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In this video, I break down extensively the Top Stocks to buy now for this week. PSYCHOLOGY and ANALYSIS are also included (as always).
💎 Daily Stock Analysis Videos are released 6PM-10PM CT.
Paul N'Gumah, CEO & Founder of Patternology Lab
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Stocks in this video: ZM VRTX AI CRSR WKHS
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Everybody welcome back to the channel. My name is pauline guma found up in analogy lab in today's video i'm going to be sharing with y'all a stock that is about to go crazy tomorrow and why you should keep it on your watches, and i'm also going to be answering some of you guys. Questions for this video drop your stocks of interest in the comments section of our last video right after the intro all right so again before we begin, do not forget to annihilate the like button on your way in all right. So let's get started.

Um today was a very choppy choppy day. It's been like that throughout, like the entire month. Just this nasty chop, this, it's not very fun. It's not very it's trading can be quite difficult here.

There are some traps in between right and but the overall trend is still bullish. It's still going in that direction and i honestly think that will keep it going like that for quite some time. It's just gon na chill in here, and it's gon na be very, very annoying, so moving forward be very cautious and um be very selective, with the plays that you make. The trend will be up, but for day traders or for swing traders.

I wish it would be kind of annoying. It would be a very annoying ride, so watch the watch. The whole market for gon na be choppers throughout you throughout the next few days now the stuff that y'all should be keeping on your watches for the next few days, i would say that stock is zuma, zm all right and the reason why i want to share Zoom with y'all is because of this um. If we take a look at the daily right, let me zoom in right here.

There is actually this falling wedge that broke out not too long ago. Right, it broke out quite cleanly right there, all right and it's been running ever since um ever since, like i think four days ago, yeah that is five days ago, it's been running um. I like the fact that it didn't get annihilated through earnings right there. That was something that i was watching very closely to see if it would survive, it definitely definitely did and so far it is up trending right now, and i definitely think that this setup is very clean and it is good enough for me to share this one In today's video, where could this thing go? I think we could go all the way up to like okay.

Let me give you some conservative numbers somewhere over here right over here near like 370 maximum 380. It could take slightly longer to get there, but again, this is just me being like conservative with it. Could it go higher? I definitely think that it could. It has the potential to do so.

I've seen these things play out very, very well, and this one looks very, very clean, so keep this one on your watch list for the next few days. Now, let's talk about you guys stocks of interest for those of y'all. We dropped those in the comments section of our last video, the first one that we're going to be tackling in this video is uh c r s r, all right and i'm pretty sure. I have a good feeling of why y'all may have dropped this one in the comments section um.
I was watching this one as well being very, very patient with it um. There is something very tempting right here, so tempting for lungs and i'm sure you're watching it. As well - and this is very nasty right there - that hammer right at the breakout and then followed by the reversal - and now we consolidate some more it's very disgusting as y'all can see. Um lungs, don't like that.

I don't like that. I've been trapped like that for multiple times in the past, and it's very annoying. So when you see something like that, you got ta be very patient. That way, you don't get caught up in this mess right here right you get in here and then there's the jack down, and now it's just chilling here and it's not gon na go anywhere, and i honestly don't think that we will get anywhere for maybe like About two to three weeks: all right - i think it's just gon na chill in here chill in here and then eventually slowly creep out and then maybe make some moves somewhere over here.

So if you're, a long-term investor hold it stuck in this, these commentaries doesn't apply to you because you're the top person that like to buy these dips over here and a hold and wait all right. So that's you, i'm talking about the people who are treating options if you're holding calls on this one you're getting crushed all right. Just just know that this is not. This is not a good look and plus the volume is not that great.

It's not like. It's not like this region over here, right or somewhere over here, where it was where the volume was around, like 10 million. It's not like that. It's really really low it's below 5 million right now, and it's just consolidating there's no fun here.

So um. Look for better opportunities, also um other than this one. That's my very honest opinion on this stock um, the next one that we're going to be talking about in this video. That stock is a i and a i i covered it in the past when we were.

It was a long time ago, like somewhere in these regions right here, all right. It had earnings, it spiked a bit. It had this moment and then right after that. It immediately is going under this downtrend um.

