Time to kick off the new year with some cheap stocks that offer great recovery potential. In this video I breakdown the top 3 high growth stocks based on previous highs!
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This list of stocks has a mixture of both riskier stocks and bulletproof companies, but my analysis predicts great performance in all these companies long term. The more speculative picks are volatile (can definitely drop in the next few months or explode) but could result in very high gains over the long term, and the safer ones should make you a healthy profit over the next decade or longer.
Make sure to watch the full video to get an analysis of each company and what they have to offer! Youโ€™ll have a better understanding of each company, which is crucial before deciding to invest. I always tell people who are getting into investing, short term any great stock can fall. But in the long term, a great stock will always perform well.

Test test, one two, one: two: what's going on team, it's ricky with tackling solutions. I hope that you guys are all having an amazing start to 2022. happy new year and uh for those that are joining us for the first time. I go live every single sunday.

Normally, at 6, 30 p.m, mountain standard time and i break down the top 10 stocks that you guys see valentine first off uh, please make sure if you ever want to uh tune on into one of these live sessions. All you literally have to do is subscribe and i upload new videos every single day. So i hope that out of the 10 stocks that we talked about today, you can cherry pick. You know a few of them that meet your criteria and then add it to your watch list, set effective alerts and follow up with that stock when it makes sense.

I'm going live a little bit earlier today, obviously uh for those that are part of lpp and or follow me on instagram. If you guys don't follow me all the information is in the description of this video, it's my birthday, so i turned 27. Today, uh and yeah i mean i'm not doing anything crazy um, but i'm gon na be having uh dinner with some friends. So that's that's! Exciting i feel like i was actually talking to my uh girlfriend about it today.

I don't know if you guys would all agree, but as as you get older right, i mean like i just remember, always looking back as a little kid you'd like always look forward to your birthday uh. But as you get older, it's just like dang, something something you don't really look forward to anymore as you get a little bit older, but uh. Nonetheless, i'm very excited to thank you guys for all the birthday wishes. I truly do appreciate it uh and i'm gon na say what's up to a couple of people that are tuning on in right now and again, if you guys want me to break down your top stock, all i literally ask you to do is to share it In the live chat and please, if possible, post it in the ticker call out format, so i have a better understanding of your trade plan.

So, what's going on perry, what's going on sandra, what's going on chad, brian sameem, what's going on francis blaze, we got elder prod joao, i'm really sorry if i chop that one up devon, what's up what's up use knives every day! Thank you. I appreciate that uh, tobias darla, william j uh, dumb dumber, the mad caterer, what's going on to william, what's up brian isabel isaac eddie, what's up what's up, i appreciate it. Oh yeah happy birthday. Thank you guys.

I really do appreciate it so uh, but let's make it: let's make it um a good sunday stock talk any stock that you guys want me to break down. Please share it in the live chat and let's break it down. So i'm going to get started with. I said i think i saw pfe and we need to talk about tesla.

I'm sure a lot of you guys already heard the news of tesla for their q4 beating their expectation. So that's definitely something that we'll we'll talk about so pfe, which is uh pfizer. If i'm not mistaken has been a really popular stock, as it's been very very bullish, looking a little bit more on the overbought side, one thing that i always take into consideration, especially if you're part of a learn plan profit group is opportunity. Cost does your upside outweigh your downside and is it still indicating continuous signs of an option so from where we're at right now to previous highs, that's about a four percent upside.
If it goes back to the moving average, that's an eight percent downside. I don't see the risk to reward ratio to really be there, but again to each their own. If you see value in pfizer and you think that it's still going to remain bullish, then great go for it. Just make sure that if we break below ema and or if we begin to indicate signs of a decent pattern as it's kind of been doing right, so it peaked at 61.71.

But ever since then it's kind of been making lower highs and lower lows. We are above ema line. Yes, it does look somewhat promising, but i understand that this could be a you know: a false reversal, the macd, the rsi, is already looking a little bit more on the overextended. Now what we really need to follow is yeah indicators are useful, but they're never 100 correct.

Let's look at that price action and, let's ask ourselves: is it actually still indicating signs of you know an uptrend, and or is it going to begin to pull on back because of you know this descending pattern that has going on uh. So the reason i want to talk about tesla is um. Oh, this is definitely not tesla. Tesla's, definitely going to be something that you're going to want to pay attention to uh tomorrow, uh, the reason: why is i'm sure it's based off of yeah there? It's all in their news, so let's see - and you can look a little bit more into it - so uh tesla reports - 87 growth in annual vehicles, it's insane so they reported uh for their q4 and they released the numbers of how many vehicles uh.

