value lock of $32 billion amongst its Layer One solution.

I Also want to mention the main narrative behind the previous Bull Run was that there was so many Ethereum killers, different tokens were just making it their mission to replace Ethereum. and this just shows that Ethereum is still to be one of the top contenders when other projects were consistently trying to match or beat the standard that they set. Ethereum today is sitting at around $1,500 with a previous all-time high of $4,800 meaning it's down about 68% if Ethereum goes back to its previous all-time high, it would go back to 215% in gains I Think no matter what, Ethereum is still a great safe play compared to a lot of the smaller Cap all coins and this is always a position that I've had a majority of my bag sitting in as well, even though Nfts, Metaverse and all that stuff is rather flat. I Do believe that in the next Bull Run we could see a resurface of this and thus pushing up the price of Ethereum naturally as well.

Now the Third Cryptocurrency on my list. It's still a bit of a controversial one and that's going to be Ripple's Xrp. For anyone who doesn't know, Xrp is the native cryptocurrency the Ripple payment protocol which is a real-time grow settlement system, currency exchange and remittance. Network Now the Xrp's token is best known for its ability to facilitate fast and low cost International Transactions Unlike many projects out there, Xrp is not actively mined with new tokens coming into circulation.

Instead, it was predetermined that it has a total supply of just 100 billion tokens. Over the past few years, Xrp faced one major obstacle and that was a legal battle against the SEC. If you're in the crypto space, you would have heard about this probably a gazillion times. But just in case you're a Crypton newbie and you're hearing about this for the first time, all you need to know is that back in 2020, the Secc initiated the first major cryptocurrency lawsuit against Ripple and the creator of the Xrp token.

The agency here claimed that Xrp is by definition a security and thus Ripple Labs was selling unregistered Securities leading to the lawsuit. Now, it wasn't until a few months ago or 3 years after this had first started, where a judge has now ruled in favor of Ripple Labs stating that Xrp token was indeed not a security. Now The judgment on this was made in terms of retail sales on Xrp. so basically sales of between people like you and I getting involved.
But when it comes to institutional investors, the judge actually ruled that Ripple laps still may have been in violation of security laws a now even though this was considered to be a partial Victory Nonetheless, it was a huge win for the entire crypto market. After the announcement of this being made, Xrp even jumped 100% in a single day and has since been slowly moving back to where it was previous to the court ruling. Now, the best part is that the SEC was also so blindsided by this decision that they even appealed the judge's ruling and it was later rejected, which reaffirms the strength that Ripple had in their case. After the news settled, crypto exchanges that had previously delisted, Xrp added that token back onto their platform.

So whether it's coinbase or binance or C coin, you're going to now be able to buy, trade, and sell Xrp since the legal decision in court has been made. on top of the major legal battle, win, Xrp Ledger has insanely low transaction fees, and this is why a lot of people really believed in the project. So Xrp's Ledger has been operating reliably since 2012 and has now closed over 80 million ledgers. With all that said, Xrp now has the ability to function more like an actual currency than many other tokens in the market.

Apart from the technology, Ripple is also known for having a very strong passionate Community that's stands proudly behind the project and team From just even witnessing how supportive the Xrp community was throughout this entire legal battle. I'm very bullish on this project here. Right now, Xrp is sitting at about 48 cents. Its all-time high was over $3 and it's still down about 85% If Xrp goes back to its previous alltime High, it would give you a return of 589 from the time of filming this video.

Now, the fourth cryptocurrency on my list for today is going to be a coin that I've talked a lot about. and there's four good reason to. this is Cardano. So Cardano is arguably one of the most prominent and popular Ethereum killer coins in the crypto market.

Today it has a current market cap of 8.6 billion, and it's currently ranked as the eighth largest cryptocurrency in the world. Ironically enough, the Cardono project was actually founded by Ethereum's co-founder Charles Hoskinson. Now, it turns out, Charles Hoskinson has been working endlessly to make sure that Cardano continues to stay as a top competitor, even for when the next bull market comes around. now.

