Full Course Library 📚 + Trading Tools 🧰 + HUGE Discount 💰 = Ross's Ultimate Day Trading Bundle 💥, check out the limited time special here https://warrior.app/ultimate-bundle-deal
Want to Learn More ❓❓ Get info on My Strategy and Courses here: https://www.warriortrading.com/trading-courses/📈
Before we continue...👀
💰Remember, day trading is risky and most traders lose money. You should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose. Prove profitability in a simulator before trading with real money. 
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❌Do not mirror trade me, or anyone else. Mirror trading is extremely risky https://www.warriortrading.com/why-mirror-trading-is-a-bad-idea/. 
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Now let’s dig into some helpful information …
What’s my story? ✏️ You can read it here: https://www.warriortrading.com/ross-cameron/ 
And check out my broker statements here 📝 https://www.warriortrading.com/ross-camerons-verified-day-trading-earnings/ 
Our website is filled with free info 🔎 Start with this guide, no opt-in required: https://www.warriortrading.com/day-trading/ 
Learn about my stock selection process, how I determine entries/exits, my strategy, and more in my free class 💻 Register here: https://www.warriortrading.com/free-day-trading-class/ 
Wondering what I think the All Star Day Traders out there have in common? 🏆 Read this blog I wrote https://www.warriortrading.com/all-star-traders/
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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Ross Here from Warrior Trading I Want to talk to you about my ultimate Day trading bundle and walk you through everything that it includes. So we've put this bundle together, especially for you guys out there who are ready to take the leap and you want to learn everything about my strategy. You want the blueprint for how I trade and I will give that to you. This is something that as a beginner Trader I didn't have when I was getting started I didn't have a blueprint of a profitable strategy that someone else is trading that I could learn from.

Of course, learning from someone else's strategy is no guarantee it'll work for you, but it's a really good starting point. So what is the warrior? Pro This ultimate bundle include first and foremost, it includes access to our Warrior Pro membership level. It's a one-time membership fee which is kind of like a library card. It gives you access to our learning management system which is where we host all of our courses.

So you'll have access to day Trading the Basics which is my day trading 101 curriculum to 15 chapter course that walks you through how to day trade. Then you'll have access to my Flagship course which is called Day Trading Strategies and Scaling. This walks you through and shares with you the blueprint for the way I trade every single day. From how I find stocks to where I get in, where I take profit and everything in between.

Now those are the two primary classes that all of our students of course attend, but we have a lot of extracurricular. Well, I don't know if they're extracurricular is the right word. We have a lot of elect, let's say elective classes. We have classes on options, trading, swing trading.

We have option classes on Short Selling and we have some really interesting classes that have now been taught by our Warrior Pro graduates. These are students who have gotten a profitability badge. They have proven that they've been able to trade successfully, and they're now teaching classes on the strategies that they're trading, which are often very similar to mine, but with slight variations. Although we have a couple of traders that are teaching classes on short excelling specifically, we have Traders teaching on trading using TD Ameritrade so it's a real TD Ameritrade Deep dive and again, there's a whole bunch of classes here.

You'll have access to all of them as part of your Warrior Pro membership. and that's just one component of my ultimate day trading bundle. The rest are the tools. And the tools are incredibly important because these are the things that we're using every single day to find stocks to trade for idea generation.

They begin with the Day trading chat room. That's where I'm tuned in every single day. It's where all my students are trading and we have seniority in that chat room where you'll be able to see traders who have obtained profitability meaning they've verified and sent us broker statements to prove that they're profitable Traders and they earn a badge. We have badges right now at the low at 25 000 going all the way up to 10 million dollars.
And so you'll see traders in the chat room typing and it gives you a better sense of who's contributing and who actually knows what they're doing versus someone who's a beginner. And so we have another system that you'll learn which identifies beginner traders in the community versus senior members, even if regardless of profitability. Now that's the chat room. You also, of course get to access my ultra low latency broadcast so you can watch over my shoulders.

