I explain how to achieve real financial independence and early retirement that goes against the grain of some popular advice.
Financial Independence is a whole lot more than just being frugal, saving some money and watching FIRE movement videos on YouTube.
And I want to share some of the hard hitting truths about what it actually takes and the secrets you need to know if you want to head for the financial independence, retire early route.
I keep seeing endless examples of bad financial advice, 18 year olds teaching people about the career they've never had and 25 year olds on an extended gap year in their minivan preaching the financial independence mantra.
But the truth is a little less convenient so I thought I'd talk about the reality of financial independence.
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Is sasha today i will share with you the five incredibly important secrets of financial independence and here's the thing. I won't tell you that you need to be frugal, save money or get into some sort of a magical mindset, because these are not the keys to financial independence. These are the easy things or the easy to explain things that people like to do to make themselves feel that they are doing the right thing. But in the grand scheme of things scrimping by not buying your favorite cup of starbucks in the morning, is not going to make you rich sorry, but here are the five things that will pay attention, because these are things that actually do work and actually can get.

You there the first one is to understand the difference between your balance sheet and your cash flow, and i do apologize for using business speak financial jargon here, but this is the best way that i could think of putting it, because the majority of advice that i See about financial independence out there tells people that they need to improve their cash flow without people, understanding that that is what it's talking about, but cash flow is not what makes people reach financial independence here is what the difference is. Cash flow is the money that flows in and out of your wallets every month. It is your budget, you earn some money, your money goes into your wallet, you go and spend some money, it comes back out of your wallet and everyone seems obsessed with reducing the money going out of your wallet, because that keeps more money in your wallet and Your cash flow position looks good, but if you want to have financial security and financial independence for three four, maybe five decades ahead, your monthly budget right now is not a very useful metric. You should be focusing on your balance sheet, because that is where the magic actually happens, and that is the thing that can go and give you that financial independence, your balance sheet is the sum of all of your assets and liabilities, which is basically just your debt.

You want to build a kick ass, big pile of assets that generate you, income or assets that naturally appreciate in value. Maybe in some cases, both of those things we're talking things like investing accounts, property businesses, that sort of thing those are the assets that you want to have, and you also want to reduce your debt so that the difference between your assets and your debt is as Big as possible - and this is the important bit it's the difference between them - that counts not one or the other um the difference between your asset, pile and the difference between your debt, pile is the amount of equity that you have in yourself from a financial standpoint. Having zero debt is great, and unfortunately, everyone focuses on that bit, but having zero debt, while also at the same time having zero assets is not going to get you to financial independence. It's gon na get you nowhere.

Having a hundred thousand of debt is good. If you use that debt a few years ago to get a property that is now worth 250 000, because you have that gap of 150 000 and that property is worth considerably more than the amount of debt. And let's say you have that 100 000 of debt and you also have your 250 000 property and you come across 100 000 of cash. Maybe you inherited it or maybe you're in the lottery.
It doesn't really matter. The overwhelming advice you'll hear in that situation is that you should of course use that money to pay down your debt. Debt is bad. It keeps you poor, because people are thinking of their cash flow.

They are not thinking of their balance sheets, then they know that they can go and get rid of their debt repayments and they can keep all of their rent every month. Once they've done that, and that sounds like a great idea. But if you are thinking in terms of your balance sheet, you might choose to go and use that 100 000 to get another property or maybe invest it, and now you have a bigger asset pile and that bigger asset pile is generating more income. Maybe it is growing faster than the previous one you had, while your debt has remained fixed, and that means that over time, that gap is going to be growing faster than if you went and cleared the debt instead and before the obvious comments show up.

Yes, you do have to make sure that you are managing and understanding your risks properly and yes, there is such a thing as being over leveraged. I do understand it, but there is also such a thing as being under leveraged. If you are trying to optimize your routes, to financial independence and being under leveraged, comes from focusing on your cash flow and not your balance sheet, and it is the single biggest reason why a lot of people will never hit their financial independence targets. Despite trying hard to do so, the next secret to financial independence is focusing on costs instead of focusing on income.

There's a few reasons why people do this focusing on costs is easier. It's really easy to go and cut some spending on to not eat out or whatever easy, compared to going out there and figuring out how to earn more money. That sounds difficult. It doesn't have a very obvious way of doing it and is very open-ended, but focusing on costs is a highly inefficient way of trying to improve your financial position, and i mean sure i get it.

