STOCKS Q&A✅ (No Penny Stocks)
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In this video, I break down extensively the Top 3 Stocks to buy now for this week. PSYCHOLOGY and ANALYSIS are also included (as always).
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Paul N'Gumah, CEO & Founder of Patternology Lab
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Stocks in this video: FB RIOT SQ CRWD RKT BIGC
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Everybody welcome back to the channel. My name is pauline guma, founder of technology lab in today's video we're going to be going over the top three stocks that all of you should be keeping in your watch list for today, and i'm also going to be answering some of you guys questions for those Of y'all who dropped your stocks of interest in the comment section of saturday's video right after the intro all right, y'all again before we begin, do not forget to annihilate the like button for the youtube algorithm as always all right right off the bat. The market is not doing too bad at the moment, um right after it opened up the gates, it kind of had a pullback which is expected. I'm not surprised, especially after a massive run like that.

It is very, very expected to see some type of exhaustion, but as of right now it's not looking bad at all. I think i think we consolidate for a little bit before we break that previous high of 39.64, but as always, always manage your risk as well. All right and be very quick to cut losses, especially if it doesn't behave the way it's supposed to the way it's intended to so watch this one for a potential consolidation and eventually go higher into like the afternoon and a continuation until tuesday. All right now, the top three stocks that all of you should be keeping in your watch this, the very first one is facebook.

All right and facebook. Facebook had a pretty good run. It had a pretty good run from these lows over here, and then it pulled back when the entire market kind of had kind of with the entire market and right now it's it's looking pretty good for a rebound. There is a bullish, engulfing candle right here right there isn't any news: oh actually, there is um, they got.

Their price target got upgrades like uh 385 dollars by deutsche bank. Again, this is just somebody else's opinion. Just like i'm providing my very honest opinions, all right and right now, it's not it's not looking bad at all. It's actually reversing and bit buyers are stepping up to the plate heavy over here and again in free market.

All right worst case scenario: we drop towards 282 before we consolidate it and it goes back towards the new highs at a above 286 dollars in the afternoon. All right so yeah definitely keep this one on your watch list as well, for a potential move to the long side. All right now work at this then go. I think it could go to like 290..

I definitely think it could make it the next one that all of you should be keeping in your watch list for today, that stock is sq all right and sq. Again, it's kind of following the same trend as facebook right now, but the one thing that i really like about this skill is that it's currently retesting these previous lows right over here all right. It's kind of making this triple bottom first bottom over here, which led to a nice run second bottom over here, which led to a nice run now. One thing that you want to know is to be very, very careful.
Could we see like 220 222? Definitely all right, but is it going to hold, or is the market going to play games, and could we see another downturn again? These are all factors that you should be considering, as you are trading in these markets, all right, um. There are no guarantees, but very be very, very careful and very cautious as you are trading, but as right now it's looking pretty good. It has some. It has some nice room to the upside all the way up here, all right 240.

That's that's! That's pushing it! 230 to 25 that could, that is reasonable for the stock. All right so keep that one on your watch this as well now the third and final stock for today that stock is right and right have done well for us in the past and right now it looks like it wants to do well for us again, i'm Not bearish on riot at all, like i'm, really really not um bit. Buyer stepped in very heavy. Over here i mentioned this.

One was one of the stocks friday and it didn't perform too well. It kind of consolidated it here. So if you bought it after, i released that video and you're still holding um, hopefully like those contracts, i'm pretty sure they they went about like 10 or 20 percent um. It's not that big of a pop, but i do think it can go higher.

I think they can go higher after it comes back down towards like 50 bucks. All right. I think we get to 50 bucks first and then we see iran towards 54, maybe even 55 dollars, i'm not bearish on bit on blockchain stocks and i'm also not bearish. On btc, which is right over here, all right again same trend is happening that buyer stepped in here the buyer stepped in here and again the buyer stepped in heavy on thursday, okay um.

So i think it's gon na keep going in that fashion. I think that we're just gon na go here, drop and then again here and then drop it's it's very. It's bullish, but it's just doing its best to just keep grinding upward. Right short sellers are not.

This is not something that is too. That is too nice for short sellers. This um short sellers be careful if you're really trying to short these stocks. I would just tell you to be very, very cautious.

