Tom Nash Reacts To Elon Saying Tesla is a $3,000 Stock

What a bombshell from elon this is insane. Now, if you've been watching my channel for the last few months, you know i've, overextended and liberalized the use of the world bombshell as well as unthinkable, but this is not one of those cases. This is actually huge. You have to see this.

This is pretty insane wild. Now, here's the thing arc invest just updated their model, basically saying the tesla is a 3 000 company by 2025.. Now, in the past, elon musk always stayed away from this. In fact, he was always the contrarian.

He tweeted that kathy was saying. I don't think your numbers are realistic. I don't think we can get there this fast. He actually said to his employees: hey ignore the stock price, it doesn't matter, the dude actually sent a tweet saying the stock price is too high.

This is insane now. I think this was definitely the right approach and i agree with him. Employees shouldn't be obsessing about stock price. They should be obsessed by the company.

However, unlike all the bears and the gordon's which are going to come out of their holes, basically saying well, elon is obsessing about the stock price. This is enron, 2.0, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah chill the down. Here's! What's going on he's using that to actually put some fire under their butt, basically saying hey, we can be the biggest company in the world. Look, i agree with her as long as we can get done.

He needs to motivate these employees because, right now, as a coach, for example, when you look at your team and you're, leading by 25 points, which they are things get complacent, i mean people start to joke around. You know things loosening up. He needs to point them into the trophy and say: hey this trophy can be ours, we just have to keep executing, don't let up done it up and using the carrot in this place, basically showing hey. This is the massive carrot.

We're about to get is actually the right thing to do now beyond the analogies into the sports world and the motivational aspects of it he's allowed to actually engage with the target price every once in a while. We are talking about them becoming a three trillion dollar company, which is something you actually is allowed to think about. As the ceo and the founder - and i know a lot of people, gon na say well, elon didn't found tesla mother lover. He did come on.

Realistically. I mean he's a co-founder. At the very least i mean whatever tesla was before he joined. I mean this: was a hobby company come on? Let's be realistic, so anyways by the way, just my opinion might be an accurate might be wrong, might be the ravings of a madman, not a financial advisor just again in it.

You have to do your research find it for yourself, my opinion. I classify him as a founder. If you have a problem with it. Well, you can go and do whatever you need to do to feel better about it.

I don't give a now here's the thing i want to show you tesla actually showed some numbers out of norway, essentially forest time ever overtaking vw as the best-selling ev in norway, which is very unfortunate for gordon johnson, because norway was the last country he was holding On to as a drowning man holding out to paddle trying not to drown basically saying well, look at norway, vw is beating tesla in norway, so that thing is over, as you can see on the screen now, this is pretty much a done deal. Norway is being overtaken by tesla and if you look at the chart, you see the trend where norway is headed. I mean tesla almost looks like it has a hard-line demand. I've never seen it outside of a textbook, maybe in the pharmaceutical world, in a pandemic like this is a hard demand.
That's what she said, but hey, hey, gordon johnson, just actually had a spat with me on twitter. Reacting to my tweets, which i am honored to thank you gordon, basically adding more countries into the mix and combining a few countries just to show that tesla is losing market share. But to that the only thing i have to reply is hey. Tipranx.Com, look up his profile, see how well his predictions have been doing in the past few years.

That's all i got to say about it shout out to gordon no hate everything is cool. Let's move on now. The next piece of news i want to talk about is peloton. Peloton is in deep do-do.

I mean, i know you guys don't care about pellet on that much, but i really like the company and i think they do have a future, but right now their usage is actually fallen. 42 since april. This is insane out of the entire set of companies that were like pandemic friendly exercise at home. Peloton took the biggest hit 42.

This is insane now. The reason being is because people kind of fail to understand. What's the point right now. Obviously, this is a result of the reopening.

We expected this not as bad, but you have to remember: peliton actually had some bad pr over the last few months. So that explains it. But i guess, if you don't have the budget for a peloton there's, always such better alternatives. Now i know a lot of people like to think of it as a treadmill with an ipad.

I don't think that's the case. I compare it more like i have this uh neighbor over here. His name is buddy's polish. Now buddhist polish has a dog called alpha.

Now, whenever i run through his yard that mother lover screams at me, it actually makes me run faster and i've never ran faster. In my life than when i run through his men's yard, i mean this is insane. The dog is barking he's running after me, he's waving with his cane. I actually get the boost.

I mean this is literally peloton but inside your house. If i could hire buddy's polish to stand around my house and yell at me, this would be cheaper than peloton, but i think most of you can't now, unless you can find an old man with a garden and a dog. I think peloton is a more realistic choice. That's why i think the price will go up.
I think the usage rates will go up. I think that this is temporary. I really like the company, but hey what do? I know i'm just a guy who likes to run through yards run away from dogs for fun. Now on unrelated news, china's didi actually came out and said well dudes.

