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Hey everyone we kevin here, let's talk about what the heck is going on in the market and what i'm doing about it because here's the thing the market is a very red and usually i hold a to the moon, coffee mug in my right hand, but now I have to hold a buy the dip coffee mug, in my left hand, folks. Let's talk about this. We're going to talk about inflation, we're going to talk about oil, we're going to talk about energy food; we'll also talk about what i'm doing in terms of my investments as well as a little update on ever a grand and some of the other madness going on. Okay, folks, let's get into this, so one of the first causes for concern has to do with new reports out of brazil that we might expect to see substantially more inflation in food prices than ever before.

In fact, the u.n index on food prices is showing that we are up 33 for a lot of food sources. Year over year, brazil in particular got decimated with a horrible drought this year and then after the horrible drought killed off many plants. We got a crazy arctic frost that killed off even more. In other words, you had this double whammy of potentially well climate change, destroying crops and leading to massive increases in food pricing and more supply chain disruptions as you've got vendors around the world.

Looking for new potential exporters for orange juice, soy ingredients, sugar, coffee and corn, which are some of brazilian's biggest exports, in fact, or brazil apparently supplies 75 percent of our orange juice. 54 of our soy products, 50 percent of our sugar 32 percent of our coffee, 22 of our corn - that's crazy! So yeah you're going to see some food prices go up. It's not just food prices. Unfortunately, and remember anytime, we hear inflation.

The market kind of gets a little freaky right so that inflation report out of brazil, not so good. Now, some, you know local sources say this is just fud. Don't worry, we're a big season. We got plenty of uh or we're a big area for farming.

We're a big ag industry we've got plenty of water, we'll be fine. This is just a one-time event whatever it just happened to happen right after the covet pandemic, where supply chains are already screwed up, then you've got this energy crisis going on in the united kingdom. For example, can't get enough natural gas and they can't get enough energy from renewables. In the meantime, this means the price of natural gas is skyrocketing, as demand is going crazy in the united kingdom.

This has made commodity markets a lot more tenuous and essentially nervous and at the same time, in the united states, where, fortunately, we do have a diverse supply of energy sources, we're not so concerned about natural gas prices skyrocketing, but instead we have insanely high oil demand. As we're reopening at the same time as we're still recovering and suffering, essentially from strained oil production from the gulf's two hurricanes this year, that contributed to oil prices going up so now, you've got an energy crisis. In the united kingdom, you've got oil prices going up over here. In fact, if you look at uh brent, accrued oil and you look at the day, chart you'll see that we crossed eighty dollars for the first time uh in many years, so that we've crossed eighty dollars.
In fact, let's go out here to the ten year and just see when the last time was that we hit uh eighty dollars. The last time we broke 80 was briefly in 2018. Just very briefly, but you see we really haven't been sustained above 80 dollars since about 2014. so 80.

This is a pretty big recovery from the the bottom of the coved recession. Here, where, at one point we actually went negative on oil prices, but now we're seeing quite the opposite, and so this is obviously leading to pressure on the 10-year treasury yields and just treasury yields in general. If we look at the one month chart for treasury yields, we'll see that we've moved up nicely here on treasury yields, which is usually associated with uh. Oh, if treasury yields are going up, that means inflation.

Fears are going up, and that means the stock market sells off over inflation uncertainty. Now, interestingly, if you go down to the one day, we actually peaked around 1.56 we've since pulled back on this uh. This treasury yield the 10-year treasury yield. Here, we've also pulled back on this sort of peak crude pricing and so you'll see this is the day chart so we're at bottom of uh crude pricing for the day, we're at bottom of 10-year treasury for the day at the time of this recording.

But yet look at this. The dow jones industrial is also at bottom. You would think if brent was recovering and treasuries were recovering, because people were fearful of inflation that the dow jones would be going up again, so it kind of leads some of us to think. Maybe it's not just inflation that people are fearful of, in fact, if you look at something called the 10 year break even curve, let's do this type in saint louis fred, 10-year breakeven slap that into google here, pull it up.

Take a look at this. This is fascinating, what's happening here, we're going to zoom in to just the last few months over here. So what this chart here is is the 10-year break, even inflation rate and basically takes the 10-year treasury rate subtracts off tips which are treasury inflation-protected securities, which is basically a way of saying i'm just going to bottom line this and fast-forwarding a little bit here. Okay, the higher this chart goes the more the market's freaking out about inflation, so the lower it goes, the less the market's freaking out about inflation.

