When it comes to investing in 2020…here’s everything you need to know, WHY the stock market seemed to sell off out of nowhere, how this is SPECULATED to be the doings of a company called SoftBank, and then we’ll talk about Tesla. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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First, we need to talk about SoftBank - because this could, in theory, explain SOME of the recent run up in the stock market - and then, the subsequent, quick decline.
For anyone who’s not aware, Softbank is an investment conglomerate and holding company worth somewhere around $113 BILLION DOLLARS…and lately, they seem to be the center of a lot of controversy. An article just published by CNN explains how SoftBank could be the NASDAQ “whale” that has the power to manipulate the entire market - and here’s how that works.
SoftBank invested $4 BILLION DOLLARS into certain tech companies through what’s known as a call option - this means SoftBank pays a “Small Fee” for the RIGHT to buy a certain stock, at a certain price, by a certain date. When SoftBank invests $4 BILLION DOLLARS into the market place buying up specific stocks all at once…they have the power to POTENTIALLY MOVE THE ENTIRE MARKET alongside with it, because SOMEONE ELSE needs to buy those 100 stocks to make the transaction. That now gives the theory that - possibly - traders like this have the power to influence and move the market, either up like we’ve seen recently - or down, when they begin to sell.
As far as what you can do about it - HONESTLY, I don’t see this as a big deal. Drops like this are NORMAL, they’re not causes to panic, and as long as you have a plan to hold your investment LONG TERM - just see these little dips as “flash sales,” buy more - and hold on long term. In the big picture, it doesn’t matter.
BUT, if you’re investing in risky stocks with no knowledge of what you’re investing in, and you’re only buying in because you don’t want to miss out on the hype money train…then yeah, you’re better off selling, and holding out until you have a better grasp of your investments, and this should NOT be a market to gamble money you can’t afford to lose. ONLY invest in stable funds or stocks you REALLY know the fundamentals of, long term - and that’s it, for 99% of you watching. Buy and hold, as they say…
Finally…lets talk BRIEFLY about Tesla NOT getting into the SP500, and now it’s subsequent 35% DROP in a matter of a few days.
Now, here’s the thing - in order to be eligible for SP500 inclusion, a company must hit a few key criteria points, one of which being that they’ve had 4 quarters of profitability - which, TECHNICALLY, Tesla just hit. HOWEVER…just because a stock meets all the criteria of getting into the SP500, doesn’t mean it’s automatically going to be added in.
There is a committee of 9 members that meet every month to decide on who gets added - and who gets removed - from the index, and how they vote which stocks get added or removed isn’t known and isn’t published ahead of time. It’s speculated that Tesla is just too volatile to be added to the index quite yet, and for a stock to swing + or - 35% in a few days, at a hundred billion dollar valuation, isn’t quite something best suited for positioning within an index.
In terms of where we stand today - I’m not too shocked that the markets have fallen so much over these last few days. The stock market has risen nearly every single day for almost 2 weeks straight…there’s no “REAL REASON” for that, and as illogical as the stock market is - just like we can’t question why it’s going up, we can’t reason why it’s going down - it just does what it wants, and it’s up to us to enjoy the ride, have fun watching it - but, at the end of the day, the ONLY thing we can do is consistently buy and hold - that’s it.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness @gmail.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up you guys, it's graham here, so you know the saying what goes up must come down. Well, it's been coming down a lot lately and it just goes to show you that a lot can happen in a week because, just a few weeks ago, the s p 500 logged one of its best quarters in 30 years, and during that time the entire market Seemed to be on this upward trend of profit and more profit and even more profit to the point where it didn't really need to make any sense. All you needed to know is that green is good. Red is bad, and as long as you stay away from the red you're gon na be in the green that was until now for what initially seems like absolutely no reason at all.

The stock market began going down. It was kind of like the stock market had a bad day, so it decided to go back to bed and then was like no guys you've been making too much money. Lately, here's some losses for everyone who bought in this last week. There you go go away and now that's led to more speculation about this upcoming double-dip stock market collapse.

That's been talked about ever since the recovery in april. It's enough to make any investor question what they're doing and whether or not it's a good idea to buy the dip and attempt to catch a falling knife, but when it comes to investing in 2020, here's everything you need to know why the stock market seemed to Have sold off out of nowhere? How this is speculated to maybe be the doings of a company called softbank and then we'll talk about what i'm sure everyone wants me to mention, and that would be tesla who recently had their worst stock day in over 10 years and the reason why they did Not get into the s p, 500.. So with that said, you know the deal. Let's destroy that like button for the youtube algorithm until it turns blue.

