The Nikola Trevor Milton Scandal Just Got Worse...
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Hey this is tom, and you might have noticed that i'm standing behind the white board or in front depends on where you're looking at the reason we're going to use the white board today is because we're talking about trevor milton and nicola about to get interesting so Check this out so after trevor got indicted for fraud securities for basically lying to everybody, including the claim that his badger truck is going to produce drinkable water. That whole thing actually exploded. But we just find out about some interesting stuff that happened before and after the indictment. So, first of all, before the indictment on july 23rd, trevor actually sent over two million of stocks to his wife.

That's kind of interesting right. Could you recover that if you need to, i would assume yes, but i mean it's not that easy. Just ask paul bazarian, it's not that easy, but after he got indicted and after he said well, i'm not guilty, i'm just an optimist. You know what this dude did: he actually sold 77 million of shares, 77 million dollars of shares now those 77 million that he sold days later after saying i'm not guilty, actually was used to pay for the 100 million dollars he posted in bail not to be In jail, hey rhyme, now that in itself should be kind of the poison fruit, because what we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is quite amusing trevor - is actually using the poison fruit from the poison tree, allegedly, the money that was derived out of fraudulent activity, allegedly to Fund his get out of jail card, so this thing was funded by this thing and this thing was by the government's own claims derived out of fraudulent activity.

So should he be allowed to do that? I don't think so, and i'm surprised the doj hasn't really attacked that that's really weird, i believe warren ridley on this channel actually mentioned this and good for him. Actually, a very good point. Now, when warren did his video, we didn't know that he actually sold 77 million of stock right after saying i'm not guilty. We just assumed that this money came from nicola.

This is actually pretty much a painted money kind of situation. So whatever happened to those 77, they went to pay the bail and i don't think that's cool and while trevor was saying well, i'm not guilty. Ladies and gentlemen, nicola actually posted the q2 financials and in those financials we actually found that nicola is actually going broke. Who would have thought unbelievable? Let me show you so in the financials, and you can check me on this - there's 650 million dollars of cash reserves on the club.

This is all the money they have in the world. Now we also found out that there's still a pre-revenue company apart from trevor, who gave them 30 000 to put solar panels on this house. They literally made not a single dollar, so it's pre-revenue company, 650 million dollars so they're not making any money. Now they do waste about 250 million dollars in just the first two quarters.

So if you multiply this by two, then you have 500 million per year, so they're burning through 500 per year. So if you do a little bit of math in the year they're going to be down to 150 million, which would mean they would need to raise cash quick, because that thing is the verge of bankruptcy. Now the problem is, they can't raise any cash, because nobody would lend them any money because they're high risk and they can't really issue any new stock because of the share price being so low. It's in the toilet, they're gon na be diluting the hell out of themselves if they sell stock at eight dollars per share, they're going to be losing control of the company pretty much about roughly eight nine dollars which the stock has they'll have to give a little Discount so somebody's gon na be taking over the company they're going to be giving up a lot so low share price high risk.
I can't see how did you get any money and here's the 77 million dollar question where the hell is the hydrogen? The whole idea of nicola was hydrogen, even they said it themselves after they kicked out trevor. They put out this road map, i'm going to show you what they said. They said they're going to have a hydrogen station collapse, announced by the end of 2020.. That hasn't happened now.

They also said they will break ground on first commercial hydrogen station by q2 2021.. That hasn't happened where the hell is the hydrogen. We have no hydrogen no stations, no production facilities, no collaborations no trucks. The only thing they got is the eveco s way, which they put a battery on pretty much creating it as some new development.

We all have electric trucks right now, that's not the complicated stuff. The whole idea of this company was to solve the idea that electric trucks can't do long haul, where the hell is that nobody's saying worry about that. That's just gone like the nikola one. However, the most interesting part that came out of this entire week is that trevor is still determined to emulate copy and completely imitate elon musk.

He actually hired the same lawyers that defended elon in the 2018 sec little twitter trial that he had about his tweet going public going private, whatever the dude can't stop trying to imitate him. It's a combination of he-man and elon for those of you who are old enough to remember what he-man is any case. I think the nikola story is about to implode. The company is running out of money, no sources of revenue trevor in the toilet.

So it's quite simple: unless trevor gives up a bigger fish, he's going to prison nicola is running out of money. There's no sources of income they're measly 25 trucks by the end of the year that nobody wants are not going to save them. It's a big problem not to mention that i'm still waiting for the sec and the doj to talk to the current managers of the company, nicolas about their involvement with everything that trevor has been doing, because they either were extremely negligent to not notice what trevor was Doing or they were internet in any option they shouldn't be sitting on the board and in the management of a public company. Just my thought might be inaccurate might be wrong, might be the ramblings of amendment.
Thank you. So much for joining me. Do your own research, allegedly blah blah blah and as always, don't click, nothing, that's much. Nothing don't buy nothing.

