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Welcome back to another market closing live stream. Well, we have one heck of a tornado of a stock market. Here, uh lots of stocks just getting absolutely hammered uh this morning it does seem like we had a little bit of a u-turn at about 11 a.m. This morning, uh and some stocks started finally rotating back up, but otherwise it's just been like wow madness, uh.

That was perfect for a thumbnail, great and uh yeah. Hopefully you are buying the dip. We just talked a lot about some of our strategies in the good old course. Member live streams, uh, but uh.

Let's go ahead and take a look and see exactly what we've got going on, because there's some paint out there and uh my favorite times to buy or when there's pain. I don't like buying when there's euphoria. So, let's take a look at what we have all right: folks, dow jones up three quarters of a percent s p, basically flat, but it's a nasdaq, that's getting destroyed today down one point: two seven percent, not uh, and then it did fall almost as much as Two percent not uh terribly much of a surprise, given this surge in interest rates that we're seeing i'm sorry in interest rate expectations or or fed action expectation which has now transmogrified a little bit from purely being a rate increase. To just be it's also being a an offloading of the balance sheet, where uh, the federal reserve might be uh spending a lot of time, money or, i should say, selling bonds and taking cash essentially out of the markets.

I watched my video this morning on exactly why the market's falling but uh this this, i think, has triggered an insane amount of algorithmic trading. That's that's pulling the nasdaq down, specifically the nasdaq's. The easiest thing too short. When the market is behaving the way it is uh and i think um, that's exactly what what is happening uh and that explains why we see a firm cloudflare uh, some of our digital tech stocks uh.

You know uh down in the range of anywhere between five and thirteen percent. This is somewhat of a continuation of what we saw yesterday yesterday we saw cloudflaremonday.combill.com upwork these sorts of stocks weren't doing great. Yesterday, matterport was down a little bit. All of them today are down even more so.

The rally from yesterday has gotten obliterated. I mean yesterday we went up to about three dollars and 80 cents on shift tech right now we're sitting at about 359., not lows of the day. Lows were a little closer to 347, but we we did quickly see that we weren't going to last at uh some of these higher numbers uh this morning, tesla down four percent after breaking twelve hundred dollars. Yesterday, pretty wild did bottom at a uh, 11 23 ish.

Today, i'm trending back up here, uh end phase did go as low as 171. At one point. This morning seemed like we had a lot of lows around about 8 30, but also a hidden, deflection and inflection point at about 11am. This morning.

California time - and this is when we started seeing this sort of ramp up in a lot of stocks, so kind of kind of interesting to see that then um yeah, let's see here, let's take a look at btc, because this morning we were breaking out this morning. We were pushing back over for the 47 support line and i'm pretty sure that's u-turned, yeah, mostly mostly u-turn, but now we're covering take a look at this. This was us this morning up here at uh at the 47 475 level, go to the five minute. You'll see this a little more broadly look at this.
We are really toying with these lines. Here i mean it is just back and forth and back and forth if you're a trader right. I honestly, i don't see how you can make money uh. You know playing these flips because it's just it just seems wild that uh.

The ups and downs seem to be so darn consistent, which i think creates uh decent opportunities for making some money if you're trading regularly, of course, so keep in mind on or keep an eye out on that, let's see here all right. Let's look at each see what ether is performing if it's doing about the similar work here, yeah kind of similar look at that we kind of broke out back on our way to 400 or 4 thousand dollars tried breaking out at least couldn't do it either? Almost the same thing happened once we hit about 8 30 to 10. We started rotating down, but it's actually a really incredible bounce. You know this line has been here for for a very long time and uh.

The fact that we essentially bounced immediately or directly off of that is, is incredible. Uh again why, when you do crypto, you should always be paying attention to ta. It's so important. So critical uh and i think it's really under respected.

I think there are a lot of folks who are just like. I don't care, i don't have to do anything other than just just by the dip. You know, and then there are other people like. Ah, the technical analysis is fuguzzi, it doesn't, it doesn't work, it's like well, whatever uh, more more doubters, probably better, because it means you can front run they're, not uh, although anybody can make the argument of the chicken or the egg right.

