In this video we go over DD on Huya, a Chinese video game live-streaming company.
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Wall Street Millennial is not a financial advisor and this video is fo entertainment purposes only. Make sure to do your own research and consult with a professional before making any investment decision.
At the time of making and publishing this video the author does not own any investment position in HUYA.

What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we cover everything related to stocks and investing if you've been paying attention to international stocks. Lately, you've probably seen the recent disaster around china's ride-hailing company dd on june 30th, dd ipo'ed up 14 per share, giving them a 70 billion valuation. Almost immediately after the shares started trading. The chinese government decided to crack down on the company they banned didi from the app store for supposed data privacy violations.

This has caused shares to plummet more than 20 since the ipo, the dd controversy has caused investors to dump their holdings of all chinese stocks across the board. Since the dd disaster unfolded, the cqq chinese technology etf has lost about 10 percent of its value and is currently down almost 30 percent. Since its highs in february. Blue chip mega cap tech stocks, including alibaba and baidu, are down double digits from their all-time highs.

But as warren buffett says, the best time to be greedy is when other people are fearful in this video we're going to talk about one overlooked. Chinese stock that has been unfairly beaten down by the recent sell-off. Keep in mind that we are not financial advisors and this video is, for entertainment purposes, only make sure to do your own research and consult with a professional before making any investment decision also feel free to check out our free discord. Server link in the description below the stock, we're talking about is chinese live streaming company hui to say that this stock is beaten down is an understatement.

It is declined 58 from its all-time highs and more than 10 from its ipo price in 2018. Huiyat is a video game streaming platform where live streamers play games such as league of legends and world of warcraft. You can think of it as a chinese version of twitch. The proximate cause of huia's recent stock decline is its failed merger with the chinese tech giant.

Tencent tencent owns a stake in both huya and rival, live streaming company. Do you they wanted to merge the two companies together to create a dominant live streaming player for the chinese market. The combined entity would have 70 market share. Recently, chinese antitrust regulators blocked the proposed merger, saying that would be anti-competitive.

This triggered a free fall in the share prices of both companies with huya down 58 from its recent highs and doe. U down a whopping 76 percent, despite the failure of the merger. Huya still has a dominant 40 market share and is poised to benefit from china's secularly growing esports industry. As china's economy is developing, more and more people are gaining access to high-speed internet.

This has led to an explosion in video games. As of 2020, there were 665 million people in china who play video games. If chinese gamers made up their own country, it would be roughly double the size of the united states. China has become the world's largest esports market, with the government's general administration of sports, declaring it an official sport since 2003., events such as the league of legends championship have become hugely important in chinese society and are on par with the super bowl in the u.s.
Huiya has benefited massively from this growth, with monthly active users growing every single quarter to reach 178 million in the fourth quarter of 2020.. In the first quarter of 2021, they stopped disclosing total monthly active users as they focus more on mobile. Their mobile monthly active users increased to 75 and a half million from 74.7 million in the prior year. The user growth has translated to strong revenue, growth and profitability.

In the most recent quarter, they generated 2.6 billion rmb of revenue, which represents an 8 increase over the prior year. Rmb is a chinese currency, while their revenue did decrease from the prior quarter. This can largely be attributed to seasonal factors. The fourth quarter is generally the strongest in the year.

They also exhibit strong profitability with positive net income. Every single quarter for the past two years, similar to twitch huion, makes the vast majority of its revenue from virtual gifts that fans give to their live. Streamers fans buy the gifts with real money and the live streamers cash them out for real money. Huya identifies up-and-coming streamers and signs multi-year exclusivity agreements, so they can only stream on huya.

They make individualized revenue sharing agreements where huya typically takes about 25 of the money they have deep connections within the live streaming talent pool as they have relationships with tens of thousands of talent agencies in china. In addition to video game streaming, people also stream lifestyle - videos such as dancing these streamers are mostly female and can derive huge amounts of donations from their fans. In addition to live streaming gift revenue, they also make revenue from advertisements on the websites promoters of esports competitions. Pay them to promote the events on their live streaming platform.

