The world of crypto has become a minefield so be careful out there...
Over the last few months, the price of Bitcoin has risen dramatically from $4,000 in March 2020 to over $63,000 in April 2021.
And as the price rose, the interest in Bitcoin and crypto in general re-emerged.
Suddenly everyone is interested because they keep reading about people who have made 1000%+ gains and there is a big FOMO effect.
Over the last few days, the price of Bitcoin and other crypto has crashed losing about 40% and now there is a lot of talk about buying the dip.
Unfortunately as the interest in crypto has skyrocketed and the amount of money to be made has gone through the roof, crypto has naturally attracted a lot of bad players too.
One of the most common types of scams are rug pulls where the founders sell the bulk of their holding and/or the liquidity destroying the crypto's value.
Then there's traditional Ponzi schemes where older holders have their gains financed directly by new people joining.
And the most popular scheme is the old pump and dump - hype up a pointless pink sheet, flog it to as many people as possible to drive the price up and then dump all of your holdings when the price gets high enough.
And aside from the scams there are other big problems too.
In the 12 years that we have had crypto, we continue trying to understand exactly what problems it really solves and why those solutions are better than alternatives.
The infantile state of cryptocurrency means that there are natural fluctuations and risk but it also brings weird tribal effects.
Investors are no longer satisfied with a 10% annual return. Now you need to get 1000% per month - this has almost become an expectation.
And the tribal nature means that people build up huge cult-like hubs where they talk with like-minded people about the huge prospects and the bright future.
And the same tribe will then seek out any dissent or opposing views and meet them with mindless profanities, obscene comments, threats of violence, death threats and active attempts to destroy people's careers and livelihoods.
I know because I am one of the people that this has happened to.
And this points to a big problem that we have in the world of crypto where any meaningful debate is impossible and descends into childish slogans.
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#Crypto #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency

Hey guys, it's sasha. Over the last few months, we've seen an explosion in interest in cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin went from dipping below four thousand dollars in march 2020 to reaching over 63 000 in april 2021 as the price skyrocketed. The interest in bitcoin re-emerged as well as it did with other cryptocurrencies as well, which tend to take their lead from bitcoin over the last few days.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency prices have crashed with bitcoin trading at between thirty two thousand thirty seven thousand dollars over the last 24 hours. A lot of people out there are actively encouraging people to buy the dip. The prices are so cheap that you can get double or triple, or even more cryptocurrency for your money, but before you go splashing your lifetime savings, let me tell you why you should think carefully before you do so now. Before i get into the detail, i am not here to spread fud.

I am not here to say that i hate crypto. In fact it's the opposite. I am a mathematician and i absolutely love the concept and the theory behind it and the practical applications that i think it could have. In fact, over a decade ago, i set up mining rigs in my house, mining bitcoin, but that's a whole different story.

There are some really important things that you need to be aware of, because, aside from the naturally high volatility and the naturally high risk that cryptocurrency has, there are a lot of really really big problems. First, let's talk about the outright scams, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency and the relative simplicity of it mean that it is very easy, incredibly easy to go and set up or launch a new token or a new crypto, and so, along with some really interesting new innovations. New types of chains, new chains that include smart contracts and other really good, crypto stuff, the scammers have turned up as well as they do everywhere, where there is an opportunity to make money. The problem is that it can be incredibly difficult to tell the scammers from the rest until it's too late.

There are three most common ways in which these scammers operate. The first is the traditional rock ball. This is a scenario where the person who creates the crypto collects a huge amount of that crypto early on before anyone else has it and before anyone has heard of it, either for free or by paying a nominal low amount to themselves in order to buy it Through a fair distribution, now some of the newer cryptocurrency tokens also include liquidity pools, and these can suffer from the same issue in a slightly different way, because the owners and the creators of the crypto will have access to those. So then, after marketing, the crypto and aggressively promoting it, the price of that crypto will rise and when the moment is right, the person who owns that huge amount of it will go and sell it for a huge profit.

This either results in the price collapsing to a point of no return or the liquidity pool is used up, which prevents other holders from physically being able to actually sell in some cases, both of those happen. At the same time, these rock balls happen almost daily. Just in the last week, we've had d5 100 shiba and even the famous water and rugs personality who actively on social media, spoke out against rug, pools, doing a big rug, pull on their own fair moon, crypto. There's a slightly less obvious variant of this, which is called a soft rug pool.
This is where the owner will slowly sell smaller amounts off their crypto over time, so that nobody actually notices it happening. Usually, in this case, the owner will spread their crypto ownership between a large number of different wallets, because then it's completely impossible to tell that they're actually doing it now. Another scam method that is gaining momentum at the moment in the crypto sphere is traditional. Old-School ponzi schemes: this is a way of designing the actual crypto designing the actual code that says behind it, so that old holders are rewarded and profit directly from new holders who are buying.