Well, it's been flat. So if we're really worried about inflation because of energy costs in the united kingdom, oil costs in the united states or throughout the world, a food costs in brazil or, oh no, you know treasury yields shot up but then came back down like. Why? Isn't the dow recovering it's probably because inflation is actually not the real concern that people have right now, even though jerome powell says supply bottlenecks are bigger and longer lasting than expected, and drone policy reiterated that this morning reiterating again that these inflation expectations uh are probably Temporary they're just lasting longer the issues of of where we're seeing inflation are in categories where we do expect them to be temporary. We think they'll last a little longer yes, but we think they'll go away and honestly, i think the market's starting to believe him.
In fact, when we look at these charts, it makes sense. This is actually not a sell-off due to inflation energy crude. I personally think all of that is just noise. It's noise, noise, noise, noise.

You know what i think is really happening. Folks, it's ever grand it's! My opinion there are lots of different opinions going on. People are like. Oh, it's, the debt ceiling.

Oh it's the budget deficit. Uh, you know get the united states budget getting extended. Oh it's going to be. Are we going to get the three and a half trillion dollar package and the tax increases or not sure? I think all of this noise can contribute to volatility and uncertainty? I do believe that, but i think the real catalyst here is actually evergrand because listen to this on october 3rd, which is a sunday so really october, 4th 260 million dollars of notes mature against evergrand from a company called jumbo fortune enterprises.

Now this company holds bonds in evergreen uh, one of their owners, which is such a weird loop, is actually uh, also an owner or a subsidiary of evergrand, which is this like really bizarro lupo. It's a disaster what's going on over there and the transparency is horrible, but the point is 260 million dollars of bonds mature come due on october 3rd, which is a sunday so october, 4th and folks october. 4Th is like next monday. It's crazy.

This friday is already october 1st we're not getting jobs data. This week, though, we get jobs data next week and we get cpi data next week, and you know if you thought, maybe the market was being tenuous, because jerome powell and janet yellen were talking. Maybe they blabbered and we kind of saw the market fall, but it didn't really either recover afterwards and they didn't say anything. You know super spectacular.

They said a lot about a different many different things, but if anything, i thought some of the things that jerome powell was saying about. Interest rates were actually potentially bullish, go watch, my video watch, your own power and what janet yellen just said. If you haven't seen that yet go watch it, but what's more important folks, i think these ever grand due dates, i'm going to put something on screen here from my ipad. Look at this okay! These are the evergrand due dates.
Please take a moment and screenshot this! Okay, i put this together uh, you know from from research uh. I think the source here is bloomberg for what it's worth uh, but uh. I put this into a little chart here. No, it's not really a chart.

It's a bubble! It's a circle anyway, screenshot this! Okay, evergrand due dates: china, evergreen march 23rd, 2.03 billion dollars. These are the 2022 due dates so here hold on before you screenshot uh, and this comes after the uh, the remaining catalyst of 2021. So the 2021 catalyst is the 260, so i'm gon na put after 260, mil in october or on october 4, 2021.. Okay, there that'll that'll be a little better for you to take a screenshot of okay, alright ready so take a screenshot of this right here.

So you've got evergrand 2022 due dates after the 260 billion due on october 4th 2021, you have china evergrand march 23rd, 2, 2 billion april 11th, 1.4 billion dollars hanged da real estate, which is owned by evergrand, and that is for july, 8th 8.2 billion renminbi uh, Which is the chinese currency uh about 1.269 billion usd, so the top two are denominated in usd the that july. 8Th ones are nominated in redmond b. That's why we're changing currencies since the currencies fluctuate, uh scenery journey journey, and then you get these these others. Here: 2 billion in october 645 million in november anyway, this company's going gon na go bankrupt.

Like i don't see this company not going bankrupt, some people say: oh it'll get federalized uh, some people say no, their contracts will get distributed to other developers and the other developers will get really sweetheart deals and partnerships with local governments. The point is things just aren't good for evergrand. I personally think if things get better with evergrand the market's going to perform a lot better, and i really believe that inflation is not the sole concern here and we start training below the yellow line, which is the 50-day moving average. Sometimes we can get continued pain, uh or continued bouts of pain, not always, but just go ahead and look at this year, for example, trade below the 50 over here.