What came first, the the support line or the price action, so that's kind of interesting, uh, charlie wanger, doubled his position in baba says somebody. I don't know that, but that's actually quite interesting. Hmm, let's see here, let's see if i can find that charlie munger, charlie munger, charlie charlie, charlie charlie, i don't see that alibaba news there. It is 32 minutes ago.

Oh, this is hot off the press. Look at this wow interesting. So this is as of the end of the year oh wow, doubling down. That's awesome.

He said in april that the company needs securities held as cash equivalent and that the business has turned to stocks amid low treasury bill. Bill yields wow. So he's kind of looking for for essentially a cash equivalent and but picked ali baba. That's quite interesting.
Take a look at bamba here, uh alibaba! This is uh the news here on on the one minute news here or uh one minute chart. You can definitely see the movement here in alibaba. You see uh manga, really the news of this pushing alibaba almost immediately from 118 to 120.. We're we're off those incredible lows at about 108, but we've certainly been skidding along the bottom one of the things that was really shocking.

This uh - and we talked about this in the course member live stream - did a little more deep, diving but just surface here. One of the things that was really interesting is we're really starting to see the breakdown of a lot of the floors that we saw for companies. So, for example, lemonade broke 40 to the downside. Cloudflare broke 129 and phase broke 180 hood broke 18 matterport broke 21-22 peloton broke, 40 broke, 36 broke 34 uh firm broke 92.

Toast broke 30 zoom broke 175. All these guys just just broke their floor, and i don't know if that's just temporary pain in today's market, but the only ones that that have been exceeding right now have been arcg paypal, carnival, uh docusign and i believe sofi though let me double check. Yeah 15.. You know, let me check beyond really quick beyond me: 6.8 yeah, this one's breaking it through as well to the downside all right.

So a lot of these floors just got killed by the the additional red today, which follows a day of red for for some of these okay, let's see oh yeah, let's take a peek at pull star. Why don't we how's that one doing right now? The auto manufacturers seem excited right now. No, not really pulsar, though ford's just killing it 12 percent. Look at this 12 move today.

It's really it really incredible. I mean it had a phenomenal 2021. It was nine dollars in 2020 and it's just absolutely taken off here. Hud 8 is actually doing decently up 4.48, but wow.

This latest boost here alpha 20, has been great for ford, great performer, okay. So, let's see here yeah i don't know that a firm is that pre-amazon valuation uh i'm trying to remember. I thought it was the amazon partnership that got them to run off 40 to 90 and then to 120.. It was all right around that time it just it just went so quickly from 40 to like 120.

happened ridiculously fast. Now, all right, let's go, take a look at what's happening in the yield market and then we'll go look at some more dues, so yields indices somewhat stable from where we started yields 10-year 1.66. How about the two wow the two years at .76? The fact that we got a steepening in the yield curve today is such a an opposite to the narrative that we've been seeing about. Oh no, what if it inverts again all right? Let's do some headlines: let's see what we got here.

There you go risky tech stocks, sync as higher treasury yields, revive inflation fears full detailed article. I think the uh that or a video that i posted this morning. I really do think that this this inflation is something that we're gon na have to talk about, and we talked about in the video this morning so check that out. If you haven't yet home values in already hot u.s markets, search 14 wow, that's nuts wow! Here's somebody here's just a headline: uh elizabeth holmes will likely land in a cushy fenceless prison for the uh theranose fraud.
Oh that'll be interesting, we'll see what happens there. I think they were suggesting up to 20 years, potentially for each count. Who knows how much they'll? Actually end up giving her, but we'll see what really happens when workers are given a flexible, hybrid schedule. I mean it sounds like a pitch honestly, the title, flexible, hybrid schedule, let's see what it what it actually has see if there's a bottom line, not really uh for me at home, fridays are popular.

