August 2021 has a great list of stocks that are reporting earnings and causing some of these blue chip stocks to sell off. Should I buy the dip on these stocks or wait for confirmation of a reversal when trying to buy the cheapest stock. Here is a list of over 30 over sold stocks.
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Hey: what's going on team, it's ricky with tackle solutions and let's get to breaking down a couple of these different stocks. So i asked our discord group uh to post their number one oversold stock, meaning their number one cheap stock uh. That is a little bit more on the undervalued side and we got a couple of different people sharing their ideas, so i'm going to be breaking all these down with uh within this video again from the reminder, my goal within this video is for you not to See value in all of them, of course, right because we all have different criterias every stock has to me, but for you to cherry pick, the ones that you actually see value and add them to your watch list, set effective alerts and just follow up with them. When it is that you uh, when the opportunity presents itself, so let's go ahead and get started and again, if you guys want to join our free facebook group and our free discord group, the first link in the description will send you on over to our free Facebook group, we have over 313 000 members, and this will gain you access to our free discord group as well.

So let's go ahead and get started the first one that we're going to break down is slv. I've already broken this one down. I just wanted to run through a couple of them just to have a better understanding of what it is that i'm looking at on the four hour timeframe, you can see that now it's trading below the overall uh sma line, but on the day chart you can See that it looks a little bit different, it used to show signs of it being a little bit more on the bullish side, with a very common resistance level at 26.50 and very common support level right around 22 dollars. So right now we are now pulling on back a little bit more on the oversold side.

I see what it is that you're paying attention to, but again it's been making these lower highs and lower lows. So, let's make sure that we allow that opportunity to present itself if it's now trading above ema and it heads to the sma line, i wouldn't be afraid to lock in profits up here, as it tends to get rejected by the estimate line, but ultimately to get Back to these levels, i'd like to see slv begin to trade above the estimate line on the four hour time frame, giving us a better understanding of its overall direction. The next one is going to be gld, so gld, as you guys can see on the four hour time frame, has a very similar pattern. It used to be bullish right, hitting highs of 179, and now it pulled on back getting rejected by the overall estimate line.

If gld were to make a full recovery offers a little bit over seven percent, so nothing crazy, uh and again it just recently came from lows of 160. so make sure you take that into consideration on the day chart again. Just you can see the overall big picture. It was bullish before nice, little pullback common support level right around that 160 area and then common resistance level right around that 180.

So make sure you take that into consideration. The next one, if i'm not mistaken, is going to be ttcf so ttcf again on the four hour time frame. Looking a little bit more on the oversold side, i'm sorry the day chart looking a little bit more on the oversold side based off previous patterns. Very common support level at 15, this stock um on the price per share is a little bit more affordable, but just make sure that you take that into consideration that, because it is uh, you know more affordable stock.
These tend to be a little bit more volatile. So you can see a very common support range right around that 1550 general area and very common resistance range right around 23 to 27, so easy to understand the lows: the highs, the lows: the highs, the lows: let it find the support level and then we can Sell right back at the highs, so i appreciate you sharing that one. The next one is tkat, so let's go ahead and um break that one down, so this one's a little bit different, not necessarily my cup of tea, to say the least. Uh looks like a pump and dump uh pushed up to highs of 74., and it's been selling off ever since been getting rejected by the ema line, making lower lows lower highs.

I would completely stay away from this. You can set alerts that an actual reversal begins to happen, but, as you guys can see for the past couple of months, all it's been doing is bleeding and i would hate to put my money in anything that is selling off over time. The next one is going to be sofi. Excuse me so so far, based off of this day chart you can see that has a very common support level at 1470, 1450 around that general support range and a very common resistance level right around that 21 to around 24.

So definitely has recovery potential, to say the least, right um and huge recovery percent uh potential. But as of right now it's pulling on back it's more bearish than it is bullish. We first need to validate this as a support and then, as you guys can see, i set my alert here. It has so much margin for recovery that there's no reason to rush into it right.

We can set it alert for the break above vma and i love the opportunity uh. You know to allow to it to present itself versus trying to force that entry. So just make sure you take that into consideration and of course, let's set an alert for the break below the support on this weeble platform. So let's go ahead and move on to the next one, this one's going to be bt bt.