Similar to Ethereum after the merge, Cardano uses a proof of Stake blockchain platform with the goal of allowing innovators and Visionaries to bring about positive Global Change that, right? There is a mission statement that they've been carrying along with them for many, many years now. What I love about Cardano is that it's demonstrated a ton of practical applications across a diverse range of Industries including real estate, agriculture, retail, and even the education space. Now on top of all that, Cardano also offers a solution to inflationary pressures faced by Fiat and digital currencies. With its hard set and limit of 45 billion tokens, out of those 45 billion Min to tokens, only 36 billion are left in the total Supply after token Burns And as we've discussed many times on this channel, a currency that can be infinitely produced by those in control will never be a reliable source of value.
So Cardano is the exact opposite of that. They have a source of value that's limited. Not only that, but Cardano has also showed many, many times that it can handle large number of transactions while Ethereum is still Limited in its capacity. If we were to compare these two assets, scalability is a very important aspect of being able to double down on what we believe is going to be the next popping cryptocurrency, Because if it can't process transactions and this space continues to grow over the next 5 to 10 years, we could begin to see other projects getting phased out.

Now this is where Cardono really shines. So take for example Bitcoin where it can only process about seven transactions per second, or take as an example, Ethereum where it can process about 15 to 30 transactions per second. Cardono can now process up to 250 transactions a second, showcasing the ever growing utility that Cardano has within the space. Three more simple reasons why: I Love Cardano: They're energy efficient, they're constantly upgrading their Network and their project, and last but not least, they are still moving forward in their road map.

Right now, Cardano is in their fourth stage called Baso, which is all about scaling and adding interoperability to their Network, and the fifth and last stage of their road map is going to be Voler and this is going to be all about optimizing Cardano's governance towards decentralization and becoming more self- sustainable. Now, Cardano's current price, it's at a quarter, all right. Literally 25 cents. Right now, all-time high was over $3 It's down about 91% so if it went back to its previous all-time high, you'd be seeing an upside of Over 1,112 Now The Fifth And final crypto on my list is going to be Cosmos also known as Adam Adam is the native utility and governance token of the cosmos.

Hub and one of their most popular features is their proof of State consensus model that allows token holders to stake their atom to take part in validating transactions. This is very similar to what Ethereum and Cardano can also do. But what I really love about Adam is the fact that you can usually earn a bigger yield with this cryptocurrency compared to some of the other ones. To give you an example, the passive income earning potential I've Stak my Adam for the last few years and I've been earning anywhere from 10 to even 12% Apy where even on my coinbase account, I've netted over $1,400 in passive income just by locking up my adom.
Now I know 1,400 bucks isn't going to be lifechanging money, but it's still just free money that allows me to have a better peace of mind. The fact that I can combat inflation just a little bit, and my investments are still working for me as an investor. this token here has been pretty attractive, but it's also solid choice for web 3 developers and innovators. Now, although I'm not a blockchain engineer, I do know this: Adam continues to aim towards making blockchain technology less complex and difficult for decentralized application engineers and developers through something called their Tendermint Engine.

Without getting too technical, the Tenderman engine here is the part of the network that allows developers to build blockchain without having to code them from scratch. Instead, developers can use chunks of code that already exist and I think of it as if I'm trying to build like a Squarespace website where I can drop different templates and the process of it is just a lot easier. Lastly, we can't discuss Adam without mentioning the Cosmos Hub which is also referred to as the Internet of Blockchains. This Hub here allows for blockchain networks to be able to communicate with each other also known as interoperability.

Look, as the future progresses, it's very unlikely we just have one cryptocurrency that everyone uses and rules them all. It's most likely we're going to have a variety of cryptocurrencies that all need to be working together to be able to move the entire space forward with a project like Adam that already has a base fundamental in the idea of interoperability with other companies tokens projects working together. I Think that alone right there is very bullish now. Cosmos Today is sitting at $632 the all-time high price was $473 It's down about 87% and if it went back to that previous all-time high, they would be sitting at 645 increase in gains.

