So what's going on with Silicon Valley Bank, also known as SVB. Panic swept through the start-up industry on Thursday as investors at some venture capital firms urged portfolio companies to move their money from Silicon Valley Bank over concerns about the tech industry stalwart’s financial stability. Is this the start of a massive bank run?
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Hey, this is Tom and I got a question for you. How does a little-known bank out of California that I would assume 80 of you have never heard about before. Today's video takes the entire global banking industry with it for a crazy ride within 24 hours. All right, let's take another look at shares of Silicon Valley After hours, we have new reporting on companies pulling money out of the struggling Bank Over the past 24 hours, shares of Silicon Valley Bank drop by 60.

We'll talk about why the shares drop by 60 and they're actually down 30 in pre-market as of the making of this video. while this was going on the top four: U.S Banks dropped 50 billion dollars in market cap in a single day including guys like Schwab and JP Morgan JP Morgan dropped five percent Schwab drop like 13. It's been an absolute bloodbath. unfortunately.

this is the way Banks work. They rely on trust when they lose that trust. Um, bad things really will happen Now there's a reason you've never heard about Silicon Valley Bank And the reason is because this Bank works specifically exclusively with growth companies. With startups and with Venture Capital firms, it's basically a niche product located in Santa Clara California And it's not supposed to be something you know about.

but over the ballooning of the entire Growth Tech industry, since the Pandemic 2020 2021, the bank ballooned with it. You know, cheap money, zero interest, the absolute flooding of funds, the FED starting a party right? So the Silicon Valley Bank enjoyed that. deposits went up by 90 year over year in 2021 reaching 200 billion dollars. the party was on.

But then as you know, the FED shut down the tap, the parents came home and turned on the lights and kicked everybody out parties over. This is pretty much what happened in 2022. The FED stopped the cheap Money era. It started tightening, interest rates, jumped up, the cheap Money era was over, and the growth tech industry basically plummeted into the toilet faster than Grandpa after Christmas party and with it Silicon Valley Bank And obviously over the past year the Svb balance sheet went from looking like a rock star to Swiss cheese pretty much full of holes now as of December 31st 2022 to Svb's balance sheet showed available for sale Securities which had a fair market value of 26 billion dollars which is 2.5 billion dollars below the 28.5 billion of it actually costing the bank.

So the bank bought it at 28.5 and now it's marked at 26. and it had held to mature the Securities with fair market value of 76 billion dollars which is 15 billion dollars below the balance sheet value. So give or take a few hundred million here and there. Svb is in the hall for about 17 and a half billion dollars which is actually more than the entire Equity it has which is 16 billion dollars and that's never good.

I mean whether you're Banker or a grocery guy from you know from the neighborhood you know that that's bad. Now with that, obviously, confidence in the bank started to Road deposit status to fall out and people started leaving the bank. There's little money coming in. You know the story.
You know every bank that people lose confidence in. This is they exact same story now. Deposits dropped 13 during the final three quarters of 2022 as you would expect and they continue to drop well into 2023. As of the making of this video.

So Eventually, standard employers had to wake up from their Slumber and actually downgrade Svb and they took their credit down to one level above junk. Moody's actually quickly did the same thing because it's a copycat industry and they said that you know with downgrading Svb because deterioration in the bank's funding, liquidity, and profitability declining Venture Capital Investments Etc et cetera. Etc Yeah, thanks. Captain Obvious I Mean we all knew that But the trigger what started this whole implosion, this cataclysmic craziness that we saw yesterday was none of that.

It was something completely different. Now, about two days ago, March 8 Svb came out and admitted it sold all of its available for sale Securities because it's needed cash now. After that, they things went rapidly downhill. The official explanation from the bank was that this was nothing to worry about.

In fact, the Svbco came out and said stay calm Everybody stay Calm says there's nothing more relaxing than a panic CEO Screaming at you to stay calm right? Well, as expected that terrified. The Venture Capital Clients of the bank including Peter Thiel who has a lot of money with it through his funds who apparently instructed These funds to take everything out of this as fast as they can now. other smaller VC firms followed suit you know, obviously which caused a 60 drop in the share price of SVP which is the biggest drop we've seen in the last seven years. The founders fund which a key VC player is advising that Com its own companies should withdraw funds from Silicon Valley Bank Now the stock is still dropping in pre-market as we speak, it's about 30 percent down, so it ain't over yet now.

according to Bloomberg a startup CEO who would not identify himself said that yesterday. he tried to take out their millions of dollars from Svb and could not withdraw it. But on the other hand, Bloomberg also said that several other clients of the bank actually told them that they were able to take out their money Thursday without any significant issues. Whatever that means.

We even had Bill Ackman yesterday calling for a government bailout of Svb yesterday, which pretty much tells you how bad things are. although I wouldn't say that Bill Ackman is the best indicator of how bad things are. You remember the whole no disguise falling thing that they did back in the day, so you know, take it with a grain of salt in my opinion, and this is strictly my own opinion. For whatever it's worth to you, this is now starting to smell a little bit like a bank run and you know if that happens, nobody wants to be that last guy standing in a room holding its nuts.
So be very careful how you interpret this story. So the question is, how bad can this get and is this kind of game over for Svb and what does it mean for the rest of the stock market in general? Well, there is a risk that Svb runs out of cash and you know, can't operate properly, which would mean that it would either be sold to a competitor or taking apart piece by piece. Um, but I think it's a bit of overreaction at this point, because especially since you know the thing that started this whole shitstorm which is the sale of stock that they've done brought in a lot of cash, which should be enough for Svb to function for a while at least and stay afloat. But I think the more interesting question is, what about the rest of the industry and the greater? Market Obviously that's not a good signed for the market and the big problem is that SVP is not the only Bank who has this issue.

