AMC crashed today to lows of $39 a share and once it began to recover I bought a total of 4600 shares of AMC on top of the 2000 shares I already owned. AMC stock is a very risky stock and is not for everyone so make sure you manage your risk! Keep it light keep it tight!
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So how many of you guys have seen the comments of you know hold amc to support the cause? What's going on team, it's ricky with tacbot solutions, and today i posted an update, just like i'd love, to show the green days right on amc. I've made 20 000 in a day, 60 000 in a day because of how risky and how much money i had invested in my trade for amc right, just like it's great to partake in the rallies. If i have that much money on the line, i put myself at a greater form of risk for potential pullbacks today was one of those. Pullbacks amc dropped a little bit over 13 percent on the day.

It actually started off quite nicely. I mean it closed yesterday. At 55, if i'm not mistaken, it opened today at around 50, it hit highs of 51, and you guys could see that it hit lows of 39 a share. This is where on instagram, if you guys don't follow me, i simply posted hey.

Should i buy the dip on amc? A lot of you guys know that i've had over 10 000 shares of amc at one point again, i trade with a lot more money than the average person take that into consideration. That is a great form of risk, but at this point i only had a little bit over 2 000 shares, which i get is still a lot of money, but because of this pullback and if it began to indicate signs of an uptrend, i viewed it as A dip buy opportunity for potential day trade, as i posted this. A lot of people know that i'm day trading amc, i'm not holding it for the cause, and this, i guess just really triggered a lot of people, and i'm here to ask you: is it wrong for me to want to day trade, something where i see there To be an opportunity to present itself, and it's simply that simple right, what i decided to do is because these comments were so don't trade amc if you're not for the cause, for you to think that everyone that partakes in trading in a public, it's a publicly Traded stock and for you to think that everyone has to follow your rules that you make up, because it's for your own benefit is so so naive. At the end of the day, you should understand one thing when it comes down to trading or when it comes down to investing, do what is best for your future self.

That's all we've ever encouraged you to do on this channel. It's not telling you what to do not telling you where to buy, not telling you where to sell, but your job as a trader or as an investor is simply to take advantage of the opportunities that you see value in and that you understand, and also doing Your part in managing and mitigating risk, and that's exactly what i did today, so to kind of be petty instead of just trading it with the normal shares that i do of 2000 2500 that i already had. I really stepped on the gas today when amc pulled on back, i bought an additional fifteen hundred shares of amc, which is about sixty thousand dollars at that average purchase price of forty one dollars. You guys could see that it closed at forty two, but it hit highs of nearly forty four dollars, which is um on average, where i decided to lock in my profits, but the most fun that i had today was with my fidelity account i locked in profits Because of this comment on my tesla position, not my entire position, but i locked in a couple of shares and i took those profits at the average purchase price of i think 615 of tesla, so thankfully, actually locked in profits really nicely on tesla uh tesla began To pull on back, i already locked in my profit on part of my position and i took those funds and i bought it for the first time ever on my fidelity account and guess what i bought the dip.
I bought. 3 100 shares it's a little bit over 139 000 of amc. I bought it at an average purchase price of 41.50 and i wrote it all the way back up to 44., i made a little bit over at the time of close thirty four hundred dollars profit within a couple of minutes and i locked in profit. I did my part as a day trader to simply take advantage of an opportunity like each and every single one of us should, if you want to invest for a cause, all power to you, i'm not here to convince you to do otherwise.

You just have to understand the position that you're putting yourself in right, but for you to expect everyone to do the same is so naive and it's so narcissistic for you to think that the world revolves around you. It is our job as traders and as an investors to encourage one another to do what is best for our future selves, not your future self. So if i'm investing or if i'm trading with over a hundred thousand dollars, an amc pulls back to ten dollars. A share: are you going to cover my losses? No, so how can you expect or feel, like you, have a position to tell me what i should do with my money.

It is that simple for the loudest people in the comments section, this is the funniest part. The loudest people in the comments sections are always the people that have the least amount of money invested in these stocks. People that have 500 invested in amc are telling me what to do with my 300 000 position in amc. It's like stay in your lane right.