Productive mondays are in oh, my gosh, the phrases all right. Let's, let's get out of this all right, let's see what we have here on barons demand for workers was cooling off even before omicron americans quit their jobs at record paces in november, but businesses also reported fewer earnings or openings rather really, i thought we've been seeing The jolts just bump up that's interesting java openings reported a fall in the number of openings. Ah, that's right: okay, okay, yeah yeah from 11.1; that's! Okay! All right now! I remember this so uh down from 11.1 to 10.6 in job opening still a lot. The decline in job openings follows people retiring early, quits, blah blah.

Let's see here, the silver lining is that somewhat cooler labor demand means some heat comes off wages and thus, overall inflation pressures, it's interesting, so less businesses hiring means potentially less need to raise wages, which means potentially less of an inflation move. You know wages and rents. Make up substantial portions of uh, our our cpi reads so: uh sorry, not not wages. We just go into ppi, but uh rents yeah, i guess wages.

Not so much rents make up more of the cpi uh you could find services and - and you know, wage costs through products, but yeah you would. You would actually see wage inflation more in the jobs report. Now the next jobs report we get is actually this friday. You know what we should do is: let's pull up the expectations for this jobs report this friday.

That should be really interesting, we'll get to see what kind of monthly inflation level we're expecting and we'll compare that yeah richard. I like that idea. I think robin hood is is opportune. At 18 bucks or 17 bucks and people are gon na look back and go well.

That was a no-brainer, but you never know so. Let's see here, let's get jumped uh there. We go all right, so we're going to go ahead and get that jobs. The jobs report comes out on uh friday, friday morning, it'll be an early morning.

The uh jobs reports just like cpi, oh man, those are 5. 30 a.m: live stream days, 30 minutes earlier than usual. That's not that this is not a big deal, but the extra 30 minutes is uh kind of fun. When it's the first thing in the morning.
Okay, let's get our eco and we'll see. What's got what's going on here, eco economic calendars: here we go okay, so we're looking for jobs and the jobs data for this week, friday job those jobless claims i want to get. Where is it it would be the seventh okay. Let me pull up seventh.

Seventh to seventh enter there. We go okay, uh, so the last payroll read was a big miss at 000 and we had a monthly inflation rate of 0.3 percent, which annualized you multiply by 12 is about 3.6. The average hourly warning earnings are now expected to actually go up to point four percent, which would be about four point: eight percent, as an annualized rate, at an annualized rate, that's better than what we've seen before, like the point seven point eight month over month, and If it is true that businesses are potentially inflecting down and how much labor they need, then then that could help us push down those inflation expectations, i'm not doing anything anymore, just selling covered calls and watching yeah. I generally don't recommend selling and it's just my opinion selling covered calls when we're in a in a pained environment.

I, like selling covered calls when there's euphoria, because then you actually hedge yourself, but what you're doing when you're selling calls and stocks are at bottoms or or low levels, is you're. Setting yourself up for a world of hurt in the event that they do run, which which you might be okay with but uh. You know you just sell out of the shares at a profit and that's okay. It's it's! Okay! To take a profit! Hopefully you do take profit but um.

It can be painful when you see a a stock that you you own and love uh that you bought for, let's say two hundred dollars. You sell a covered call for two hundred twenty dollars. Thinking, ah i mean if it goes up ten percent and then i get another premium on top of that i'll i'll, take the twenty percent or whatever. But then let's say it goes up.

Fifty percent, you know usually that's where it's like, oh facepalm, so maybe um verticalize, those a little. You know change change the the sold-call prices that you're doing uh. So that way, you you potentially spread your risk out a little bit kind of like taking butter rather than putting the butter all in one place, you kind of spread the butter you got. Ta spread, spread the butter all right.

Let's see here pricing trying to get to pre-cover trend line that would make sense to me. Ah, yes, uh noah, there yeah. So actually what you can do is you could look up. Business starts uh here we go, keep in mind.

While i pull this up, you can check out stream yard by going to metkevin.com streamyard. It's how i do all my live streams. You can multi-stream to facebook. Twitch twitter youtube! It's great, so just go to mattkevin.com streamyard to learn more okay.
So what we want to do is uh business creation starts we're trying to find business starts business formation statistics there we go okay, the last report was in november, but we know this is at all time highs, or at least it was. Let me see here. Yeah look look at that extreme jump during the pandemic, so you're still creating uh 432 versus 300. Roughly 44.

