Lets discuss the biggest mistakes investors are making right now in the stock market, whether or not this is similar to 1929, and then what you can do about it to come out ahead - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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First: The stock market is poised for a 40% drop, warns economist who says the current climate feels a lot like 1929.”
Even though we can line up charts from 1929 to today and say “Look how similar they are” - the reality is that past performance doesn’t indicate future results, we have a Federal Reserve stepping in, in ways that we didn’t have in 1929 - and we have a much more robust safety net in the event of such massive failures. Sure, we’re printing more money than we know what to do with - but, that should hopefully keep prices high, all things considered.
For ANYONE who wants to be a successful investor LONG TERM, it’s important to understand JUST how BAD market timing is, and how much this would cost you if you were WRONG IN 2020:
Despite the markets OVERALL being flat for this year…if you missed out on just the TOP 5 trading days throughout the entire year…you would be DOWN 30 PERCENT.
Evidently, this is SO COMMON that Citiground found that more than 2/3rds of investors were MORE LIKELY to see a 20% LOSS from their investment than a 20% GAIN…that’s because, typically the mentality of most investors is: Prices are down, I better sell - and then when they drop EVEN FURTHER, I’ll buy back in.
But, this type of game is more like a casino than an investment strategy…because typically, some of the BEST days in the stock market happen after the WORST Days…and if you aren’t in the markets during the worst of times, you won’t be in it for the best.
According to JP Morgan, over the last 20 years - if you just kept your money invested, you would average a 5.62% return. If you miss JUST the best 10 trading days…over 20 years…your return drops to 2.01%. If you miss the top 20 best days…now you’ve LOST money from a 20 year investment…so, literally over 20 years, just missing the best 20 days mean you LOSE MONEY. And from there, it gets even worse.
The moral of the story is just this: when you invest, as long as you’re diversified and holding within a good company - the best thing you could do is just DO NOTHING. Keep holding. Stay invested. If the market drops, there’s your chance to buy more - but don’t change your investing strategy around someone who says the market is going to drop 40% like 1929, and keeps repeating that every year until maybe one day he’s right.
In addition to that, though…we also have another topic that everyone wants me to talk about, and I haven’t really addressed it until now…and that would be GOLD. What brings this to our attention is that Gold is now trading above $1800 an ounce, which is the highest level it’s been since 2011…
Personally, I’m just not a huge fan of investing in gold. I think it definitely CAN have a place in your portfolio, but it’s certainly not an investment - just like I wouldn’t call a savings account “an investment.” I think it can work, in certain situations, but buying gold isn’t the “end goal” - it doesn’t produce anything, it doesn’t provide a dividend, and transaction costs are so high…I just don’t recommend keeping much money in Gold, and I keep pretty much nothing in precious metals besides some old coins and a watch.
For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness @gmail.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

What's up, Graham, it's guys serious so, as I'm sure you're aware, I spend way too much of my time on the internet reading through every little bit of financial news, try to figure out what's going on with the economy and between that and going through. Thousands of comments that we get on the channel every day I get a pretty good idea of where people are investing their money, the problems they face and some of the common pitfalls and mistakes that every investor should avoid, including you. So today we're going to be going over some of the biggest mistakes that investors are making today. We're also going to be going over some of the recent headlines that are talking about the stock market being poised to drop another 40 % like 1929, and then we're gon na be looking at this objectively to determine whether or not it's full of chagall.

Of this, video should not only make you a more balanced investor, but hopefully, if you listen to it, it's gon na end up making you more money. As a result, that's the entire point of learning how to invest responsibly. It's super easy to do. There's nothing complicated about it at all, and all it requires is just a moderate amount of self-control and also it definitely helps to collapse.

The like button, like it's 1929 by making it turn blue. That's it it's quick and painless, and it just takes a split second to collapse. It alright. So with that said, thank you so much and let's begin the video here so we're gon na be starting off with this one.

That's been brought up a lot lately and I do have to say this. One is a bit spooky because it does have a lot of similarities with today and that's this. The stock market is poised for a 40 % drop Warren's economist who says the current climate feels a lot like. 1929 boy saw this.