I'm trading. You can see my charts, you can see my P L. You can listen to me as I'm giving you Market commentary and as I'm executing trades. it's very transparent because if I'm in a trade, you can see it right on the screen.

There's no. this isn't like sending out text and email alerts where there's a delay. This is real time. You can watch in real time as I'm trading.

So that's the chat room, the Ultralight, and the latency streaming servers. And then as part of our chat room, we have a news feed that puts real-time news headlines right into the room because when the stock starts moving, we want to know why it's moving. Did you hear that that little bell was an audio alert right there? That was one of my scanners. So as part of being in this on this platform which is our day trade dashboard, you'll have access to the news feed.

You'll have access to the scanners. So when stocks start moving boom, you hear the alert, you see the stock moving up, you see the news, and then it's time to decide on entry. And it's really helpful for idea generation to get a sense of what are other Traders looking at here Is this So long as it is sure, Is this a choppy stock? Is it a good stock and and to really try to benefit from the collective knowledge that all the traders in our community bring to the table. So you're gonna have access to the chat room The ultra little NC Feed the news feed.

You'll have access to the scanners that I'm using every single day. And something that we've made a really big component to our curriculum that's included in this bundle is mentoring. so we host daily Mentor sessions. These are taught by Warrior Pro Graduates I host some of the sessions myself.

so we've got Warrior Pro graduates I'm on the calendar. We've also got our weekly Trading Psychology sessions. These are hosted by two members of our team who are licensed mental health workers. They work specifically with mindset because because one of the things that you may realize is that this is a career where there can be a lot of ups and downs and so being able to be resilient and to recover from loss is going to be critical to your long-term success.

In fact, I wouldn't be here where I am today with well over 10 million in gross profit if it weren't for my ability to bounce back And one of the things that's helped me a lot is working with the people that are really good with this training psychology experts and so I wanted to bring that resource to the table and so that's something that you guys will have access to as part of this bundle. So this literally is the ultimate day trading bundle I want you to check it out if you've been on the fence. If you've been wanting to learn more, this is a great time to get started. And hey, in case you didn't know, it includes a seven day money back guarantee.
so you get to go into the class, get a feel for it, go to the chat room and really decide whether or not this is a good fit for you. So give us seven days. We'd love to have you in the community I Hope you'll be here for a long time. Check out the links down below.

read as much as you want. If you have questions, please email us. We're here to help you in your journey to obtaining financial literacy and learning more about the market. So looking forward to having you in the community.

And I want to remind you as always you, you know this, You hear me say this a million times. But trading is risky and one of the things that you need to focus on first and foremost is managing downside risk And I'm going to walk you through all the different techniques that I do to manage my risk on a daily basis. Alright so looking forward to seeing you in the community.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

12 thoughts on “The ultimate bundle for day traders – limited time special”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars issa says:

    Bengenza ! And that’s it …

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Гаухар Самбетова says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SAD GOKU says:

    Hey Ross I’m 19 is there any way just to purchase the scanners ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Simplified says:

    Do you have an option just for the scanners?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anon Anon says:

    Is this lifetime access?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Papineau says:

    It looks expensive, but if you break it down monthly. It's not that terrible. I would like to access the gap scanner, but I'm not willing to pay that much for it. Appreciate the videos.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Nathan says:

    I've seen newbies venture into the fin-market space without proper understanding, and guidance therefore losing. there are smart ways to amass good returns which involve working with the right strategies and trades signals, so glad I started your program Marcia Ann Bice, experienced analysts like you aren't easy to come by these days.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FREE MY GRANDMA!! 🚔 says:

    You should charge more. This is awesome.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Watch_alert says:

    3.5k 😬😬😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Prout says:

    News flash, $5k is a lot of money!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Simpson says:

    Gets rekt. Sell package! lol 😛 love it. He is a good trader, it is truly amazing how he is able to balance his effort between trading and broadcasting streams/posting videos to help others, while also providing a service. Juggling that sounds like I'd be losing my hair, and yet I see no hair loss. How he does it? Not sure

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monark Gandhi says:


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