So ladies and gents that right, There is going to be my top five crypto picks going into the new year and hopefully for 2024. I Still personally think right now we're seeing great buying opportunities, especially if you are a long-term holder. If you Haven to be a short-term holder or you want to get back into the space now, be sure to check out our community down below. We'd love for you guys to join because we know throughout these bare markets, this is the most important and critical time for you to have the most experience and time within the market.

A lot of people make the mistake of joining during the bull market and we are prepping things now so that when the bull market comes. you guys are going to be flourishing with the amount of money that you have. and when I be tossing out words like flourishing, just know it's about to be crazy. So we're setting oursel up for Success I'd Love for you guys to do the same as well.
We have a great money back guarantee policy I'd Love for you guys to just check it out and join. Link is down below. Thank you all so much again for watching this video. Be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already.

Smash that like button if you guys did find any value at all. And if you guys want to see more videos just like this, let us know Down Below In the comments.

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30 thoughts on “Top 5 cryptos to invest in get in early”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barefaced Dreamer says:

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  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JorJor Idara says:

    Great video. What do you think about Legends of Bezogia? It represents the birth of Decentralized Gaming-as-a-Service (DGaaS).

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ubaid Ullah says:

    Seeing AMS90X in the preview photo beside eth made my day.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ksavv Htown says:

    What a great video and content! This is a 100% crypto gem… I wouldnโ€™t sleep on AMS90X . It has a big potential to grow and bring web2 people into the web3 entertainment. People do your own research but do not sleep on this… The boat is about to leave

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Usman Khan says:

    AMS90X is how you determine whether or not you want to get wealthy? im in.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mxx says:

    AMS90X Simply life changing.. absolutely huge.. bigger than huge.. possibly huge(r) than huge.. big

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jjjj says:

    If you want to do one thing right this year you have to check AMS90X.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yt aref 4 says:

    Thank you for this video. There are so many uninformed people out there when it comes to AMS90X

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars movies zone says:

    This is the most comprehensive and up to date analysis on AMS90X . Well done!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aneela chang says:

    AMS90X has all the fundamentals to achieve 100x. Great to see exposure like this. When the community grows and comes together this will fly!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars onlin erning says:

    I am glad you mentioned current market cap and possible future market cap of AMS90X . Donโ€™t freak out people, itโ€™s just a freaking bet.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ansar Gaming yt says:

    If youre right about this AMS90X this could really help people offset the losses they experienced this year

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars feds says:

    Thanks for all the info on AMS90X, I got some a couple minutes ago.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S V P V P says:

    There is no turning back once you load $10K USD into AMS90X. This is how we get rich, people.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thanhdat says:

    Im all in on AMS90X . Its a fantastic project, great team, lots of developers and adopters. I cant see it being anything but one of the best investments in crypto at this point in time.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unholydeath says:

    Thats the real kicker, eh? AMS90X goes to a million, my personal wealth doubles.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pep1 says:

    AMS90X seems like a solid play too, low to medium risk

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nono012 says:

    Part of a very important coin been talked about in the BCL

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars boom.girl.danger says:

    AMS90X now has more daily active addresses than all other smart contract L1s combined

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ์ด์ˆœํฌ says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iel barbosa says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KINZ says:

    Great video. Regarding Legends of Bezogia, how do you feel? Have you got any notion what that signifies? that's the beginning of Decentralized Gaming-as-a-Service (DGaaS).

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loaded Hustle says:

    I have been looking for channels like this for long time โคโคโคโค I find you

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yaw Gh says:

    Nice ๐Ÿ˜…

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicklas Bergmann says:

    Tbr (tellor) cud be a good buy opportunity right now, after consolidation ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ‰

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lydia_xo_ says:

    Consider diving into the world of Crust. This dynamic coin is not just a digital asset; it's a key player in the evolving landscape of decentralized storage solutions.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam West says:

    Link and Solana will destroy all of these coins. You cannot possibly be this ignorant.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flavio amezcua says:

    Cardano !!!

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