Could it go down further? Yes, taurus, like the 53 level, it definitely can so watch out. If you are long um. I was watching this thing for a potential rebound at this low at around 59. But this is not looking very promising.

I am keeping my eyes on it, though again it could consolidate some more it. Could it's either going to consolidate some more and then show some signs of life? I like the way the volume is increasing. I just don't like that that 59 or that 60 level got taken out like that today and also was because of the way the market was overall. So you can keep this one on your watches.

It has beaten down for quite some time and again, there is all of this room over here. So all of you, long-term investors, who have done your due diligence on this stock and you love the stock again you're, just gon na hold for a very long time and you're gon na be happy with it, but for traders again for traders to trade options. You, your entries, have to be very timely. All right that way, you don't get crushed by theta um, the next one that we will be talking about in this video.
That stock is uh, wkhs workhorse all right, and we have been trading this thing. Actually, we made some good trades on there um until like until the eighth and then i told everybody to get out that i got out and then they went up just a little bit more and then all of that move got destroyed right over here. All right. All of the momentum got taken away um.

I don't think that the stocks these stocks, like workhorse or other stocks in this sector are going to move very far. I think that it's just going to consolidate. If you take a look at this thing right there, let's see the two minute all right. The volume is like decreasing, along with the price, so expecting.

I'm expecting this thing to just stay in this box for quite some time and until it gets out like nobody is winning here, it's just going to be a job. That's going to be very annoying kind of like what i think the market is going to be doing throughout the next few days. So just just keep your eyes out for that now. If it forms something very very nicely, let's say that it creeps up over here towards 18.

Then yeah there's an opportunity on this one for sure that you should be keeping an eye on, but as of right now just watch it in this box. If it gets out, there may be an opportunity for you all right, but i'm being very, very patient with it. I'm not in a rush. I mean no rush whatsoever.

The stock can do this thing and, honestly, you should just chill and just watch as well and be ready for the next move. The next one that we're going to be talking about in this video somebody asked about whether vrtx was a great buying opportunity, all right and let's check this out, really quick. So i was watching this thing for a potential breakouts and today after hours showed me this and i was like whoa um, this is nasty, but how low can this thing go? All right, um? I don't think it's gon na go low low, like it's already been beaten down enough towards the 180 dollar level somewhere over here. That's where it's gon na open so watch it watch it, especially if there's some like large volume, if there's some large volume with this one, there's gon na, be that huge gap.

That's gon na need to be filled at some point in time, so there could be a day trading opportunity on this stock, so keep it on your watch list for a potential long. Actually, actually, i think it's gon na go down just a little bit more towards 1. 83, maybe 184 first before trying to make a rebound. So just keep an eye out on that stock.
Um was the drop, predictable nah, it's really difficult to say, um. The structure already is gon na bearish. We got this bear flag over here right. Was it predictable? Not really, it would have been predictable if it just slowly faded in here and then immediately changed.

But this is just nasty for anybody involved see and the volume is just so low. So hopefully none of y'all got caught into this um. So yeah just just keep this one on your watches for a potential for potential rebounds again at 183 for a day trading opportunity. What's gon na happen.

Next again, i don't know we'll see what happens when it opens up, and that is the end of the video again. Do not forget to annihilate the like button for the youtube algorithm, as always to help the channel a lot and allows more people to get this knowledge as well. Also, if you are new to the channel, definitely click on subscribe and click on the notification bell, along with all notifications. That way, you don't miss out on new uploads.

If you would like to be part of a private discord, you can find that at the very first link in the description of the video below, if you're, not following social media, you can find me at paul and luma and at pedernologylab on instagram and on twitter And lastly, if all of this is brand new to you, if you're interested in getting started in the stock market, i left some very basic, step-by-step directions in the description of the video below step, one to step three, it only takes about 15 minutes or less for You to get signed up with all the tools you need to start trading immediately. You can also get two free stocks, valued up to one thousand, eight hundred and fifty dollars right after you sign up for weeble use my very use. My third link in the description of the video below once again. Ladies gentlemen, my name is paul.

