AMC has been a fun rollercoaster this past year and man has it been enjoyable! Here is a complete breakdown on my amc stock trades and how I trade amc stock during this time as we wait for the squeeze to happen!
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So here's the truth about trading amc, what's going on team, it's ricky with tech, but solutions and i'm actually very excited uh to film this video. These are one of my favorite videos to um share on my youtube channel, because it's not just talking about my trading, but it's really just talking about kind of that thought that back and thought process of why it is and how it is that we choose to Take advantage of an opportunity now, please make sure that you watch the entire video before commenting, and i really hope that this could shed some light on my intention and the way. The reason i do what it is that i do uh when it comes down to not just emcee, but the series of different trades that i take uh one of the first things that i want to start off with is that you know as of right now. I'm holding two thousand shares like i showed you guys in yes or two days ago, uh video of amc right, so amc pushed up a little bit.

Yesterday i pulled back a little bit today. I hold 2000 shares and if you do, the math 2 000 shares a little bit over 2000 shares is nearly 100 000. Now the reason i'm sharing that with you is yes, it's not as much as i was holding um or trading with um a couple days ago right. But it's because i viewed amc to be overbought.

I saw some pullback potential, but guess what you know i still. I i personally want amc to blow up. I would love the squeeze to happen right, as everyone keeps saying, but it's not about you know. This is kind of like the whole purpose of this video um, regardless of what my intention is right with what i choose to do with amc.

My focus on the youtube channel is to share an unbiased opinion on when i view a stock to be oversold and overbought and how. I would approach this if i was a beginner right, because the people that are watching my videos are more often than not either people that, just like my videos and or people that are just getting started, and i was kind of wondering why, like how other people Were talking about emc and why there was such a like, i don't say backlash, but a lot of negative comments, as i'm sure you guys have seen anytime. I talk about amc in a not positive way. I don't ever bash amc.

All i ever talk about. Is you know when it was approaching that 50 resistance level just a couple days ago? I said that you know: hey, i'm selling the majority of my shares here, but guess what i'm still holding 2 000 shares. That's nearly a hundred thousand dollars, it's probably more than 90 of the people watching this video, and i say that for the idea of like i have a lot of money still on the line with amc like i want it to blow up, i would love to See amc to go up to highs of 100 right, but it is my job as not just a trader, but as someone that is here to lead by example, with my learn plan, profit team and for everyone that chose to subscribe to my youtube channel that, regardless Of what is in my personal best interest to share previous resistance levels and not just glorify an opportunity but make sure that i always talk about the risk involved and when i took time to watch other people's videos on like you know. I want to get a better understanding on the why, behind people's comments of like, why are they so certain that this squeeze is going to happen? This this whole amc movement? If i'm not mistaken started late 2020, it is almost late and all i still see in almost every single video.
It's just like you know we're about to take off the squeeze is about to happen hold in there. It's this like super naive mindset of like oh, it has to happen. Shorts haven't covered and regardless of what your intention is like it this this about to happen, it's almost been a year. What do you mean it's about? I get annoyed when you know my flight gets delayed one hour.

I had a conversation with the learn plan, profit team this morning where it's like. What do you mean it's about to happen? It's almost been a year and it's pulled back from 70 down to 28 dollars a share. What do you mean it's about to happen? Nothing has changed if anything, there's less hype and less momentum with amc now than we experienced last year, and the reason i'm sharing this with you is because now it makes sense on why people are so like negative in the comments section, because all you've been fed Is that amc has to blow up? I don't know if you have any experience in the stock market, but nothing has to happen and that's what i'm here to share on my channel. The way that i trade is - and i'm sorry that this doesn't you know, resonate well with the beginner traders, but i know there's a there's risk involved with every trade and when i see people comment, no amc is not a risky trade.

No amc like what do you mean it's cheap at forty dollars? A share? Fundamentally, no, it's not fundamentally it's just trading at ten dollars, five dollars a share. What do you mean it's cheap? It is amc is all based off of momentum and technicals. Yes, it is for a movement, if that's how you see it great, but you have to understand that not everyone has the same plan as you, my job, regardless of my personal best interest right, i'm still holding 2000 shares. I want amc to squeeze.

I want to be holding so many shares for the heck of it right. It's like, i would love to see it hit highs of a hundred dollars a share. I want all of you guys to be able to. You know achieve this like squeeze, so you guys can all lock in profits.

It would be lovely, it would be super amazing. It would be a once-in-a-lifetime trade. I think we can all agree on that. That's probably the only thing that we can all agree on other than that.

You know that's why i have 2 000 shares in comparison to when it was at 30 dollars a share. I had ten thousand shares, so my job on youtube is not to share what i hope happens. My job on youtube and with learn plan profit is not to share what i want to happen. My job is to share an unbiased opinion on the reason why i'm doing what i'm doing so, loading off reducing my share position right, reducing my position size at these overbought levels as we approach 50, but still leaving 2 000 shares, because if amc does skyrocket, i Want some skin the game? I want to partake in that, but the reason i share that resistance level is for everyone.
That's just getting started to not be surprised if the if amc does pull back, because now i understand by every other person that talks about amc. All they ever talk about is how glorious amc is and how amazing this opportunity is and how it's about to happen. News flash it's been a year, it's almost been a year and it has not happened and more often than not, people are getting wrecked on amc, and i would rather lead by example, and regardless of what's in my personal best interest based off of my open position Of 2000 shares on amc. I would rather share with beginner traders and encourage them that, if they do agree with that resistance level that may be reducing their position size in case it does pull back to to be aware of that.