There's no affiliate links, no courses. No nothing just enjoy this video and i'll see you tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “The nikola trevor milton scandal just got worse…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vedo B says:

    I'm gonna buy 1 stock to help the poor guy out, guys you should do the same.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rio Riggs says:

    Tom, the Hydrogen is in the water, Trevor is in the toilet and Nikola is dumpster fire!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rio Riggs says:

    Trevor is the world's biggest clown! Imagine, he was apparently the brain of the operation at Nikola, yet people are still buying the stock. Unbelievable.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joandi HernΓ‘ndez says:

    bro, the reverb makes it virtually impossible to understand or hear you clearly.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel CH says:

    I don't see the problem. A man is arrested. He knows he will have to raise cash for bail. He sells stock to raise cash. What is the problem here? He isn't running off to Mexico. He isn't convicted yet. Why do you want him in prison?

    PS: audio is so bad because the mic is on your camera. It is too far away. The closer it is to your mouth, the better the sound. Use a second recorder and sync the audio and video tracks back on your computer.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Cero says:

    The DOJ is crooked too. They got their money and that's all that matters to them. They'd rather have the money than no money and Trevor sitting in a jail cell. Helon is a combination of Hydrogen and Elon! HA!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uncledoug says:

    I can't stand to listen. Please consider the audio portion of your production. It's called A/V, and the first word is AUDIO.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whats In a name says:

    unfortunately he will probably not go to jail and will live a luxury life

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tracy Norrell says:

    This is the first time YouTube has recommended this channel. Do his other videos also sound like they were recorded with a microphone hidden in a tin can?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Fouts says:

    I don't know why the SEC or DoJ hasn't closed down this company ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Frawley says:

    Came to hear a story about Trevor going down the drain. Left because all I could hear where shitty acoustics. So irritating.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Notstated says:

    This is at best an amateurish analysis. It's pure opinion with no linked legal analysis.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toms Tech says:

    It's a bit like being a serial killer and using the money from the wallets you take to pay for bail.
    Or being a banker losing billions and and getting a golden parachute when you "leave" afterwards.
    Or being a politician…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    Well if yoy stupid to invest in a fraud company deserve the pain – dont tell me you did not know GM – Generate Money (GM ) totaly lost it now

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naked Sushi Entertainment says:

    Don’t be surprised Tom the Justice Department is totally in the business of GETTING PAID. Lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark mark says:

    Acoustics are bad, your face is to close to the camera, and your writing is unreadable…other than, that I enjoyed the content, and hope that pos spends some time in a cell…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kokanee Sasquatch says:

    Hey Tom, what’s the deal with the $100M Nikola invested in the Pennsylvania Hydrogen Facility? Did something in that deal prevent it from going through? Thanks for all the good industry insight.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles Toepfer says:

    I got shot down two years ago about this what I am curious to get your thoughts as to how things that are so obviously a scam from the get go…Theranos, Molten Metals, Nikola attract the capital that they do from the git go…it is the psychology of this that I find interesting because the tells are always so obvious

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason johnson says:

    The SEC and DOJ only work when they are forced to. They should be investigating 100s of companies but that involves a lot of work. Government employees hate to actually do anything productive. Nicola is such an obvious scam they have to do something or else they would look like idiots

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave says:

    What about the diesel brothers specifically trevors best friend David Sparks aka heavy d. He got rich off pumping the badger for Trevor.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fall Line Japan says:

    What I get from this video is – electronic whiteboards are so much worse than the real thing… πŸ˜…

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Woods says:

    Nikola has just been given $2 million by the US government for Hyrdogen refueling research – how dumb is that!!!!!!!!!
    Source – Teslarati: "Nikola Motor Corporation announced today that it was awarded a $2 million grant from the United States Department of Energy to advance research in future autonomous hydrogen refueling technologies that will advance fueling stations.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InfinityOrchid says:

    Some people innovate (Elon) and some people just scamming people. This dude strategy is to sue Tesla just so to gain confident from investors….some people sue others and some innovates ideas/technology (Elon).

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Hooker says:

    Trevor's best bet is to pretend he really believed his own nonsense.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Hooker says:

    Losing control of a company headed by grifters and incompetents. Is there a downside?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Hooker says:

    Trevor should have learned about "fraudulent conveyance" before he sent that money to his wife.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xpeng Fangirl says:

    Nikola is speaking to Europe, now that they have the Tom ($$$), they just buy the tech and rip batteries

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