The first thing that came to my mind was well. It already did drop 40 percent. The S & P 500 went from nearly thirty four hundred dollars in February. Don't do a low of twenty two hundred just thirty days later, and that was a significant blow across every single company and investment class out there, including Bitcoin anyway.

This economist believes that stocks are behaving very much like that rebound in 1929, where there is an absolute conviction that the illness will be under control and that massive monetary and fiscal stimuli will reinvigorate the economy and to be able to tell whether or not. This is true: it's really important to understand what actually happened in 1929, which, for anyone is not aware. 1929 was the single greatest stock market drop in history that sent us down to a great depression for many years, so yeah 1929 is definitely not something that we want to happen again, but here's what happened during the 1920s money pretty much pouring out of every crevice. So much so that, for a lack of better word, people really just speculated too much on the stock market with borrowed money so much so that the Federal Reserve even came out to warn people and say hey guys.
This is not sustainable. You can't just keep driving up the price with borrowed money, expecting the prices to go even higher, which all admit sounds even somewhat similar to what a lot of people are saying today with Robin Hood investors. But really the issue is that banks were lending out money. So loosely for people to go and invest back into the stock market, with the expectation that it can't possibly go up right.

Well, anyway, we don't know exactly what the catalyst was that spurred this enormous sell-off, but some people speculate that maybe it was a rise in interest rates that just faltered people's confidence in the market and then because of that they all began selling off some other theories Suggest that maybe it was an overproduction of agriculture that caused some of those companies to sell their products at a loss there by hurting profits and also some other economists even suggest that it was because not enough people smash the like button for the YouTube algorithm quantify. If I got you there that deserves a like. Thank you very much anyway. Once the stock market showed even the slightest glimpse of vulnerability, people began selling off their investments at such rapid levels and then going to the bank to withdraw all of their money for fear that the bank would be going out of business.

But thanks for pretty much of the standstill because they had to lent all of their money for people to go and invest with. So they didn't have the money to get back to people who wanted it that led to the stock market dropping over 80 percent. In a span of 2.8 years, with a 25 percent unemployment rate among Americans anyway, some articles are suggesting that our stock charts are eerily similar to what happened in 1929, except what we're seeing today is unfolding much faster, for instance, back in the olden days, the market Peaked in September of nineteen, twenty nine and then declined over eighty percent throughout the next three years, after that it took about five years to stocks, to rebound close to the previous highs. But after that price is slowly trended downwards, again declining another 60 percent.

Before, eventually, going back up, so all in all, if you had all this cash - and you just made one single investment in August of 1929 and then just held without making a single investment after that, it would have taken you about 25 years just to break even On your investment, of course, that does assume you don't keep reinvesting and buying back in during the drops, but still 25 years to break even on your investment is a long time anyway. Back to the article at hand, this guy claims the best thing that you could buy right now. The best investment that you could make today is to buy Treasury bonds yeah seriously. The investments that are returning 1.3 percent annually on a 30-year investment is his top choice.

Yes, those investments are extremely safe, but that doesn't even keep pace with inflation, and the only way for this bond values to go up is if interest rates continue to go down which, at this point, I'm not sure how much lower they can already get from where They are now. I do think it's worth it to note that this economist doesn't exactly have a good history when it comes to making predictions he called for another recession in 2012. As you can see here, he also claimed the exact same thing in 2012. Claiming stocks would drop 40 percent.
That was eight years ago when the S & P 500 was trading at 1,300. So, even if he's right this time, a 40 percent drop would take the sp500 down to about 1890, which is still 45 % higher than when you may hit the prediction initially. But then, when he was wrong about that, he just went and said the same thing. The next year, that's what I don't get most of these economists says, make predictions every single year and then, when they're wrong, they're just ignored, but then eventually, when they're right once they're touted.

Is this investing genius and then they're offered a book deal so here's my prediction: you're gon na smash the like button where's my book deal anyway. I digress, even though we could line up the stock charts from 1929 to today and say: look how similar they are. The reality is that past performance doesn't indicate future results. We have a Federal Reserve, that's willing to step in and do whatever it takes, and we have so many safeguards in place that we just didn't have in 1929 to prevent us from ever getting too bad.