It kind of signals a little bit of pain to come two to three weeks later, where we get a bigger dip in february. You get this dip over here. You get these other dips. Now, obviously dips happen, but look sometimes you get these dips above the 50-day.

Moving average, it's really not a big deal. It's when you break that 50-day moving average. Sometimes it can kind of forecast a bigger dip, see even a small dip forecast, a bigger dip uh here you didn't really get that. So it's not foolproof, obviously, but we're trading substantially under the 50-day moving average.

And so that's i think, what's worth noting is that we really haven't traded this substantially below the 50-day since september of last year or october of last year, and those are really good dips to buy in hindsight, and so in my opinion, since we rarely do trade With the s p, 500, under the 50 day moving average, it's a buy the dip opportunity, that's just what i'm a fan of i'm a big fan of uh buying this dip, i'm buying my favorites end phase a firm palantir. Now these are uh tech exposure, fintech exposure, high higher valuation right uh. You know energy exposure, things that uh, you know uh can tend to sell off when there's uncertainty in the markets, but that's great because it creates an opportunity for me, so i'm buying this dip. I would keep an eye on that 50-day moving average for the s p.
500, though, i think it's a perfect buy-the-dip signal for you uh when you're shopping, but uh that doesn't necessarily mean the dips are going to get you a better deal than if you bought uh sort of at least for the s p's purposes. On a green day. I mean sir, look if you bought on a green day. Let's say right here, depending on when you bought within that day, you'd probably be below the biggest dip over here right, so it just gives you an example.

You know time in the market beats timing. The market generally right, but i like buying the dips i like when there's fear buying, i don't see massive fear catalysts outside evergreen and the way i'm going to judge that selloff is by looking at evergrand stock 3333.hk, just type that into google or 6666.hk. That's the ev division. I'm going to watch those i'm going to watch the bond payments, i'm going to watch the crypto markets and i'm going to watch real estate prices in china.

That is going to give me sort of a heads up in terms of potential issues. Here now crypto is falling here today, and that could be why we're also seeing a red market, because that is a warning sign for our market. So in my opinion this is evergrand fear uh. I am not going all in with my cash, but i may be deploying about seven percent of the available cash that i have in buying the dip.

So just for example, if i have uh you know three million dollars, i probably deployed about 250 000. Roughly, that's roughly what i deployed so just to give you a thought as to where i am and if we keep dipping with throughout the rest of today, i might even buy a little bit more, but i'm bullish on kind of buying this dip, because that's kind Of what our markets have been really good at it's just buying the day, alright, folks, thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “The real reason stocks are falling”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tayne Van De Poel says:

    You never seem to actually know why the market moves up or down

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony says:

    Market crash is here. It's about to get worse as stocks plummet 10% daily. Good luck everyone.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Debra B says:

    I'm learning all I can here on youtube and have applied many strategies, (thanks to Kevin and other youtubers for being so generous with these educative videos) but I have yet to make anything substantial in terms of profit. Meanwhile, I read about some investors making 400G plus. I wanna know if I'm doing the right thing

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smeds pets says:

    Can you short Chinese estate stocks seems like a pretty good play , never shorted just seems like a good idea.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve says:

    I<advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.The market is very unstable and you can't tell if it's going bearish or bullish.While myself and others are trad!n without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 7 BTC from 2.1 BTC in just few months from implementing trades with tips and info from Mrs Elisa Denise Jones.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony says:

    Awesome post I must say. If there is one thing I have learned in recent months it is to remain calm, especially when it comes to investments. Cyptocurrencies has been underrated for years and still doing really well despite all the negativity. My interest in pursuing my dreams in real estate business was renewed after having accumulated a lot of ROI investing in cyptos in a month with William Tuinstra. I now see trading as a means to an end as long as I can put in more effort and resources. I appreciate the honesty, the most, you tubers do these days, it is only up to the Moon. Funny part is that; nobody is talking or taking in consideration of what's happening around us: stock market, delta variant , inflation and so on ; let alone of how cypto has been performing and changing a lot of lives within one market movement.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lilly Benjamin says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turning Point says:

    All this short term stuff is entertaining but bag holding here, long term plays all the way. 20% fall is just laughable, 30% shrug my shoulders, 40% slightly annoying, 50% my coffee will taste slightly bitter that day. If you're emotional about temporary movements in the market, maybe you belong on Wall Str (thats not a compliment).