So we have that one right on over here looks a little bit more on the overbought side again tends to be more bearish than it is bullish, meaning that it tends to sell off more consistently over time, but from time to time it does pump up it. Just doesn't hold very well at these overbought levels. It pushes and then pulls right on back, and this is super important to understand the characteristic of a stock right, because if a stock you know pushes up within a very short period of time, but drops for a much longer period of time, then at least you Can better understand your intention with it? Okay, this might be a day trade, but definitely not something that i want to hold over time as it tends to bleed. So, instead of trying to buy it now, as it's potentially pulling on back, then maybe waiting for an overall reversal day trading it when it pumps up and then knowing that locking in profits is in your best interest.
So we can definitely follow up with that one. But it looks a little bit more on the riskier side with that, let's go ahead and move on to the next one, so we were just on bt bt. The next one is going to be bngo. So, let's see if we have that one here so bngo here we go for our one day chart we could see that it hit highs of 15.

Pulling on back to the sma line. Sma line tends to be a very common support range, but, as you guys can see, it's very it's really testing that estimate line. It's at a critical point is what i like to call it to keep it super simple. Why would i want to put my money in something that's potentially about to crash right? Definitely not right.

So let's go ahead and set our alerts, and if the opportunity does present itself in the direction ends up being in our favor, then i'll get alerted. I set an alert for the break above this like 620 above six dollars. Anything uh to at least indicate signs of a reversal. It only makes sense to put your money in something when it's actually indicating signs of an uptrend, especially when something's bleeding and at a potential support range where it could potentially break below.

So let's make sure we take that into consideration. Let's move on to the next one, tt c f, so we did have that one. Oh, i think we already broke that one down already right. So a little bit more on the oversold side, overbought levels around 24 so just make sure you take that into consideration.

Definitely more bearish than it is bullish as of right now. So, let's move on, we got bngo once again we got got to so here we go four hour time frame bleeding over time. This isn't my cup of tea. I don't like lower cap stocks that are below five dollars.

I don't like stocks that bleed over time getting rejected by the ema line. If this meets your criteria for random pumps, then great all power to you um at least we're talking about it, but at the end of the day, this definitely just is viewed as a greater form of risk, and i want to explain to you why, obviously because It's bleeding over time. Its overall direction is not in your favor and when it does push it pushes within a very short period of time and then it crashes for a much longer period of time, so the direction's not in our favor um and over time it looks like it's just Pretty much just decaying in price, so definitely not something that i want to partake in the next. One is going to be t a l, so t a l, let's go and break that one down all right, so tl a little bit more, definitely more! On the oversold side, it looks like it's been bleeding ever since what is that march of 2021 uh? So one of the things that i love to ask any member that ever presents a stock like this is what makes it a buy now then versus you know where it was last month or the month before that or the month before that like why? Why wasn't three months ago a good buy and now look at it where it's at right? The idea is again to put your money in areas that are indicating signs of growth, not where you hope that there are signs of growth.
So what can we do? We can set effective alerts right. We can set an alert for the break above a certain price point and it doesn't matter if you miss out on a small percentage because of a random pump right. You're not here, to get lucky you're here to set your future self up for success, and the best way to do so is making sure that, whatever, wherever you put your money, that it meets your criteria right that you have some form of risk management, so you Mitigate risk - and it's all calculated risk at that point right: it's not that it becomes any easier that that it becomes any any just less risky in that aspect, it's just you are being more selective on what what it is and where it is that you're choosing Uh to take advantage of which i think is super important, so instead of trying to nickel and dime a stock on, you know trying to buy at the lowest price point. Why not just stay effective and partake in a stock when the actual you know reversal and action is happening uh? Those are my two cents on that one uh, the next one is going to be s.

Sp ce we've broken this one down many times. Spce has been pulling on back after it's after its overall launch right. There is uh news that uh their executives ended up selling a couple of their shares. Um.

This caused again a lot of selling pressure. Uh spce, which is virgin galactic, has been selling off ever since um. This is a stock that i've personally been paying attention to. Is it a stock that i would recommend for everyone? Definitely not uh right now, it's more bearish than it is bullish.