They were able to sell right and fulfill for q4 and they blew it. You know out of the park, they absolutely killed it and the reason that we're talking about this is tesla did not look. Cheap right, tesla was losing its momentum. Let's be you know, realistic.

Uh, it was very oversold our long time, profit team did a very good job buying at the oversold level when it began to indicate sign of an uptrend we loaded up on it. It became overbought. Some people began to sell. Now this news comes out about the q4 right, so now we have to be aware that this news is going to most likely act as a positive catalyst, meaning that, because of those numbers and those results, more attention is going to be.

You know guided towards tesla, which would make sense that the price action would then begin to follow in a you know, bullish sentiment so with that being said, tesla pre-market session tomorrow, especially if you're part of the learn blind profit group for our live trading session tomorrow. This is going to be something that i'm going to be paying attention to as it killed it for q4 and how many vehicles they sold. So i think that that's something that you know if you're going to be asking the question tomorrow, why is tesla going up? What's causing this push now, at least you understand what is that you know positive catalyst, so uh, let's go ahead and break down the other one, so we got right here with uh target. Okay yeah i mean let's, let's follow up with it.
I'm i'm super pumped about uh following up with the tesla, so there's fdm all right, so we got o-l-g-n. What's going on michael o, l or q-l-g-n, i'm bad here we go. This is the third one that we've broken down. Uh, i'm not the biggest fan of this uh again, just because i don't trade, something doesn't mean that you shouldn't.

All i'm here to say is that this is a continuous descending pattern. It does have its moments where it looks like it gets, manipulated it shoots up, and then it pulls right on back its true direction for qlgn is bearish. I'm not here to try to take this very high-risk car reward type of play. The the time that it does make sense to take advantage of this opportunity is when it's bullish and when it's actually indicating signs of an option.

If you want to pay attention to this, if you want to set an alert, do it but to take a position early, especially as something is selling off that just really wouldn't make much sense right. It pushed up to highs of three dollars and 25 cents and it sold off to 88 cents. Understand that there's huge risk with playing with these very aggressive moving plays and if you're a beginner, probably not something that um. You know you you want to completely mess around with, especially if you're, newer, to locking in profit averaging up and also cutting losses.

So richard is uh. Is that the weeble tricking platform it is yep, it's just the platform that i use. You don't have to use it, it's just personally what i use what's going on dude, i appreciate that man uh or uh yeah. Thank you.

Yes, here it goes what's going on there, eric so dks. Here we go so dick sporting goods uh. Definitely a very trendy. One uh has been pulling on back ever since the ties of 140 uh protein support level at around 100.

You guys could see that around 100. You know it was getting rejected. It established its support level right around 100 and is now beginning to indicate sign of an uptrend. This does not have the most volume, it's not bad, but you can see kind of that.

Those choppy candles. So please be aware of that. On the on the day chart, i think you could see this a little bit more. Clearly, where you know it pulled on back became very oversold.

You know we could add this to my oversold watch list and now it's working towards making a recovery right. It doesn't have to make a full recovery and it still has a lot to prove we're still trading below the moving average. This is going to be a challenging one to be able to break above 118, and i just break above it. That's one thing, but actually break above it and hold right just like we did over here where we break above we pull on back, we establish a support level and we continue to rally that's what we want to see.
We don't want something to push up and then it just drops and then drops right right back again right, there's, there's no higher highs and higher lows there. So please be aware of that. I feel like this is definitely at a price point where we're going to want to pay attention um, especially if we're waiting for that proper confirmation for that overall reversal from dks of where we're at right. Now, if it were to make a recovery to round 144, that would be about a 25 roi right.

So let's be aware of that alrighty, so we got rivion pretty popular stock right now. So let's go ahead and break it down alrighty, so we got rivion stock. Um, i'm not the biggest fan of ipos. I've talked about it many many times.

I actually made a video about it. Um a lot of people didn't like it because it talked it. Didn't talk bad about rivion. It's not about that.