At the end of the day, i never encourage people to buy. I never encourage people to sell. I like making people aware of opportunities and risk involved. That is my job to present an unbiased opinion, regardless of my personal best interest, and that's what i've done from the very beginning.

There has not been one video regardless of this amc movement. There has not been one video that i ever encouraged people to buy, encourage people to sell of what my personal best interest might be. Even when i'm trading tesla and i'm you know, i have nearly a million dollars in million dollars worth of tesla stock and it's super overbought and guess what i'm still holding, but i'm encouraging others that hey, you know we're at overbought levels. It would make sense on why it would pull back.

So if you want to lock in profits, you know it would make sense. I would rather you be more conservative as a beginner trader, because guess what i know that you're just getting started the position size that you're trading with right now is not what you could be trading with five or ten years from now. But if you have that hopeful mindset, if you have that hopeful mentality of like it, has to play out this way, the squeeze has to happen. Tesla has to hit highs and blow up then more often than not from experience.

That's all i'm speaking from you can share in the comments section. It will pull back and you will regret not locking in profits. You will regret not being able to sell back at that previous level, because now you have no money to buy the dip and now you're just now sitting on your hands, praying and hoping it recovers, and it is one of the worst feelings and it will discourage You to ever take another position again because you feel the stock market is rigged, but guess what it's the simple things in life that people tend to over complicate and locking in profits and risk management is one of them. There's no exception to that.
So i'm sorry that you get triggered when i encourage people to be aware of a resistance level. I'm sorry that it bothers you. But guess what my best interest when it comes down to my channel is to make sure that i lead by example, not to be something that directly benefits me or this so-called movement. It is great.

It is so amazing to see people are so passionate about the stock market, and you know a lot of the things that i'm hearing in the comments are like. You know, you know we're here to stick it to the people in wall street. You know they've been doing this for years. They've been doing this since the very beginning for decades, dude you've been trading since 2020, like what do you mean like it's just? This is how i know that, like you're, just being fed from all these other videos on how and why amc has to blow up, nothing has to happen, and i'm sorry you know it's just a realistic approach.

I hope it does. I hope it does, but hope is a horrible way to approach the market. I have some skin in the game for amc, so if it does blow up, you know i can partake in that, but position size risk management is so important and i'm never afraid to lock in profits, and you should never be afraid to do so either at The end of the day do today, what's in your future, self's best interest, because if amc crashes not saying it will, but if it does no one's going to cover your pockets, you know what's going to cover your losses, you know it's do what's best for your Future self, if you're trading with a small dollar amount today, you know stay well balanced, have enough money in the market that you feel motivated, but not so much that you become an emotional mess. It's something we've said from the very beginning.

I just hope that this can shed some light on how i feel and why it is what i do with amc, i'm all for it. I'd love to see it blow up. Just like all of you guys, i'm just not blindsided about this movement, i'm just not sold on this movement. I treat it as what it is to me and that's a trade there's so many different ways on how to trade in the stock market.

Don't think that there's one way or the highway, because that's some of the mindset that i see a lot of people talking about in the comments section that if you're not with us, you're against us, that's how you want to approach life. I wish you the best, but ain't going to be pretty because you know it never worked out that way. So i hope and wish you guys the absolute best i hope amc breaks out again. I still have my 2000 shares and i'm down a little bit today.

Just like, i was up a little bit yesterday. It's part of the process. If you can't tolerate the pullbacks, then don't take advantage of a risky trade. It's that simple.
So i hope that it earned your thumbs up. Uh, please consider subscribing. We have a free facebook group if you like, the way that i break things down and my thought process click that first link down below and you can join over 300 000 people within our free facebook group, as well as, if you'd like to see me. Trade live every single day.

I trade live at literally every single day, i'm one of the few people that do so and if you'd like to get a taste of what it's like to see that click, the second link down below and i'll, see you on monday. At market open until then like always, let's make sure that we end the year on a green nap. Take it easy team.

