Everybody is watching the Bitcoin price chart trying to figure out where it's going.
Bitcoin's price is 48% down after the Bitcoin crash from its all time high in April but it's also 200% up in the last 12 months.
Some people are predicting an immediate bounce to $100,000 by the end of the year.
Others are saying that this is the beginning of another 4-year cycle that follows every Bitcoin crash waiting for the next big price ramp.
But the truth may be much worse - Bitcoin might be approaching a crash that will be far bigger than anyone expects causing its price to plummet all the way down from its huge $34,000 price tag today.
And this Bitcoin crash will look very different to the 3 we have seen since Bitcoin first appeared in 2009.
This one can destroy Bitcoin's value and Bitcoin may then never recover.
In this video I will explain why.
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Hey guys, it's sasha, everybody is watching the bitcoin price chart trying to figure out where it's going. The price is 48 down after the bitcoin crash from its all-time high in april, but it's also 200 up in the last 12 months. Some people are predicting an immediate bounce to maybe a hundred thousand dollars by the end of the year. Maybe higher others are saying that this is the beginning of another four year cycle that follows every one of these bitcoin crashes as we wait for the next big price ramp, but the truth may actually be much worse.

Bitcoin might be approaching a crash that will be far bigger than anyone expects, causing its price to plummet all the way down from its current, very high thirty four thousand dollar price tag, and the cause of this crash will not be the government's regulating it. It won't be the banks killing the competition. It won't be any of the obvious things that people are citing. I actually think the truth might be far simpler in this video.

I will explain why the biggest bitcoin crash we have ever seen may be coming soon, except for people who dismiss cryptocurrency as a meaningless fad. Most people would agree that bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general is a new type of asset class. Now asset classes are different. Sorts of ways of storing and in some cases, potentially growing, the value of your money, cash itself dollars are an asset class.

You can keep money in a bank account or under your mattress or wherever you like. Another popular asset class is stocks and equities. You can buy a small part of a company and then there's commodities, real estate and the actual ownership of businesses, and each of these asset classes behaves in a different way, they're all different to each other. They all have their unique features, pros and cons, but they are not independent, and this is really crucial to understand, because just because you're invested in a different asset class does not protect you from major issues fluctuations or something bad happening in a different asset class.

They are all intrinsically linked. If one asset class begins crashing, it will send the other asset classes spiraling as well. If a country's currency begins spiraling out of control, the stock market in that country and the property will usually follow that currency down the drain, but assets like gold can actually benefit as people's confidence drops and other glasses plunge. Gold tends to actually do quite well.

A stock market crash can bring other assets down with it directly or indirectly, indirectly, through government policy. The government can, for example, begin starting to print money and the yield and treasuries can collapse. Bitcoin is an asset class that many people compare to commodities like gold. It has a limited supply.

Supply is fixed and sure you can find more gold through mining, but just like bitcoin. There is only a finite total supply of it on the planet. Bitcoin only has a limited supply and light gold. Many see it as a way of storing value for the long term in a way that is independent of the markets, independent of fiat currencies and government interaction.
If the government prints a load of money, the thinking is that it won't affect the price of bitcoin. In fact, the price of bitcoin will simply go up as the feared dollars devalue, but the truth is this: the cryptocurrency asset class is not immune to what happens with other asset classes and in fact it is very strongly correlated to what happens with fiat currencies. The stock exchange and all the other types of assets as well, and here is something that is so obvious that most people don't realize it. We haven't actually seen yet how strong that correlation is because we haven't had the most obvious bit of evidence.

It's because we haven't had a major market collapse, since the bitcoin white paper was first published. Bitcoin's genesis block was mined on the 3rd of january 2009. It's about four months after liam brothers collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis. At that moment, the stock market was almost at the very bottom.

In fact, the first bitcoin block had a phrase embedded in his coinbase. That said, chancellor, on the brink of second bailout for banks. This referred to a headline in the times the uk newspaper on that very first day as the uk, along with the us, was going through the fallout of the 2008 financial crash in the months after it, and since then, we've had ups and downs. Bitcoin has had huge spikes in value that happened every four years or so.