It's not indicating any signs of a reversal uh, yes, it does show signs of a potential recovery and the recovery is, you know, quite attractive. You can see it's a little bit over 100, but that doesn't matter right because it's at 25. You know in a couple of weeks it could be at 14, so, instead of rushing to buy the dip, why not just buy when it makes sense right? If you want to buy the dip, then just make sure that you do it with a position size in which you can tolerate, and what i mean by that is, if you buy, let's say five or ten percent of whatever it is that you initially plan to You know invest in so, if you plan to go in with you know, a thousand dollars fully invested right, then maybe going in with fifty dollars or a hundred dollars is something that is more feasible, because if it continues to pull on back you're at least able To tolerate that pullback and manage your risk a little bit more effectively so again always prepared for the worst uh and not here just to expect the best right. So i already have my alert for the um.
You know indication of any signs of a reversal and until then i'm not super eager to get into it. I do find spce very attractive, just based off of its previous reversals but um again. It's keeping it simple so once that reversal ends up happening, i'd love to you know, ride spc all the way back up to you know fifty seven dollars fifty dollars uh, but it's when that direction is in our favor. So let's move on to the next one.

Otrk otrk: let's go ahead and break this down a lot of consolidation, super low volume and it's selling off more than it's pushing up three main reasons on why i wouldn't touch this so that one was a very, very quick one. Uh we got baba baba. Isn't one that we've broken down in a while alibaba has just been pulling on back ever since the chinese government has just been really targeting alibaba and it's been making lower highs and lower lows. It's been selling off over time.

It's unfortunate to see - and all we can do is wait for the opportunity to present itself it's great that you're paying attention to these kind of stocks, but one of the things that we always love to remind you, especially our learn plan. Profit members is again whenever you're thinking about buying a stock, that's selling off. Ask yourself that question what makes it a buy now than it was last month or the month before that or the month before that, if it's still been selling off, there's no difference right. So this thing can easily continue to sell off so make sure that there's a reason behind every action that you take and it's not just because the market is so accessible that you blindly begin to buy the dip on a stock.

Just because you have access to it right, uh pins, which is pinterest a lot of consolidation. This is a previous support range uh. This is one that i'm personally invested in, but definitely would not recommend for everyone. This thing can still drop.

You know past or below this previous support level of 55. You can see that that is a previous support range. That patterns tend to repeat themselves. They don't always have to a very common resistance level is going to be around 70 to about 84 dollars, so that is a previous resistance range uh.

So just make sure you take that into consideration, i find pinterest um attractive. It fell 20 after earnings, which is one of the main reasons that i began to pay attention to it. But again, when i decided to buy pinterest, i didn't go all in when i bought the dip. I went in with the light enough position size that if it continues to sell off, i can manage and mitigate my risk and manage my position size.
So i have a bunch of alerts on pinterest. I'm very excited to follow up with it has nearly 50 upside, but again there's no indication of a solid support level just yet or a solid indication of a reversal just yet. So let's make sure that we take that into consideration so ccl and a couple airlines. So ccl is carnival cruise line and this thing has been pulled on back potential reversal testing the sma line for an overall reversal.

Here i have my alert set already carnival cruise line is one that i've been watching with the learn plan. Profit team uh. Why well? Because it recently pulled on back right just due to fear of covid or um that second version of covid um coming, you know once again, so you can see why that fear was instilled in them uh. But it offers a little bit over 30 for a potential recovery uh, but again we are trading below the sma line and the sma line has been acting as a resistance level.

So make sure you take that into consideration. I'd love to buy a couple shares of ccl once this thing actually begins to indicate signs of a reversal um, and i think it's the delta variant right. The delta variant is like the second version or second wave of covet is what a lot of people are saying uh. So let's go ahead and set our alerts here, um for the break above 50, so united airlines.

Like many other airlines, i actually have a whole watch list. That's just for airlines and i can almost reassure you that a lot of them offer a very similar pattern and a very similar setup. They're all testing support levels. So if you have not paid attention to airlines based off previous patterns, they all offer a pretty decent recovery potential, but they're not recovering right now.

So it's a great area and niche to look into right now as they're a little bit more on the cheaper side. If you see value in them, these aren't stocks that i expect to recover. You know next week or even next month, but over time it would definitely make sense. This is why i created a watch list just for them, because it's a niche that i find very attractive, um and very intriguing.

