Here are the top 10 stocks our group members see value in! Ricky Gutierrez Live Trading Session! Watch me trade live in the stock market and get a taste of what my learn plan profit group gets to experience every day!
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Hey: what's going on team, it's ricky with tackle solutions. I hope that you guys are all having a good sunday. Uh looks like we are getting ready to break down some of the top 10 stocks that our group members see value in uh friendly reminder. I host these live streams.

Every single sunday, they're free uh, just make sure you subscribe to the channel and drop a thumbs up uh. Just so you don't miss the next one uh, let's go ahead and get right to it. So if you guys would like me to break down your top stock for the week feel free to share it in the live chat. One of the things that i want to point out is that last week we began to trade above the moving average.

We are showing signs of a slight resistance level. I think it's a little bit easier to see on that one day chart we could see that we got rejected off of that uh ema line. We talked about that that we're at a critical point, where we're really waiting for some form of indication of higher highs, um we're not necessarily selling off we're not treading below the ema line, but i think that's going to be a big focus, at least for myself. This week is to see if the nasdaq market holds its support level, reminder that you know anytime, that a stock pulls back a little bit.

That's not the unfortunate part. The unfortunate part is when it breaks below a previous support level, and it goes back to previous lows if it continues to sell off just like it has been before then yeah, it's just gon na obviously suck as the market just re-enters uh that bearish territory um. So what i'm looking for this week is for tqqq to hold above thirty dollars a share. If we break back below the moving average, then this is just not going to be a good sign uh for the overall nasdaq market.

I would love to see this thing. Break above 35, if we begin to break above 35, that would be progress. It's not that the overall market's going to aggressively recover, but if it holds its support level here, if it re-tests 35 and it continues to trade above it, that's an upwards taker. Staircase pattern.

That's a step in the right direction and that's you know pretty exciting, so let's go ahead and jump right to it. So if again, you guys want me to break down your stock. Please make sure you share it in the live, chat and i'd be more than happy to break it down for you. So here we go.

We got otly and let's go ahead and break that one down so otly and again, if you guys are tuning on in. If it's not too much to ask, please drop a thumbs up. It obviously helps out the youtube channel uh, looking at this on the day chart. So one of my biggest focuses again, i'm not here to say that you can't trade.

This uh, just one of my big focuses, is market direction and when i see something consistently selling off - and this has been consistently selling off for about a year, so we can see that back in what is this june of 2022? It's been selling off, making lower lows, lower highs from 29 yeah, it's beginning to show signs of a support, maybe, but because it's been so bearish, you know the way that i view it is. I want to make it easy for myself. I want to make it easy for myself to make money, but if something's consistently selling off, then guess what it's just the overall direction is not in my favor. Therefore, maybe it's not the worst idea to not trade or invest in a position that is consistently selling regardless of how much i want that stock to go up if market direction is super clear and it's very, very bearish uh that you know it's a big red Flag in the sense that allow this thing to bleed, don't force it, and if it actually does begin to show signs of a recovery, then we can always follow up with it after that all right.
So here we go. Let's go ahead and break down another one. So so, amazon stock split yeah, that's going to be a big focus for a lot of people uh this upcoming week. So, as many of you guys know, amazon is going through a 20 to one split, um or one to 20 split so uh.

What, essentially, is going to happen is every previous share of tesla uh you're. Now for every one share that you own to my understanding, you're going to now own 20 of them, but the price gets reduced. You know by 20., so all it's doing is it's making the price per share a little bit more affordable. This is just a common thing that when companies reach a specific milestone and or are a little bit more expensive per share, it makes it a little bit more accessible.

Uh to you know, have a smaller price per share, so all they do is they simply increase. The amount of shares available, therefore decreasing the price per share. Pretty simple right, i think amazon is, i wouldn't invest in amazon just because of that just like anything. Yes, it could act as a positive catalyst which it has before in the past, but is that a reason that i would invest in amazon solely no, i mean i, i think, amazon's a great company and it should be um.

You know you should choose to buy it based off of that actual value and not just because you think it's gon na uh go up, maybe a little bit. I i guess, if you're just gon na try to trade it, i never really viewed amazon as much of a stock just to day trade um. I see there to be great recovery potential. We were previously trading at thirty seven hundred dollars a share.

We hit lows of two thousand and right now we're right around twenty four hundred dollars a share. So i would love to add more to my position on amazon. I just wan na see how the overall market continues to trade. If we get rejected on the overall nasdaq market and we break below that 30 dollar support level on tqq, then we'll most likely see amazon pull back as well.