No news is good news. Fake news is fake news, they're, basically saying well guys china isn't trying to get over a company there's no issues nobody's taking over. This is all fake news, and now everybody in the comment, sections of every single article without china fought. You see this.

This is china, foreign just told us it's not happening, and that is some naive ass. Now let me explain: what's going on here, we have a chinese company denying a rumor about the ccp. What is the interest of dd executives to confirm this rumor? I'm sure? Most of them don't want to go to prison or gulag or whatever they have in china. The equivalent i mean i wouldn't put too much weight and credibility on an announcement like this, which they have to do.

Anyways i mean this is china, how much of a free speech you think they got. You think if this was true, they would come out and confirm it saying. Well, we are the executives of didi and yes, we're being nationalized secretly. I mean what the i mean.

Are you guys that naive to believe that i mean if you still want to invest in didi and china go right ahead, i'm just seeing this and i'm laughing. This is like russia 2.0. This is just you know. This is the lab for me to see through this and of course, we have to talk about my favorite company of all times, boeing delaying more 787s because of a structural design defect whatever makes it sound as if they don't have a company which i think they Do in my opinion, my humble opinion now essentially they're delaying the 787s, which goes on top of the 737 max they can't sell because you know boom there's a lot of bad that happened with boeing.

So, basically right now, boeing has about 20 billion dollar of inventory. Sitting on the ground which they can't move because of regulatory issues. Essentially, if you read the articles, the faa won't, let them sell the 787 they're there in the inventory. They're just not allowed to sell them because it's a plane, in my opinion, allegedly so they have 20 billion sitting on the ground.

They just did like buybacks like 30 to 40 billion dollars, and they had to take a huge loan to pay for this. So literally, this is a company. That's not only bleeding money. It's a gash! It's an open wound every day that goes by they're, losing like what five million dollars every single day that they don't sell these planes.

This is one of the most horribly run. Companies i've ever seen in my life, i mean this is probably a buying opportunity in 2027 when they get in order. I mean this is insane and of course we have to finish the segment with the transitory inflation. Now, transitory inflation is the mantra of jerome powell, but the crack is beginning to form inside the fed.
The dallas fed is breaking away from the pack, basically saying hey. We expect real estate and rents to go up even beyond next year, even beyond next. Next year, there is no way that this is transitory. This is essentially what they're saying, of course, the paper is extremely academic and there's no cursing and nobody's waving their hands like blah blah blah blah.

But essentially, what they're saying, if you read the article which i'm going to put in the comments section, is that if you expect prices to go up over the course of three to four years, which they definitely expect, especially in real estate, that can't be transitory. So basically, we have the dallas fed coming out and calling bs on jerome pal and the official mantra of the transitory inflation first cracks. I believe the first of many there's no way in hell that this is transit or inflation. Everything is going up.

It's not only about supply chain issues, let me explain, but then again i made a whole video explaining why jerome powell can't admit to it. He literally has to wait until february before he can actually breathe again. He can, but the dallas fed doesn't have to wait until february. So this is the truth, in my opinion, but again whatever i know is whatever you know, you still have to do your own research, just my opinion, make sure you check out our patreon page five bucks per month and you'll be supporting the channel and participating in Our weekly zoom calls, which we have on monday and thursday one coming up the is this anyways.

Before we got interrupted, i was about to say we do have a zoom call on labor day coming up on monday. So if you join today, you can join the zoom call tomorrow the link, the description. All of this is actually in the patreon page. Go right ahead, sign up and you know, you'll be supporting the channel.

So why not? But if you don't want to do it, that's fine just keep watching the video, don't click, nothing doesn't match, nothing, don't buy nothing! No courses, nothing to sell, just watch the videos for free, enjoy the information and i'll see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “Tom nash reacts to elon saying tesla is a $3,000 stock”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allan Bartram says:

    Great point of view on Elon’s intentions

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SKarea51 says:

    Ark Invest are idiots, Elon Musk is a villain and you are a moron/sell-out. You cannot call yourself financial analyst when you say Tesla is worth 3 Trillion of dollars. Solar City business = 0, Boring company business = 0, Neuralink business = 0, Starlink business = -xxx ……. All Musk earns is from selling electric cars (bigger and better looking golf cars). No FSD, no autopilot, no Cab driving as a second job for your car… Just violating a lot of rules, being a bully and a physics illiterate. Amen. That is probably why you lost your job and now you're scamming people on YT. Riding the FOMO wave.