So uh yeah thought i'd talk about that and, of course, let's not forget to add it american airlines uh. Oh, definitely not that one. So looking for american airlines as that one's a little bit more on the oversold side watch for the break below the estimate line, let's see if we find a support level here and then again, previous resistance range right around 25 a share. So let's go ahead and move on to the next area, so we got ttcf t2cf.

Here we go a little bit more on the oversold side. I believe we've broken this one down already again yeah previous resistance level right around 24.. So here we go cr bp. So crbp here we go so this one's selling off over time, uh descending pattern, lower lows, lower highs and it's trading below five dollars.
Three reasons: i would not touch that stock, so c: r s, r c r s r. Here we go uh selling off uh. No indication of an overall reversal, i've seen this one be brought up multiple times it's uh as a cozart gaming yeah. So you can see that it's still being uh being uh rejected by that ema line, and i would just set my alert if the opportunity presents itself great, i mean it rallies and when it does it's amazing when it sells off it's so consistent that i just Wouldn't want to partake in that, let's see sk what was that s k, l, z, all right here we go selling off over time based off of previous patterns, a little bit more on the oversold side, you can see that previous resistance level is right.

Around 23 and overall high is right around 46 dollars. So just make sure you take that into consideration that yeah, it is a little bit more on the oversold side, but definitely not something that i would try to buy the dip on as it's more bearish than it is bullish. So make sure you take that into consideration, so let's go ahead and move on to the next one: v-i-a-c b-i-a-c based off of previous patterns right now, trading at 39, a share so much consolidation, and this is something that i also want to make sure that i Talk about it's not just stocks that sell off over time, but stocks that are not doing much. Why would you want to have your money in something that isn't going up or isn't doing anything to make you money over time, right, uh? Why not? Instead of just having it sit in something, that's consolidating set effective alerts, not have it in that and then once the actual action once the action actually begins to happen, then that is when you can begin to partake in that activity and you know decide to buy When it makes sense to you uh, but until then it's just not something that i would necessarily see valor in um or wanting to buy the dip on so t-c-o-m, so we got t-c-o-m here here we go uh very low volume.

Uh doesn't even look yeah. Oh this isn't. I was like this thing looks like it's delisted and it was delisted so yeah, this one's very oversold, was previously bullish. We can set an alert for the break above 26, a share and see if any indication of a reversal ends up happening uh, but until now you can see that it's been rejected for the past month.

So there's no reason to jump on in as of right. Now, based off of where we're at right now to previous highs, i can see why you're paying attention to it offers nearly 70 percent of an overall recovery, but again as of right now, it just wouldn't be something that i would personally want to partake in uh. The next one is going to be x, o m, so x, o m is at all time highs. Oh, this is ticker symbol.

My apologies. This is the steel core xom. As of right now, a little bit more on the oversold side based off of previous patterns, looks like it offers a little bit over 10 of an overall recovery. It's getting rejected by the ema line so make sure that we wait for that overall reversal or the break above 60 dollars where it tends to hit highs of 65 more proper indication over reversal.
It's been still holding above the sma line, but you can see that around 55 it's a very common support range but, like we've said before, patterns tend to repeat themselves. They don't always have to so make sure you wait for that confirmation. The next one that we have right now is roku roku, on the one day, chart very oversold hit highs of 490 testing, the sma line as a potential support level actually kind of like this. One so from sma to previous uh resistance levels, nearly 40 recovery.

So you guys know roku, i'm sure you guys have heard of it recently pulled on back and it's testing support range. So i'm going to set an alert and if we get that reversal, i'd love to buy a couple shares of roku and ride that reversal and decide to walk in profits if it approaches previous highs. Once again, so let's go ahead and move on to the next one. We got drma d r and a here we go so all right.

Super oversold was previously bullish triggering that forty dollars. I would first look into what caused this stock to pull on back uh, but from where we're at as of right. Now, if it were to make an overall recovery uh, that would be nearly at nearly 100 um if it were to make a full recovery. But again, definitely more bearish than it is bullish, it's great that it offers that recovery potential, but if it continues to sell off that recovery potential means absolutely nothing.

