What are the top 10 stocks to invest in right now? Here are the top 10 stocks our group members see value in!
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Why is the market going up? Inflation decelerates slightly from 40-year high as CPI rises 8.3% in April. April’s consumer price index report expected to show inflation has already peaked. How to read a cpi report and when will it be released?
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The Stock Market falling/ crashing can be a scary thing when you are not informed on how to make money during a stock market crash! The corona virus isn't getting any better and opportunity is among us, let's take time to inform ourselves and make the most of this opportunity!
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Test test, one two, one: two: what's going on team, it's ricky with tecmon solutions, hope that you guys are all having a good sunday welcome to our sunday stock talk uh. We host these every single sunday so make sure that you guys subscribe to the channel. I go live and i break down the top 10 stocks that our you know our subscribers see value in friendly reminder. If you guys want to stay connected, we also do run a free discord chat.

We have over 40 000 members. So if you want to join that, that's going to be that first link down below, so i don't want to take too much of your time. This sunday i was looking during um. I was looking at the nasdaq futures right now, and nasdaq futures are up a little bit over half of a percent, which is a great sign for tq.

Cube, looks like as of right now. If the market were to open that, we would definitely be in the green. So it's a great start to the week as of now. It doesn't mean that the market has to open up this way uh, but i'm very excited to follow up and to see if we can continue uh with what's to come and to see if the market actually begins to make signs of a recovery.

One of the things that you guys have to be aware of is that market is still very, very oversold. Yes, it can continue to sell off uh there's a series of meetings are going to be happening this week, uh and just make sure that you guys again uh subscribe to the channel turn on your post notifications, i'm going to be uploading new videos every day. Updating you guys on the different fed meetings and or speeches that are uh set to be um or to set to take place. So let's go ahead and go right to it.

I really hope that you guys learned something new in this video uh and if you do, please consider uh dropping a thumbs up. So let's go ahead and get right to it. Uh one of the stocks that well one of the things that i quickly wanted to do is i want to look at the markets, tab and actually um talk about some of the stocks that are going to be reporting earnings uh this week right. So we have the 16th and we have let's see if we have anything significant reporting earnings, no, not off the top of the list.

We got walmart reporting earnings. On tuesday we got home depot reporting earnings on tuesday. On the 18th, we got cisco target lows reporting on wednesday. We have vips, let's see kohl's ross and then friday we have deer and co foot locker, okay, so nothing too significant.

All the tech stocks already reported earnings. That's what we saw about two weeks ago, so kurtz garage i'm from memphis. I like it. What's up, what's up all righty, so do you prefer weeble over tos? I do um.

I don't know about you guys, but i feel like weeble looks much more interactive. I feel like the platform itself is a little bit more useful. They have a couple more tools and resources that is available if you guys want to, but if you download do want to use weibull make sure you click the fifth link in the description and you will actually earn five free stocks once you fund your account, you Can even just fund it one dollar and you'll earn five free stocks and again uh, let's uh, let's go and get right to it. So no one cares about amc.
Yeah amc, also known as meme stock uh hit lows of nine dollars. It has not traded to lows of nine dollars ever since it uh originally took off right, surpassed uh hit highs of 72.. This is the perfect example of a glorified pump and dump you can say whatever it is that you want of this it's you know. This is why we made the videos back then of do not get caught holding the bag.

This is why risk management is so important. This is why your hopes mean nothing in the market if there's no structure or discipline with your trade, because it does, you know you can choose to be a part of a movement you can chose to choose to hold in hopes that the shorts haven't covered or Whatever it is that they were, you know feeding themselves, but this is a perfect example of you know, putting yourself in an unfortunate position and hoping for the best and not preparing for the worst. So let's go ahead and actually talk about stocks that are worth investing in so we'll start off with the video. So let's go ahead and break this one down, nvidia very bullish stock overall big picture began to sell off uh towards the end of 2021.

We could see that it hit lows about 160.. The video as of right now, still really isn't indicating full signs of an uptrend. If we look at this on the four hour time frame, we could see that it always almost gets rejected at the ema line, and one of the things that we can tell is like you know, one of the questions that i like to ask myself, especially either. If you're deciding to trade and or invest is like, are you missing out by not being invested right now, um and not really right, because you might be like? Oh look, you know we could have bought it at 155.

