The metaverse is a conception virtual world where people can interact with each other over the internet. Companies like Roblox, Riot Games, and Facebook are investing billions of dollars to develop virtual worlds. For a variety of reasons, the metaverse has the potential to be the next trillion dollar industry.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we cover everything related to stocks and investing the holy grail of stock market. Investing is to find the emerging technology mega trends which are not obvious today, but will be the underpinnings of a trillion dollar company tomorrow. This is obvious in hindsight. If you bought amazon stock in 1997, when the internet was first emerging, you could have made a more than hundred fold return on your investment.

If you put in just one thousand dollars back, then you would now have almost two million dollars a truly life-changing amount of money. Of course, hindsight is 2020 and there are multiple times in amazon's history where it looked like they had serious risk of going bankrupt. Our jobs as investors is to identify the trends today that have the potential to create the next trillion dollar company. Of course, no matter how much research you do not every one of your disruptive technology plays will work out, but the upside is so great that you can diversify into many different companies.

Even if you had one percent of your portfolio allocated to amazon in 1997, this would have been more than enough to massively outperform the market in this video we'll be looking at one area of technology, which has the potential to be just as disruptive over the next 20 years as the internet was over the last 20. we're talking about the so-called metaphors, the broad idea of the metaverse is a virtual online environment, where people engage in various social activities that they previously would have done in person. While this might sound far-fetched, we've already started to see this. Today, in april of 2020, over 27 million people viewed a travis scott concert virtually in the online battle royale game fortnite.

This is greater than the entire population of australia and obviously, orders of magnitude greater than the number of participants that could attend in person. The idea of a metaverse is an open world virtual environment kind of like an mmorpg, but instead of just being a video game, people can do all types of things, such as meeting with friends or even going to the office. Tech giants, including facebook, are already investing billions in creating their own metaverses and industry. Analysts expect the total industry could be worth 280 billion dollars by 2025..

If the metaverse turns out to be a trillion dollar industry in 10 years time, there will likely be many companies in their infancy or not even yet started today, which will become the googles and amazons of the 2030s. Before we delve into the specifics of the metaverse, we'll go over what it takes for an emerging technology to become mainstream, we'll start off with the example of e-commerce. In the 1990s, e-commerce was in the early stages and you can only buy a limited range of products on amazon. How could you have predicted that it would grow into a behemoth that is today? The conditions for a new technology to be successful are as follows.
Firstly, it must be technologically and economically viable to implement on a large scale. Secondly, if it replaces an older technology, it must provide a better consumer experience, be cheaper or both. And thirdly, if it is a completely new technology that cannot be compared to older product offerings, it must meet a real consumer desire in the case of amazon. These conditions are clearly met.

E-Commerce cuts out the middleman of the physical retail store, which reduces cost significantly. They can also offer a much wider variety of products as they are not constrained by the limited space of each retail location. Consumers can browse through thousands of products from the comfort of their couch without the hassle of going to the mall able to offer a wide range of products at cheaper prices. It is obvious in hindsight that amazon would eventually take market share from established retailers.

An example of a technology that failed to be revolutionary is home. 3D televisions after the 2009 hit film avatar success, 3d release companies such as panasonic and lg started pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the development of home 3d tvs. Consumer demand turned out to be much lower than anticipated and most models were cut after just a few years. People simply didn't care enough about 3d to justify paying thousands of dollars extra over an ordinary tv.

So now, let's look at the metaverse specifically and try to determine whether this will be the next amazon or if it will fizzle out like 3d televisions. The idea of the metaverse is that we will eventually live a significant portion of our lives in a virtual reality. Environment, where we can perform day-to-day tasks such as talking to friends or even going to the office, while this might sound like a far-fetched, futuristic scenario, it's really not that far from the state of the world today for many people, the majority of their social interactions happen Within the virtual world of online video games and the pandemic has taught companies around the world how to communicate virtually through zoom. It's not a stretch to think that in a few years time, employees could come into virtual online offices using a virtual reality.