So, let's keep it simple: let's not be hopeful uh, let's set alerts and if the opportunity to present itself, we can follow up with it. Let's move on to the next one ostk, i think that's overstock right ostk, so that is testing support level. I like this one based off of previous resistance range, i'm sure all of you guys could see it right around 105, 106 so from where we're at right now to previous resistance levels. Nearly 40 percent recovery right now we're testing the reversal at the sma line at the ema line.

So once we get proper indication of that reversal above 75, i'd love to follow up with it. If that direction ends up being in our favor, so we got twitter and spy so twitter, let's go ahead and break that one down twitter recently pulled on back. I think that has the potential to pull back to the sma line. It tends to be a very common support level.

Very common resistance range right around 70 to 73 dollars. So again, it's not just about blindly buying the dip and hoping it makes a recovery, but making sure that the recovery potential is something worth taking advantage of. So that would be 20 if it does pull on back to the sma line. I have my alerts set already and i'd love to follow up with it once it begins to actually find the support, and it sells off enough that we can get that proper indication of that reversal.
So, let's go ahead and break down spy spy is the etf that follows the s. P 500. It's the bull etf. So this is great.

Obviously, when the s p, 500 and the overall markets are going up, uh the inverse of spy. If i'm not mistaken, is s p x s x, s which again goes up when the overall s p 500 market goes down, so i just want to make sure that we talked about both spy is great when the market's going up spx s is great when The market is going down because this thing tends to go up, but again overall markets tend to be more bullish than they do bearish. So you can see why spx s tends to sell off more over time, so take that into consideration before uh aggressively going into it so b, y and d: let's go ahead and break that one down b, y and d: this is beyond meat uh. You can see it's a little bit more on the oversold side, testing previous support levels right around 115 116 and previous resistance levels right around 150..

So if we were to test support levels and resistance levels, that's about 30. But again we are still not indicating signs of reversal, so all we can really do right now is set those effective alerts. Add it to our watch list and follow up with it when it makes sense so sbu x and i think we're going gon na finish up with that one we've gone through quite a bit within this video um. So let me know what you guys think.

So s b: u x s, t u x again! Definitely a little bit more! On the oversold side, recently reported earnings hitting highs up to 126, pulling on back, and the thing that i like about sb ux in comparison to a lot of the different stocks that we talked about today, is that sb ux, as in starbucks, tends to be more Bullish than it is bearish, so it tends to consistently go up over time. So, although it doesn't offer the greatest percentage recovery, it is so consistent that it almost doesn't matter right, especially if you're someone that's just getting started. Maybe just you know getting your feet wet with the market instead of trying to trade super aggressive moving stocks and buying the dip on everything. Uh then maybe learn how to walk before you run.

You know uh following up and partaking in stocks that offer very similar patterns to like starbucks they're consistent over time can be something that's a little bit more up your alley. I think a lot of you guys can agree with me that i know when i first started. All i wanted to do was to you know trade or invest in the stocks that i thought i could make the greatest return rather than being consistent. But at the end of the day you know, if you're not consistent with what it is, that you are doing it doesn't matter how big a green day can be.

It just takes. You know one red day to wipe out all of your profits for the month. If you don't know how to manage risk - and if you don't know where to you know effectively, you know, put your money and then lock in profits, so make sure you take that into consideration uh, but that's really just it for today team. I hope that you guys enjoyed this video uh we've been making a number of videos within our youtube channel of a couple different oversold stocks.
A lot of you guys have been giving us positive feedback. So if you guys would like us to continue to make those videos, all you have to do is drop a thumbs up friendly reminder. If you guys want to join our discord, it's absolutely for free and our free facebook group with over 313 000 members. That's that first link down below, if you guys want to watch me trade live every single day.

I will see you at market open tomorrow, click, the second link down below and i'll, see you at the morning bell. I hope that i earn your thumbs up. Please consider subscribing and turning on those post notifications, if you want to get alerted when it is that i go live like always. Let's make sure that we in the year on a green now take it easy team.