More businesses are being created right now regularly than than before the pandemic, so yeah absolutely a lot more self-employed people, abso freaking, lutely yeah. Maybe i'm not going to promise to do fundamental analysis right now. Well, certainly we're not going to do it right now take a few hours to put together a nice video on a fondy, but in the future. Okay, we have nine minutes left in trading ford and the banks are really killing it right now.

I am curious how mp material is is doing so incredibly well uh. I think it's a great company, don't get me wrong, but i think it's a little excessive and i'm worried that there could be a drawdown see actually mp material. If i own shares this would be something where i'd probably look at. Maybe selling some calls here.

So, for example, if i were to sell a call for 55 bucks on mp material for february, what would i get well you'd get 245 divided by 55. you're about four and a half percent uh and premium that you'd collect yeah. That's not substantial, but something my girlfriend's ring. Fun lost twelve hundred dollars today.

Well, you know you, you got something that uh that's much more important and that's investing rings are a ripoff. I hope nobody's a jeweler. But if you are don't worry, the odds of me affecting your business are very low, but yeah. I do think that uh, the wedding band industry is honestly just the entire wedding industry, as i can play rip off like go, go throw up party with shots of vodka and i don't know orange juice and make yourself some mimosas with your friends and family and Just have a party, but the amount of money that wedding industry charges for things it's just nutty and and the whole the whole ring industry is, is just a scam, in my opinion, again, i'm sorry you're in the jewelry business.

I i respect it, but i think it's. I think i just think it's a horrible financial decision. That's it just coming from a financial point of view, so you know lauren and i we uh uh. We tried pulling a permit to have a a legal wedding in italy, so we uh, but but you could only get married.

It was something stupid on like tuesdays and thursdays yeah, but in order to get your permit on for the tuesday, you'd have to go to the consulate on a monday, uh, the us consulate, and we had to like go to the one in los angeles, to prove We weren't like crazy, we had to bring people and it was insane anyway. We tried to do it all right and it was so insane and so ridiculous and so complicated and and uh we're just like you know what we're just gon na take the money. We would have spent on a wedding, spend it on a honeymoon. An experience which is invaluable experiences are always worth spending money on, as opposed to things uh, and i know that sounds a little ironic.
But what you have to do is kind of parse out the things there, because you're spending thousands of dollars on flowers or dresses or all of the things that go into an experiment and uh yeah. So we ended up basically just just uh having uh having a honeymoon style, uh wedding with just close friends and family, and that was that was really fun. So the money that we spent went to things like a mediterranean cruise right. Those sorts of experiences that aren't overpriced because of the wedding industry, it's insane anyway.

Sorry, that's just my little my little rant on on weddings, so, okay going into the clothes here, it see how we're doing all right so ford's pretty much been flat going into the second half of the day, uh up but but flat, mp material. So somebody just bought but other than that stable, uh spirit, airlines and and some of these other recovery stocks are doing well, they're they're recovering well after the omicron fear, and so that's why we're seeing the cheesecake the carnival cruise lines and that slowly go green. Although cheesecake's been on this really rough downtrend uh, i mean if, if we draw a trendline here, it's actually not bad uh, that's pretty solid see if i can adjust that a little bit yeah look at that. That's a pretty solid ceiling there for a cheesecake jeez.

So keep an eye on that jp morgan, a nice little pump today after the fed talk, kevin o'leary would beg to differ on watches yeah, i'm okay. With that i don't really care uh. So, okay, what else backed holdings wow look at this 7.54 cents! Folks! Here you go folks, look at this. Oh man, people got so mad at me, uh.

What because i made this, what was it? I forgot, what i called it. It was something like is back to the next 10x or whatever, and it would i'm like. No me kevin backed uh. Oh yeah, will this new crypto stock 10x bkkt and i'm like no like no be aware of these shenanigans before you invest and uh.