It is important to not spend too much money. I am not stupid, but the number of times i see people advocate frugality that goes way beyond anything that is sensible or normal is frightening. No matter how much you focus on costs, there is a seeing of how much you can save and a lot of people's costs are not very easily changed, because there is only so much that you do spend every single month and some of it like regular bills, Are not gon na shift, no matter how hard you try, but if you focus all of that attention all of that time and all of that effort on earning more money, there is no upper ceiling to where that can go. It has never been easier than now to find ways of earning more income if you're out of ideas just go on fire or up work and go and have a look around.
There are a crazy number of jobs that you can go and do that will earn. You cash in your spare time. I am constantly looking for writers and i can't find enough good ones for my content business on those platforms. The only requirement i have is that that person can write stuff on computer, which is something that most people can do and over time you can find bigger and better ways of earning more money.

I can tell you that, without a shadow of a doubt that you can find ways to earn a lot more income, if you put in all of that effort, then you'll ever be able to save on buying slightly cheaper food from a shop. That is maybe 20 minutes further away, and that income will take you a whole lot further to your financial independence goal all right. Let's move on the next thing that i wanted to talk about is understanding the difference between your macro goals and your micro steps that you need to take there. You need a very clear plan with very clear steps you need to take if you're going to go and get to that financial independence place too often, people get fixated on the ultimate goal.

Their only thinking is about the thing that they want to get to the magic pot of money that one day in the hypothetical distant rosy future will set them free and they try to do bits and bobs here and there that sort of, maybe in their eyes, Go and get them slightly closer to that goal without any real, coherent, realistic plan. The magic pot of money in those circumstances will always stay in this hypothetical distant future. You need a plan. Do you need to go and learn a skill so that you can start doing a job that will teach you how to start a side hustle that can become a side business that can become a full-time, big money earner for you in the future.

A good plan will have steps, and not all of these steps may be obvious or maybe look like they're taking in a direction. But if you don't have a plan, you won't know that these are the steps you have to take. Sometimes you have to work on something that may seemingly be taking you in a totally different direction to where you want to be going, because in your plan, that is the step that enables the next step. That does happen to go the right way.

Let me tell you a little story: there's a guy called andrew wiles, who had a life mission to prove a mathematical theorem called fermat's last theorem, one of the most famous math problems ever he was obsessed with this theorem and he realized that there was an approach To solving it, but if he was to go and try that approach, it would take him at least a few years to go and complete it, and at the time he worked as a professor in princeton. So he came up with a plan as a university professor. He had an obligation to publish regular research papers as part of his job with some kind of frequency and if he was publishing those research papers for his job, the amount of time he would have spent on working on those would mean that he couldn't really work Or at least not spend enough time working on solving fermat's last theorem, so he first spent several years working overtime, putting himself through a crazy amount of effort to create a ridiculous number of research papers. It took him years.
None of this work had anything to do with thomas last theorem, but it was part of his plan. Then, when he was ready, he stopped working on his research. He put all of those research papers into his draw and he went all in on solving the theorem and he spent six years solving it, which he eventually did. He did it in 1994, but nobody knew that he was doing it because he kept releasing those research papers that he completed for many years before that as and when it was time to go and publish another academic paper andrew had a plan and he executed the Steps along that plan, even though a lot of the steps in that plan, especially in the early phases, seem to take him nowhere near to his overall goal for a very very long time.

While he was stashing all of his research. And that brings me very very nicely to my next point, which is especially important right now. There is no magic shortcut. There is no quick way of skipping to the end.

I am really sorry once again. Unfortunately, the one thing that is going to get you to financial independence is by putting in the hours you need to go and do the grind. I am so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we live in a bizarre time when people genuinely expect to go and get thousands of percent of return. In a few days or a few weeks, people seem to have lost touch with reality, and everyone is chasing that magic money tree that will make them instantly rich.

The name of this magic tree changes all the time, but the end result doesn't that multi-level marketing scheme that your mate is telling you about is not going to make you rich and the latest scam. Crypto token. That is launching right now with the best road map that is going to the moon. Is i am so sorry, it is not going to make you a billionaire.

The world just doesn't work that way, and so, if you really do actually do want to hit your financial independence goals, you'll have to invest some actual hard work, hard work over a long period of time. There is no substitute. You will need to learn skills that you don't know. You'll need to put in the hours that you don't have you'll need to make sacrifices.