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35 thoughts on “⏰top 30 cheap stocks to invest (august watchlist)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cj Nor says:

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yewchy says:

    I don't have facebook but would love to join the discord, could you separately link it?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ace Visionaire says:

    The market can definitely be tricky. Just when you suspect a pullback it instead could lead to a false reversal. A market that looks like it will take an opposite trend can lead many to take it without first patience and farther observing the overall market as a whole is crucial.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars angel clouds says:

    Thank You for the video lots of information.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xavia Raxel says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walt Magnado says:

    Thanks for the review. Looking at the recovery potential as an early step in one's analysis is something you just taught me.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Morrow says:

    Chinese stocks!!! Bidu, tme, baba falling wedges u welcome Ricky

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evo Coil says:

    Still have that tangerine stuck in your throat?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew says:

    Ticker price and “cheap” have nothing to do with one another 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars don1559 says:

    Anyone know a good signal for stocks future trading

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hector Dwight says:

    If only you know what the future says, you'll know that indeed cryptocurrency is the future, investing in it now will be the wisest thing to do

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony winshell says:

    If you are shopping for common stocks, choose them the way you would buy groceries, not the way you would buy perfume

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dimitri Uralov says:

    Great content, can you make a vid on the best cryptos I'm new to this. Thanks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Autumn says:

    Thanks for this gem, good thing is people are getting to know cash/fiat is pretty much stone age at this point, it is designated to fail eventually, 3 BEST and surprisingly easy ways to double or hold your funds in 2021; Real Estate, Gold, Who can guess the 3rd??

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ovidiu Sustic says:

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  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorunn Berban says:

    ''Hope'' we are not here to get lucky, we are here to set up for our future success is one of the main mistake I have ever been doing for a long time! Also why buying consolidating stock and let the $money sit! I have done that for 365 days! Then I sold it! You mentioned important topics! I smashed it! This time I bought BYND at $125, after it went up to $132 now it is at where is at, however, it might continue to sell off but since it is food section it will lift up pretty soon.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Hammons says:

    Stock trading is riddled with uncertainty, securing your financial position requires lots of patience and proper education on the market so as to know the right profitable stock to buy and invest in

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AZ says:

    Congrats on your baby girl Ricky 💕💕

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Tomas says:

    Good video Ricky 👍🏼I really like these types of videos.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MegaTruong says:

    Great video! Quick and to the point TA thoughts. Thank you

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daalo says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rian Mah says:

    What’s your discord I don’t have Facebook

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Foster says:

    If only you could see my face when someone tosses a pump and dump stock for Sunday Stock Talk…..

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZeusPills says:

    Tesla has AI day coming up and Ricky doesn’t mention it?? All he ever traded was Tesla until amc came along

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peaceful Scrimp says:

    That's a great video 👍

    Is anyone still worried about a virus with a 98.6% recovery rate ?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valeria Eliana says:

    The key to big returns is not big moving stocks. It's managing risk about reward. Having the correct size on and turning your edge as many times as necessary to reach your goal. That holds from long term investing to day trading.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Ortiz says:

    What are indications or signs of a reversal/uptrend?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elizabeth M says:

    Buy good companies and hold them as long as they are good companies. Just do this and ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely unless.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Vergon says:

    Ricky, will these stock be able to raise up to $300K in profit in the next 6months if I buy $150K worth of stocks, I work 75 hours a week and I don't really have the time to keep track of my stocks, so I just want to buy and hold.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mostafa Damghani says:

    if i could like a thousand times i would have, thank you so much

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hardeez1 says:

    TLDR: More bearish than bullish. Set an alert. And TTCF was reviewed three times. Likes PINS, SBUX, and re-opening stocks (airlines)

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunny's Gadget Reviews says:

    Hi Ricky, thanks for the video.
    One question, I see you sometimes use MA and other times EMA.
    Any particular reason only one or other can't be used for this analysis?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew S says:

    It's so disappointing that people took up your time to have you look at stocks they are bagholding, that actually don't show much promise. I wish you would've looked into $SESN. It did not get FDA approval, so on Friday, the stock price went from 6 dollars, to 70 cents, then immediately up to 1.70. Then the market closed. I'm sure this was a huge over reaction, considering they can still retry for FDA approval. Huge gap down, looking for any sort of gap fill monday

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! What up dawg says:

    When you go live for your learn plan profit people is it a live video or is it just through a mic?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ahmed awad says:

    great video as usual ….. you checked $OTRA instead of $OTRK 😊

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