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlonzoCalPolyPomona says:

    Kevin: perfect buy the dip opportunity

    Kevin: I'm deploying 7% of available cash


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzan philomena says:

    In few months or no time people will definitely start kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy or invest in cryptocurrency.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SKORGE says:

    There is a comment on almost every single one of your videos recently, Kevin, that has weirdly similar wording from a bunch of different profiles advertising Mrs. Elisa Denise Jones and I feel like it's some kind of scam with multiple accounts or someone just trying to use your page as advertisement for their Investment tips and it's annoying. Haha

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L S says:

    If and when ever grande goes bankrupt won't that trigger a bull market in the US stock market… sure, after a bigger dip. Due to investors moving their talents to Miami and LA?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J D says:

    Huge seed oils shortage, expect 1000 tonne. Seed oil from cooking oil to mayo to margarine doubling in cost.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cloudyview says:

    I feel like everyone is missing the real story. Evergrande is a symptom, not the problem. China is massively over leveraged on real estate. This isn't going to be limited to Evergrande, so much of the Chinese monetary expansion is built around real estate…. As the values decrease with the sell off to become liquid, it's going to trigger an absolute sh*t show across the entire Chinese economy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Gehring says:

    My guess is the expected rise in unemployment and the decrease in GDP.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ang Wei Jie says:

    Hi Kevin, I never see your portfolio before, able to make a video on it?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Orpinel Pérez says:

    Buy the dip works great in bull markets. This thing looks like it's peaking TBH. Of course maybe it's just another fake peak.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joekr says:

    You voted for Biden and you are Alliance???? FOR THE HORDE TRUMP 2024!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalie Thomson says:

    Hey. I bought 3 shares of General Mijlls today. Big spender. Up to $68.00 a month in dividends. Got aways to go before I can replace SS after the Republicans take it away.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosalie Thomson says:

    2 years ago, Brazil was outproducing us. Now cereal boxes are smaller. Also, we had a drought In fact, the west has been in a drought for 20 years. There is an energy problem because so many markets rely on hydropower. Oil is up but I thought Trump said America was independent. And, as far as Evergrande. That is their problem. They built so many houses that nobody could afford. The Chinese do not spend like Americans. They save money. And the Chinese do everything big – they send thousands of trucks around the country making rain and boy did they get rain.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The_Spaniard says:

    ALL MY ASSETS are in GOLD , Liquidated everything into GOLD. Now we wait… NO WAY this keeps going UP… just my thoughts…….REMEMBER, in a CRASH (adjustment) CASH IS KING !!!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Hygog C says:

    The gov already started telling the private investors to help out the debt, (like they asked every big firms to donated to the government, crazy) so they are not going to be bail out totally. Again the problem is the other companies that might blow up like Ever and the continuation of crazy regulations. ex. Kids can only play moblie games 1hr per week, specifically on Sat night at 8pm.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Kawonu Investments says:

    Hate to say it but we are on a snowball headed for hell.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Gould says:

    don't worry FARMER BILL GATES will save us with hell thy food .. right ????

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FunnyPolitics says:

    Kevin: "Take a screenshot of this"
    Me: "Yes boss"

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zackary Musketeers says:

    That is why I don’t like YouTube , there is no reason , no excuses in the market , up and down , just buy hold and that is it

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al S says:

    Kevin is forgetting the most challenging issue. Chinese power cuts. Its out of control now and our companies are heavily affected. Next 3 months can only run 45 days total with our heavy machines! . Thats 15 days per month. Supply chain is already rattled and Kevin didnt talk about this once ! Mark my words this is bigger than Evergrande !

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trentos 420 says:

    Literally selling my weekend car so I have a descent amount ready to buy when it’s looking good 🚀🚀

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Island-Life says:

    Kevin, thank you and your team for making great content everyday!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Mc says:

    Ya stock up every body. The world is end soon. At Costco out of paper towel and bathroom tissue.
    Kevin food prices already went up. Ask your wife.

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