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24 thoughts on “The truth about my amc trades…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unadosxx says:

    So glad I found your channel. So many others just tell people what they want to hear. That's not a good way to do anything in life. All the we are changing things, this has to happen, is nonsense. My mistake was not creating a channel with nothing but "to the moon" talk. Clickbait can pay pretty well. I'm holding a small by most standards amount of amc. I've taken profits twice since getting involved last March. I'm doing quite well and still have enough left if the squeeze happens, even more happy days.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Valtierra Vlogz says:

    I'm all in on AMC. I am 20 years old so well see what happens. I really appreciate your opinion Ricky but I'm here for the movement these people took my moms home back in 08 so id love to see them burn metaphorically of course. I defiantly think my ape community should show more respect to other peoples opinions, much luck brother with ur trades and once again thank you for the advice, if amc doesn't workout ill start trading more conservatively.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connor Chung says:

    Finally, somebody telling it how it is. Be smart with your money, think for yourself, come to your own independent conclusions about the convictions behind your trades. The hive mind will only burn you in the long run. Be realistic, is it possible that AMC might hit a couple hundred dollars a share if enough momentum gets behind it? sure, But if your holding out for $100,000 you'll loose everything, guaranteed. Never let the reasoning of others dictate how you handle your trades.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher West says:

    I've been in the markets before you were born. It's ok to pull consensus of what the average Joe is doing. But taking any advice from unlicensed "entertainers" is not wise. Regardless watch out for lawsuits if your talking about should and shouldn't be doing with their money. But yes I'm a on the moon's side of this play.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Chicago says:

    AMC is a buy and hold until squeeze play anyone who does it different is free to do it but the real money is buy and hold until squeeze

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy J says:

    I think people would like you a lot more if you would take at least the average an ape holds which is about 100 to 120 shares and hold strong and not sell them and do your buying and selling of it on the side. At least you could say you contributed to the squeeze by buying and holding the petty 100 shares and not selling until they cover.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arturo Uribe says:

    Since making this video, AMC is up +11.9% and it's up +61.2% in the last 30 days. RIP to anyone shorting this stock.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars half a Gsix says:

    I really appreciate your analysis and integrity. I'm still hopeful for a squeeze and hold about 20 percent of what I used to hold. But the leaders of this movement run it like a cult in that they don't encourage people to think about things.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 5.0 stang gang says:

    You would like to see Amc go to highs of only $100? Is that really it? Do your DD they always say the stock market is a way of transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve says:

    Dude. You are a contradictionist. You say you want it to squeeze but you sold bunch of your shares. If you really wanted to blow up then you should have held the shares. Stop trying to sound smart and be smart. Be part of the movement.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Landon Gauger says:

    The transparency in all of of your videos is astounding. Five years ago, I came across your channel and immediately had a thought/feeling that you were not like the rest. Too many fakes in this industry and you are definitely NOT one of them my friend. So close to 1 million subscribers! You deserve it!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Not Oscar says:

    “Apes” are holding because shorts havn’t covered. But it doesn’t mean that they do have to cover. Man the “ape” community is so hopeful.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chuchi P says:

    Ricky, you sound very confused to be investing on AMC. Just do more dd so you feel more confortable with those "2,000" AMC shares you bought.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucano Luka Bulatovic says:

    Look man, 90% of AMC traders are people who have like 20-100 shares, like myself. It’s not the same holding for you who invested 100k, and for us with a 500 bucks investment. I don’t know how people don’t get that. I would love to learn how to day trade, and I would day trade with AMC as well. People don’t want to accept the fact that you made 100k+ on AMC with day trade, but that’s because most of the ape community is brainless. I hold my 100 shares (bought at 10$) , hopefully AMC is MOASS, and this money I will use to learn how to day trade, and make new investments.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StylezYung says:

    Ricky ur doing the right thing. AMC is highly manipulated & is purely a swing trade. Cut your losses & lock in your profits. This thing has peaked & dropped twice already not including the intraday highs & lows. If their own management team is selling at the high there's no logical reason you should be holding taking losses through the lows. You been here before these other youtube channels & will be here well after the "squeeze". Continue being the efficient rational trader you are because at the end of the day your suppose to make money not lose it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah Fleming says:

    Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Smith says:

    Everyone bashing Ricky and he's just telling the truth about AMC and that NOTHING has to happen in the market, get it straight.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Phillip says:

    The rich stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then the poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piratebaseball31 says:

    Stock market is rigged go check out Astro’s video where they broke the algorithm and are calling out price movements live don’t sell your amc shares

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Can'tStopWon'tStop says:

    Fundamentally GME is much better than AMC. Since both are squeeze plays, I don't even know why people choose AMC over GME.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Kevin says:

    Throughout my financial career, I have continually witnessed examples of other people that I have known and also me being ruined by a failure to respect risk.If you don't take a hard look at risk, it will take you. that's why I allow John Clack to handle my trades. His expertise and knowledge of many years of trading makes him good and also risk is minimized.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonardo Lusk says:

    I like that, everyone trying to outsmart others in the market. Sometimes common sense can make you more money than looking at a chart and listen to some random stuffs online. thank you for your insight

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gherkins Sister says:

    Sorry mate, GME is the only squeeze play that's going to play out. Adam Aron doubled the float and is in bed with Citadel. That's why he sits on one of their subsidiaries board. Gamestop is the play. Amc to $100. GME to 10k plus

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Eschenbacher says:

    We will wait 45 years to watch our 401 K grow 3 to 5% a year. I can definitely wait a year+ for the movement to turn into MOASS! How much money is being made off our 401K's. They are so nice to give us a little return on our hard earned money. Very smart move whoever thought of 401K for the working class. BUY and HOLD AMC! The wealth will spread!

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