Historically, they focused almost exclusively on live streaming, which made up 94 of their total revenue in 2020. But advertising represents a major underpenetrated opportunity to drive growth going forward. We built a discounted cash flow model to project their earnings and come up with a price target. Arguably, the most important metric for hui is the monthly active users or maus.

They ended the year of 2020, with 178.5 million maus. While they have experienced strong growth in recent years, they'll eventually become saturated within china and growth will slow. We have mau's peaking in 2026 at 218.6 million and staying constant thereafter. In 2020, they made about 58 rmb of live streaming revenue per monthly active user.

We estimate that this will gradually grow to 78 rmb by 2030, as they build out new features and consumers incomes rises. Currently, they only make a miniscule amount of advertising revenue per average user. We think that this can grow strongly off of its low bays and they'll make 14 rmb of advertising revenue per user in 2030.. Currently, they make a gross margin of 21 percent.
Most of their cost of revenue is the live streamers share of the donations as advertising becomes a larger portion of their revenue mix. Their gross margins can increase modestly to 22 percent. In 2020, their operating expenses were equal to 77 of their gross profit, with the biggest expense being research and development, as their business scales they'll benefit from operating leverage. We estimate operating expenses will decline to 60 percent of gross profit by 2030..

These assumptions produce steadily rising operating income, which will reach an estimated 1.7 billion rmb by 2030.. Huya has a massive net cash position with almost 4 billion rmb. They invest this into short-term income varying investments. We assume that they continue to make 300 million rmb per year on these investments, which is in line with what they made in 2020 and 2019..

This investment income is added to operating income to get income before taxes. We assume a constant tax rate of 17 huya owns a private equity fund where they invest in privately held mobile game developers. They make these investments for strategic reasons and they are pretty small in the context of the company's consolidated financials. They recognize the net profit of these portfolio companies in their income statement, for conservatism, we'll assume that they make no money from these investments, but it does represent a potential upside from our estimates.

Based on our estimates, they will make 3.18 rmb of earnings per share in 2021., that translates to 48 cents by 2030. This will grow to an estimated one dollar and eight cents. We apply a relatively high discount rate of 10 to discount the earnings into present value. The present value of the discounted earnings from 2021 through 2030 is 5.51.

We also assume a terminal growth rate of 3, which is conservative, given china's high gdp growth rate. This gives us a terminal value of 16.72 cents. Adding these two numbers together gives a price target of 22.23 cents, which represents 54 upside at the time of recording this video. Given the long-term growth outlook of the chinese video game live streaming, industry and huio's dominant 40 market share, the current price seems significantly undervalued.

The main risk of the investment is possible regulatory scrutiny from the chinese government. The regulators have been quite active recently in stemming the power of tech monopoly such as alibaba and tencent. While huia is the biggest player in the industry, they have a credible competitor in the form of do you, which has 30 percent market share. Huya is a relatively small company with a 3.4 billion dollar market cap.
The chinese regulators definitely have bigger fish to fry and there's no reason to believe that any actions will be taken against huya, alright, guys that wraps it up for this video. What do you think about huya? Are there any other stocks that you like better? Let us know in the comments section below, if you enjoy this content, make sure to hit the like button and subscribe. So you don't miss future uploads as always. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see in the next one wall, street millennial signing out.

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26 thoughts on “This video game stock is massively undervalued after selloff”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Md S says:

    Down 5% in premarket today along with Tencent apparently Chinese state media published an article calling video games an opioid of the mind. So much for that MASSIVE upside. You guys still don't get it China will find a reason to fuck up any company where there is a large number of US and foreign investors.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Md S says:

    When it comes to Chinese stocks balance sheets might as well be toilet paper sheets, the CCP uses these companies then flush them down the toilet whenever they feel like. Anyone who invest in China at this point deserves to lose all their money.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAT P says:

    People act as if the Chinesse govt. has the goal to destroy these companies. Huya is under $13 as of Jul 30. Seems like a good deal.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Camp TheChamp says:

    I remember when this guy was really bullish on GME. I guess the Hedge Funds got to him promoting shit stocks.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Valencia says:

    Buffet's words do not apply to chinese stocks. They are not held up to the standards U.S. stocks are. Fraud is rampant and unchecked. If your company displeases the Ccp, they start a witch hunt.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 907Living says:

    Jesus i thought this was the next cold fusion not another pump and dump finance channel 🤦🏻‍♂️ one more and I’m gone for good stick to scandals

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RFID Tech says:

    To everyone saying they wouldn’t buy Chinese stocks, aren’t you saying that you are bearish? Why not buy puts on this stock in that case?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bideo James says:

    Chinese stocks shouldn't even be listed until a governmental change. Anyone buying into it deserves to lose their money. People aren't fearful over financial issues, they're fearful of the impacts from the CCP, objectively a widely different concern than just financial.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ray vang says:

    IFBD is a super Under valued Chinese tech stock, they are data cloud based, Saas system only 3.50 per share

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cody196 says:

    The whole video you desperately try to ignore the large political issues within China and focus just on the economic angle. When it comes to China, politics sits above everything else. Still wish you the best.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prizax says:

    lol the US retail investors fear of China is a joke when they don't even realise US has the same if not more frauds in history… media just hides them… anyways I'm not a fan of Huya I prefer NIO or JD.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Autovetus says:

    Huya means " a dick of something" in Polish Direct translation. So "you'll earn huya" will mean you will earn… shit . Not an advice , just sayin…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory Owen says:

    A lot of games are banned in China. And the ones that are able to play banned games use cheats and hacks that make gaming not fun. The gamer in me is telling me to stay away from this one

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan2342 says:

    My concern with anything china is that their success and failure is almost completely based on how much you kiss the government's ass. what is good now could end up in jail next year

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kamen Rider Sailor says:

    Lol, in translation: Someone at DiDi pissed off some government official and the CCP said "Fuck 'em up."

    This is why you shouldn't buy stock in ANY Chinese company. Your money is in the hands of the CCP and we all know what evil fucks they are.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars coKain says:

    The fact that 95% of the comments are negative on Chinese stocks here actually gives me more confidence. The crowd is usually wrong. There's risk, but it's in the CPP's best interest for Chinese companies to be globally dominant. They will extract their pound of flesh but long term these businesses will likely be fine.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Wright says:

    This should be titled… “Let’s make a case for catching a falling knife, in China 🙏”.

    It’s also a possibility they’re doing the same things wrong as other penalised companies and haven’t been called out yet. Just saying.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZoltanoMoltano says:

    the problem starts with the idea that China will block US listings of chinese companies?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1MoreTurn says:

    Rather not touch Chinese stocks. Higher chance of their companies being a scam, or they cook the books.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matinator22 says:

    First disliked vid my guy. China (the CCP) is not our friend, and investing in Chinese stocks is putting your investment dollars at risk of being screwed over by the regime, flat out.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matinator22 says:

    Do NOT invest in Chinese "companies". There are no private or public companies in China! Every company is beholden to the will of the Chinese Communist Party. No company is safe to invest in with that kind of control over behind the scenes.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samson Soturian says:

    Chinese stock and business is so volatile there's never any telling what any one stock will do.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emilio says:

    Just look at what happened today to Chinese education stocks. Stay TF away from that stuff unless you're planning to daytrade or something. Terrible for long-term investing, you never know when the CCP is going to wipe the stock with their weird decisions.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walber Macedo says:

    Well, I think everyone around here is a grown up person and is free to do anything with its money. The video is solid and exploring a market/company which few people know is always important. Thank you wsm 👍👍

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dav e12 says:

    An industry tailor made for cryptocurrencies. THEA is a platform for this, I bought back at $.50 and after about 4 months it hit $13.00. but I did swap much of it out because I'm laser focused on the financial tokens. I stay away from the memes and the antics of the Musk & Dorsey side show. but the CCP itself can affect all kinds of markets, we can all be hit.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars opuspocus says:

    Mohnisha Pabrai – “find great businesses then go find businesses with the same model in brazil, india, china, etc.”

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