In now the longer you hold, the more your earnings will grow, except this scheme relies on a constant flow of new people, new investors to be coming in, because the moment that that flow slows below a critical level, the ponzi scheme can unravel really quickly because all The existing holders will stop growing their earnings at the fast rate that they used to, and people will begin selling off and that can create a really sharp drop all the way down to zero. Perhaps the most common way that crypto investors lose their money, though, is much simpler than both of those just a plain old pump and dump scheme. Now, in one of these, you will go and invest in something because you have heard it promoted and you've heard lots of investors shout about how rich they become, how much they've made so far, including possibly some people that you actually know. This is all part of the pump.

The pump builds up a huge amount of hype in something to attract a lot of new investors, quickly, drive the price upwards and, as the price reaches an all-time high, the owners of the bulk of it. The people who created in the first place will go and sell and at that point the price collapses and that's what you call the dump, and this is a traditional scenario which can happen alongside the others that i've mentioned or instead it doesn't really matter. Another huge issue with crypto is the fact that it's still in a relatively infantile state, although crypto has been around for 12 years, which is a long time, its use cases have still not really fully developed. I mean sure i can go to some of those coffee shops in shoreditch and go and buy my coffee using bitcoin, but in terms of genuine real-life problems and that need real-life solutions that are specifically addressed by crypto.

That is fundamentally better than the other options that we have with using traditional financial services products we're not really seeing those emerge just yet, just as a reminder. The first iphone came out just before bitcoin did and that changed our lives with an infinite number of solutions to an infinite number of problems that modern smartphones bring. So there's definitely a huge issue in my mind and in my personal opinion, in fact, that we're still sort of trying to figure out exactly what the actual problems that we're trying to solve using crypto are we're trying to kind of tailor things to using crypto. Where perhaps there isn't necessarily a need to use crypto and other traditional normal methods of exchanging value work perfectly fine, because the problems, if the problems that we had were genuinely really big and really need extremely fast, urgent solutions, because the existing set of solutions we had Were just not good enough, crypto will probably have had enough time over those 12 years to adopt a very different kind of adoption curve.
Anyway. That brings me to one really important aspect that needs to be addressed, and that is the emotional side of crypto investing, because crypto continues to be relatively unregulated almost entirely in most countries it has developed some quite unpleasant traits as a result. Aside from the outright scams i mentioned earlier, anyone can go and invest in crypto. You can be absolutely of any age.

There is no minimum requirement, you can live anywhere. There are no protections, there is no monitoring there is nobody have providing any kind of oversight as to what's actually happening behind the doors, and this has done a few things. The first is: we've seen a huge distortion in people's understanding of core financial principles and how money and investing actually works in real life. Making 10 returns per year is actually seen as incredibly bad by this whole new segment of potentially in some cases younger crypto investors.

If you're not making thousands of percent in terms of gains per year, or maybe even per month, then you're apparently losing out according to this new mantra. And for those of us who have been around the block a bit and perhaps understand the world of investment and finance a little bit more, this rings huge alarm bells. It has also developed a tribe-like mentality, a lot of investors. In the latest token, the latest crypto will become very unhealthily obsessed with it.

They will go and source out every single thing that talks about it, they'll be in communities on an almost 24-hour day basis, talking about it and sort of egging each other on and hyping. Each other up with rocket emojis and phrases that are surprisingly common, like when a lambo which, roughly translates to when will my 50 investment become 300 000 and, on the other side of the coin, excuse the unintended fund. Anyone who dares to question or say anything negative about that particular investment will be branded as a hater who is spreading fud. A large group of these investors will come at the person with varying levels of hate, but just because they are making commentary, there will be a lot of childish, name, calling swearing quite a lot of pretty bad obscenities thrown about, and this will range all the way Through into concentrated efforts to literally destroy their career, to destroy their youtube channel or whatever else, media that they're using to communicate, there'll, be threats of violence, threats of death and the rest of it.
And i know because that's what i got for daring to raise. My head above the parapet and literally just voice my views about some particular topics. That is the world in which we now live in which this new form of investment operates. So the issue is that the vast majority of these crypto investments operate on you literally investing in hype.