Headset mark zuckerberg certainly seems to think the metaverse is the future, and facebook has spent billions of dollars developing hardware and software to make this a reality. They're currently beta testing an oculus game called horizon worlds, where players can explore a realistic, open world environment. Video games such as fortnite can also be considered metaverses, as this virtual world has evolved to be much more than just a game. It's a social environment where people can interact with their friends for the metaverse to become the next big mega trend.

It must meet the criteria of being technologically and economically feasible, being superior to existing alternatives or satisfy unmet consumer desires. On the hardware side virtual reality, headsets can already provide an immersive real-world experience on the software side. The unreal and unity game engines which power, fortnite and league of legends respectively, are incredibly powerful and can support vast virtual worlds. We know that the metaverse is possible.
The question now becomes whether or not there will be significant demand from consumers and all available evidence indicates that will be extremely popular. Perhaps the earliest iteration of the metaverse is minecraft, which was first launched in it currently has over 130 million monthly active users who spend billions of hours per year, making elaborate structures in its blocky virtual terrain. If somebody can make a bigger virtual building game that incorporates vr and social media functions, this would be taking minecraft to the next level and, of course, the 27 million attendee travis scott fortnite concert further exemplifies how eager consumers are to consume all types of virtual entertainment Online virtual worlds give people a way to escape from the monotony of their day-to-day lives in the metaverse. Anything is possible, it doesn't matter how much money you make or what walk of life you are from.

Anyone can be successful in the virtual world just a few years ago, most people viewed esports as a joke, but in 2020 the league of legends worlds event had 46 million concurrent viewers at the same time that nfl and nba viewership is steadily declining. The fact is, younger generations are increasingly attracted to online entertainment and are willing to try out new technologies. Any company that can create a compelling and engaging metaverse should have no trouble attracting tens or even hundreds of millions of users. Perhaps the biggest beneficiaries to the metaverse will be the game engines which power these online worlds.

This space is occupied by a duopoly of privately held unreal engine which powers fortnite and publicly traded unity which powers league of legends in facebook's, upcoming horizons, vr game. These companies could be as important to the metaverse as microsoft and apple were to personal computers. The other major beneficiaries will obviously be the metaverse platforms themselves. Currently, the biggest metaverse like platforms are fortnite, roblox and minecraft, but over time there will be many new entrants into the market.

One of the most interesting startups in this area is a company called manticore games, which creates the core metaverse platform. Core allows players to use portals to seamlessly shift between game worlds, similar to roblox. The worlds are all generated by independent creators who monetize through microtransactions. It runs on the unreal game engine and the graphics look very similar to fortnite core is still in its early stages and is a privately held company.
Silicon valley knows that the metaverse is the future and is pouring billions of dollars into an arms race to develop new platforms. If you believe that these platforms are the future, you should pay close attention to companies like manticore as they ipo over the coming years. Alright guys that wraps it up for this video, do you think the metaverse will be as revolutionary as the internet itself? Let us know in the comments section below also like this video, if you want us to make a new weekly video series where we go over the latest developments in the metaverse and which up and coming companies stand to benefit the most. As always.

Thank you. So much for watching and we'll see you in the next one wall, street millennial, signing out.

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26 thoughts on “The next $1 trillion industry?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glurak says:

    Anyone telling me 3D gear is mass future, obviously never had 3D gear on their head for any significantly prolonged time. It's a cool once a while gimmick and nothing more.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ckukner says:

    any tech that is socially awkward is doomed to fail! VRs, KINNECT, GOOGLE GLASS, 3D TVs, VOICE CONTROLS, HAND GESTURE CONTROL.i dont know how corporate america has seem to miss this

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J B says:

    I believe that Zuck leaked the Fb docs so the company could more easily pivot to meta. It gave them an out.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Klemm says:

    Most likely, digital avatars like VC chat or whatever will be more prevailent. VR technology still is too expensive and causes dizziness to people over time. The tech barriers have to be overcome before we're anywhere near like the matrix or ready player one.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Bruns says:

    Minecraft, Fortnite, Second Life – all this was always restricted to a gamer community. This is not at all comparable to Amazon – because everyone buys something. But only a limited number of people like to wear VR for hours. Actually closer to the 3D-TV case.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Murgrabia Bęc says:

    Hehehe. Guys , as a niche, fine , it migbt work. As the next internet? This is a joke.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Kassabian says:

    Isn't this the premise of Second Life? What ever happened to that?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Culp says:

    Sounds pretty depressing and oppressive. As in investor I hope it’s right.. but as a human I hope it’s not.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Project Trade says:

    When everyone is living in the metaverse we can allocate one of them to be the metaverse deity. I of course put my name forward and vote for myself, assuming this is a democratically elected deity of course.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thisisTom says:

    "Erliest meteverse: minecraft"
    Entropia: am I a joke to you?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Telcontar1962 says:

    This world is becoming more disgusting by the minute.

    The thing is the goal does seem to be to make it a disgusting world to live in, thereby making people retreat more amd more from reality to cower within a virtual reality.

    It is a serious consideration to make whether governments that harbour people like Zucherberg should not be destroyed and the likes of Zucherberg executed for the terrible detrimental effect his awful company has had on the world.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars moofymoo says:

    so, that metaverse is fancy name for a pay to win MMO for normies to hang out?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahndeux says:

    Just look at Warcraft and all these Chinese MMOs. A lot of the younger generation has been immersed in these worlds for a long time. I think VR is a little harder because people can get nausea from using the goggles. However, I can see it be more realistic with 3D monitors. I think the real killer app would be if all these different MMO worlds can be combined into one where a person can jump from one to the next and preserve their data. It would be like the Amazon of the gaming industry where you can find what you need in one place without having to create a new account in each world. There is obviously a lot of money that can be made with upgrades or micro transactions. In a very very very long time ago back in the 80's and 90's, we had very crude systems called "doorway" games on BBS systems. Obviously, it is not as sophisticated as today, but it allow people to share and open into different online gaming worlds from a multi user world.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rubber toe says:

    The first iteration of the metaverse was habbo hotel, not Second-life and definitely not minecraft 😉

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nuclear Thunder says:

    Seeing how this is detrimental to our society, im sure this will a big market in the future

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DavidJMa says:

    Invest in things you understand. Like Blockchain and allied technology. Demonstrates real value by cutting out intermediaries. Can digitise anything and trade it.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Shvid says:

    Imagine this technology 40 years ago! The soviet union for sure would have not fallen. Can't wait to live in a 2×1 room but still being happy because I can rent a 3×3 room in FB VR!!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosen Petkov says:

    Call me old-fashioned but I have no interest in this metaverse sh*t.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Virt Real says:

    This whole metaverse concept sounds even more horrifying from a mental health perspective than the use of smartphones and social media combined.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hany Taifoor says:

    Another video about the topic would be great to see, yes i do believe and even sure that VR is the future, of course it's sad to have such technology replacing our normal life but this is the reality and it's coming.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Haarstad says:

    The fact is though, online entertainment and interactions cannot fully replicate or replace in-person interactions. I've spent a lot of time in gaming communities and such. Metaverse will be popular, but it'll be countered due to a worsening public mental health crisis

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Dacus says:

    Just a virtual world movie suggestion: Surrogates with Bruce Willis.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InvestQuest says:

    And what if you allocated 100% to FANG+ today? Hehehe. I am predicting that Facebook will be the Facebook of the 2030s! I am also predicting that google will be the google of the 2030s

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAG DAG says:

    Man, you need to work on your voice manner. You sound like a robot, which is annoying. Good channel, but dictor is not. IMHO

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Chong says:

    gonna be more conservative on the consumer demand for the metaverse here. Until now, people who spend a lot of time on games like fortnight and Minecraft are still somewhat marginalised. While things like gaming are becoming increasingly accepted within our society, I think it'll take a lot before the Metaverse blows up to astronomical proportions like e-commerce. That's not to say it won't grow large at all, because in my opinion, it definitely will… I'm just skeptical it'll grow as massive as a lot of people say it will.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MarketJunkiE says:

    Sooo life will literally be trash in a few years. SMH do not ever get into this bullisht. Go outside!!!

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