You maybe don't want to make because here's the truth very few people ever get there to that point of complete genuine financial independence. So this is very much not a stroll in the park where anyone can go and do it by just watching a youtube, video and then heading over on their way to becoming a multi-millionaire. And while we're on the theme here is the next top tip, don't base your goals or compare yourself to random social media personalities, you are you and they are they. They are not you and you are not them.
You don't know where they started or how they got there. You don't even really know where it is that they got to or at what expense. You only need to compare yourself to one person. You need to compare yourself to you a week ago to you one month ago to you a year ago.

If you have that solid plan be absolutely ruthless. With focusing yourself on execution, you can achieve a lot more than you think is possible. Compare yourself to where you were this time last year and use that to help yourself get better, to refocus yourself to adjust your direction, because here is something you need to know. There is always someone out there who is better than you and everything, there's someone who is richer.

There's someone who looks better, there's someone who got to your goal faster. Maybe they strike a patch of luck. Maybe life likes them more, maybe they're just better. In many cases, it probably is because they are better, but once you get over this fact that there is always someone someone out there, that's better! You can just stop worrying about comparing yourself to those other people comparing yourself to where you should be at whatever age.

You are is just pointless. None of that matters. You need to chat your own path that you are happy with, that you want to walk down and then you need to go and walk down it and measure your progress along the path against your own plan. Not somebody else's, that's it.

If you found this video useful, please don't forget to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. I really really do appreciate it. Thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys later. You.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “The secret to financial independence (what they don’t tell you)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Wallace says:

    Right off the bat, you are mistaken, implying that "saving" money and watching what you spend money on doesn't get you there. You jump right into owning assets and having increasing assets forgetting what you need to buy those assets—–you need capital, capital you get by controlling your expenses and living on less than you make. This is a severe oversite and very basic to FI and FIRE fundamentals. Focusing on costs is not highly inefficient at all. People who cannot manage the money they already have are suddenly going to do better with more? There is no doubt that making more money can increase investment capital but controlling spending and frugality is the very foundation of any sound investment plan. For most people, I'd say, it's the best way to start. The optimum thing would be to do both, control costs and increase income. I agree with you about the grind, though. People have to be willing to put in the time and effort especially when it comes to finding great investments.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Paul Rogers says:

    Thank you for your excellent and down to earth advise. I so much agree. I’ve been investing only since I retired in 2012. I thought that a fairly frugal retirement was on the cards for me. I’ve made many mistakes but hopefully I’ve learnt my lesson from them. I am far better off now than when I retired. Investment is the key! I don’t have a clue about trading.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis Davis says:

    Good story of Truth… Follow the process.. + Time… Thanks, brother!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Cook says:

    Simple, sensible, achievable advice, but extremely worthwhile, thank you for the reminder…..

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Hansen - Personal Finance says:

    Grind magic – What a great analogy. Love the perception of needing to do some work and be sensible 👍 awesome content.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CreatingBalance - Personal Finance says:

    Really brilliant video Sasha. Particularly liked the story on Andrew Wiles 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RaineOfLondon says:

    Love the straight talking from you Sasha. I’m a mother to a toddler and I’m also a student in Computer Science and when I get an hour to myself I just want to chill and do useless things. But do the grind, I must. Not just for my sake. More of these type of videos would be amazing! Thanks.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars willfindjr says:

    As always , great insight and very thought provoking material. Great job. Love your channel and keep producing great content.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria Boltyanskaya says:

    This is a very, very good piece of advice! Thank you, Sasha!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars London Freedom says:

    As you say with the goals, you have to begin with the end goal in mind but don't forget the steps that achieve the goal!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goady1000 says:

    Best way to invest is parents start when your a kid or, when you get a job, stay at home invest 50 – 75%, then as you earn more don't spend all the extra. If you dud that for 10 years you won't have to save much more afterwards if you want to retire at 70 e.t.c

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goady1000 says:

    Save costs on buying cars, houses e.t.c even buying properties in a lower council tax band!

    Buy the worst house in best area or an OK house in an OK area. Don't buy a new car buy one 4 – 8 years old from a dealer can usually get a service plan and 0% finance.

    Council tax bands van save about 200 a year.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ammar HUSSAIN says:

    Very well presented, as always, thanks 👍
    I also believe one mustn't compare themself with others but themselves only..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars torpytorpz says:

    Very, very sound advice, not just financially but in life generally too. Thanks Sasha! 😊

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phat Kat's Kitchen says:

    I've watched your channel grow and really appreciate your content. Please promise me that the more subscribers you get, you won't start going against what you say in your videos by doing more click bait videos like everyone else does! We need this real content not click bait xx

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iGrow says:

    This is possibly the most useful video on financial freedom that I've ever seen on YouTube. People will sell anything for views so this content is necessary and valuable, so thank you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Johnson says:

    Brilliant! You've summed up a 15 min lesson so simply, this is exactly what should be taught in a schools! There's no shortcuts. It's hard work. Stop looking at others and look at what you want. Just brilliant, common sense advice.