Bitcoin has hit 1100 in december 2013 over 19, 000 in december 2017 and over 64 000 in april 2021, very very recently, and each time the bitcoin price went and crashed back down. After that peak and the holders had to wait four years until the next peak history sounds like maybe it's repeating itself, but amazingly all of these price bikes and crashes happened without the other asset classes. Doing anything much at all the stock market pretty much completely ignored. What was happening with bitcoin and that's not surprising, the total value of just the us stock market alone is about 47 trillion dollars, and the total market cap of bitcoin is only 630 billion at the moment.

But in march last year the stock market did wobble and we did have a crash, so we have one interesting little period to look at as the pandemic brought uncertainty and panic to the u.s stock market. It crashed from 3 386 points on the 19th of february 2020 to just 2237 points on the 23rd of march. That's a 34 drop in value in one month. So what happened with bitcoin over that month? Well, on the 19th of february, the high price of bitcoin was about 10 200 and on 23rd of march it dropped to 5 800.

That's a 43 drop much higher than the stock market, and in fact, in the middle of that panic, the price actually dropped. A lot further, it dropped to below 4 000. On the 13th of march. That's a drop of 62.5 from the peak, unlike most market crashes, the stock market rebounded very quickly, in this case very unusual.
We have had one of the fastest recoveries in the stock market. Ever and bitcoin went on a huge run, all the way to this all-time high. At the same time, during that bull run and as that happened, everyone forgot what happened in march and people didn't draw any important conclusions at all. Whether people want to admit it or not, the confidence in the global financial system has a huge effect on the price of bitcoin.

The stock market has a huge effect on the price of bitcoin government's monetary policy, people's confidence and the performance of the s p. 500. All have a very big effect on the price of bitcoin, and if that confidence and the value of the stock market crashes, it will bring bitcoin down with it and, as we saw in the march crash last year, bitcoin gets hit a lot harder than the market. That brings it down.

Bitcoin lost almost double the value that the stock market lost during that crash and what would have happened if the stock market didn't immediately rebound? How much further would bitcoin drop then here's the chart of the s p 500 since bitcoin was born. Now sure there are some fluctuations, but the chart starts at the bottom, after a major financial crash and over the 12 years it's only really going up and yes, bitcoin has gone up way way more than the stock market, much more than the 372 percent that the Smp 500 grew during that same period, but over the same period. Gold has only increased in value by 50 percent in total and was worth about as much in september 2018 as it was in january 2009. So the way the bitcoin behaves and its interactions with other asset classes don't seem to make it look at all similar to gold.

People don't flock to bitcoin during a period of financial instability during that 2020 market crash, while the market lost 34 percent and bitcoin lost 62 percent, the price of gold went up by 22 percent over 2 000 per ounce. The stock market has been on the biggest bull run in history, and many people would argue that it is currently severely overheated. At some point is a crash is going to happen because the stock market crashes happen. That's pretty much a certainty, but the question is: when will it happen? Although some say it's imminent, the truth is, nobody knows it could happen in the next few months.

It could happen next year could take a few years before we get there, but the period from 1982 to 1995 also saw the stock market go on a huge bull run, rising in value by 200, and a lot of people back then was saying that it's very Very hot and a crash is imminent, and that period also included a huge crash in 1987 that rebounded within just two years, that's pretty fast, but nowhere near as fast as in 2020 and at the end of that period, when everyone's saying the market is very hot, It went on to hit ridiculously higher highs yet so we could still be some time off, but anyway, what? If the next crash looks not quite like the 2020 march crash, but more like 1929 or 1973 or 2000. What if the confidence erodes more and we start a period of years or maybe even decades, waiting for the rebound to match the previous all-time highs? In those crashes, the market can lose 50 to 60 percent of its value, and it has done before a lot more than the drop that we saw in march last year, and bitcoin has shown that it can amplify market swings, and this is really important when the Market goes up, bitcoin goes up by a lot more when the market crashes, bitcoin crashes, a lot more. So in that scenario, where we get to a market crash, whenever it comes this year next year, whenever it decides to turn up, if the market drops by 60 say there is every chance the bitcoin will go and amplify that loss to more, like 90 or 95 Of its value - and yes, it can happen over half of the companies in the bloomberg internet index lost over 80 percent of their value during the dot-com bubble. Those were big tech companies at the time, amazon's shares dropped from 113 dollars to just five five dollars.
So if the market crashes, there is every chance, there is a big chance that bitcoin will crash very hard companies and people will be going through very tough periods. They will be pulling money out of speculative assets out of anywhere so that they can use just to make their ends meet, so they can pay their bills and they'll be a huge exodus of money from bitcoin and crypto in general. If that were to happen and as the price plummets, the issues that bitcoin is suffering from today will only amplify themselves. Questions about its energy use.

