Last week I shot a long form live video with Tim Smith and David Childers, and as soon as it finished, I started getting requests for one specific excerpt.
I’m happy to deliver it as today’s episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience.
Tim Smith has already closed $300 million in sales in 2021, so anytime you can get a mega-producer’s take on things, it’s worth listening.
And in just about 15 minutes, we cover many of the most pressing topics in our industry today:
•The fundamental baseline for success as a real estate agent
•How to overcome the “Even if I sell, where would I go?” dilemma
•The changing definition of “listing appointment”
•The one question you should be asking every homeowner today
And much more! Don’t miss this one.
Interested in a FREE Coaching Consultation? Click the link:
In this episode, we discuss...
0:00 - 0:35 – The fundamentals that are absolutely REQUIRED in today’s market – AKA why you can’t complain if you’re not doing the work
0:36 - 2:04 – Tim says “Let me move the chain a little bit” when it comes to listing appointments
2:05 - 3:11 – Who are the “Research Phase” sellers in your marketplace?
3:12 - 3:34 – How to solve for would-be sellers who can’t find anywhere to move
3:35 - 6:43 – The new appointment format that gets listings today
6:44 - 8:04 – Tom role plays Expired follow up – and Tim thinks a new career path might be in Tom’s future
8:05 - 9:35 – “You really are now an advisor” through a “gruesome experience”
9:36 -10:49 – If there’s a time to take a risk, it’s on THIS type of properties
10:50 - 12:23 – The one question you should be asking every homeowner today
12:24 - 13:18 – My bold prediction for a commission-killing trend emerging in the next 3-4 years
13:19 - 14:39 – This is going back to what everybody says... Realtors are lazy, right?
14:40 - 15:40 – Tim’s take on what top agents are doing now
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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I want to go a different direction just for a minute, i think we're going to save david for barons for next week. Okay, i'd love to know right now, in the comments tell me really fast whether you're with me live on instagram or here with us on facebook or, if you're, watching this in the future. You know put your feedback in as well i'd love to know approximately. How many listing appointments have you gone on so far this year? Approximately? How many listing appointments have you gone on so far this year? I want to see it in the comments and, if you've got a friend who has gone on more or you want to just encourage them with a little gentle nudge tag, your buddies inside there as well.

Here's why i keep bringing this up. I keep making the argument that i want to. I want to really you know, talk to you directly about this. The argument i keep making is everyone is complaining, there's no inventory, and then i say you can't complain that there's no inventory and not be calling your own past clients and sphere not be potentially even circle.

Dialing, a neighborhood where you've got a buyer who desperately wants to buy and there's no inventory like that, don't complain and then not do the work, yeah and and you as a long time friend long time, client and so many of our other clients are listing more Homes today than they've ever listed, certainly some of that is the rise of your brand right, the recognition that you have but i've driven in cars with you right years ago, when you showed me houses - and this is five six years ago - we're down on the peninsula. He picks me up he's on the phone he's prospecting. We drive to the house, you remember this and he's on the phone and he's like you can just let yourself in and he's just he's booking appointments and there there's something about that that that discipline that desire that i don't want to say hustle, because i think That we're just overused that that i believe is fundamentally what's required in this market, so i want to see it look at just seeing people's numbers, so i want to see i wouldn't do that today, though, if we drove, i wouldn't do that today. Well, look at that.

Look at that julie, gaffney has gone on 43 listing appointments right, plus three more uh john ray says not enough. John right, you are in you're emerging my friend, i got a lot of faith in you, so keep refreshing felicia says no more. Let me move the chain a little bit because, like so i've been on over 100 this year now, when i started this year, i'm like oh, how do we have a better year than this year, so i set this like expectation that there's no way it wasn't Going to be frustrated, you can't duplicate last year, but you can move the chains, one of the things i'd see on listing appointments because it's different. I think everybody needs to start counting listing appointments differently and what i mean by that the listing appointment of the past.

I'm sitting down here and i'm actually going to show you my whole presentation we're going to go through this hour. I think if you're still only doing listing presentations and counting them like that you're doing the business wrong, because what you said is what the real market is. When there's no inventory, if you don't have isas just crushing the phones, you should be going on five or six or seven hey. If we could get you the greatest price ever, and that is a walk through with a listing appointment.
So i think that people need to move the chains on what constitutes a listing appointment, so i want first of all i agree a thousand percent and you you know i actually. I think we talked about this in our podcast and david you and i have discussed it multiple times. You need to know who are the research phase sellers in your market and i i would argue first, the research face sellers in your own database who who's thinking about moving right. That wants to meet, but i'm not.