They're not the only Bank who said on a bunch of unrealized losses. Now the entire banking industry right now is basically holding on to it's not hoping for this thing not to get worse because there's a bunch of banks out there sitting on a heap of unrealized losses and it's pretty much like a ticking Time Bomb They hope would not explode now. Look I Don't have a crystal ball I Don't know how this plays out, but it seems like a big ass Canary and a tiny ass mine warning us about what's to come Now as always I Hope you enjoyed this video. See you in the next one.

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33 thoughts on “The silicon valley bank scandal: what you need to know!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stewart quark says:

    Banks are closing because on May 7, 2020 I went for a ride to Baltimore then. 3 weeks later….well….something happened

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John B says:

    The Times of Israel reports that israeli firms were able to transfer $1 billion from Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) to Israeli accounts just before the bank was seized:

    “Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, set up a situation room that has been operating around the clock to help firms transfer their money from SVB — before it was seized — to accounts in Israel. Over the past few days, teams at LeumiTech, the high-tech banking arm of Bank Leumi, have been able to help their Israeli clients transfer about $1 billion to Israel, the bank said.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Protector K9 says:

    What happens to my student loans with the bank

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eneida4kids says:

    There are 10 more banks looking bad.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Kovach says:

    Buy the dip lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Philip says:

    Is this relatable to trump era deregulation of community bank with the capitol limit of 100 billions?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GOra says:

    What people needed to know was to follow astrology. Every single astrologer warned about “ Silicon Valley crash in MARCH 2023”. Research is a good thing.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I Pad says:

    Welcome to Ukraine
    F russian

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tHeMachinist says:

    my dude, obviously i have the bell on. as if i'd like to miss any of your videos lol
    it's evening here in europe, i wonder if there's gonna be a reaction by the european markets to this, before the NYSE opens in (our) afternoon..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Extall says:

    Cash in your investments while you still have something to cash in. The weeks ahead will be rough.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Passive Income says:

    It's a scam

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kulvinder Samra says:

    Another great & helpful video.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Garrett says:

    Bear Trap
    Bull in a China Shop.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aptera Challenge says:

    I'd be interested to know Tom's take on Elon Musk buying SVB?!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poincare Conjecture says:

    Funny dude 🤣

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buck-a-roo says:

    Can we please see fat face Tom back on your profile page. Lets just keep it real my guy, 🤣😂 Just bust'n your nuts chubby.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wegder says:

    Venture capitalists took a crap in their feeding trough

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Carling says:

    I think the CEO and his stooges knew the bank was going to go under and didnt say a word. They still let people deposit tons of money. I think will could possibly start a domino affect. There is a ton of money that SVB cannot account for. The fdic guarantees 250k. But if u have more than that in the bank you most likely will not get all your cash. If the bank failed that means they were out of cash. So where is all the money going to come from to pay people back every penny they had in the bank? I think they will get their 250k if they had that much in the bank or possibly millions in the bank. But i do not trust the Govt when they say "dont worry folks you will get all your money back" i think they need to be very worried. I think the CEO and the executives at SVB helped themselves to alot of peoples money. It will eventually come to light. Lets hope that people dont try to withdraw all their cash from banks other thsn svb. I also think it is not a coincidence that wells fargo had a ton of direct deposit issues. Something stinks like hell to me. I pray for all the people who bank with svb and i hope they get all their money back. But this has all the earmarks of a high level ponsi scheme. Lets hope not.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tess says:

    I’m getting nervous. My bank is Wells Fargo should I be ready to roll everything into a credit union?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamey Lane says:

    I wouldn't call #16 (formerly) in the country all that small.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hot Soup says:

    Why anyone would have waited this long to get out of that bank, who knows. The warning signs were there in plenty of time to bail. Maybe they listen to Jim Cramer.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Harrell says:

    The Tech Sector is like Hollywood, many people go there hoping to make it big, very few actually do make it big

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Beppler says:

    How many Bank Board members will go to prison?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WhiteFeather says:

    Remember, Gangsters and Banksters are one in the same, theres no difference, it's just a smoke and mirrors show. By the way, SVB just shit the bed with hot wet Diarrhea too.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Pope says:

    Nothing to do with ESG then ?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cool Buddy says:

    SVB went under

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Schiegg says:

    The Cheese Rolling Race is BACK!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mihai George Anghel says:

    Where do you think PLTR has deposited it's money?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothee Lee says:

    I guess this was made before the run…….

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremiah BullfroG says:

    Reinstating Glass-Steagall talk will start…..NOW!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Plotkin says:

    Another great video, thanks.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Strangely Brown says:

    The Fed created this problem. As far as I can see, SVB did everything right. No fraud here. You might say “they should have done risk management better and planned for interest rate rises”. Maybe: but who the hell could have forecast a 600 basis point Fed rate rise in 12 months – ffs! This is a canary in the coal mine folks…. The Fed better be thinking very hard this weekend because on Monday if they get it wrong…

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H. Y013 says:

    New shape, of the financiële crisis, what we see in 2008!

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