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What's going on everybody trader, bryce welcome to small cap recap uh not much to update on today. In fact, i actually wasn't even in front of my screens much today i had uh. I was at the bank for a lot longer than planned, just figuring out. Some account stuff, so i wasn't really looking at the markets all day today.

That being said, um i do have a couple charts kind of talking about and just go over uh likely what happens during market periods like this, i can't confirm it. I'm not gon na sit here and tell you that i can tell you exactly what's going on, but it's a lot of just the spy and the cues. You know the nasdaq's trying to or nasdaq trying to find a bottom right now that we haven't completely found. Yet um and so we'll just kind of go through a couple charts couple things that i notice and things to keep in the back your mind.

This is still a great time to study uh, it's a great time to learn, not necessarily i mean understand. What's going on right now, yeah, but more importantly, understand that if you can get through this time, if you can be patient, while this, the the great setups aren't there, especially on the long side, uh that you're going to be able to make it through any market Condition uh: this is very, very slow and that's okay, if you're still around. That is a huge props. You know that's a huge accomplishment right! That's very big! It's very important because a lot of traders have blown up during this market shop and that's what market shop does it takes money from the dumb and gives it to the the rich, the rich funds? And so now, i'm dumb too.

So i just haven't. Given my money away, um, i can't even say dumb, because really all you know when we say smart money and dumb money, we mean retail traders and big money. Traders uh that you know essentially can control these markets a little bit when you're the markets are controlled. Um and it's just about knowing kind of when to be on the sidelines and then when to attack um when retail gets really heavy when dumb money starts making money.

That is the time for us to attack two, and you can obviously you know, learn what these other uh, the big money is doing and there's there's a lot of money to be made there too, but it's not my style and it's a lot more again. It's lower volume, it's a little more unpredictable um during slower market cycles and so we're gon na get into those charts. Anyways, though, but without me continuing to keep talking, let's dig on in so here we have the spy, obviously just working on finding itself um just finding it's not nothing crazy same the q's, the nasdaq um just finding its bottom, just doing its thing uh, and so, If we haven't really found that body, yet maybe we did maybe maybe let's keep our fingers crossed right, but the charts i want to go over today are dtst and agri and you're going to notice they're pretty similar right. They gap up and do nothing all day.

We've talked about it before um and the reason i don't really love even trading at all right now is because risk levels are very, very difficult now. As a short, maybe you have the pre-market high risk right, we're shorting into that, but even still 370s down to a low of 310 congrats like if you got best case scenario, you made 20 cool like congratulations. I don't know what do you? I i don't know or inversely, you know you got. Let's say you got filled on this dip at 310 and you got out right at 380 and okay, 20 cool.
It's really tough right now. But, more importantly, are these just huge wicks right where on every side and then again this discounting that the more important factor is this low break right here, where you broke low of day only to recover and do nothing you got stopped out on the lung. You might have ch you might have added in as a short just for nothing to happen. Just for all of this stress during the chop.

It doesn't to me it's not appealing in the slightest and normally what happens right is when dtsc had a lot of volume. Today, right a lot of volume and so you're wondering why can a stock? Does a four million float do this? You have a few factors. You've got bags right, you have. You have bags from the past, but, more importantly, you have when there's less volume a lot of volume is created.

You have big money, buying dips and shorting pops and you're. When you have that much money involved, it's again just they when people are shorting lows, they're, squeezing them up and vice versa, long as they're chasing top they're shorting into them, they're providing liquidity and whether there's a bigger agenda - or you know, there's no way of knowing Exactly what it's for generally there's a bigger agenda but uh, and then they can. You know just use that position. If there's a lot of shorts trapped, maybe they squeeze it.

That's where we get these big squeezes from is when right now, you're gon na get a lot of shorts, because this can probably just become a multi-day short right. They probably were, if i say they: if big money was logging, this okay, they probably just started dumping because they didn't want to file for more than 10 of the company um like that, their owner, but they own more than 10 of the company or whatever um And they're just gon na ride that short inversely. If there are a lot of shorts trapped, okay, instead, they start covering their shorts, knowing they're in from lowe's and rip it up, and that's where we get a short squeeze um same thing with agri, very similar um. Very similar chart a little cleaner, but not much right, not a whole lot cleaner um.