That was during the momentum and golly. It's now gone lower than where it was yeah. Look at that! Oh, my gosh yikes, all right, hmm affirms recovering slightly went down to 80 bucks that was insane yeah. Look at look at that little recovery.

We had there very nice nice slide. Oh okay, cloudflare is also recovering a little bit yeah a little bit of recovery into the closing here to some of the pain. So, hopefully, you've got some shopping done, tesla as well. Trade desk yeah also good nice little recovery, good end phase good, also recovering a little bit into the clothes so and by recovering we're really just talking about softening the uh uh the blow google down about a third of a percent.
Hmm all right. Let's take a look at, we have three minutes left. Let's look at the spy here. I don't know anything about gtc by really trying to hold on to those break evens, but clearly you've got some institutional outflows right at the end of the day.

Here not uncommon. This is, this has been the mo for honestly the past six months. Uh. It has been i'm sorry, not six months, uh, six weeks, that's what i meant to say: uh, maybe not even six weeks more like five weeks, the last five weeks, it's just been almost every single closing live here.

Come the institutional sellers. Here comes the sellers, blah blah blah: do you think paypal and square falling because of new laws that will tax you more income? When you receive money from friends with it? No, i don't. I don't honestly think that's really affecting this those stocks, much at all uh. I i suppose there's this potential that that, but i don't think people are gon na be able to hide anywhere.

You know i think that would apply in a ubiquitous format. So it's not something. I would be extremely worried about for paypal and square um, but you know i think, they're they're down because they're expensive for being in the financials and i think their growth isn't going to be as excellent as wall street had initially hoped when these were running. But that's okay, they're still good companies nvidia, oh nice recovery on nvidia uh looks like we hit bottom at about 283 and uh really took off starting at right around 11 o'clock right around 11..

All right, let's see here, we have 40 seconds to go um. I just want to see the clothes here. People are sticking in forward. Sometimes you'll see these sorts of things when they're up 11 fall into the clothes not with ford people are sticking with it.

It's kind of a huddle sign there yeah arc it's doing. Okay into the clothes trying to recover a little bit ten seconds to go golly hood at 1738, who all right: let's listen, the bell, healthcare and tech, the two that are down more than one percent uh. As the bell goes, we are fractionally lower on the s p, 500, just dipping back into the red at the close, and that's like that. 1.3.

The dow higher by 0.6 all right, dow jones down 0.59 percent s p down 0.06 nasdaq down 1.33. Now four percent, under its record all-time highs: russell 2000, dropping 0.16, so another day in the market over uh lots of pain. Today, folks, a lot of it, you saw it uh in the high tech, you saw it in the high pe. You saw it in these small caps.

You saw it in the uh healthcare stocks. You saw it pretty much everywhere, with the exception of the financials did very well. Today, recoveries very well today uh ford on on the announcement that they are pushing these uh um, lightning. Pickup trucks to to new production targets, uh thanks to what they're, describing as overwhelming demand, we'll see see when uh the rubber hits the road so to speak.
But anyway there you have a wild ride for the market. Let's take a look at btc and ethereum. Briefly, btc usd yeah still bobbing over here we talked a little bit in the course live stream about this new channel as well that it looks like we're getting stuck in and in btc and on ethereum. Look at that bounce off our 37 line.

Here almost a perfect bounce, again uh. This is why i love the ta anyway, so wow. Well, how much longer will this continue if you haven't yet seen this? I posted this on twitter. Go check this out on twitter, see it's the fed 2020 to 2021.

Prince money, the fed in 2022 - oh my gosh they're running away with my money. I got ta suck them back up and get that money back in here. It's kind of wild: oh yeah, yeah wild wild wild wild. Okay.

What do we got here? Oh my gosh. How am i supposed to read that it's uh? No, maybe it's like a german word of the day thing that we're doing now earth should be called water, says elon musk. Is that really what he tweeted, because that's not what we like that? Doesn't that doesn't resonate in california uh? Let's see here, tesla, no elon elon. What are you doing? Elon? The earth is almost never shown like this and in the meantime this is our planet from the side of the pacific ocean, okay earth should be called water.