So just make sure that you're aware that that, yes, we are at a critical point. Yes, amazon is looking really good. Yes, there is great recovery potential. But again i feel like this week is going to be a really big week, depending on which direction the market ends up, choosing to go with uh.
Let's go ahead and move on to the next one, all right. So let's do nvidia. I like this alrighty, all right, so nvidia uh being what it is. I mean it's one of the market leaders in in the industry that it you know partakes in that and um amd right.

The thing that nvidia has been experiencing is uh, logistic and supply chain issues right with that overall trip shortage, so um novidia's performance for nearly not uh. I guess it's been. For the past six months, we've been seeing a sell-off one of the simple questions that i begin to ask myself. Is you know, obviously i want to invest in nvidia uh.

It's done really well, you know in its past it's just that tech stocks. As of right now are just not performing the best right and seeing the videos current performance. Yes, there is great recovery potential and if we use this little trendline tool, we can see that it offers about an 80 roi. If it were to be perfect, you know there's great recovery potential.

There's. Definitely a reason on why i think we should look into nvidia, but a question i always ask myself is: am i missing out by not being invested in nvidia, and i still think it's a little too early to tell. We are at a critical point, we're right around that ema line um, but again this week is going to be a really big week, depending on which way the market ends up going. The reason i say this is if the market drops below the specific support levels that we talked about, we'll probably see nvidia pull right back down to the 160, a share um, and then we we're back to square one right.

So, there's no reason to rush into it. Uh if you're an absolute beginner take time, allow the opportunity to prove itself to you. I yeah i just wouldn't over complicate it when it comes down to this, so ricky looks so mad. I'm sorry um! I think it's! The lights that are kind of like hurting my eyes a little bit um.

So why is there getting mad right now? Roid range roid range. You get. You think i have a lot of muscle appreciate that, but no all righty, let's go ahead and move on to the next one. So we got united states oil fund.

Let's go ahead and break that one down uso, all righty, so united states oil fund. I have an uh a watch list that is solely based for oil, um stocks right and oil. Etfs super bullish right now are these cheap? No, but if you think that oil prices are going to continue to go up, then you know, i think it's a great outlet to have, i think, they're very overbuy. I think it's only a matter of time for them to pull on back, but due to the current, you know, demand issues and supply issues.

Um not demand issues, sorry supply issues, we've seen oil just skyrocket in every way, so right now chevron, trading at 180 ish and if you look at the overall day, chart very consistent in the way that it's been indicating signs of numbers. The way that i view any of these oil stocks, like again united states oil fund being one of them, it's a great way to make money. Now it's making money right now right. A lot of people try to overcomplicate it where, like all these other stocks, that right now are selling off.
You know i want all of tech stocks to recover, but it doesn't matter what i want if they're bearish, then you know, i can't expect to make money now. It's probably something that i'm going to invest in now and make money later down the road chevron, oil, united states oil fund. All of these are etfs, or at least stocks that are indicating signs of an uptrend right now. So if you're someone that wants to be proactive, if you want to, if you want to see you know it's not going to be a crazy return on something like this, that's been so consistent, but it's at least actively indicating signs of an uptrend.

So it's all based off of your intention, but yes, i think it's uh, it's great to understand that oil prices are going up as of right now, but with that being said, they're very overbought. So if anything were to change, if we fix the supply issue that we have we'll most likely see, oil prices begin to correct themselves. So please make sure that you're aware of that um, so hey ricky, i will be in arizona next week. Is your trading office open to any um or only lpp members? Even if you're, not an lpp member you're, welcome to schedule a visit, uh, just message me on discord or message me on instagram.

Let me know that you know what day you're gon na be coming in uh, but yeah the office. We have our team there from 9 30 in the morning to 5 pm. Again it's located in chandler arizona. So if it's monday through friday and it's within our normal work hours um - hopefully i can be there - i'm there normally on mondays and wednesdays um, but just message me and if i have time, if i can step away from my newborn i'd, love to you know Meet up and for anyone that wants to visit us at the hq, especially for all of our learn, plan, profit members, so you're, the one that i get to use it all the time all right.

Let's see so i'm an lpp, my bro and i've been able to appreciate that. Thank you. That's really, nice. If you said i'm an lpp member, i wouldn't have been able to do that.

Wouldn't have been able to know what i know about the indicators. If it wasn't for you right, you love, of course. I appreciate that. Thank you.

Thank you alrighty. So let's do starbucks. We have a couple of you guys asking about starbucks, let's break this one down, so starbucks has been very, very oversold, which is actually quite surprising right with all that it's been kind of just doing and experiencing lately but starbucks from 126. A share hit lows of 60 to 70 dollars a share right now.