No, yes, we are printing more money than we know what to do with, but that should keep prices high. All things considered, although really at the end of the day. This is what matters the most for. Anyone who wants to be a successful long-term investor and I'm not talking about people who got lucky once by investing in Hertz stock right after they filed for bankruptcy.

It's really important to understand just how bad market timing is and how much this would affect you. If you were wrong in 2020, this article from Bloomberg explains that the markets overall from the beginning of the year to now have been pretty flat and with all the volatility throughout the last few months, it's understandable why people would be scared and want to time the Market, after all, if you sold off everything in late February and then bought back in in middle of March, you would have potentially doubled your money by now, but to be able to do that successfully, you would have had to have been right twice once when you Sold your stocks and then again when you bought back in with very little room for error, and that leaves us with a very sobering reality, despite the markets being overall flat for this year. If you missed out on just the top five trading days throughout the entire year, you would be down 30 %. Evidently, something like this is so common that Citigroup found that two-thirds of investors were more likely to see a 20 % loss from their investments than a 20 % game.
That's because the mentality of investors usually is if the market drops it's better to sell and then buy back and even lower when it drops even further. But doing this is really more like going to a casino than it is investing, and typically some of the best days in the stock market happened right after some of the worst days, and if you are not in the markets during the worst of times, you are Not there, during the best of time, sir, reminds me a little bit of that really horrible quote. If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best and it kind of applies to the stock market in a way, and that has, though, been very true throughout the entire history of the stock market. According to JP Morgan over the last 20 years, if you just kept your money invested, you would average a five point.

Six two percent return. On the other hand, if you miss just the 10 best trading days over 20 years, your return drops to two point: zero. One percent and then, if you miss the top 20 best days now, you've lost money from a 20-year investment, so literally over a 20 year time span. If you just happen to miss out on those 20 best days, you lose money and then really from there.

As you can see, it just gets worse. The moral of the story is really just this anytime you're investing as long as you're diversified and invested within a good company. The best thing you could do is just do nothing. If the market drops there's your chance of buying even more but don't change your investing strategy around an economist that always says every single year, the market is going to be dropping 40 %, like it's 1929, until of course, eventually he's right.

Anyway, we have another topic that all a lot of people have been asking me to talk about, and I haven't really addressed it much until now, and that would be gold. What brings us to our attention today is that gold is now trading above $ 1,800. An ounce which is the highest level we've seen since 2011. This is what I think is pretty understandable because typically invest just walk to gold as a hedge against inflation and just as a safe store of value during economic uncertainty.

So, for anyone who believes the dollar is gon na be going down in value and they don't believe in the market and they just want to protect their wealth. Then gold can absolutely do the trick. That's why, with everything going on right now, people see gold as a safe store of value and as demand increases. The price goes up, however, for anyone wanting my thoughts on this, I do got to say you know what I'm not a fan.

I think it definitely can have a place in your portfolio, but I wouldn't be calling it an investment just like I would not be calling a savings account in investment. I think it could absolutely work in certain situations, but buying gold should never be the end goal. It's something to hold on to in case of an emergency, but it doesn't produce anything. It doesn't provide you with the dividend the transaction cost to buy in solid, pretty high.
So I really don't recommend keeping much money in gold and for me personally, I have very little of it in gold or any sort of precious metals. Besides coins and a wash. I main issue, though, when it comes to gold, is that historically, it's just been a really terrible investment, just compare it with the stock market over the last 100 years, even though the price of gold is up over 84 hundred percent, the stock market is up over 26,000 percent, even since 1990, the price of gold has gone up 500 %, but the price of the sp500 is up. Almost fifteen hundred percent with dividends, reinvested see generally over the long-run stocks outperform gold by a rate of three to one.

But yes, during a volatile, short-term outlook, gold can come out ahead the winner. Well, though, my thought is this, generally by the time gold hits its peak and just soars in value that usually just means stocks have taken a hit and they're more attractive in comparison, see the price of gold usually goes up when our economy is going down. So, if you're really trying to time the market most likely, the time to have bought gold was in 2015, where everything was going. Just fine and everything was pretty uneventful.