It was about a statistic that you know on average, when a stock ipos within the first two uh first week on average, it shoots up 16, but on average, an ipo within the first six months, only shoots up six percent. So there's a discrepancy. It means that in the first week it tends to be hyped up, as the stock is relevant. Riveon was beyond hyped up right.

It hit highs of nearly 180.. Now it crashed to lows of 88.. Think about that think about losing 50 of your position of your value. That is the hype behind an ipo rivion right now is trying to establish its support level and it looks like it's doing a decent job right around 100.

But one of the questions that i always like to ask myself and that i always ask or learn plan profit members to ask themselves right before you're about to take a position. Ask yourself: what is your intention? Is it to day trade to try to make money right now or is it to swing trade or invest to make money later? If you're trying to make money right now, it would not make sense to touch review on stock because why it's not indicating signs of an uptrend. So how could you expect just because it's somewhat cheap to make money right away? It's consolidating! It's not indicating signs of higher highs or higher lows, or anything like that. That's why we set effective alerts and if you want to day trade, something that's that can make you money tomorrow, then you need to make sure that you're at least choosing to take advantage of an opportunity.

That's bullish currently right swing trading, obviously we're at a good price right now, based off of where we were before, but we're not really indicating signs of an uptrend. So this is where the alerts come in, adding it to your watch list and then following up with it when it makes sense so ruby on stock. Definitely i see why you're paying attention to it based off of previous price points. I don't think it's worth taking advantage of right now, as it's not indicating signs of an option.
That's just my two cents, uh ticker symbol. So five, now, let's go ahead and break it down it's already stuff we're doing here. I appreciate that enrique. Thank you, uh.

Let's go ahead and break down so far, so i'm gon na break down five more stocks. So again, if you guys want me to break down your stock smash that, like button and share in the live chat whatever stock, it is that you want me to break down so so far. Let's look at this on the day chart just so it could be a little bit more clear. This is a very, very popular stock for a lot of our learn plan.

Profit traders. You know some people like trading ascending up trend patterns, meaning patterns that are consistently up, trending kind of like apple right and some traders really like horizontal patterns, there's no right or wrong. It's just whatever you work best with this is almost like, and you guys can. Let me know what you think, but think of any other stock, that's publicly traded.

That almost has a perfect horizontal textbook setup like sofi. Look at this horizontal support. All the supports that it's established before it breaks above vma pushes up to the same resistance level right around 24 gets rejected, drops right back down, establishes support level consolidates breaks above vma makes higher highs, touches that resistance level 23 24 right pulls right on back. What are we doing now, we're at previous support levels patterns tend to repeat themselves.

They don't always have to. This is why i always like to make these videos you don't have to over complicate trading. You don't have to trade every day you don't have to trade. Every stock that everyone else in your reddit group chat is trading.

The beauty behind trading is that you get the opportunity to choose what to take advantage of and there's nothing wrong with being selective, especially in 2022. Ask yourself what was a big mistake of 2021. A lot of people would say over trading trading too much hype and chasing. Why not try to you know if you're trying to experience a different result then implement different best practices to at least work towards getting that different kind of result right so with that being said, i have my overall alert set right on over here.

I would love to follow up with sofi once it begins. Just like we saw last time it once it begins to indicate signs of an uptrend begins to trade above 1670 around 17, and then once we break above 1750 right around the moving average again with this, with this alone, with where we're at right now and previous Highs, that's about 47 47 margin. Think about this out of the 47, i'm not a perfect trader. I don't know if you are right, but i'm not so out of the 47 margin that i have to work with.
I would watch my position size. I would set my alerts and i would only buy more when it begins to indicate signs of higher highs and higher lows, and i would do it in a very gradual way at a 47. If i walk away with 15 or 20, that's a successful trade. It's not about.

I need to make 47.81 on every trade you get what i mean it's like. We, i feel like beginner traders have that mentality where they feel like they need to know. It's just like be consistent. If you're gon na do anything in life be consistent and and make sure that it's it's calculated, what's your upside versus your downside, are you managing and mitigating risk all questions that you should be asking yourself, so i'm very excited about sofi and i'm excited to follow Up with it, so let's go ahead and do it um so yeah i made a breakdown.

Ticker symbol beat all right and then we got nvidia. Let's go ahead and break that down, so we got all right. Let's see, i actually broke down so isaac. If you can stop spamming, i want to give other people a chance.