We are trading above the ema line, but again we've done this once before back in march, and then russia attacked ukraine and then you know it pulled on back. So we're testing that ema line. All i really want to see is progress, so if we can see steady signs of a recovery of higher highs higher lows, i don't care if it pulls on back as long as it just doesn't go as low as it did before. I think starbucks is a great stock to look into in this sense for a long-term investment.
I can't expect to make money right away on starbucks, especially as it's been selling off for the entire 2022 right. I'm really big with intent, and i think that's something that a lot of people need to talk about. It's like you know. What is the current market sentiment with this stock? And you know what is my intention with this dog? If you're someone that's trying to make money now, then maybe starbucks is not going to be your best stock.

It's barely beginning to show signs of a recovery, and you can't just expect it to all of a sudden skyrocket. It's not very realistic right, but if you're someone that wants to buy now because you value starbucks, that's 70 80 a share and you think that it's gon na return back to its previous value of 120. Then again, then maybe this is an opportunity where you can take the light position and average up as it begins to indicate signs of recovery, so um yeah. So i think that we are showing some progress with starbucks, but i would definitely like to see some higher highs, so, if breaking above the ema line again, just like anything, there is no perfect indicator.

That's 100, accurate. I think, at the end of the day, price action is always what you know is most important at least to me. If something is indicating and showing signs of growth, then that's ultimately what i see to be most valuable: let's go ahead and break down the next one, so we got oocld asking for american airlines. I appreciate you tuning in and again i hope that we earn your thumbs up in this youtube: video american airlines.

Returning back to previous support levels, it has a very generalized support level right around 15, a very common resistance level right around 19 to 20 dollars. The way that i view american airlines right now - and you guys can let me know in the live - chat, it's kind of just trading sideways. It's almost like a descending pattern, but kind of trading centers. With that being said, this is not a stock where you're making a ton of money.

Anytime soon i mean it's literally, been struggling since last year, a lot of sideways trading. So if you want to like, if you like, to buy the lows and sell the highs and do short term swing trades then hey. This might be up your alley. If you're someone that wants to buy and hold, i would say it's kind of risky right now, because american airlines hasn't really chosen a direction in the way that it's going, we're not really seeing strong recoveries, especially with oil prices.
Going up. You know making fares more expensive, um yeah - i i just i wouldn't imagine american airlines to be skyrocketing or really any other airlines to skyrocket. As of right now, a lot of sideways trading, i can see a lot of short-term. You know swing traders.

Take advantage of this, but that's about it. So let me know what you think about that: let's go ahead and break down kroger: let's do it. We actually were uh. Last week right we broke down kroger and was right at the ema line, not not really doing much.

Yet it looks like we're still testing that ema line and the last time we tested it. We ended up getting rejected and then we dropped all the way back down to the moving average. So again. This is why we like to wait for confirmation.

How horrible would it be that you know you buy right now, thinking that it's about to recover and then all you could have done is just given it more time and then it sells off right. So this is why it's so important to stay patient uh within the market. You know this is why we have our alerts right here. So if we get a little bit more indication of hey this thing's actually beginning to show signs of recovery, market sentiment is again uh beginning to get better.

Then i would be a little bit more confident to buy kroger at the current price point. But i just there's a lot of uncertainty still. If the market ends up selling off, then we'll most likely see kroger pull back as well. Uh and again previous support levels was right around the moving average, which is right around 47.

A share all right. We've done one two, three, four, five, six, seven, let's go ahead and do three more stocks. If you guys want me to um, what's it called, if you guys want me to break down your your stock, just make sure you share that share that in the live chat alrighty here we go so we already broke down amazon. We already talked about the stock split with that bad boy.

All right, let's do ups. We haven't done that one in a while ups. What else are we doing? We'll do tesla tesla's been struggling quite a bit and then mcdonald's we'll do that one alrighty! So ups, as of right now showing signs of a support um again, it's kind of like the overall markets finally begin to show signs of a potential recovery. We're testing the movie the ema line right, uh right now, but again if the market gets rejected, that then we'll most likely see.

Ups also pull on back to about 160 a share. It's in the very early stages of a pre of a reversal, and the great thing about this is that the thing that i really like about ups is how strong its performance was prior. I think that's what i like about it. You know so much that from where we're at right.

Now, if it were to make a recovery, you know 20 roi is a decent margin. Um. You just want to make sure that you take your position size into consideration. I would hate for you to be fully invested right now and then all of a sudden, it just begins to sell off.
This is why we take risk management and position size, um position size into consideration. So let's go ahead and let's set these alerts and then we can choose to follow up. My alerts are for ups, all right: let's go ahead and move on to tesla, so tesla's retesting 700 a share right now it is bearish. I mean there's just been a lot of back and forth: tesla uh reducing their workforce by 10, something like that uh, definitely not the best sign for tesla uh, and then you know with one thing after another elon just going off on twitter.