I might not want to list right now, but those appointments today, in my opinion, are golden, so we call them research phase, you're, saying you just got ta get in front of the table and say: if i can get you this, are you interested so but what's Interesting, i think if we ask how many people out there have the a bunch of listings that aren't on the mls, because that seller can't find anywhere to go right. So i called a lady yesterday that i didn't represent them. They were represented by an agent out of the area and it was a record sell in this in one ford road and i call her up and i'm just like hey. Is there any interest in selling she's like cindy or she she's? Like tim smith, i can't believe you're calling me that's amazing.

We put a million dollars in the house, absolutely we'd sell yeah at a huge premium. The funny thing is when she said the number. I think i could get her a million dollars more and i hope she's not watching i'll - tell you that when we meet yes, but i think i get her a million more, but the big change is like: where do i go okay, so i get eight million For this house, like, i can't even buy it, so it's like that's like how are you, how are you solving for it, because at every everyone, mickey glassman big shout out to you? I love you from from dc area um every every q a session i do on instagram every live. I do every event i do.

The question is i got five people that are ready to sell. How do i get them into the next home? So i have my perspective: what are you doing for those people? So i think that's your strategy. You need to choose to spend your time wisely because you could spend 100 hours with a bunch of non-real sellers or buyers right, but when you really feel that they are sellers, they just don't have you can unlock inventory? You can do contingent sellers. You can do lease back, you can just making them feel comfortable, they won't be homeless, you're, always going to find them a house.
Yes and a lot of times, people that are, you know one particular client. We have his house, we have an offer on his house off market. He wasn't even interested in selling, but he's moving to the east coast in two years yeah. So i'm like well take your kids down to the beach club and rent, something down there.

Your other kids, like so giving them and just listening like really listening to what they're asking and then when they say something, that's like meets a requirement. Then you really move and you got to find it and you have to have a strategy for them and what's interesting about a lot of the sellers and buyers, i'm seeing in the marketplace, because, with inventory being way lower, it's harder to get listing appointments. It's harder to get listings and when things tighten up like they're titan right now, what happens all the unrealistic sellers come out? They're like oh, the my house is worth 15. well.

I want to sell for 25 right right, so you can't really build a model around that right. Everything's, like it's got to be perfect, so really getting clear on what it is they're trying to achieve and then having a strategy having guys knock doors call, because i just feel confident with my team that, if you're in a bind - and you can't find something, we Will find you something yeah, whether it's knocking the doors or if it's like you want to go to idaho i'll, find your agent, so it's really being confident and half the time. I don't really have anything for them, but i know that if you do the work, you'll get the you'll get the the opportunities. So it's interesting, and i i don't i'm spacing on what one of my coaches just did this training inside for all of our coaching members where she said you need to be going at every research face seller you can like hey.

If you can give me a crazy price, but we don't know where we're gon na go, and i don't want to screw this up so i'll, lay it out for memory and then plus and enhance it. She said you go on the appointment. The first thing, you're doing is just assessing it's not a sales person. It's just who are you? What are your goals? What are you trying to accomplish, and it's that true consultative be of service presentation? She said if they're then interested, then it's okay, let's start plotting our course.

Our plan is we're not going to put the home on the market immediately. Instead, we shift right into a buyer consultation. Tell me where you want to live. Tell me what's most important.

What are your non-negotiables and if they're staying local you're in the mls, and you literally, you put it up on their flat screen and you say no homes on the market but isolate for me, the communities, the areas, the territories and then what i will go back And do is, i will then aggressively, go out and find you that home because putting their home in the market it's going to sell in two seconds. This could be a 500 000 price point, a 250 price rank or a 5 million dollar price point in your town, which would sell in four seconds. It was that approach of, like i'm not just going to race, solve the problem and say i got you later here - hit the you know hit it in the mls, but instead maybe we take the time to fix up the house a little bit. Maybe we take the time to stage the home first, while you're doing that, i'm calling every three and four-year-old expired listing in the marketplace and i'm not calling them direct.
I'm calling the listing agent yeah tim. You have this property listed. You know in emerald bay, one two, three four banana street three or four years ago got a buyer. That's super interested! You know, i think you can work some magic think we can get some activity there right and working with the agents in the community while simultaneously circle dialing, knocking on doors reaching out to your own database.

I think it's showing up with that plan and and you're gon na you're, tim smith, so you're just gon na present it, i think, for a lot of my clients. If it was a documented process right, most agents are gon na walk in there and say: let's put the home in the market and then i'll. I have this plan that i'm going to do thoughts on that didn't he seem like a really good real estate agent. I'm like dude, this guy would crush it.