Um. That's interesting: what do we want to say, except in california? Oh california should be called moon. How about that? Let me know what you think i like it um, oh man anyway, so uh yeah. How am i supposed to read this german word of the day here? Kraft fatsoi, okay, uh, like el cave, okay got it uh, kaf, fatsoy, haft, flicht, physician huffed.

I don't know halfway like i, don't know what half it is, but uh something about insurance, some kind of mandatory insurance, okay, so big trucks have mandatory insurance. We got this. We got this, we got this uh, oh oh, mars, mars would would might be. Uh might be good.

I actually like that, because it's so it's so desolate wait. Can i get a picture of mars hold on mars dry uh, yay uh. I think we need to use, should we go with a more uh? Let's go this way. Oh my gosh yeah.

Well, let's see if i can get like the quote, tweet and the picture yeah i can here we go, california should be called. California should be called mars there. We go nailed it. Thank you, uh yeah! Oh well, all right, there's some good ones here anyway, all right! Well, folks, there you have it toyota's dethroning gm! You know there was a funny tweet somebody tweeted the best uh or so it was something the effect i'm gon na butcher, but something the effect of uh always buy american made cars, and today the most popular american car is toyota, there's something to that effect.
Well, that was interesting uh, but thank you yeah. You got ta get that bio. Well, one day, one day we got ta do some biotech anyway. All right, i got ta go.

Thank you so much folks.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “The tornado stock market :”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I GOT YOU says:

    Does anybody else get that super annoying commercial for trade group where the guy yells in the beginning I swear it is just so stupid I would never click on it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rodfather says:

    looks like your head got caught in a tornado

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Advertiser Commerce says:

    Thank you Kevin, awesome as usual and Closed Captioned in English! Thank you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chilll bruh says:

    If you bought and sold every other day you probably gained 100% or lost 100%

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laurie I Warner says:

    Help….I'm falling and I can't get up

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars puppet says:

    It’s not a tornado it’s a criminal ran system you idiot

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YuukiRbrn LeClavier says:

    Any confirmation on the SEC and Chinese government shutting the fuck up so we can finally buy Chinese stocks?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Vic says:

    The real scam starts after the wedding kev. It’s not the ring part

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Holbrook says:

    Binances BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M P says:

    He must be down an insane amount of money with the video output

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JayBon says:

    What’s good Kevin hope you had a good new year !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marianne Williamson says:

    I believe that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative rats are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also thomas chaung has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 17 BTC lately.< You can reach thomas on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉thomaschaung

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caritas DeVersh says:

    Facial Expressions from Kevin are priceless click baits!!! It raises allot of his tube $$$ loot

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Ferin Lekman says:

    Kevin, since your great interview with Richard Heart, have u bought HEX yet? 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Thole says:

    I hate Unity Software

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Kim says:

    Kevin kept buying the dip since March, dang.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren Woodard says:

    Hmm reacting to the day to day movements of stocks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicolas says:

    Queue the Squid Game Green Light/ Red Light song.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Test Test says:

    So when is your MMA fight, Kevin?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheNext says:

    Hair is gone noooo Kevin I want green hair !!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Canady says:

    Fords electric f150 will boom. It's a actual truck not the Tesla truck thtaa looks like a futuristic Subaru

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Canady says:

    I've been saying Fordd is sleeper and undervalued

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chase Rider says:

    Thank God he cut that ugly mess off his head 🙏🏾

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peggy Thibodeaux says:

    People thinks Ford maybe a safe place when market crashes

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R S says:

    Kevin shaved his hair because he got cancer from the toxic youtube comments

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M N says:

    Weenie baby Kevin

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Millard Brown says:

    The hedge funds are targeting the retail Invester and Kathy Wood. They will take her and retail down.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OpenMindedMafia says:

    small cap rotation? XELA & TNXP?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Good afternoon sweetness, looking sexy, love you boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea pooh bear guarding her cub alone always my love!

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