It's just not looking the best as of right. Now we are getting rejected by the ema line, we're making lower highs, lower lows um. I set my alert for the confirmation again, i'm i'm someone that is invested in tesla uh. Do i expect it to recover anytime soon? No uh do i need it to recover anytime soon.

Of course not. Would i encourage you to, you know, buy tesla right now. I think it's still pretty early to say right um. I think that it could continue to sell off.

I think the cheap can get cheaper in the past. Five months have taught us that uh, it's not showing any signs of a support. So if we consolidate here again at 700 and again, that would be a little bit more of a reassurance that hey this is the bottom, and you know this is where we can begin to average up if it begins to show signs of a recovery. But i still think it's way too early.

I think that news is still too relevant of you know, elon and tesla, and what they're announcing and how it's continuing to act as a negative influence. Um, it's just something to be mindful of right. I'm a big believer in tesla. I wanted to do well, i'm invested in tesla, but that doesn't mean that it has to recover anytime soon.

So just make sure that you look out for yourself don't rush into it and again it pays to be patient in this market uh. The last one that we had omar asked us to break down is mcdonald's, so mcdonald's uh. For for me, i mean yeah. It's it's kind of showing signs of it trading sideways.

It has been previously bullish before but uh marge, just with everything that's going on right now, uh and how much opportunity there is present in the market um i like how bullish it is, and it's probably one of the only reasons that i would consider buying it. If it pulls right on back to you know 220 226 - something like that, just like previous support levels, uh, but it looks like right now, instead of the resistance being 268, it has a more common resistance right around 250. We could see that last time it really struggled to trade above 250, a share we got rejected and then we sold right back off. So although the goal might be to uh, you know surpass previous highs right now, we're showing signs of 250 as a resistance, and it wouldn't be much of a surprise if it pulls on back again unless all of a sudden begins to recover, but um.
I wouldn't even say that, with that eight percent margin in comparison to everything else that the market has to offer, i see there to be greater opportunity elsewhere, at least in my opinion, but um yeah. I mean that is pretty much it. So i don't know about you guys, but i was looking at the market uh. This is the nasdaq market uh.

This is the nasdaq futures, sorry my apologies and the market's already in the green. So for those that are unaware, uh nasdaq futures trade longer than just normal trading hours so right now the nasdaq market is up about .25 percent uh. The great thing about this is that, if it holds in this area, then that's a great sign for the market to open up in the green tomorrow. So it looks like tkq.

If the market were to be open right now, it would be up about point. Seven. Five percent so again something to look forward to but again there's there's a lot of shifts uh overnight, so it might be in the green now, but we could open up in the red. So it's just something that we're going to have to follow up with a friendly reminder again, if you guys want to tune in to my live training session tomorrow, and you want to learn a little bit more about the learn time.

Profit group, if i'm not mistaken, it's the first link in the description and they get to watch me. Trade live every day and, like someone asked you also get access to the hq, you get access to the a2z, video lesson. Library and yes, you get access to our private learn plan. Profit discord, chat, it's all inclusive.

It's a one-time payment lifetime access. If you want to learn more about it, click the first link down below. We are also giving away an ipad air and this ends in the month of june. So if you wanted to buy anything from our store before every one dollar you spend, it equals five automatic entries.

So it's a little bit more of an incentive and it automatically enters you towards our giveaway that ends at the end of june. So again, if you want to partake in this head on over to or click the link down below, i think it's, the fourth link down below pick up any of your favorite items and again it automatically enters you towards the giveaway. So it's only one lucky entry that is needed to win and if you guys have any questions, feel free to message me via discord or my instagram link is down below friendly reminder. I only have one instagram account: all the other ones are fake.

I never message you first. I never ask you for money, i don't trade for other people. I don't do bitcoin. I don't do forex, nothing like that.

So if you have an account messaging, you um asking you for information. First off. I never message you first. So if this account message to you, if it followed you it's, i can guarantee you it's fake, so i appreciate you guys time.
I hope that earned your thumbs up for all those that are part of learn plan profit. Please make sure that you set your alarms for market open and i'll, see you tomorrow for our live training session. Like always, let's make sure that we in the year.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Top 10 cheap stocks to buy sunday stock talk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Judith says:

    The FED has lost it and the sad fact is, it's pretty obvious we are headed for hyperinflation. I think stores better have tight security because when people can't afford to feed their families, things might get ugly

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars im a time traveler says:

    The bear is coming ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teen Stock Hour says:

    Thanks for doing UPS

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