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Now we get to talk about a tweet that I sent yesterday that I actually did quite a well and the reason I'm talking about it is because I think it's a conversation that really is a society we gotta start having and guess what? I'ma take the Reigns along with other people who are also taking the Rands not saying it's just me and make an opinion on this. Now as you know, opinions can be wrong, but at least it's good to have an opinion and this is my take. Okay, look at my take. So I tweeted this yesterday.

If quote: biological men keep playing in women's sports, then soon there will not be any biological women left in competitive Sports Instead, we'll be left with biological Men playing men's sports biological Men playing women's sports and then I wrote so much for gender equality Now unfortunately this was spawned by Uh by a few different things. Uh, over some studies on what's going on, but also some uh, some of the recent uh, dare I say uh uh uh You know controversies that are happening here. For example is a piece where we saw that a girls basketball team withdrew from the state tournament they were involved in to protest to protest against a transgender player who who dominates games. And basically they say here that a women's basketball team with withdrew from the Vermont division a four state tournament and protest to the fact that a a transgender individual was playing a biological male was playing against women and uh and biological women I Suppose I should say uh and uh and they write here.

Allowing biological males to participate in women's sports sets a bad precedent for the future of women's sports in general. And and they write down here that uh, in one game, the individual blocked seven shots. That means seven shots typically closer to the basket, so a much more likely to go in. We're blocked by the guy who was taller than every girl on the floor and can jump higher and is likely significantly stronger in what world is this remotely Fair uh they write here and and there are some comments here about how this is why men's competition records sprinting, jumping, weightlifting, dwarf women's uh, there's talk about safety concerns and and studies related to this and I thought it was really interesting because when when I talked about it, uh I tweeted uh about it and uh and somebody replied and said oh well, you know uh, transgender individuals have been allowed in the Olympics you know for for since 2004 somebody replied uh a tweet replied me with that and I'm like I don't know about that So what? I did So I did a little bit of digging to see what we've got lot and first of all, it's It's worth noting that the percentage of individuals that are identifying as LGBT uh in this statistic here, which which would include you know, sort of potentially a boost in the trans population, has been going up substantially over the past few years.

Uh, In fact, if you go back to 2014, you you had closer to on average about maybe two or three percent of Americans identifying as LGBT Uh, and in 2022, we're up to about 7.2 percent. So you've had this large increase uh in in identification and possibly that's because uh, it's become more acceptable, right? But I Thought this was very interesting. Uh, this history here. In 2003, Uh, the International Olympic Committee convened an ad hoc committee to discuss the issue of transgender athletes and what they actually required that to be eligible for participation in female or male competitions.
you would actually have to complete the surgery to reassign your gender. So in other words, not only do you have to go through hormone therapy for two years after you're like basically sexual reassignment, but like you, you have to do something uh, really irreversible here. right? Like this is like you are full committing and as a result, you actually didn't have a transgender person until 2018. Uh, 2008.

In the Olympics In the hammer throw 2012, you had the same person uh and a biological male who competed in a women's hammer throw ended up placing fifth. 2015 Transgender male qualified for Uh A a world championship here. Uh, and uh. essentially the Uh.

They also, what did they say here? They they removed? Oh yeah, here they they the Olympic Committee typically asked for the removal of the requirement of the surgeries right? Because the surgery is sort of, gender reassignment surgery is again, pretty irreversible and pretty pretty big deal here. Uh and uh. It was very interesting that you really only had that discussion start an agreement being made uh starting in about 2015. Uh, and so those who transition from female to male are eligible now to compete in the mail category without the reassignment.

That's essentially what they've now aligned allowed at the Olympics. So in other words, since 2003, yeah, they've allowed trans individuals in the Olympics but only if you went through the whole surgery to reassign your gender. And it was only in 2015 at the end of 2015 that they allowed females to compete in male Sports without the reassignment like the actual surgery, right? But so far, you still need to have the surgery to actually compete in the Olympics uh as as a trans individual. And so this is where a lot of folks are suggesting hey, like it's it's not fair.

uh that trans individuals are are able to play in women's sports because basically you're potentially going to just kill women sports. and when you look at studies on this uh which there are plenty you quick Googles of them will pull them up. But what you find is that people who go through sort of the hormone replacement uh still have statistically a a a 10 to 20 percent Advantage uh over uh biological women as as a biological male? uh, for for up to two years of going through sort of testosterone suppressant hormone applications And so you really have uh a a competitive Advantage for males for certainly the first two years. uh of uh of essentially transitioning becoming trans.
Uh and uh And here it is. It's actually a Guardian piece. Uh, I actually I believe I saved that right here. Let me just show you the stat so you could see it directly because the Guardian did a whole piece on this and uh and then it gives us the exact sort of stats and numbers on it.

Here, it is okay, The Guardian So on screen here. Uh, trans women retain a 12 Edge in test Two years after transitioning, ground breaking news study on transgender athletes has found trans women between obtain a 12 advantage in running tests even after taking hormones for two years to suppress testosterone. Uh. and and so there.

This is why the International Olympic Committee Uh suggests that trans individuals may have an unfair competitive Advantage The other thing that is is deemed somewhat unfair by some folks here is this idea that right now if somebody becomes Uh trans, they have to prove that they have less than 10 Nan Nano moles per liter of testosterone. However, that's still potentially as much as 10 times as high as the biological female's testosterone levels, which range range between 0.12 and 1.79 nanomoles per liter. And so over here you have some more information on the studies. One thing that was very interesting was that individuals who hadn't started their transition trans women that so men, biological men who became women performed 31 percent more push-ups and 15 percent more sit-ups in one minute on average than the biological women and ran about 21 percent faster.