Let's all actually do this. At the same time, here, okay, i'm going to count down ready three two one and well really quick. Here's a bit of a background! Obviously, since the beginning of march, when the stock market plummeted about 40 percent, in a matter of weeks, the fed stepped in a two trillion dollar cares, act was passed and even though the unemployment rate was sky high and our entire economy was still shut down, our Stock market began to recover led primarily by tech stocks. That part makes a lot of sense to me, as everyone begins working from home and using online services, it's inevitable, a large portion of that demographic and their money are going to be pouring into those companies.

We've seen the likes of amazon apple, netflix, microsoft, google all reach their all-time highs by a lot during one of the worst markets, we've seen in a long time, and it's easy to let this slide without question, because at the end of the day it is tech And it's now integral to our everyday lives, but things have begun getting a little bit questionable over these last two weeks for really no reason the tech market started to rise out of nowhere. Now sure earnings were better than expected, but it wouldn't take that much good news to send a stock price. Soaring 20 percent overnight, like just take a look at nikola stock, which does not even have a working product, but just yesterday they went up 40 in value on a deal with gm. It don't even get me started on kodak anyway, that led a lot of investors to fear this irrational exuberance, led, more so by the excitement of making money rather than the stocks actual fundamentals, and that then led to this article being published, citing that robin hood investors Need to be burned a little bit now.
Warren buffett has a really great saying when it comes to this and how to spot an irrational market. People start being interested in something because it's going up, not because they understand it or anything else, and it usually begins when they see their neighbors dumber than they are getting rich. In other words, when someone else makes investing look easy to the point where you start getting the itch to jump in yourself, because if they can make money, you can too that's a bad sign, and that should be the first tip off that. Maybe you should take a step back and really realize why you're investing in the first place and whether or not you could risk this money to a lot of volatility.

Meanwhile, and now that brings us to today over the last four days, the s p 500 has lost about seven percent by the time i'm filming this and the nasdaq is down about 10. So what just happened? How much worse can this get, and is this the start of that double dip recession that everyone has been talking about for months now? First, we need to talk about softbank, because this could, in theory, maybe be responsible for some of the recent stock market rally and then subsequently the quick decline. Now, for anyone not aware softbank is an investment conglomerate and holding company worth somewhere around 113 billion dollars, and lately they seem to be the center of a lot of controversy. First, we can talk about the somewhat defunct investment in the company.

We work now for anyone not familiar with wework. What they are is a public working space at least office buildings and then turn them into many workstations for people to then rent. The concept was actually pretty interesting and had a lot of potential so much so that the ceo of softbank decided to take a gamble on it and become their biggest investor. Then, when wework planned to go public in ipo, their s1 filings came out and it turns out, the ceo was involved in some very questionable practices and yeah.

Their initial 47 billion dollar ipo turned out to be a complete disaster and, within a short time, their valuation was reduced down to 2.9 billion dollars. As of the most recent article, instead of chalking this up to a loss, softbank decided to double down, invest more money in the company in an attempt to revive it, then there's also wirecard a company which is missing two billion dollars on its books and now softbank Is under scrutiny for a questionable one billion dollar investment into the company, then there's also uber a company that softbank has also been investing in that's yet to turn a profit now to be fair to softbank. They do make a lot of different investments in many companies and it's inevitable that over time a few of those investments are going to stand out. But the ceo is known for taking some very big gambles and risks on companies where some of them just end up paying out big and their most recent gamble could have something to do with why the stock market went up.
An article published by cnn explains how softbank could be the nasdaq whale that has the power to manipulate the entire market and here's how that works. Softbank invested 4 billion dollars in certain tech companies through, what's known as a call option. This means softbank pays a small fee for the rights to buy a certain stock by a certain date at a certain price, and then, if the stock price goes up, they make money. But if the stock price goes down, they just decide not to use the rights to buy the shares and they lose the option money they paid up front.

It would kind of be like you going to me and saying: hey. Graham, i see you have one share of tesla. Well guess what i will pay you one dollar for the right to buy your share of tesla for 340 on september 30th of this year in that situation. Obviously, if the price of tesla is lower than that, then you go to me and say: hey, graham, you know what i'm good, i'm not gon na buy your tesla stock.

You get to keep my one dollar. Thank you very much, but if the price of the stock is higher than 340 dollars, you get to go to me and say: hey. Do you remember how i paid you one dollar for the right to buy your tesla stock for 340? Well, guess what now? It's 400, so you got to sell me that 400 stock for 340 - and now i made a quick 60 profit. Well, that's what softbank did, except with call options, they're multiplied by a hundred, that's right when you buy one call option for a stock.