I already broke down a stock for you, so uh kmx and then what was the other one and then beat all right. So here we go. Okay, i'm definitely not the biggest fan of this. At all, i consistent descending pattern.

Lower highs, lower lows again. If something is consistently losing money. What makes you think that this thing's just going to randomly shoot up? It's not that you can't make money with it, but looking at its track record, what would make you think that this thing has to recover? I would completely stay away from that. I don't even want to over complicate it yeah yeah, i'm just going to go away from that.

One direction is so important, so this is kmx alrighty. So this thing is indicating signs of an uptrend after selling off for quite some time. I'm going to look at this on the day: chart uh okay, so it sold off it loads of five dollars. It's been trying to make higher highs higher lows ever since then, four hour time frame, we can see that i recently pulled on back very, very low volume.

First off. I would not trade this be. Oh, it's not even the right one, yeah carmax, my goodness! My apologies, i was like i wouldn't even trade, the other one, because i had such low volume, uh carmax completely different setup. I actually have this one in my watch list already my oversold watch list if you're part of lpp.

I talk about this literally all the time. It's a very bullish company. It has a ties, it's lows, it's highs, it's lows, it's highs, it's lows, it's highs and then it's lows right now patterns tend to repeat themselves. They don't always have to we're waiting for confirmation.

We're treating below the moving average on the day chart. I would like to wait for proper confirmation. If you decide to buy an early, you better be good at risk management and your position size better, be something of you know, someone that bought in early. If you buy an early and expect it that it needs to recover right away, that's a very naive way to approach something like this right so set your alerts.
Add it to your watch list. If you see value in it and follow up with it, when it makes sense, i like it because of how consistent it's been and because of how cheap it is right now. So if it does recover as decent upside seventeen percent, even if we captured ten percent of that, that would be a step in the right direction. So we got one two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight: let's go and break down two more two more stocks and we will call it a sunday stock talk alrighty.

So here we go. We got all righty i'll, do atn all right. We got quite a bit of you here so atn and hot. Let's see if those are good, i'll break them down quickly.

Nope descending pattern, lower highs, lower lows: i'm gon na do another one. I really don't uh wait. I don't know if it was that one dang it all right, let's break down another one um, the other one was hot. So let me break that one down real quick hut super oversold right, um pushed up to highs of 1657..

I don't like trading stocks like this. If you like to then it's up to you, it has the ties it rallies and then, when it drops it drops hard. It just recently had a rally at highs of 16 50 and then it's trying to establish its support level right around that moving average again patterns tend to repeat themselves. They don't always have to.

So i see why you're paying attention to it because of how cheap it is because of where it's been. But again, if i were to ask you the last time that it pushed up, when would it have made sense to have purchased hot as it was selling off? Was it when it was selling off? Was it down here or was it when it was actually indicating signs of an uptrend? You ask yourself that same question right now. It's consolidating, if it's you know if you're part of lpp the three stages of a reversal: rejection, consolidation and confirmation right now we're in the consolidation phase or maybe even still, the rejection phase, but we're definitely not indicating signs of an uptrend. So one thing i'm going to do right on over here is just like.

We know, there's two sides to every opportunity. I'm going to set my alerts, i'm going to set the alert also for the break below that moving average. Just so i can stay up to date and i'm going to add it to my oversold watch list with this. I can follow up with it on a weekly aspect.

I don't need to over complicate it, and i can continue to go along with my week and if this thing begins to, you know present the opportunity of it beginning to recover. Then guess what i can always follow up with it when it makes sense. So once it does break above vma and based off previous highs, that's about 75 percent margin. So again, if you have that much margin to work with 75, why are we in such a rush to jump into it right? So all right, so we got chewy and paypal.
Let's see if i can break these down. Just this quick i'll do a little bit more than just 10 stocks, so uh chewy right now lower highs, lower lows directions, not in your favor. It was very bullish. It was very consistent, it peaked and now its direction has been changing a little uh hint or tip that i've given to our lpp team.

Is this moving average? If you were to put an arrow behind it right or in front of it? What direction would it be pointing well when it was bullish? If you were to put an arrow right here right, it would be indicating signs of an uptrend right now, it's the exact opposite. If you were to put an arrow here, it would be a descending pattern. Lower highs, lower lows, why would you want to put money in something that's selling off so because of that i'd have to say, i would wait, add uh, you know, add it to your watch list. If you see value in it set those effective alerts, but until then i wouldn't touch it same thing with paypal, paypal, very oversold, very cheap based off of previous highs.