And it took a full two years really for some of some of those advantages to go away. However, there were still some advantages that remained even after two years now. There are also some studies suggesting that after two years, you start getting more alignment. Uh, but uh, but yeah, I mean this: This is something that I think society's really got to look at and say you know is, is there potentially an argument to be made that maybe there should just be a different division entirely.

Like maybe you have biological men Sports biological women's sports and then transports right? is is that potentially uh, where the future goes? Because I think we Circle back over here. When we look at the data, it's very difficult to argue. uh, in my opinion, that uh, people who are in biological Man certainly any time before two years. Uh, and even after that, you still have advantages uh, can fairly compete with biological women.

So I'm curious to see what uh, what, what everybody else thinks about that, but uh, but that's um, you know, just sort of some of my thoughts and and some more detail in terms of why I have those thoughts, you know I'm not here to always say hey, my opinion's right or it's perfect. It's just to say hey, look I have an opinion. Here's why I have the opinion. Uh, and I'm open to talking about it.
but but yeah, this, uh, this is one, uh, that's quite interesting uh to me.

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23 thoughts on “This has to stop biological men playing women sports.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoked Tesla says:

    Ahhh shocking another right winger trying to act like this is a real issue. Show 1 person who ever transitions to be a woman just to play sports. Until they you have nothing on your side for this issue. Is someone transitions many times for mental health issues what’s to play sports that should be able to under their sex which is now female. Females also transition to males and also play in male sports. But funny how the sexiest right wing only focus on the male to female and try so desperately to bring up a issue that effects less 1% of the population

    And yes a little over 2% of the population is lgbtq…of which less than 1% of that 2% are transgender. But of course the right wing try to claim all 2% of the lgbtq must all be trans…you are so dumb

    And incase you are as dumb as you sound…the Olympics is shifting towards being more open to trans not less. Only hate group trying to push the other direction I’d far right….

    And holy fuck your just suggested trans sports hahaha more proof you buy into the right wing propagandists acting like everywhere you looking you’ll see a trans person. I bet you could ask 1 million people you see walking down the street if they themselves have ever played against or watch in person a trans person play a woman’s sport and none will say they have. All will use the 1-2 far right media stories which waited years for their change to attack trans when 1 team decided to boycott a game. 1 game. 1 team. Dumbass

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Entrenador Financiero says:

    Lets just change to the Republican party already😊

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars murderbits says:

    I don't care. Feminist spent years saying they don't want the help of men. They don't want to listen to us. They don't want us to talk or have opinions. They just want us to shut up and mind our own business. So as far as I'm concerned, this is all tragically amusing.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Groves says:

    This gender insanity is top down gender mill DEI and ESG

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Groves says:

    Down with groomers ban gender reassignment on minors

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Too bad Bolt didn't go trans before 35yo and didn't broke the world record for females too. That would be funny!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dawson says:

    If say NFL supported trans then they would put trans women in football. Why dont they? hmm i wonderr.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Stoik says:

    It's a Mental demonic illness, so sad the way this world is going. So many are so ready to take the God of the Bible out of their life.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sueni says:

    Happy that this gender reassignment shit is confined mostly to the US. While gender stuff is spreading I think the reassignment craze will stay in the US. The US is a country of extremes. Hence they push it to the limits here too.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TToTToTT says:

    LGBTQabcdefg lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mick B says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LegacyAftermath says:

    Hope video get views. Happy with message.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LegacyAftermath says:

    For the algorithm.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dolph says:

    Amen brotha

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Hobby says:

    Stop voting for Woke people, No more Dems.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SDZ says:

    It's funny because it was just a while ago when some Feminists thought women can be just as physically fit as men if they train hard enough.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Musa says:

    iI don't know what you are talking about Kev, if women can't be good enough women, we men will have to be women too.


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Bag Holders Wife says:

    Course member here. Why are you weighing in on this? For the clicks? No one asked for your veiled opinion on bodily autonomy. You say you’re “in the middle” but you’ll obviously post anything for the clicks. So disappointed in your videos lately, it’s pretty clear that you’re a low key misogynist by the way you talk about Andrew Tate, and this video is the icing on the cake. Tiered of you and your hateful vibe lately ✌️

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars skinnybee84 says:

    There is absolutely no reason for him to be canceled when He is stating facts. Smh! Interesting how everyone who claims he's getting canceled, continue to tune in to him. Thanks for keeping Kevin's numbers high. 😏

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Fuentes says:

    Were you born with a weener or not

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sagig72 says:

    There is no way to stop it. We past the chance for that a few years ago.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashley Whispers says:

    And now they’re going to take scholarships away from women in sports as well. Im an old school feminist now called a “terf” by my so called peers. Men are stronger than us. Even with hormone therapy and added boobs, they are still stronger. It sucks to admit sometimes, but these are the facts.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEJ says:

    Here's the deal. When you can get tested for performance enchantment, that makes things pretty even. But can you always prove that someone took all their hormone blocker stuff before the big comp? I legit think this very well may be a distraction from real shit about to go down in the world.

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