There is no problem that the coin or token actually solve your perpetually fed information which says that at some point in the future, there will be these groundbreaking developments that are going to completely revolutionize the world and revolutionize everything because they are coming, and you just need To hold your investment and tell more people to go and invest as well, so that the price rises over time. In most cases, the thing that you're investing in is almost certainly not even in any way unique. The vast majority of these coins are just a copy of the code of another coin. Within some cases, maybe just one or two variables changed very so slightly.

Will there actually be use cases and good reasons to use them in the future? Maybe, but i can tell you for sure that 99.9 of these thousands upon thousands of new coins that are entering the market won't unfortunately make it to that future, because there simply isn't that much space for all of those to coexist and to be used. For the same purpose, and so if you're deciding whether to buy the dip on your favorite crypto, just make sure you take some time to think through your decision before you go and make you.

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29 thoughts on “Think twice before investing in crypto”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cyanrazor Cel says:

    You make a good point about smartphones. They kicked off so quickly. But one big difference about crypto is that it's decentralized, and phones are one of the most centralized projects out there.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Brown says:

    I agree totally I never bought into Crypto it has a place but it will never replace Fiat currency not in my lifetime anyways I own stock that owns Bitcoin like TESLA Square even own some Coinbase stock but it’s only a punt and I definitely would not of bought it when it IPO at around $430😩

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam Ryan says:

    Sasha – great advice. I prefer to stay away from crypto. Did you hear about dubaicoin? P.s. where are you from? Im trying to place your accent. Are you Spanish? 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drewdeluxe says:

    Pretty much agree with everything you said, about a month ago, I fell into to Safemoon hype, and now I see how much of Ponzi scheme it was.. The "Whales" selling off a few weeks ago are in line with what you said, the original bulk owners.. Now I'm left to be a part of the "HODL" crew, I'm very fortunate I didn't put too much into it. Thank you Sasha for continually making these videos, even though you have to endure all these Trolls bashing on you cause they don't agree 👍

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Castaneda says:

    I watched the video, but you don’t seem to pay attention to the use cases that are given to some of these new defi tokens. They may not be useful to you but others find them useful and worth investing in

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe MacDougall says:

    Are you planning on making a video on how banks such as starling are no longer allowing payments to binance?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay cordt says:

    Think twice before investing in stocks! Yes it’s more stable, but also makes you lower gains. If you want high reward invest in the future which is digital currency.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Skeptic says:

    Note that this video said nothing about the fundamentals of established crypto currencies except that crypto currencies are in their infancy, in which invest small amount now rather than later. Everything else is what you should be doing by common sense when investing into any asset, avoid scams and frauds. Do your due diligence but I think everyone should consider crypto as an investment give its immense potential return if you can handle the stomach churning price volatility. THIS IS NOT A FINANCIAL ADVICE!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ended-the-fed says:

    all crypto is a ponzi, lol.
    NOT a store of value.
    NOT a currency. Slow, expensive, easily replicated in other coins.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iain says:

    God I love this channel. Very mature and informative point of view Sasha as ever buddy. I myself got cold feet a little while ago on Crypto as don't understand it fully at the moment (more research in the future) and bit to volatile so cashed out on Etoro and reinvested in Tesla, Amazon, Nvidia, AMD etc…..but that's just me folks 😉

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Polanowski says:

    Very brave head above the parapet!
    Well done Sasha, some people will take things on board others will come here to diss me and you.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Park Mantle says:

    Sasha – very impressed with your analysis here. A friend of mine was telling me at the weekend that he is creating his own crypto currency (coz anyone can) which won't, like the vast majority of the other cryptos, have any intrinsic value but the hype around these coins is so phenomenal that he anticipates that people will 'invest' in it anyway. As you say, the actual use cases and real world utility for these coins, decentralised platforms, smart contract providers etc is actually quite limited (but this is growing) and there is not enough space for all the entrants in this space. There will be a major shake up at some point but in the meantime people are making and losing fast bucks due to the hype. There will be blood on the carpet – I only hope not too may people have invested their life savings or over leveraged themselves coz they will be the major losers at the expense of a few that make a few million bucks.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neill Cain says:

    Appreciate the frequent and informative content, Sasha. These – seemingly daily – drops of 10 minutes of relevant content is what my YouTube feed has been screaming for. And finally, I'm hoping you know the answer… Wen lambo? 🤣

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BNT1985 says:

    Investing and crypto in the same sentence?