You should go in there. I was like no. He nailed that one well, it's funny so yeah, it's all about that and, like that's what i mean moving the chains like last year, two years ago, you're going in there. It's the same canned listing presentation.

Now it's like no you're problem solving in this new process and it's like a mix of all of that, like we have listings right now, we've shot them, we've staged them. We are ready to go live as soon as these clients find something yeah, but they don't want to list it unless they find something - and i can understand that yeah. So it's like we have to move our efforts aggressively, knock doors circle it like whatever. Whatever your strategy is, and it's like - maybe they don't find it, but we spent some money on all the stuff to get ready.

So it's it's interesting yeah i mean that was a. I don't think i could add anything to that, and i at least i think it was my coach, elisa essec, but i've probably screwed that up, but all my coaches are great, but that's why it's just changing how it looks. It's like you really are now like an advisor you're, a tour guide, yeah you're, like you're, taking people on an expedition of this gruesome experience of finding a home in an environment where there's none on the market and you're, probably going to have to be one of Five offers you're probably going to have to remove your appraisal contingency and we're going to be able to so it's that yeah, but it's giving them options and talking them through and making sure they feel confident that you're the one to take them through this process. But you're not going to put them in a situation where they're at risk or they're exposed right.
Look at dusty martin says my unrealistic sellers are getting those unrealistic prices. I mean that that is the market. So well how many times have you been wrong this year? I've turned down four or five listings this year, because i'm just like you're not going to get that price and not only you're, not getting that price. You have to stage and paint to get that price and then they list with somebody else and they get the price in a week.

One of my one of my partners she's just like. Maybe we should stop telling people to stage and paint and i'm like. No, i mean, i think we could we could soften it like. Maybe it's not a requirement, but it's like that's happening all the time right now, yeah i've missed four or five deals.

Where i've told the sellers i just i can't i got ta pass like you. Can't get that number yep, but there is something interesting if you're trying to predict anything. Those deals have all been very specific product types that have seen the highest demand ever but they're, always the most constrained inventory for sure. So if there's ever a time to risk it's on that, it's not on a house that is in kota dakaza for 25 million like yeah, you know what i mean.

I don't mean that rudely, i'm just saying you kind of know. The fundamentals of this is this. Is everyone watching is like you, they take so much pride in understanding their inventory understanding their market knowing what's working? What's not? Yes, i don't need much done to a home to sell it. Stop slowing down the process, that's by the way that is our brilliant coach.

Yvonne arnold right who's, also our op edge training. I know just i'm sorry, but that just takes like everything it's like. You constantly have to adjust and adapt. Yes - and you have to use your brain right because i should have just told these people - don't stage just put it on the market right, it's it's only making my job harder right to handle, like you know the project manager.

So it's just like it's that's where you have to adjust and adapt in any market. Yes, so i wanted to have that ran because anytime you've got. You know this guy and i've got. You know david who's watching and just i see him smiling and nodding us we're going through all this stuff.

So let's wrap up this show and let's get everybody back out to work it's time for them to get on the phones. It's time for you to call your database, i saw a great client rene, funk who's. Just this brilliant agent from orlando. She coined the phrase.

Call every one of your clients ask them how they're doing and then just say tim. How is 419 days of the pandemic in the cove, but how has it changed the way you just feel about your home like that question right? Just like you just shut up yeah and they go well. I don't have enough he's writing it down right. So big shout out to renee, you know we just need to be proactive right now, my friends and i'll i'll leave you with one last thought and then david i'm going to turn to you to close it out.
The thing i keep saying to people is when someone says i'm just afraid to make those phone calls, or i feel embarrassed, make those phone calls it's not about. You get your ego out of the way and be of service. Stop getting your ego in the way and telling me you're too busy, while you're watching four hours on netflix at night, get on your phone and call your clients make sure everybody's informed, because one of the things i'll drop this we'll talk about it in our session. Coming up, i am predicting right now in the next three to four years, 50 of every transaction in the u.s will have a 25 to 42 referral fee attached to it, and if you aren't defending your position right now in the marketplace, all my friends intercom, we Have uh almost 9 000 people signed up to go to my blueprint conference, which is virtual rights around the world.

The first half of the event is: how do you defend your position against zillow, trulia, obsidi and 700 other people, every mortgage company, that's doing a better job of demand gen, because their ego is in the way and they're making the phone calls and they're doing the Marketing and they'll sell you a lead and you'll pay at 35 percent. If we don't build an effective, moat they're going to take the leads, we already have and then sell them back to us to get their piece 100, like that's what they're doing 100. That's exactly 1 000. My point well that that means we should just start a revolution against all.