I personally would not, and it looks like that trend is it's just following an uptrend and um. It's not very wise to want to short that all right, so that is my very honest opinion of uh of btc and also all blockchain related stocks. Now, let's talk about you guys stocks of interest for those of you who drop those in the comments section, the very first one that we're going to address somebody asked is it time for? Is it time to short, jpm, jp morgan, all right and i'm looking at this thing right now and um? Personally, i wouldn't short it. I wouldn't touch it at all again.

Could it go down? Could i be wrong? Yeah there's a possibility right, but it's just consolidating right now and honestly. I just don't want to show it. It's not parabolic enough for me to want to show it and plus it's it's banks, all right, um, it's it's stuck in the bank sector. Again, let's look at baac bsc right now is not looking too bearish at the moment.
The worst case scenario is just gon na consolidate. Before i run tire worst case scenario, i don't see this thing tumbling all the way down to like 32 bucks anytime soon. I don't see that happening and i don't see jpm dropping all the way down to 140 or 135 anytime soon. All right could it happen.

Yes, is it gon na happen within two weeks? I i don't think so. I really don't think so. For the person who asked about it, if you're holding sure again, all i can say is be very, very careful all right and manage your risk accordingly. Um, the next one that we're going to be covering in this video with that stock is crowd for crowdstrike and crowdstrike right now, i gave you all a warning about this breakdown about how this thing was looking pretty good for short sellers right and then after i Released that video it tanked even more towards 170 dollars, which is a better price.

I would have loved it if it dropped all the way down to 160. That would have been very, very nice, maybe even 155, that would have been excellent for a big buy, but as of right now, i'm just very, very patient, with the stock very patient, with the stock like what was to stop the stocks from going down here again To 170, making a double bottom and then break it through that level of support and going even lower all right. What's the stop to start from from doing that again, since i don't know where it's gon na go right now and i'm very picky about where i want to buy this thing, i want to buy it over here. Therefore, i'm sitting on the sidelines, the doji looks tempting but then again, i'm very patient, dude, very patient guy, so um.

That is my very honest opinion for crowdstrike, but we'll see what happens eventually. Hopefully it takes hopefully um the next one that we're going to be addressing in this video somebody asked about big commerce and big commerce again yeah. I remember every time i draw this box. The only people who are winning are people who are selling iron condors and collecting premium at the end of the expiration dates of the iron condor right, they're they're, the only people who are winning here all right.

I don't get involved in this. It's still in that big box, it's very, very boring. It's consolidating sideways! It sucks right! There's! No there's no fun here so um lungs are losing shorts, are losing it's just terrible, so where's this thing gon na go. I think it's gon na stay in here.

For quite some time and then hopefully later there is something something good happens, because right now it's just not looking good at all for big commerce. All right. It's really really not! The same thing applies for cciv cciv. You went even lower than that.
All right um. It's just not looking good, it's not looking too good. Let's see rocket more if you just see how that one is doing yeah. Let's talk about rocket mortgage yeah rocket mortgage right now it looks like it wants to fly all right.

It's been beaten down since that previous bike. Is it a good time to buy to the long-term investors out there um? This is the place where you actually want to like be accumulating right over here right right there all right! This is your accumulation, though, for all of you, long-term investors who have high conviction about the company who expect the company to reach like 40 to 50 dollars within like two to three years this. This is your moment right here right. Let me just fix this thing.

Right over here right in this zone, right there all right um. Could this thing have a big move today, possibly um it looks like it may, have some potential, keep it on your watches for sure keep it on your watches. There isn't any news that is pertinent that i want to address, but yeah it's it wants to pop, especially if short cell is covered from the top, and that is the end of the video again. Do not forget to destroy the like button for the youtube algorithm.

As always, they help the channel a lot and it allows more people to get this knowledge as well. Also, if you are new to the channel, definitely click on subscribe and click on the notification bell, along with all notifications. That way, you don't miss out on these pre-market analysis, videos which are released from monday to friday at exactly 8 15 a.m. Central time, 15 minutes before the market opens any post market analysis, videos which are released every single day in the afternoon.

If you're, not following us on social media, you can find me at paul and guma and ipad analogy lab on instagram and on twitter. And lastly, if all of this is new to you, if you're interested in getting started in the stock market, i left some step-by-step directions in the description of the video below step, one to step three, it only takes about 15 minutes or less for you to get Signed up with all the tools you need to start trading immediately. You can also get two free stocks, valued up to 1850 bucks after you sign up with weibo use my very first link in the description below once again. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is pauline guma prepared analogy, lab for reach, braid patterns and patterns.