It was very bullish, but cheap doesn't mean that it can't get cheaper. Look at all these alerts. I have it in my oversold watch list. I am watching it do.

I think that it has to recover right away. Of course not it's been selling off for some time, but when it does just know that that's when i'm okay, with taking action from when we do wait for confirmation above ema to previous highs, that's 57 again. The goal in 2022, at least for me, is not to be perfect. It's just to be better.

So what steps can you take today to benefit you tomorrow? I think i can speak for a lot of us position. Size and waiting for confirmation are two simple steps. We can all take an effort to avoid those poor quality trades that we unfortunately jump into and end up. Regretting later i like the paypal setup, just like i like a lot of other setups, but if something's not indicating signs of an uptrend, then why jump in we have 57 margin to work with understand.

There's there's more, you know, there's cushion for error, even if i capture 20 or 30 percent of that. That means that i can wait up until here right. I can wait until 200 at 222.. I can wait for a true confirmation.

I don't need to force my entry if you're so certain that a stock has to recover. Then i challenge you to wait for confirmation. Do your future self, a favor and no don't just think about! I need to make money right now. I need to trade right now make sure that your actions today benefit you tomorrow and sometimes no action is better than taking advantage of a trade and then end up regretting it right.
Keeping trading simple, that's our focus for 2022., so uh. I really do appreciate you guys time. I have a dinner reservation at six o'clock, with my friends, of course, for my birthday um, so i'm very grateful and very thankful to kick off the new year. With all of you guys, i appreciate your guys's time.

I hope that i earned your thumbs up in this video friendly reminder right to kick off the new year. We have that swing, training, challenge that we have going on and it's going to be starting tomorrow, i trade live every single day. Only the only team that i work with on a closer basis, it's an all-inclusive lesson library and it's the all-new learn plan profit. 2.0.

It's the first link in the description. You can refresh your screen. It's the first link in the description below we have over 70 brand new full hd videos with closed captioned in spanish. I trade live every single day.

My daily live trading sessions exclusive to the learn plan, profit, 2.0 team and, of course, you're going to have questions as you're learning how to trade. I am there for you, 24 7., and it's a private and exclusive group chat only with the learn plan, profit traders. So again the quality of information being shared. It's just next level.

I really do appreciate you guys time. I hope that energy thumbs up if you're going to join us tomorrow at market open for our live trading session, set your alarms and again make sure to click. The link uh the first link down below and we'll see you at market open until then, like always, let's make sure that we end the year on our green.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

19 thoughts on “Top 10 oversold stock to watch sunday stock talk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paros22 says:

    Happy birthday buddy from Pete

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Harris says:

    The Big 27 Happy Birthday Rick.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vivian Kwok says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prairie Bilton says:

    Happy Birthday Ricky. Thank you for all of your hard work brother!

    You messed up my callout earlier ๐Ÿคฃ it was $ATEN btw lol ๐Ÿ˜†
    I was so happy when you chose to break it down but you typed it in wrong… maybe next time, no biggie.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Cormier says:

    Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! Congratulations on 1 Million Subscribers!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sadam Al Maghrabi says:

    Happy birthday ๐ŸŽ‚ ๐ŸŽˆ ๐Ÿฅณ buddy

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mahim Muntasir says:

    Happy birthday Ricky ๐ŸŽ‰

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Salgado says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luthando Dlomo says:

    Happy birthday man!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Campisi says:

    Happy Birthday Ricky!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jabawockee 1 says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Lmao! Old man at 27 huh? Just turned 39 last month. You should still be enjoying those. Iโ€™m scared of my next one.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felix says:

    happy birthday ricky

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel j Walters says:

    Happy Birthday

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve D'Aquila says:

    thanks Ricky! any suggestions on ways to scan for up trending stocks? ie. vol, market cap, RSI (oversold) or whatever else may lead to some trade candidates? above ema/ma 50 200 etc..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Penwille says:

    happy birthday ricky

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Navigating Financial Markets says:

    Love the technical analysis and information you have about the way the market and price action functions. Excellent stuff!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade The Trend says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip James says:

    Your screen is so small and blurry I can't even read the ticker you're looking at.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizimungu Richard says:

    Letttt goooo

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