You ever wonder how credit inquiries actually work? Well, an inquiry is when a lender checks your report to see if you're qualified to actually get credit from them. Lenders check these inquiries to see how often you're actually trying to borrow money. This helps determine your financial strength. You need to borrow money.
Often Are you constantly maxing out your credit cards? If so, you're probably at risk so they might not lend to you. What kind of impact does this have on your actual credit score? Well, Secret Credit inquiries don't actually impact your score that much unless you have a ton of them, but even then these inquiries will fall off your report. Naturally, after about the one to two year mark, credit increase have the potential to impact your score anywhere from one to three points. But how do you actually get them off your report if you need to do so well? As someone who pulls credit reports daily, I've only seen one way to get them actually removed from your report, and that's to actually contact the Creditor and ask them to remove it.
So email them, call them. text them if you have to blow their up because that's the only way that they're going to remove it.