Only and i will see all of you in the next video right be very, very careful out there and manage your rest accordingly. Enjoy the outro you.

By Stock Chat

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30 thoughts on “Top 3 stocks to buy now🔥”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Harry says:

    The stock market doesn't care if you're smart or have a degree from the best school. At the end of the day, stock trading is a contest of discipline. Ultimately, those who do the best manage the risk/reward relationship the best. And that takes more than just intelligence. I came across Mary Margaret Cartier while searching for answers on the internet. Under her guidance I was able to avoid making mistakes and loosing money. I am up 600% in profit currently

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Elisa lura says:

    Investing is a long game. Whether you want to invest for retirement or grow your savings, it’s best when you put money to work in markets and set it and forget it. But successful long-term investing isn’t as simple as just throwing money at the stock market

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mateus Mateus says:

    Excelent vídeo, can you talk about europcar stock?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bridget Yuliana says:

    I feel there are more to this mar ket than we know. Ask for a proper guidance before inv esting in this pretty much complicated mar ket. I've made over 9 b tc from an allocation of 1.9 b tc over the last 1 month using Aaron’s help. Things might get worse so just make the smarter move. His te legram @ Aaron070

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Rubio says:

    cry pto bought me my 1st house and it was truly unimaginable how much I grew over the years. I started tradn with the help of an experienced Wall Street to dog and so far I have been able to accumulate over a million dollars with his help. sometimes you just have to look outside your regular routine to achieve certain things.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ray dolo says:

    @paul is you watching BLUE. J got fda approval.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micheal Drew says:

    $baidu!! Love your vid's man. would appreciate your take on where you see baidu going the next few days

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Warren says:

    It’s amazing trading with someone with great skills and knowledge about how the market works.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrYinYang says:

    Is it time to buy the dip on VIAC? Looks like it’s already at the floor and could bounce up from oversold

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilad Gabai says:

    Frx dirt cheap spac literally no risk and had incredible potential. 3 way merger will be huge

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G De says:

    Paul curious what your thoughts are on UPC moving forward
    It jumped today above 10 but then dropped hard to 5 . I unfortunately have a 1k shares still holding on to

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Migan says:

    Hey can u touch on riot tonight should we hold the calls on that

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott sok says:

    Paul, can you update Amtx. I have puts at 22.50

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The ROTFL PODCAST says:

    Been telling u for a week to do Costco there isn’t any resistance till 370 come on Paul let’s goooo already up 7k on Costco and it won’t stop let’s go

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JohnLewis says:

    Secret and insightful as it is y'all keep it up investment is the best thing any individual can do now

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bigpimpdx says:

    What do you think $OXY is going to do going further?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherre Schlief says:

    What are your thoughts on ctrm, sens, and nok?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blissfull Goddess says:

    Thanks so much Paul! You are the best. Can you please do me a favor and cover DISH

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Stitch says:

    Do a recap on futu looks like it’s ready

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Torpey says:

    Lost all my mo way cause of your top picks .. more like top picks if you want to empty your bank acct

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Thomas says:

    Upst is it time to short this ho to 100?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leslie Lopez says:

    What do you think about LIDAR stock?
    Luminar technologies CEO Austin russel

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Ghost Of Thomas Jefferson says:

    Please do a video on Lowes and an update on Home Depot. Lowes is running with Home Depot.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Black Magic says:

    Please do UPST- upstart keeps going up! Possible short?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikey says:

    can you go over the stock AMRS its a good company

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pierre Deflaux says:

    Thx again for your thoughts. Any idea where we are going with HEXO? I'm thinking about buying the dip, but I'd like to know if it will drop more first

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Havoc- Crew says:

    Bruh do y’all think VIAC can pull 75 b4 Thursday?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neha singh says:

    Thanks Paul.Your videos helped me a lot.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jzensd says:

    Good morning Paul and fam!! Learning a lot from watching you. Appreciate all the advice and info you give!! Could you mention WM again please. Thank you

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul NGumah says:

    OBLITERATE the LIKE Button & Subscribe🚀🚀🚀! Most importantly, drop those tickers below!🔽

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