What you're really agreeing to is buying that stock times a hundred and when softbank invests four billion dollars into the market with call options buying certain stocks? At the same time, they have the power to potentially move the entire market. Alongside with it, because someone else has to buy those 100 shares in order to make the transaction possible, that now brings the theory that possibly traders like this have the power to influence the entire market either up, as we've seen recently are down when they begin to Sell this is just one theory as to why we've seen the recent run-up in tech prices, as prices began to go up. More people began pouring in causing the price to go up. Even higher more people poured in causing that price to go up even higher, and then everyone else sees that you're making money in tech stocks and they decide to buy in boosting the price even higher, and then, of course, that also works in reverse.
As soon as people begin selling and taking profits, people begin to panic selling off their investment too, causing other people to sell off their investments and then all of a sudden, it's a free fall just because everyone panicked out of nowhere. Of course, all of this is just a theory, but it's also important for you to understand how market psychology works, so you could be better prepared and know what to expect. That's why they now say we could be entering into a stock market correction, where the market falls 10 from its previous high corrections like this are not uncommon, and they happen from time to time and if anything, it's healthy for the market to pull back a little Bit people can cool down and then the market could settle into a more clear trajectory and path. Now, as far as what you can do about it honestly, i don't see it as that big of a deal and i've been using this as a time to load up on even more s, p 500 index funds.

In the meantime, here's the thing for something like this: everyone just needs a little perspective like just take a look at this, even though the five day chart of the s p 500 looks disastrous. We could move out to a one month chart and all of a sudden, we realize that where we are today is the same place, we were a month ago now, here's the real eye-opener, if we zoom out to a six-month chart. That is the dip that so many articles are clamoring about. We saw a worse drop from june, 8th to june 11th before everything began recovering and going back up in price, but in all seriousness, once you see the bigger picture, you start to realize that a seven to ten percent drop like this is nothing to panic about.

It's nothing to worry about, and it's normal, and even if we zoom out even further over five years, this recent dip is just a blip in the radar and it pales in comparison to many of the other routine drops that we've seen in the past. Now i get it, this is not any sort of scientific professional technical analysis. Here, that's not the point of this. Instead, it's just for you to realize that drops like this are normal and it's nothing to panic about as long as you plan to hold long term.

Just see any dips like this as a flash sale just buy more hold long term and in the bigger picture it doesn't really matter and who knows if the market's going to go down right after i post this video or if it's just gon na go up By the time it's posted, no one knows, except maybe softbank. Well guys, i'm editing this right now and it went up so. For that reason, the only strategy that we could employ is just to buy consistently as normal hold. That's it, however, if you're investing in risky stocks with no knowledge about what you're investing in with the only intention of trying to make money as fast as possible, then yeah you're, probably best off selling your investment.
Now, until you have a better understanding and better grasp of what it is, you're really investing in and why only invest in index funds and stocks, you really understand the fundamentals of, and that would apply to 99 of you just buy index funds hold. That's it keep buying and now, let's talk briefly about tesla, not getting into the s p 500 and it's 35 decline in a matter of a few days. Now here's the thing in order to be included in the s p 500: a company must hit certain requirements. One of which being four recent quarters of profitability, which technically tesla just hit, however, just because it meets the criteria to be eligible, doesn't mean it's automatically going to be included.

There is a committee of nine members who meet every single month and decide who gets to be added in and who gets to be booted off they're kind of like the cool kids table and mean girls who decide who gets to hang out with him and who Doesn't know exactly what this committee looks for and how they vote is not known, and that information is not published ahead of time. Well, lo and behold, tesla recently announced a five to one stock split and the price of the stock went up about eighty percent within a few days for no real reason other than the hype of it just being a stock split, and now it's become apparent that No they're not going to be added to the s p 500, at least right now now, even though we don't know the real reasoning behind this, it's speculated that tesla might just be too volatile right now to be added to the index and for any stock to Swing a plus or minus 30 percent in a matter of days, at a valuation of over a hundred billion dollars, it's really not a company best suited for positioning within an index right now. It's also unclear if tesla will continue to remain profitable or not because technically 428 million dollars of their revenue came from selling regulatory tax credits to other car companies. I have a feeling that, if tesla stabilizes and it becomes profitable long term, most likely it will be added at some point in the future.