The goal should never be to predict the bottom of a stock uh. The goal should just be to get in when it makes sense when it's a good price, when you see upside potential and when you're upside outweighs your downside, right, uh direction is a very important factor that i'd like to pay attention to, and i still think in My honest opinion nvidia has a lot to prove uh, we're still trading below the moving average uh below 200, a share um. So, therefore, if you decide to want - and you want to get in early all power to you - i i understand why you're choosing to buy the dip on nvidia, especially with how it used to trade before uh. But you can't expect it to recover anytime soon, especially as it's been so bearish.

This thing does have great upside potential and we can. We can get a little bit more into it, but it has 93 upside based off of the current price point so again, because it has so much margin to work with the way that i view it is like that should only encourage you to maybe even wait For confirmation, you don't need to be a perfect trader to you, know, be able to make money in the market just make sure that there's a reason behind everything that you do don't just buy because you can buy because it makes sense right uh. Those are simple questions that you can begin to really ask yourself: um yeah, so one of the things i would definitely look out for is waiting for confirmation on that. Let's go ahead and so nvidia is soon to release new uh gpu compute video cards.
I, like that yeah all right, so we got kroger, we have boeing, let's go ahead and break those down, so i'm going to start off with boeing. Boeing is definitely one that i've been paying a lot of attention to. I just feel like the airline industry has been getting hit time and time again. It has a lot to prove uh again asking yourself that very simple question: are you missing out by not being invested, no right, you're, probably saving money by not being invested in boeing right now, uh, it's been struggling and it struggled back in 2020 during the pandemic.

It tried to recover and it's been selling off ever since direction is simply not in your favor. It doesn't matter what we hope happens, get your emotions out of it. It's not about that. It's asking yourself a simple question: remove yourself from the position and be like hey, is this something actually worth investing? Is it showing signs of a recovery? Is it indicating signs of higher highs? Am i missing out by not being invested? That's definitely not the case.

So we can uh re-update these alerts and i can set my alerts back over here, but i also want to make sure that i stay up to date with where it's trading at so as of right now. The way that we view it within learn plan profit is if it's bleeding, let it bleed the cheaper. You know the more it sells off the cheaper. You can get it for.

So, let's not forget about that. Uh kroger! Let's go ahead and break that down. Our kroger is uh. I don't know if you guys knew this, but kroger is one of the socks that has been performing exceptionally well, especially even with current market conditions.

It's, in my opinion, a little bit more on the overbought side. It has some pullback potential. That's on the on the day chart we can see on the four hour time frame that it has pulled back a little bit from 62. But if you look at this on the day chart, if it breaks below fifty dollars a share, you can see that has a nice little gap down all the way down to forty seven dollars a show.

The way that i view kroger is not necessarily for a trade but more of like a long term position um and as of right now it looks like it's kind of um retracing back to the moving average. So that's kind of what i would look out for uh. You can wait for the break back above the ema line on the day chart if it begins to indicate signs of an uptrend, and you want to partake in that great. But i'm sure you guys can all see that that we're testing that support level right around fifty dollars a share really fifty three dollars and if we break below that it wouldn't be much of a surprise if we drop all the way back down to the moving Average right around forty seven dollars a share, so let's go ahead and move on to the next one netflix, i'm happy to break netflix down.
I cannot stress this enough. Netflix had a pretty nice run. I think it's the way that it ended the week. Netflix has been selling off for a year and it's not showing any signs of a recovery.

Look at the day chart right. I'm sorry not for you, my apologies, since the end of 2021, um been selling off lower highs, lower lows, and it's not just a little sell-off. I mean look at it from 700, all the way down to 190. It lost 73 of its valuation.

That has to be first for one of the for a very valuable company in the billions. This has to be one of the biggest loss in market cap in the shortest period of time. Um. Overall right, i know facebook dropped in a day and it lost 220 billion dollars, but i'm talking about losing 73 of your valuation.

That's insane right and i do agree with a lot of you guys. Netflix is very oversold, it's very cheap, but guess what the cheap can get cheaper and the past five months have taught us that so, instead of hoping that netflix begins to recover, how about we do something crazy and just set alerts and wait for confirmation. Instead of acting because you can do it when it makes sense it's about being calculated right and holding yourself accountable when no one else will let's go ahead and move on to the next one, so um amazon, i personally broke down amazon. I actually made a video and actually got really good feedback off of it.