We should all drop zillow, redfin trulia, we're just you heard it here. First, i'm not starting that revolution. I am sorry, my business no and there's so and what i love about that save - and i see david smiling too there's so much um conflict in that because i have clients. That'll do 5500 transactions this year.

So this is going back to what everybody says. So i thought we were wrapping up. The show, hey realtors are lazy right, everybody says realtors are lazy like so, if you really shine you're gon na do well, but this is where it's like. Our business is prospecting.

If we don't do it, zillow redfin trulia, mello homes, all these ones are gon na. Take our leads and sell them back to us and for all those people that work all these online leads. The actual conversion rate is horrible. Yeah, it's like if you can get one and a half percent, that's good you're, like one and a half percent like i'm going to make up my 100 calls if you called your database and just and the other thing that's happening, i'm saying is: there's a real Shift in market share of agents have you noticed? Okay, so here's the most recent stat across the u.s for all my friends around the world know your own numbers.
90 of all. Transactions are done by the top half of the mls 90 percent of all the transactions. So with open houses, opening back up that can shift, but i don't think it's that i think it's the ones that are at the top are the ones that are the best tour guides, they're the ones that can handle. They know the market.

They know the market, they know how to find inventory, but it's like for the people that have time if you understood how valuable your time was, if you just used it properly right right, if you just used it properly and and we stopped waiting for zillow and Truly and red fence to sell us our leads back and they're, not even our leads they're the leads. I don't want to work anyway. Yes right, my leads are way better. If i just work my leads, but then to go, take on zillows and i've done a little bit enough research for me, it's like my conversion.

Rate's got to be over 60 right right. There's this one percent, but then i three five, but then i don't want to make my calls yeah right, see, make your phone calls please and you can see it in the agents that are working that are aggressively out there figuring out new ways to get in Front of people, because you can't right now figure out new ways to connect with people like that question was genius like i love it. How does 419 days of the pandemic make you feel about your home right like like? How does it make you feel about your home right? So it's like yeah. That's the question all right, so we got to go into a coaching session david, closing thoughts.

We went on a little 15-minute rant there, sorry partner, no, it's a great call tim's great to to to be on um. Just listen, you know, being the knowledge broker using all this information is what we have to do. We have to get the information out there, because if we let the media, we let others inform our clients about what's happening, they're going to be misinformed, tom we're going to be back together next week. I think we're going to talk forbearance, but you know whatever else.

We want to talk about, let us know put in the comments looking forward to being back yeah. Thank you guys. So much as always. We appreciate you tim thanks for joining us david, you, you and my friends at kcm.

Thank you so much for always delivering this value. For my friends out there watching share this with someone that needs to see it that little rant right. There could be extremely valuable for a lot of my friends out there to share with their teams or just watching over and over again yourself, because you know he's gon na you, i mean if we have a bad year, we're gon na do 600 million dollars. Yeah we're at 300 million close right, so so we're about to go through all the numbers.

Do the work make the calls be the knowledge broker share this information be relentless. That's how you win in it funny this there's the book. All right we got ta, go tristan, kill it and we'll see you guys next week take care. You.

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21 thoughts on “This 15-minute rant could be extremely valuable for your real estate business”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sadia Rashid says:

    I got my license a week ago, working in hot Greater Toronto Area, need to learn a lot from successful people, any advice please?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amber huemmer says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Estates By Anderson says:

    0 listings
    10 buyer appointments at least
    1 closed
    1 under contract
    1 just fell out of contract

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milton Hall says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eduardo chirino says:

    I got my license Yesterday farming in the hot Fort Myers area

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julio Rojo says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin Krieger says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Grandison says:

    I saw this full video last week. Took 15 minutes out of cold calling to listen to this snippet and get re-energized. (Got 2 leads by the way!) Thanks Tom!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Bolduc says:

    Have been in the business about a week and got a listing from cold calling. Easy does it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tamara Coleman says:

    0 listing appointments this year. Disclaimer: started May 1

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Phillips says:

    Im new so zero.but im watching everything i can!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alison Swift says:

    Drop them all!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim van der Tas says:

    21 listing appts Vancouver BC 5 listings secured

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valerie Williams says:

    8 listing appointments so far this year.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zelia Ladeira says:

    6 listing

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zelia Ladeira says:

    16 valutions

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Bolduc says:

    4 listing appointments started last month.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Umair Ahmad says:

    I’m 19 years old and I’m going to be real estate agent in the near future

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda Parsons says:

    Needed this! Thank you!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CarlaIsMyRealtor says:

    Great job !

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rivera says:

    Miami FL off market 424 units.

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