But it's gon na be done at a time where nobody's gon na be expecting it. Now i'm still a fan of tesla and i'm still holding on to my entire position right now without selling it, but it's a risky company and i cannot justify myself buying more into it right now. That's just me to each their own, and i'm just gon na be patiently waiting this out to see what happens for better or for worse. So now, in terms of where we stand today.

To be honest, i'm not that surprised the market has fallen so much over. The last few days, the stock market has risen almost every single day consistently for almost two weeks in a row. There is no real reason for that and as logical as the stock market could be just like. We can't question why it's going up.
We can't reason why it's going down it just does whatever it wants to do when it wants to do, and that's really it it's really up to us to enjoy the ride and have fun watching it. But, like i said at the end of the day, the only thing we could do is buy and hold now. Yes, technically the fundamentals behind some of the recent valuations of tech companies have been absolutely atrocious, but they've never fully made sense and a company like amazon, has always traded above its worth for many many many years now. That's why there's the saying the market can remain irrational longer than you could remain solvent and keep in mind.

The soft bank explanation is a really fun theory to think about and talk about, but who knows how much that actually influenced the market or if it just bumped it up enough to get people to buy in who caused more people to buy in and then all Of a sudden, it's self-fulfilling the point of this video is really just for you to see the bigger picture and see that dips like this are normal and nothing to worry about as long as you're a long-term investor you're properly diversified, you consistently buy over time and Of course, you smash the like button for the youtube algorithm, you're gon na be totally fine and well on your way to one day becoming a mini warren buffett. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the subscribe button, and the notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram, i posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there.

As my second channel, the gram stefan show i post there every single day - i'm not posting here. So if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that and, lastly, speaking of stocks, if you want a free stock worth minimum eight dollars all the way up to maximum sixteen hundred dollars, use the link Below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you that free stock when you deposit 100 on the platform, so if you're interested enjoy that free stock, let me know which one you get. Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “The upcoming stock market collapse | round 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MOKLESS says:

    hey man how much do you spend on your videos …..do you pay daily or do you pay at once

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Rodriguez says:

    Stocks are good but I swapped and invested in forex trading, I've been making good profit

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oh my lawd says:

    This didn't happen, he just said smash the like.. Now I'm here in the future and it's at a stock market high.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trent Belleville says:

    I am a 20 year old college student. I started watching your videos when I was around 16 or 17 and the day I turned 18 I opened up a brokerage account and by 19 I made my first deposit into a Roth IRA. You are so inspirational to kids like me. Who love finance, credit cards and anything to do with money. Over my brokerage and Roth I generate over 500 dollars a year from passive income and something you said stuck with me. “Once you make your first dollar in passive income, it becomes addictive and you just want more.” I tell my friends this all the time and even got some looking to invest now. Your influence goes beyond your subscribers on this channel. Every-time you post I can almost promise I’m one of the first to view it! Once again, I love what you do and and really try and model myself after you!!
    Trent Belleville

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Bell says:

    Said the man whose entire portfolio is in real estate. Maybe he could commentate a tennis tournament.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okolie chekwibe says:

    Mr Aaron has really helped me especially during the lockdown thanks Mr Aaron

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  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobias M. says:

    Im sorry but the expressions you make in your thumbnails pisses me off

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Meridew says:

    graham: everyone please calm down so my investments don't tank

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Z says:

    Dammit Graham, make more videos like this.
    I didn't listen but I did have cash , but not fucking enough

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Griezyyy says:

    Advice on GOOGL

    Hi guys,

    I’m new to investing and trading and I started in August. At first my goal was to just to buy standard ETFs like VOO and VGT to get better returns over the long haul than a savings account. However, I also wanted to invest in tech and gaming – two sectors I’m semi familiar with. I bought two shares of GOOGL at an average price of 1532. It has never come close in the past month to breaking even and because of that I’ve missed opportunities like buying GameStop a week ago or Microsoft. So far I’m down almost 300 on GOOGL, any advice?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Davison says:

    If you want me to start Exposing people on videos starting with Graham Stephan Like my comment. I dont like making videos, but guys like Graham Stephan that seems legit and nice need to be exposed to. These guys sort of piss me off the most because they try to walk the line of I'm good. Infact they are not as good as you think they are. I even know things that even coffee zilla has not even mentioned yet. I care about others and I care about the truth and the whole truth. Graham Stephan is just one of many that might seem nice but is not that nice regarding really helping others. They will all be exposed and might need more than one video per person. So give me some feedback and I will respond back. Have any questions I will answer right away as soon as possible. I just hate half fake people or fake people that lie. If you want to know specifics about any youtuber including Graham Stephan I have no problem exposing him in a message either.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dorothy Stonewall says:

    Interesting! I watch several Youtube videos on how to trade in the stock market but haven't made any headstart because they are either talking some gibberish or sharing their story of how they made it and I do not want to make mistakes by taking risks in my own hands.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonhard Raymond says:

    Why keep trying fruitless and unproductive strategies when they all still fail. I make assured profit weekly with Mr Andrew Feldstein After encountering 7 successful weekly outcomes and no losses so far, I can now say I work with the best . Feel free to reach out for professional guidance for more advised.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars In James We Trust says:

    No offense but I only take my options trading advice from Jack Stephan!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    anybody coming here, probably rode the big tech selloff in the past two weeks lol

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Bold Bicycle says:

    Interesting how you sometimes say your name as Gray-yum like a British would, but sometimes Gram like an American would.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obruche says:

    This is the second time watching your video..good one. Anyway, I’m a dividend investor but it’s a slow and steady growth. I’m 39 and currently have $200k a portfolio and plan to retire at 60. My goal is to reach 2 million by then…I repositioned some of my dividend stocks using a broker. Now, I’m buying fractional shares of TSLA, AMZN ,NIO ,NVR again. Before, I’m after dividends for passive income but it’s slow growth so now I’ll take my chances on high growth stocks like SHLL, WKHS, PLNHF 13 I've gotten a 120% increase this year but hopefully I’ll reach a million sooner

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Winking Walrus says:

    Literally just look at the .com spike 1998-~2003 this mirrors it perfectly.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norel farjun says:

    I think masses of people treat technology companies the way they treat gold, as an acquisition in times when the market is risky designed to preserve your capital value

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alvin Lizarraga says:

    The clickbait is horrible, casually scrolling and boom WILL I LOOSE ALL MY FREAKING MONEY. I click the video and this guy just smiling happy asf.😂😂😂awesome

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry George says:

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  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gustavo Carleon says:

    Tesla is looking for a consolidation price at 370-400/ share, anything above that is way overvalued at least till prob next year but time will tell. Well it's good i listened to my instincts so I sold at 450.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roko Horvat says:

    I’m taking of putting big amount of my money into S&P 500 and hold it long term (at least a few years). Do you think I should do it now or wait until the prices become cheaper (if they do)?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Frederick says:

    I used to see forex as a side income but it has proven to be a major source of my income ever since I came across MR Anthony Williams, his experience of the forex market is unrivaled.
    Checkout his official Instagram trading Platform { @ heronsgate_capital } for more details.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SiggyMe says:

    SPY as above the 50 sma and has play tag with it and finally has broke through it on the downside. Looks like it will now become a bear market. However it could rear up a couple more times, however underpinning of market are in trouble and is now breaking out in the surface to break down the market. When everyone wants in and that the market is in burnout mode. Ready for it.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rare Earth and Mining Stocks says:

    AM ՏᑌᗷᗷIᑎᘜ TO ᗩᑎYOᑎᗴ ᗯᕼO ᒪIKᗴ,Տ TᕼIՏ ᑕOᗰᗰᗴᑎT

    ᗩᑎᗪ ՏᑌᗷՏ TO ᗰᗴ ᗷᗩᑕK. 👈❤️🔥 I'ᗰ ᖴᗩՏT 🔥

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elizabeth Smith says:

    Didn't you talk about a collapse every week for months now

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumin Yi says:

    I sold something last month and I now have $2k for clearance/black Friday sale stock shopping. I'm ready for it!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ32 says:

    When the stock market disconnects from the economy, it becomes a casino. The tech sector especially is in a huge bubble, they're rising because demand for stocks is high not because of fundamental performance. That demand will evaporate as quickly as it appeared out of nowhere.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars winnifrd ugwi says:

    I know i shouldn't have commented on your post but am sharing this because I've been blessed with Mr Charles Turner ..He guidance and techniques has helped me achieve a lot in the stock investment. to anyone who wish to setup a trading investment with him can shoot him a DM on his Instagram page to know how to get started @Charles_forex09

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Pell says:

    Dude every time I see a thumbnail I have to click just to tell you – you look like a complete moron in every thumbnail.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryce Masuk says:

    I don't think your qualified to speak about this topic, If your knowledge is extremely limited your not really providing any value.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared T says:

    The Government last I heard was buying part of it. It doesn't have much time left. Have some place to go out in the country.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SaintClutch says:

    Nothing to do with the federal reserve buying corporate stocks with confetti a blip in the radar next to that gaping chasm that was Oct. 2018 when the entire economy couldn’t handle a 0.25% interest rate increase.

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