That's when there was the least amount of demand for gold, because really nothing was going wrong. Investing in gold in 2011 for Vince would have been a really bad move in hindsight, because once the stock market began, turning around gold began going back down after hitting its peak. I'm not saying gold is bad, don't invest in gold because it can't have a place in your portfolio and it doesn't hurt to keep a small percentage of your wealth and precious metals just as a store of value. But when you look at this historically gold has been an underperforming investment.

I know people get upset when I mention this, but when you look throughout the last 100 years, stocks have outperformed gold by a longshot. So, even though gold is quickly approaching its previous all-time high, I personally and not investing any money into it, and I encourage you to seek any other investment if you're looking for something long-term. And lastly, I just want to mention this one, because this one has been a long time coming and that would be the end of cash. No, I don't quite mean, like the end of cash as though we're all going to be living in this cashless society, where we barter for canned goods and like some videos, because Jerome Powell just printed too much money, but instead this is more about the end of Physical cash in the transition into digital currency.
I personally find this the most interesting from everything, because they do think this is going to lead to a major change in the future. But this article suggests that, because of the illness, people have been using less cash for sanitary reasons and instead resorting to online payment methods like PayPal, Square and venmo who've all seen the stock price surge lately. This is something I wholeheartedly agree with and really for the last decade or so I have never carry cash on me. Oh, maybe have a little cash lying around that all mostly used for thumbnails, but besides that, that's really yet frankly, online money is so much easier to keep track of it's all in one spot.

It's easily itemized. You don't have to worry about losing it and really the more time goes on. The more cash is looking outdated. The downside to this, though, is that one day, if you want your purchases to be completely private, I have a feeling it's not going to happen anymore.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day, every single penny is online and digitalized and accounted for and they'll probably have a way to track who that money goes to and win so they'll know and they'll have a pretty good idea of when money goes into. Your bank account, and that means they'll - have to pay taxes on it and that will help them cut down on money laundering and fraud. I just think our physical money at some point in the future is going to be going away and then, at that point we're gon na be shifting over to a completely digitalized cashless society, not just because of the illness, but because we've been moving in this direction. For last decade, just something to consider - and I have a feeling that online payment processing and online payments is going to continue to grow over the next few decades.

That's your weekly update for today and basically just don't listen to people who tell you. The stock market is poised to drop 40 %, because chances are they're wrong and they will continue to be wrong until eventually they are right and then they're gon na be a genius. But really the point of this is not to try to time the market, but instead stay the course stay invested, continue investing as normal and that's it don't let headlines, deter you from this and just stay the course. No matter what no one knows, what the markets are gon na be doing a week a month or a year from now, so just don't listen to it and just continue investing doing that consistently.

Every single month is gon na make you the most money long term, as will smash the like button for the YouTube algorithm. So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the subscribe button in the notification battle also feel free to add me on Instagram, I posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there.

As my second channel, the Graham stepping show I post there every single day - I'm not posting here. So if you want to get a brand new video for me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that. And lastly, if you guys want to free stocks, use the link down below in the description and weeble is going to be giving you 2 free stocks, Whitney deposit $ 100 on the platform with one of the stocks, potentially valued all the way up to $ 1400. So if you want your two free stocks use that link down below, let me know what your two stocks you get.
Thank you so much for watching and until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “The stock market is about to drop – again”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Mastrogiovanni says:

    You may have heard of covid 2020… but have you heard of SEPTEMBER 2020?????!??!!?!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars proctor james says:

    Very nice video but I trade with Mr Andrew Feldstein and I always win. He is one of the greatest I've come across

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Spring says:

    This video hasn't aged well in it's prediction. That could very well change, but as of right now the opposite of what this video has predicted is taking place. The SP 500 has reached all time highs. The Dow Jones industrial has regained most of its pre Coronavirus pandemic losses. The economy has regained a couple million jobs and surpassed the so called economic expert's expectations. I'm not an economist, but so far this video appears to be far out of touch with reality.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neal the Great says:

    Cash is king. I don't want anyone to know where I spend my money. Anything under $200 or so and I'm paying cash. I don't want to have to go back and check 25 purchases at the end of the month and make sure they are correct. There is too much credit card/bank card fraud out there.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott says:

    The the last 3 minutes is some of the worst investing advice I've ever heard. How does this guy have 2.3 million subscribers?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott says:

    You really want digital cash? Sorry man but that is a TERRIBLE idea. Do you realize how much power that gives the government? Do you realize how easy it would be to shut off your money supply? Do you realize that every single item you buy would be trackable? Rethink that man because I think you are probably a nice guy but you haven't thought that one through.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Sciabarrasi says:

    wonder where the stock market would be if the world wars didn’t basically restart it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberto Montero says:

    If cash is seriously phased out, I believe cryptocurrency will skyrocket and be used to buy things anonymously

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jekub loogwet says:

    everyone who invested in march.. of course we are up right now. the market dropped 40%, as the video states.. its easy when everyone panics to make a quick buck.. this sets a lot of investors up with false hopes for what is going to happen in the future.. a 10,12,15, or even 17 percent return within 6 months is not typical and teaches the wrong lesson with investing.. remember, we live in unprecedented times..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Whitehurst says:

    Hey Guys! Graham is such an inspiration to me so I have started my own youtube channel with financial content in Australia!
    Show some support to the avocado toast society and Subscribe!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Kevin says:

    But…. I love my big green stack of 100 euro bills. They feel so good .

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Schultz says:

    Would investing in Apple be a smart short term investment due to inflation or is it just better to buy and hold out for the possibility of an initial market crash and recovery?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Master Stacker says:

    You mean the market will continue to fluctuate? I'm shocked, SHOCKED!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Obodoekwe says:

    The starting point of any turnover is realizing you don’t know it all and would always need guide. I’m a new even during the pandemic I was still making money from the market. Be wise not fast.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RL Days says:

    That single investment in 29 sounds a lot like most people who invested in bitcoin and altcoins in December 2017. Hodl,.. HODL!!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elaine says:

    Last year in July when the economy was on fire the market was just above 26K. Today, GDP is -32% and the market is still just above 26K. No correction in the market. Never saw this in my life.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nancy lisa says:

    The rich stay rich by spending like the rich and investing without stopping, the poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Johnson says:

    When you make the right decisions and take the right steps in stock trading the chances of losing your funds becomes slimmer and almost impossible especially when you invest with the right broker like Mr Bachan Jasper

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MsWorldMine says:

    I love these moments. Everybody thinks nothing will happens and Fed will save the world. This is when something will happen 🙂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tangy-taylor says:

    Where/How can you sell gold? (I'm talking broken necklace chains and such)

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan San says:

    Don’t listen to what economists say (most of the time) do what they do. (If we could know) they’ll tell you the market is going to drop but are they willing to sell their stakes to prove a point?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Hankle says:

    Graham sounds like you haven't researched too much on gold. Gold tends to go down when the stock market is down. Gold is really only up because the dollar is down, not so much as demand. Bitcoin is the same, the dollars value fell. Also inflation is picking up for consumers (not CPI) but food, medical, lumber (homes), etc. The financial market is wildly overvalued by every metric, but the market will stay irrational longer than shorts can stay solvent lol.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Garrett says:

    YouTubers sure are getting mighty aggressive and thirsty about that damned like button x'D.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh from Bakersfield says:

    I'm just continuously buying ETFs and mutual funds every week regardless if the market is crashing or not.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Bergstrom says:

    "What's up Graham…it's guys here". So perfect, so like a man who has lost his plan. Man without a plan….but keep selling it anyway.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R. De Leon says:

    I don't think that people are considering that the government stimulus is artificially inflating the markets as well. Many took this money and invested it instead of saving it especially for those that were able to work from home feeling like they were safe in the long run. The crash is coming because of Economy 2.0. Growth of WFH opportunities, decreased need in corporate real estate, and investment in automation, its going to stack over the next 3 yrs. So what happened in 1929 is probably going to be speeding up. Also, did you consider who is buying our national debt? 🇨🇳 Now consider relations with us today. Now add the election…. yep… it won't just be the bodies from a failed SARS-COV-2 response hitting the floor.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete S says:

    In regards to digital currency… what are your thoughts on the etf “ARKF”?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joonas Kõrre says:

    I few too many "Smash the like button" in this one Graham. Otherwise the content is superb!

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