    Just wait for the German Gigafactory to open. It's going to close very fast. If Musk would be smart, he would open it in Eastern Europe, Germany will suffocate him with unions… And this is just an example of his idiocy, there is 1001 things that will drive Tesla to 0 where it came from…

    People just stay away from this company/stock, it does not serve a better world, it server Musk's narcissistic personality!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Nathan Bradforth says:

    Elon is 1000 percent a founder if you know the story. Jb and elon met for lunch one day and Jb went to pitch a vtol. Elon said no but lithium ion is good enough for a car and the went for a ride in a proof of concept called the t zero which is what the roaster was based on. Someone mentioned the other two gooses who claim to be founders so elon and jb teamed up with them as they had some capital as well. Well one of those gooses sent Tesla broke and elon recapitalised the business and sacked the lying goose and elon became ceo. This story is fact and it's important people know

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lance Foley says:

    Elon Musk is not the founder of Tesla… he's more like the Paris Hilton of Tesla.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Wakeman says:

    Russian and Chinese aircraft to take on Airbus 350 and Boeing 787

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LouieG says:

    Reverse psychology seems to be working well for Tesla stock.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Mendoza says:

    Why do you like Peloton? Did you hear their last earnings call? They can’t even keep count of their inventory.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Lee says:

    How long before China nationalizes Tesla?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars House Music Nation Station says:

    Tesla stock is already over $3000 it did a 5 to 1 split a year ago. It's actually around $3500 as of now. They have to hype because the truck,big rig and sports car are being delayed again

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars johnny k says:

    Dear Mr Nash – Can I give my feedback? Can you show your face when you talk? It’s more interesting !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kavan andersen says:

    You're the neighbor that runs through people's yards. Make a YouTube video of it or cut it out 😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fit and Cool 😎 says:

    I think I am getting sick, lately I’ve been feeling a lot of respect for Russia and not because I pushed through “Crime and punishment” for 6 months but because Moscow gave up on Vaccine passports after 3 weeks and Putin even came out and said it is a personal choice. Now from where I stand (UK), Putin looks reasonable now 😹😹😹😹. Gettin’ sick, get me some IVM😁

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Fadi says:

    Try living in Canada and say anything bad about Israel..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erin Crane says:

    Investing in cripto now is very cool especially with the current rise in the market now

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Andrew says:

    Investing in cripto currency is one of the best chance of making money

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Kemper says:

    Elon never founded Tesla, nor is he even an engineer, nor did he ever work at Paypal.
    Tesla was founded (as Tesla Motors) on July 1, 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in San Carlos, California.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gargantu4 says:

    Am I the only one that sees the title of the chapter? if this is an experiment, Tom bring yourself back!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Imduaikiat says:

    Tesla point is interesting. I'd love to hear your dig-eep analysis on it. Never mind what CW said. I want to hear your thought.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rena Kwong says:

    Tom is better to c on the screen & e resolution is good!!🤣

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Georgy Louis says:

    I agree with you, Tom. Tesla was a hobby before Elon

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walking D-day says:

    What happened to the video. Just black with a title.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Next Level Madame Defarge says:

    Cryptic msg by 🚀♂️: Tesla ,Elon & Jeff. If Jeff was not shorting tesla so much it is likely it will be 3k.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nico B says:

    Tom, u still didnt answered my message on patreon.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ervin Chan says:

    Hi Tom, you can be my neighbour anytime and borrow my treadmill. 👍

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! CBW0314 says:

    FTNT follow up video please because it’s been on an absolute tear

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yuvaraj Patel says:

    Where is the fire in thumbnail? Where is bla bla mother#@& bla? Not done… 😂

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cory k says:

    I been telling people ! Tesla is going to pop to a 1000$ a share extremely soon.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kingston bell says:

    Despite all the economic crisis this is the right time to start up an investment

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Duly says:

    Sorry Tom, he’s not a founder, dude. I worry when you make statements like that and it’s not factual. Looks shill-ish.

    Tesla does have problems. Every company does and Elon is not infallible and DOES have some serious issues in his past and present.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nishanth Salahudeen says:

    why do I see only chapter titles in the video?! black screen?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I G says:

    Tom, know what's interesting? I decided to take a look at tipranks to see if any analysts downgraded BABA in the last year through this crackdown and guess what, not one ANALyst downgraded the stock while it tanked from $300+ to $150. Just goes to show you where their loyalty lies.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuck Tierney says:

    Butchering the English language is part of Tom's charm. "Get of my lawn" lol

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Borsellega says:

    G.J. is either a complete moron or more than likely has his own agenda spreading Tesla FUD…I mean I find it hard to believe that an educated man could be that stupid.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lover and a hater says:

    What? 2 trillions? This dude is a piece of doo doo and he's about to be bankrupt

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boyer Industries says:

    Gordon Johnson is my inspiration. Truly. “No cap 🧢 “, let me explain…

    If he can be a well known “successful” financial analyst, then I can become a billionaire by Christmas. Easily.

    You da man Gordon!

    Side note 📝 Tom that was a brutal response to him 😂💀💀

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Secretly a Celebrity says:

    Tom says he overuses the word bombshell, but these are just the ramblings of a madman.

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