    I owned a small amount of crypto, given the recent crash I bought some more, around £500 all told.
    Crypto is a wild ride, there are not many trades you can make that can tank 60% in 24hours followed by a further 20% loss in another 24hrs. To then rise from its -80% low to gain an additional 60% in another 24hr period.

    Its mad, its great fun; but absolutely no way would I use the term investing when discussing crypto.
    I suggest it is more of a 24/7/365 horse race that can pay out big or send you home broke; good fun if you can accept and afford the potential outcomes.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Finlay Sutherland says:

    Yeah I’m in crypto and not planning to sell any time soon.
    Am I planning on buying more? No, happy with my allocation as it is, any extra buy-ins is just extra risk

    But I was pretty happy buying the March 2020 dip 🙂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Finchett says:

    Your crypto use case knowledge is almost null. Its quite funny to someone who actually spends time researching it properly. 🤦‍♂️🤣 noticed u tried to reinforce your safemoon bs without actually saying their name cos they are now taking legal action against fools like you.. stick to your 5 percent on the stocks 👌 🤣🤣

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nav D says:

    All good points. I am a new investor really in this game for not more than 5 months and even I get what a punt these cryptos are. I am so amazed at these career investors betting their savings on this crypto craze as if all of those are guaranteed to go to the moon as they say.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henryru Victory says:

    I have about 5% of my portfolio in uranium stock any advice on any other stock that I can grow my $300k capital to a million dollars?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Lundström says:

    I said yesterday that I held Safemoon, now I sold them and got ERGO while the dip is here.
    I'm sick of the safemoon community at this point, so much hate.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADF1955 says:

    I thought Cryptos were developed originally to allow 'people' to move money in secret, i.e. without authorities being able to track it (money laundering and tax evasion, for example) not as investments? 🤔

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MightyMander says:

    really wanting to use Trading 212 please tell me you have some secret info as to when they will allow new accounts?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Lombard says:

    Great video. Am new in crypto and was hesitant but decided to give it a bash. However coming from old school investing due to my age, I found a lot of terminology such as "projects" sound like gobbeldygook to me. I was weary and even more so now. Am at a small loss with my crypto (
    ADA) but holding to try recover some of my losses, then buy buy crypto. No more for me. Gimme real brick and mortor stuff.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stockings_and_ shares says:

    Great Video Sasha….I agree, I am sticking with Crypto related stocks for now. I buy Tesla, Microstrategy, Square, Argo and Riot Blockchain

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars double.edged. Serpent says:

    Hello my name is Sasha if you won't watch this video i will press a button and whole crypto market will go KA-BOOOOOM!!!!!!!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars e-motion says:

    It is really good that you are reminding this on timely manner. At least the ones trying to build a stable financial future will understand. Do you mind to join as member of your channel?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bodrulm1 says:

    All good points, all points I had a counter view also. Blindly investing in anything is stupid. The added risk with crypto is the innovation element. Innovation is risky, it's serendipitous, it takes an ecosystem and chain of contributors. Nobody understood what the internet was in the 1960's and 70's when it was invented. And ppl do have unmet needs they never knew about. Key question before investing: where will crypto be in 5 or 15 years? If you believe it will pay a significant part in society and the next version of the internet (exchange of value), then invest. Don't invest based on price and where you think the next pump is. That's called speculation.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Jake's Money says:

    Yep, nothing is more persuasive than the opinion you desperately want to believe is true, including the belief that your $50 scam coin investment is going to get you Lambo next week.

    So inevitably the aggressive name calling (and death threats…) for raising discussions that don't perfectly align with the vocal minority views get fired at us. The whole tribalism thing is worrying, especially for people putting out content as it does take its toll but this isn't just confined to youtube channels, we're seeing it everywhere in the polarization of politics etc which is undoubtedly a knock on effect from the social media echo chambers. Let's hope this changes but in the meantime remember it's a minority.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dafydd Morse says:

    Quality analysis, as always Sasha. Keep up the good work! As a mathematician I feel it’s worth it for me to have a small percentage in BTC, ETH and ADA. I think the expected value will be greater without taking silly risks. I’m comfortable with 5% at the mo. 👍🚀

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Beniuga says:

    Some very wise words i've heard in the past regarding crypto: In order for somebody to win, a lot of people need to lose. If anyone reads this, please think twice before putting your hard earned money.

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