So i don't know if you guys watched the video that i uploaded yesterday. Uh amazon is one of the stocks that i'm investing in. I plan to buy a total of 75 shares, which is about 170 000. My average purchase price.

My goal is 2300. A share. My average exit i'm working towards is 3 300. So i plan to exit right around this general area of the moving average uh.

I don't plan to sell all of it there. I would be more than happy to hold more than more of my position, but again if things begin to go according to plan, i would love to add more to my position on amazon. The more it indicates signs of an option, the more that i would average up um and then my potential roi, the risk to reward ratio is 3.33 percent um and then um. What's called my total potential profit for the dollar amount invested is 75 000 again in a perfect world.

It's never going to go perfect. So that's just the goal. It's something to work towards, i'm very excited to follow up with. That being said, i'm choosing to buy and invest in amazon, while things are still uncertain.
I'm never going to be here and and speak like other people on youtube and try to convince you that you should invest in the same stocks that i'm investing in. If anything. My job and i think the learn plan profit group can speak for my actions. I always try to, if anything, encourage you to be more conservative, to wait for more confirmation to not trade or invest in the same things that i do.

I want you to be your own person right, i think that's the beautiful thing about the market is that, yes, i think it's important to learn the core values of investing and trading, and, yes, that can be easily done in one way, but that's just the foundation. The goal is to build off of that, to be your own person, to be your own form of trader, to be your own form of investor right and with that being said, yes, i think amazon's a great stock. I do think that, although things look promising right now, it can definitely still continue to sell off. So if your intention is to make money right now and right away, don't invest into, i wouldn't expect you to invest into amazon because amazon's going to take months, if not a year or two, maybe to recover right and with that being said, is if you can't Tolerate that then don't buy.

It don't put yourself in a position that you can't tolerate, have a realistic approach right. If you want to make money right now, then then trade - something that's going up right now and amazon just isn't showing that right. It's been very bearish, at least for the past year and rightfully so so has all of tech. It's been selling up, there's no surprise there, especially with interest rates going up within.

You know, trying to fight inflation. It's common sense right, so put yourself in a position to succeed. It's not that you have to be perfect. It's not about that! No one's perfect here! The idea is to put yourself in a position that you can simply tolerate where the reward outweighs the risk, and you understand that swing trading versus day trading.

It's all preference, it's whatever you prefer right. We have a lot of people that are part of our learn plan profit group that are students that have a full-time job and that simply swing trade on the side or day trade on the side, and we have other people that do it full time right. It's not that one is better than the other. It's that find, whichever one accommodates your lifestyle better, that's the goal right! It's not to be! I don't want you guys to be.

You know copycats of me that what what's the what's the goal with that, it's again be your own person, don't be afraid to be your own person. Have your own style? Have your own taste your you know. We don't have to see eye to eye on everything, but we can have a level-headed conversation and understand one another. You get what i mean so ever consider trading options.

I do not, but i appreciate you asking please look at the video we actually just broke down. The video i appreciate you asking chpt all righty chpt, looks like an amazing pump and dump right. It shot up to highs of 49, and this was in late 2020 and it's been selling off ever since then lower highs, lower lows. This is a perfect example of a stock that i would not invest in.
This is the exact opposite. If i can get this picture and reverse it, that would be the ideal image of something i want to invest in. Yes, there is profit to potential money to be made just like in anything right. It has these nice little rallies, it has these nice little rallies and it looks like it might be, setting up for a nice little rally.

I think that's great. You have to understand that if you're, not the best at you, know averaging up, if you're not the best at managing risk trading, something when the direction is bearish you're putting yourself in an in a more difficult. You know position because your entries and your exits have to be more effective and, if they're not and you suck at managing risk, it's a recipe for disaster. So if you suck at managing risk - and i'm being you know straight up with you - i would not trade anything that is selling off right, especially if it's been selling off for nearly two years.

Let's go ahead and move on to the next one uh. What are your thoughts on riot? Let's go ahead and break it down uh i shouldn't it should not be doing really well yeah pumped up right, blockchain, i'm not a fan of any of these companies. It's been selling off uh, not just since the beginning of 2020, but it's been selling off ever since it peaked. You can see that trading volume has really declined.

There's no direction, there's no! You know if it's consistently selling off. So at least i give it that this looks like a great setup for something i would potentially want to short right. It's again, don't sell yourself. The stock, don't sell yourself the dream of hey.