I would argue that it was clear the fact that at least it held support very well how low a day. What i don't like are all of these, and then this right here right that i can't i drew it wrong, but uh right there that wick that wick and then, of course, just grind it up, but very, very choppy, annoying action um, i wouldn't want to be You know there was right in here a decent opportunity to get into 260s and or 220s and ride it up in the 260s, but again same exact thing. Right 20 best case, i guess you could have bought the dip. You could have bought this support dip right here, yeah really still you're only.
I would have gotten in like the high 220s and assuming assuming i didn't just sound, the 250s yeah i got 20 um, and so for me it's just not worth it not worth the risk of losing a lot of money, not worth the risk of getting in Right here only to get dumped on and take another paper cut loss only to buy right here through my trend break that i would have loved to get stopped out immediately, just for it to work the next time. It's a lot of it's a lot of stress, and so during this time i i am just not really going as heavy i'm not getting in front of the screens in terms of real-time market watching. That being said, i'm doing a lot of studying from the past right now, i'm digging a lot of data, i'm digging through a lot of data, i'm going through a lot of new data, things that i haven't seen before and that's what's been my focus during the Slower market is i'm not just sitting in front of the screens and again for those in small cap rockets for those in the steady trade team um. You have already seen a couple examples of this and we're going to keep going through previous examples of what works in the markets hot, and that is how i study during a slower market period.

So if you guys do want to learn what i'm doing and how i'm studying, while the market is slow, exactly my process and literally giving you guys the examples of what i'm studying in my thought process on it, hit the link down in the description below to Join uh small cap rockets, even just for a trial uh, it's just a it's to trial, link just see if you like it, not gon na force you to stay in there um, but it is a great way to just continue to learn. While the market is a bit slower, it's really one of my favorite ways to study so hit that link down below. If you are looking to, you know up your studying so that when the market does heat back up, you're ready for it and i'm going to be writing in full effect, i'm not! I won't shy away from it. I will use size i'm going to be really excited for when that market does heat back up anyway.

So that's all i've got for today again, just those charts understand that a lot of that chop is normally, in my opinion, just bigger money, controlling um, controlling the the price action, and i don't want to be around in very controlled price action. I want it to be much more organic and natural with a lot more volume. So that's what i'm waiting for and it will come back, i'm ready for it whenever it does hope. You guys are trading safe, hopefully had a good monday.

Uh didn't lose a lot. Maybe he made a lot, maybe he made a lot. I hope you did um, but that's all i've got for today. So i will see you guys back here on wednesday for small cap recap and until then trade save trade, well, peace.
We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks so much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already, our goals did a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help. So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

12 thoughts on “This is what small cap stock manipulation looks like small cap recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars manelly123 says:

    thank you so much. I didn't know if my thought process was correct but you just said all of my thoughts clearly. thank you so so much. I have been lacking confidence and your video just made me feel a bit better

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    abcd's work if you sell into hod

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    maybe time to track stocks that gap up on big volume and do NOTHING like DTST today on day 2 do they just fade off or what probably a good idea to start tracking..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    you missed out on HUGE runners today Bryce oil stonks were LIT… huge r/r possible on them today.. i caught CEI myself .735 – .795 but there was IMPP huuuuuge ripper and INDO another monster ripski and HUSA even lol today was on FIRE

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1320wolf says:

    How much of that volume is algorithmic trading?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rory says:

    You guys are great. thanks for posting quality content

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rory says:

    For me I feel like it's good to be relevant in this market. To get a feel. I have been through this kind of market a couple times before each time I learned a little by forcing myself to learn as much as I could threw small trades and grueling screen time. Now I am taking advantage of this market dip buying with patience and discipline. Caught that Agri move from 2.21 to 2.55. with 6 cent risk. in real time the first push to 2.62 it had a hard time breaking 2.40, but once it did it shot literally to 2.62 I was going to get out at round 2.48 but it shot right past my target which was a nice bonus. My goal is to be fine tuned for every kind of market condition and prosper.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandy Luna says:

    I have about 5% of my portfolio in uranium stock any advice on any other stock that I can grow my $300k capital to a million dollars?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristi Wamsley says:

    Thanks Bryce appreciate your help and info

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Marley says:

    Aaaaaah the big time when the day is filled with manipulating your substantial accounts.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Mizell says:

    Thanks Bryce! More Study Time!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TH23 says:

    VERU very sus

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