Guma, open analogy lab where we trade patterns patterns only - and i will see all of you in the next video alright enjoy the outro. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “This stock is about to go crazy!🔥🔥🔥”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyPetEskimo says:

    Who actually listens to this bimbo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ex Up says:

    CRSR set it's record volume day today. Basically 600% its IPO day volume.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Henderson says:

    What is the best way to make money from crypto trading.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john smoot says:

    Invest Dpls. It’s just the beginning. Let’s goooo

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Facada says:

    Paul, you assessment of Zoom (ZM) was right on target! Thank you very much.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D D says:

    I made biggest mistake ever selling covered calls the day before AMC jumped that expire mainly June 25th 8 contracts in the money except two of them. How can I fix this with no extra capital right now to rebuy them? 1.Roll them over for following week at higher strike (hoping options next day open to 300-500 strikes) when squeeze happens taking advantage of IV so IV crush can save me on pull back before the next level squeeze? 2. Close what I can afford now even if its just buying back 2/8 options I sold for minor loss? 3. Wait for Friday of expiration and roll over for the following week higher strike? 4. Another strategy to fix my mistake? I want my shares and my inexperience cost me. Please help! Anyone with experience! Thanks for your time and help!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Press Release says:

    The only stock I buy is AMC🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arpit Patel says:

    Synthetic Biologics and Timber Pharmaceuticals

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smith says:

    When I got the actual fact about salaries was during the lockdown. Salaries don't make you rich. I went into Trading just last year I say I bought my first house in the beginning of the year. Then realised I wasted a lot of time

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brenda Harrison says:

    “Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than has been lost in corrections themselves.” – Peter Lynch

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Good Vibes TV says:

    ( Neuvacs ) to the Moon, help us guys ✌️ from Europe.🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The ROTFL PODCAST says:

    AMC breakout of a bullish pendant bounced of the 200 ma and want some technicals on it PAUL let’s goooo

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack says:

    Awesome job Paul! 360-380 and it hit 366! Can you do a video on BB (BlackBerry) soon? Thanks!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patricia Copper says:

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  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Lewis says:

    I make huge profits on my investment since I started trading with Mrs Debra Thomas, her trading strategies are top notch coupled with the little commission she charges on her trade

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Hernandez says:

    If you can do an analysis on UPS please. Do you think it will go down to fill the gap it made after last earnings report?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Bill says:

    <>>The more the price falls,the more comparisons will be drawn to the Great crypto crash of 2017/18. It may be a bit early for the four year cycle to be coming to an end. but the level it has fallen is now very familiar: more than half of Bitcoin's value has now been wiped away since it's all- time high in mid April. Cryptocurrency prices are at their lowest since the start of the year.while some are cashing out in case it falls further, others are hoping this might be a great buying opportunity. I advise people not to hold. I was able to grasp the knowledge of trading crypto assets early enough. I didn't think it was possible to make constant win from tradling till I came across Judy Beverly of financial education program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trading crypt0 works, to help them stack up more Bit¢ó!n,since late last year till date I have made over 19 TC from 2.6 TC with Judy's help. {+ / 1 / 2 / 1 / 5/ 4/ 3 / 6 / 8 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 🌈💹💹 available on WhatsApp.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sage Aces says:

    AI huge seller out. $101M worth.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The ROTFL PODCAST says:

    Made me 6K today on that zoom Still holding you think I should pay myself ur genius

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tere Lms says:

    The cyrpt0 market has been unstable.
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    before jumping into conclusion i think you
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  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M H says:

    BOTY stock is 🔥!!!! Lingerie Fighting Championship. $$$$$

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Martinez says:

    Which brokerage offers this stock?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Jay says:

    Wuduya think on CHPT this summer?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boxing Knowledge says:

    Check out Sony stock too is looking good!!👍

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan S says:

    Amazing returns on zoom today. I’m taking my family on vacation due to the money you’ve made me. Thank you Paul, I’ll write your name in the sand! LOL🦍💎🚀💸

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Dickerson says:

    Check out this stock (CHS) Chico's FAS

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reynaldo Rios says:

    Everyone crying about him not posting everyday! Maybe if you join the discord instead of asking for free knowledge 🤣

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pinnëd by it’sàgundàm says:

    Nice video!! Very engaging from beginning to end. Nevertheless, businesses and investment are the easiest way to make money irrespective of which party makes it to the oval office.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlaustuin Santiago says:


  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z L says:

    No fan of CRSR its repeatedly brought up and only trades sideways.

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