I want to make money on this. Who cares like what you want? It to do it's, it's not doing it and it hasn't done it and it hasn't done it for a year right. It's been consistently selling off it's the exact opposite of what growth looks like it doesn't mean that it can't change. It just means that it's not doing it right, set an alert, and instead of selling yourself the idea, let it happen right, set the alert wait for confirmation, if it ends up playing out, then follow up with it.

That's the whole point of creating an effective watch list, accountability and having the discipline to follow up with that stock. So what what else are we going to be breaking down? Dkng, i'd love to break that one down? Okay, we got draftkings overall, was very bullish and trust me. I i love the idea of draftkings, i'm right there with you, where, with a lot of you guys where, like i think, draftkings definitely has the potential. If you think of what the company is and the potential for it to continue to grow amazing right, i just do not think that the direction is currently in its favor.
I think that, although i have a goal for it, and i would and i would love to invest in it, my goals mean nothing right. It's it's. If direction is not in my favor, i need to understand and respect the market and i think that's what's most important. What's going on um, okay, my instagram for those are maybe unaware uh, my instagram got hacked it got hacked and then it got disabled uh.

We're working on getting it back right now so right now i have no instagram, so any instagram, that's ricky gutierrez right now is fake. So if you guys can do me a huge favor, i have one instagram account right now: it's disabled, it's ricky utiers with two z's, it's linked in the description, but you won't be able to see it report every other account that you see. I know it's a lot to ask because you have to go on instagram, but please please. Please understand that.

I never message you first, i don't trade for other people. I never ask for money, i never use whatsapp or any foreign forex bitcoin platform. I don't do any of that. It's those are all fake.

Please please report them. My account got taken over and disabled by a fake account, uh, so very unfortunate, and if you guys can do me a solid um, yeah i'd love to follow up once i get my instagram back, but as of right now um i can't even go live. If i wanted to so, i appreciate it though, but yeah draftkings is definitely a stock, that i've been paying attention to the way that i view draftkings, i'm not too sure if it's just me uh, but carvana carvanha just announced that they laid off 2500 employees and Carvana has been tanking carvana. The owners are the richest people in arizona.

I live in arizona, so i know a lot about them. Um they're, one of the largest used car dealership sales-wise in the world in the united states. I think that there's great potential great opportunity, but guess what carvana is selling off from 376 dollars down to 28 a share, it's not about what i want carvana to do it's about what it's doing and right now. Yes, it's cheap, but, like the past five months have taught us the cheap can get cheaper.

So there's a there's, a difference of showing interest in wanting to invest in something and then actually making sense of that investment right later down the road. I would love to eventually build a house, buy it buy a lot of land, build my dream house for my family, but i also have to understand that based off of current market conditions, it's probably not in my best interest to do that now, but guess what The beautiful thing is that i have time i have time for conditions to get better. We have time for conditions to get better for carvana. You don't need to invest into them, invest and trade when it makes sense yeah it's an insane drop.
But again it's unfortunate for everyone that wasn't invested, but for people like you and i there's huge roi potential and guess what we don't need to be perfect. We just need to make sure that when we take action, that it makes sense and as of right now, things are getting worse for carvana. So let the sucker bleed let it bleed. Let it go to ten dollars whatever it is.

I want to buy it when it makes sense so um just like draftkings. I would love to buy draftkings. Oh another good example is robin hood. Robin hood has been selling off ever since you know it really peaked at eighty dollars or ninety dollars.

I don't even know what it was. Eighty five dollars a share: it's been selling off no full indication of a recovery just yet um and it had a nice little gap up because of the announcement of someone of a billionaire investing 650 million dollars. But again, that's all hype that doesn't change anything about robinhood. It's all hype of just getting more attention, more demand for a short period of time.

You need to understand these reactions, there's a difference from when there's a fundamental reason on why something is pushing and rising versus an artificial reason of something that's going to be a short-lived catalyst, so upstart another great example: uh. You guys are doing great with these today. I i feel, like i'm providing half of the half of the list, but another great example of a stock that was set to do very well. I was at trading at 400, a share during the very peak of 20 very end of 2021 and it's been selling off ever since from 401 all the way down to 35 think about that.

It sucks for everyone that was invested, but for people like you and i this is a potentially great opportunity, but guess what at least for me not now. I want to see this sucker begin to indicate signs of an uptrend like this. I want it to be bullish. That's when i want to invest.