I am simply here to only ever encourage you to do what's best for your future self. If you want to take advantage of a risky stock, because that's exactly what amc is, do it at your own discretion, but never take advantage of an opportunity or do something in the stock market, which is already viewed as a risky market. When someone else is simply trying to encourage you to do something that is for their own benefit, and it's that simple. So let me know in the comments section what you guys think, i'm all for it, if you guys are for the cause - and that's all great but don't be coming on over here and thinking that your comments or your suggestions of what i should do with my Money or telling other people in the comment sections is going to have somewhat of a positive influence because the squeeze has not covered.

We have enough money invested already in amc. That trust me we're okay, right, we're, okay, we've done just fine and we're excited. I want amc to be bullish, but guess what i am never going to take advantage of an opportunity or trade to please someone else. That's just not me, and i hope that it's not you, so i hope that i earn your thumbs up in this video.
I'm excited for our live trading session tomorrow to see if we can end the week. On a green note, the overall nasdaq market hit again overall highs of over 14 000. So that is a step in the right direction for overall tech stocks, which is most likely. Why you saw a lot of your tech stocks green today? So if you guys are excited for another bull market, i hope you guys can drop a thumbs up and make sure to keep a close eye on the nasdaq market.

I appreciate your guys's time. Like always, continue working hard continue following dreams, let your passion be your driving and success and if you guys want to stay connected, make sure to click that first link down below and join our free facebook group and again, if you want to join our live trading Session tomorrow at market open, that's going to be that second link down below. Like always, let's make sure that we in the year on green now take a digi team.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “πŸš€ this made me buy $200k amc stock! (crash)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rolling says:

    I'm a holder and I'm gonna start swing trading. You make total sense, do what works for you.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E Bomb says:

    I think maybe ignoring the hate comments completely would be a wise choice.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Finley says:

    Don't listen to those trolls, Ur the sensei Rickey!Love the last word!Good vibes to u my friend.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars excellenceLee says:

    At the end of the day I kind of expected your true character to finally show

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Love Lovevon says:

    He stooped low to make this video. I'm really surprised he actually did this. He's responding to kids. Not one adult GAF what he does with his money. He can day trade. It's just immature to respond to trolls when there are more supporters. He got his feelings hurt because despite every video he has labeled with a car, house or bragging about how money he has or made, his ego can't stand somone not kissing his ass. He hates any negative criticism.
    His videos = I make $xx, xxx per day, I drive _______, I beg you to watch all my videos, you can learn from me and only me, I'm the youngest millionaire on my street, I have blah blah members and followers. I prove myself so people can't discredit me. I sell courses because I need more money from people who make way less. Be a part of my success. Etc etc.

    He literally has a trailer where he's literally talking over 30 minutes about people who "discredit" him (No I didn't watch the whole thing. I skipped thru… he's saying the same shit) He's the narcissist that he complains of. There are people hurting out here. He lacks compassion and empathy. How? Telling people with small accounts to stay in their lane. I'm a day trader and because I understand the AMC cause, I'd never look down on people trying to secure their bags. One day something or somone will humble him.

    Oh before someone says something dumb: I'm not a follower. I stopped watching his videos 2 yrs ago because he brags too much. I'm a day trader with a 6 figure account (working on 7). The only reason he popped up in my feed is because he's putting AMC in the title to get more attention. FOH. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Sanders says:

    Yeah but you've got hella bread already… let the breadless people make their full potential there so many other stocks out there this stock is an opportunity for so many people to make life changing money and rich people day trading sets us back , much love but thats just my take

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FeliciaTheGoate - says:

    this was a total grab πŸ˜‚ you posted big numbers being put into AMC because you knew it would attract new viewers to click on your video and your dying channel but clearly backfiring because the movement is bigger than just trying to make some money and you fail to acknowledge that.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry McCockiner says:

    Can’t believe I used to like this tool. He acts like he’s a god. Is money your whole life? Man karma is gonna hit you hard. Making fun of poor people just cause they don’t have the money you have. That’s the lowest you can go. You can be the richest man in the world but you’re a broke soul. I pity you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAE YI says:

    "those who have no more money to buy or manage risk! Lets see the comments who is bag holding" ??? Wow you should
    take etiquette lessons first.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHIMPANZEESCOULD KILLYOU says:

    this paper handed bastard. HOLD AMC you dummies. yiu piggy backing off a group of ppl trying to make each other rich. I have 15k in am. you guys are tools and this guy is a clown

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett rzy says:

    You speaking facts but Ricky you’re also misinformed. Ion think you understand the battle

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CastrejonHDTV says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars reddawn2257 says:

    Do what you want not like we can ask and expect you to help this cause!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Suitt says:

    Day trading or scalping is your trading style. The term nowadays is called paper handing your shares cause you don't realize the actual value of those shares for a later date. That's why you gotta hold. Im not hating on your style of trading but a 3% gain is okay. Also with the amount of shares you bought. You could have done covered calls for hefty premium making you more than what you made in 10 minutes. Just buy and hold.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Adams says:

    Any opp to stick it to the hedgies is a good opp. If your standing in our way of doing it, then your missing the whole point of the cause. Black swan event dictates extraordinary trading rules. Its not so much about profit as its about sticking it to those corrupt fucks. I've had so many opps to day trade this and walk with kk's, but haven't. You do you, but you aint representing the people by day trading this.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SnailSpeedSlow says:

    this guy is the type of person that will rip you of your money while looking you in the eye and wont feel bad about it. sure, but be honest ricky youd sell your ass to hedge funds for some money and dont lie about it. its ok to be honest on it.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boxing Coverage says:

    "Stay in your lane" God i love ricky this guy is straight savage i love itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜†

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Popavich says:

    If people buy the stock and not options it will hit $500 this week. Sad truth is many youtubers keep pumping the options they are buying giving water gun power to us retail investors and the crystal ball to the hedge funds. Apes don’t buy options WE BUY THE STOCK AND HODL at this point it’s extremely critical!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LifesACap says:

    when you day trade amc youre standing in the middle. buy it and hold for the squeeze or leave it alone. youre lookin like a hedge fund baby and this vid didnt age well.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jesse castillo says:

    There is a point behind this stock and that point is not only to make cash but to stick it to the HF who have been taking advantage of the people unchecked since the dawn of the stock market. No one would be talking about this stock if it was not for us APES who held. Sorry dude but this stock has meaning and a movement behind it for every 500 1000 2000 3000 stocks that are sold they are delivered right back to the HF and used against every bull in the market.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DavidAllDay916 says:

    As much as I'd like for you to join the APE ARMY and HODL I respect your decision to do what's best for you. It's your money bro.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Galloway says:

    Day trading for inexperienced traders is like flushing money down the toilet. Buy Hodl. Do DD, stay to your conviction.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crazy says:

    So, you know better than all the apes with tireless months of DD? You do what you want with your money, but are you really suggesting you know better than the community that made this possible in the first place? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Sell whenever you want paper hands, 200k is a tiny position, it will be like taking a sip from the Nile with a straw.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jester Castillo says:

    Amen brother. Exactly my thoughts with all these bleep people commenting shitty post .
    You are one of my favorite YouTuber to watch on anything bout stocks and investing.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Lee says:

    Well I definitely appreciate your perspective and bringing me from the Moon and back to Planet Earth. Now lets make some dumb money.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mocha Kiddo says:

    Yea man congrats on your shit bro your the big money man loses don't matter as much it's cool, your a young winner πŸ† congrats

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth M. says:

    It's ok to have an opinion and not be with the cause. But if you're going to go your own way: go you're own way. What's up with the thumbnail? You're looking for APE clicks. Don't complain when you get APE comments. πŸ‘

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CastrejonHDTV says:

    DON'T BUY options this week! Put your money BUYING shares so we can keep the price up. Remember, we need to close above $40 by Friday! Come on, LFG! πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    Trigger warning, the only people who get upset about amc stock pulling back are those who have no more money to buy or manage risk! Lets see the comments who is bag holding…

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