    Love the one about getting secondary income, I took up photography for fun 12 years ago, I got quite good and then realised there's some money in it. I now have regular income from selling photo licenses and a book on Amazon that sells quite well. I now have a secondary skill that I will keep working on that might one day be my job during retirement to augment my retirement funds I worked for during my day-job. It took years of hard work to get good enough to sell my photos to likes of Microsoft, Samsung and other huge companies and no small amount of financial investment but it's a true passion I love and now a sideline money spinner.

    You keep it up, great work you're doing with these vids!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul ojelade says:

    i have question, do you think it would be better to save up for uni , or invest that money that you planned to save up into stocks and index funds instead and take a student loan to pay for uni expenses?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Worswick says:

    I get what your saying, everything does take work. However, to say no one has ever become a millionaire from a crypto coin is absolutely absurd… yes, you have to do your research and yes, possibly some luck stirred into the mix but my god it can definitely happen if you stay dedicated & patient enough.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vasileios - I. Manavis says:

    Thank you Sasha. You reminded of what matters and where to focus for my growth. Thank you.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue Lion Finance says:

    Great breakdown of understanding financial independence, Sasha! In my opinion, the true freedom comes from the ability to effectively manage money and understanding how much you have coming in as well as where it is going. Simply applying the 50/30/20 budget can help immensely on someone's journey. From there it is all about generating more income (passive is the best stream) for true financial freedom!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alistair Robinson says:

    Frugality gets a really bad rep, yes, drink as many lattes as you like, but be frugal with bigger things, ie cars, houses, luxury items. I left uni 15 years ago with 25k debt, worked hard in corporate career and also invested in property (renovations, rentals, house hacking) and am at FIRE (although will continue to work forever….). Frugality on larger things has made a HUGE difference to the speed of my wealth creation, and is still the easiest thing to control.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Muta says:

    This is why you are the man! Assets build wealth not scrimping. i wish i knew this earlier.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mind Over Matter says:

    Very good tips, but there are only 24 hours a day. You can only do so much work to earn more money. We need to think more passive income wise.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 420KinK says:

    I put 10K US in TSLA @ $300 its now 155K $Can and $0 debt. Now I wait. Lol

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zimpaz says:

    Do you have any rental properties Sasha? We are thinking of moving to our neighbours house (bigger and nicer than ours), but keeping our current house to rent out

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vgencho says:

    Hey Sasha, thank you for the video. I am a big fan of your work. You mentioned something about difficulties finding people to create content for your projects. How can I contact you with that regard?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan Smith says:

    Great content, I have 3 potential paths/plans that I am constantly working on and as you say it is not easy or overnight, I am about to start on my 4th parallel path thanks to your content on SIPPs, key ingredients are commitment and self education

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob James DJ says:

    Love these videos, just recently started investing, and these videos are helping me be sensible and keep it real unlike other financial YouTube videos out there. Keep it up Sasha!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ride More Bikes says:

    Ragging on FIRE again 😂😂
    You're only partly right. Yes not buying .a coffee won't directly make you richer, but changing your spending habits will help. Earning extra money but keeping the same spending habits also won't make you richer. We generally expand our spending as our income increases It's the changing in these spending habits that's the important link between what you're saying.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence Sinderson says:

    It needs to be said that there is no quick way to financial independence, it takes time and effort, and its better to set a realistic goal with small steps to ensure you are on the right path. I have milestones on my pathway, but I am lucky in that I have the ability and a partner who understands what Im trying to achieve.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dr3am3r 3pring3 • 98 years ago says:

    question is not related to the video but, on average how long do you have to wait when you sign up for your trading 212 account? great video

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rav Singh says:

    A much needed video. We often get told misinformation and focus on the wrong areas. You address some important points on this videos. Thanks for sharing.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Jones says:

    Social media has probably kept more people from forging ahead than it’s helped. Time to stop doom-scrolling and begin using our time more wisely. Cheers Sasha!

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YeCannyDaeThat says:

    This is a mixture of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "I Will Teach You To Be Rich (Ramit Sethi)" – Great lessons to be honest!

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