Yes, i want it cheap, but i don't need it at the cheapest price. I don't care about that. I'm i'm so beyond that. I want to buy it when it makes sense when it's actually, when i, when i look at upstart, i want it to feel like i'm missing out by not being invested.

That's what i want to feel. Not oh. I want to catch it now because it is so cheap. I don't care about that stuff anymore.

It you know. I feel like that that that's something that attracts a lot of beginner traders, a lot of beginner investors, people that don't understand that you don't need to be perfect with your entries. You don't need to be perfect with your exits. You're, never going to be perfect.

The goal is just to be effective: have an effective entry have an effective exit, make sense of it? Never perfect, but you know there's a reason behind it. That's what's most important, so i love upstart. I love the potential that it offers. It's just not it.
For me right now, um crm, another one uh salesforce. So let's go and check this one out. Salesforce peaked at 311 right now, it's trading at 167., another great example of a stock that was doing very, very well and has sold off quite a bit 86 percent. But again it's bearish it's consistently selling off why over complicated? Why would i throw money into this when it was cheap? Last month it was cheap the month before that it was cheap the month before that, who cares? Let it bleed until it begins to actually indicate signs of recovery, then then it would begin to make sense.

Until then, i don't care, let it go to a hundred dollars. A share. That'd go to fifty dollars this year, the cheaper it gets the better. It is for people like you and i um zillow.

I don't know if you guys have followed up with zillow, but uh zillow significant drop from lows of 208 dollars down from highs of 208 to lows of 40 34, a share think about that think about that potential. Insane right - and this is zillow. This is, this is an application that you know we all use, but it's been thing after thing of, like you know, interest rates going up, obviously, less demand for the housing market makes it less attractive, which means probably less users right for zillow itself. Zillow also announced, rightfully so as a business.

It cancelled and closed down their home buying program. Rightfully so it just didn't make sense anymore. The market wasn't going to continue to rise, like it was during the pandemic or shortly after the pandemic. You know it's a strong business decision and i like that about zillow, just their stock is, is very bearish right now, so i love the recovery potential.

I just think that this is a watch. It's not a buy right now, at least not for me um. All right so snowflake yeah, so that's no right, yeah snowflake, also very cheap, based off of previous highs, used to trade at highs of about 400 dollars is now trading at 150., very bearish lower highs, lower lows - and i can't stress this enough again, another great stock With great roi potential, just tack is, is getting hit really hard, and i think you know this live stream. I think we've done.

We did a really good job in today's live stream, showcasing and highlighting how how many stocks are oversold? How many stocks offer great roi potential, but also how many stocks are still bearish and they can continue to sell off right? We don't know how long this is going to last. We don't need to your job, isn't to predict the future. It's simply to prepare for it. This is why i've been trying.

I don't know if you guys, and you guys have to tell me - i don't know if you guys have been enjoying it, but you know going back to the basics, and i and i made this like little calculator thing. It looked like based off of yesterday's video that i uploaded where i'm talking about the stocks that i'm planning to invest in. I don't know if you guys, like those videos, it seems like you guys do, but i want to showcase to you guys first hand what i'm doing to prepare for the future for the recovery, not that it has to happen. But you know what i would hate to happen: the same thing that happened back in 2020 when the market recovered and you were overwhelmed and didn't buy anything you didn't invest in anything because you were so scared.
It's like. Why are you investing in the market? Then right, if you can't tolerate risk, what are you doing here right, you're, not guaranteed anything, that's not what the stock market's about you don't deserve anything. You can invest hours and actually end up losing money. It's not about that.

The way that we get paid in the market is in direct proportion in our ability to overcome the challenges that it presents right. The patience, the discipline, the structure you think on friday, when i made forty thousand dollars due to my tqqq position, it's not all profit but still 40. 000. In a day.

That's huge, that's great, but you think i made that because i i worked really hard for it. No, it's not about hard work, it's about putting yourself in a position to succeed and then making sure that not only your upside is covered, but that your downside is managed. That's your job as a trader as an investor. It's not to be perfect with your entries with your exits that you invest in every stock that has the potential to recover.

It's not about that. Keep it simple focus on one focus on two stocks. Add them to your watch list obsess about them and take action when it makes sense not when you want to not when you think something's going to happen, but when it makes sense, that's your job as a trader. That's your job as an investor, at least in my opinion, so um also just a little heads up this little uh calculator.

Um is all available so like, if you guys ever want to plan out any of our trades. All this little calculator is available in our free discord. So if you guys want access to this calculator, it's in the announcement section you guys should be able to see it. Let's see if i can pull it up in the announcement section.

It's right here. It's the excel file, the risk to reward calculator. It's all available, it's all free uh. Also, if you're part of learn plan profit, you have access to it as well, but it's an announce announcement.

Second, i actually think i'm going to update it. I know i know i need to open it up and i added uh this other section to it. So i'll update it and then you guys can have access to it so again, all available in our free discord. If you guys want that, that's the first link down below and um yeah - i mean i don't want to take too much of your guess time.

I think we already went through 10 different stocks. I think i'll do one or two more one. Two, three, four. Five.
Six: seven 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14.. We've done 14 stocks.

Let's do let's see what else is good um, let's see all right, um. Okay, that's actually a really good one. I'm actually really happy that you brought that one up. Uh lyft! I don't know if you guys have seen, but lyft has really been struggling.

Just like uber uh left very bearish trading at twenty dollars. A share twenty freaking dollars right, it's insane! But that's not that's! Not what we're here to talk about right, because i've even sold off back in 2020, but we're approaching pandemic levels, which is great. This is a great opportunity. This is where you have to shrink your list of interest.

You know, even even in just today's watch list, we talked about 15 different stocks and that's just what we talked about. That's not where you're gon na break down right. We didn't talk about uber, that's down what else! What else do you guys want to break down? Um someone else said uh i was looking at it. Shopify shopify is insanely oversold right.

Look. How oversold shopify is from seventeen hundred dollars a share down to three hundred dollars to four hundred dollars huge opportunity. You know what i want. You know what i think would be amazing, being able to look back and to see that no, you weren't perfect, but that you stuck to one or two stocks you waited for them to indicate signs of an uptrend.

You took action, you averaged up, you made mistakes, but you learned so much along the way. You know the way that i would do it is. I would put enough money in the market to take it seriously, but not so much that if you were to lose it that it would be make you super emotional. I think that's an amazing way to focus on learning how to trade, where you don't trade with too much that it overwhelms you and then it takes away the focus of learning.

Your focus should always be learning first and the making money part comes later, but again very few, and this is just how life is. Very few people hold themselves accountable to that degree, and my question is: is which are you? Are you someone that's going to take? It seriously enough to learn from your mistakes to take time to practice. You know i have two thousand free videos on youtube and that's just my channel there's a there's a lot of other people that upload videos on youtube watch them. I'm not gon na.

I'm not gon na tell you that, oh, you only need to watch my videos, i don't care, watch other people. I think i provide great value, but that's me right. I have a specific way that i trade, of a specific way that i invest. I encourage you to explore other people to test what you learn to practice.

What you learn. My only goal for you is to surround yourself and work with people that encourage you to be the best version of yourself. That's what i think is the goal. That's it.

So um, i don't want to take too much every guy's time. I'm excited to follow up um with the market tomorrow, uh we're going to be going live. If you guys want to join us, i trade live every morning. I would love for you to join me tomorrow at market open if you think that it would be a value for you to watch me.
Trade live, have access to our a2z video lesson, library. You get access to my hq and you get access to our private group chat so anytime that you have any questions. I'm one message away but again during our live training sessions, i'm either trading and or answering questions in real time right. It's kind of like this, but imagine the market being open, and you can see me trade all right.

So if you want to learn more about that to see if our learn plan profit group is a good fit for you, that's going to be that second link down below, but no rush again. Please make sure that you guys understand that my instagram as of right now is hacked and disabled, so every ricky account on instagram is fake. If you can do me a solid, please report, every reiki account that you see spam the comments whatever it is, that you need to do to make sure people are aware that those accounts are fake. That would mean the world to me.

They block my my real account and then they now they just disabled it so um all right. I appreciate you guys time. I hope and wish you guys a green week. Please take time to shrink your watch list to stay micro focused on what you value.

What makes sense to you and how you plan to make money when the market recovers, keep it simple, not perfect, but just progress. I think that's that should be the focus for this market recovery progress and know what you're doing have a reason behind what you're doing so i'll see you guys tomorrow in tomorrow's live training session, that's going to be that second link down below and if you have Any questions you can comment as well. Like always, let's make sure that way in the year.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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