Adoption real world use cases can become much more prominent and may not be viewed as positively by people who just lost all of that value, and this can lead to major questions about bitcoin's utility. It is very possible that, as a result, people are going to kick bitcoin really hard while it's down, and that would be a very opportune moment for the focus to switch. It could easily switch to a different cryptocurrency. I don't know which, because there's a lot of different nuances that may play out differently, but one that may be used as proof of stake and doesn't need crazy amounts of electricity to operate.

Maybe one that can process far more transactions more quickly, maybe one that can offer other benefits. New advanced blockchain designs that offer new features and new functionality, and there is every likelihood that a crash would push the switch over and bitcoin may then, if that switch over happens, never ever recover after a crash wipes out the value of companies, people are still left With a share in a business that is making something that is selling something that is earning revenue, that is earning a profit, their share of that business still remains the same, and it still gets the same share of that company's future cash flows after the market crash. As it did before the market crash, if property prices collapse, people will still need land and houses to live in and the utility for property cannot disappear. But in 12 years that we've had bitcoin, we haven't actually tested its fragility.
It sounds crazy, but we've seen bitcoin recover from a stumble sure we've seen the ups and downs, but we haven't seen what happens when it really falls down hard at the moment. Bitcoin is the preeminent leader in crypto. It has the most adoption, the most holders and the highest value, but unlike businesses, unlike property, unlike gold and other asset classes, if the value disappears, there is no real underlying utility, which guarantees a bounce back. A different cryptocurrency or another asset class born out of the next crash that is somehow better and offers even better features, could easily take bitcoin's place, taking advantage of the situation, and if that happens, that bitcoin that you were buying for 34 000 might seem like a Very strange, very awkward, hazy dream.

I hope that gave you some food for thought. If you like this video, please don't forget to smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. Thank you so much for watching. I really really appreciate it and, as always i'll see you guys later,.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “The next bitcoin crash will be really bad (bitcoin might not recover)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YAMADA says:

    This seems like the kind of rhetoric a bear would use to try to get people to panic sell

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Time of the Wolf says:

    All the smart rich people are buying up all the Bitcoin. Do what they do and not what they say. They own the media and control the narrative. Bitcoin will survive and make a major comeback after market crash. Bitcoin is replacing gold. Silver is undervalued and a great buy. Gold is garbage.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash Ibrahim says:

    very interesting analysis!!!!! especially on the correlation on the stock market crash vs BTC, so kudos for that.

    How come companies from the S&P500 are either directly or indirectly investing in Bitcoin? More and more institutions are putting BTC on their balance sheets and others taking a different route of investing in the BTC mining company as a proxy? How does one explain these moves from large listed companies as they are also conscious about the macro outlook in regards to the stock market?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archons says:

    bitcoin will always recover and go higher because bitcoin is not a corporation or some centralized system, it's something we've never had before, it's powered by the people from all over the planet, it's a planetary asset.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThomasConover says:

    Cool story bro. But you are assuming Bitcoin is worthless. Which is your biggest mistake in your life.

    Bitcoin is not an asset. It’s not gold. It’s not digital money. Bitcoin is the worlds first “trust machine”. Trust is invaluable.

    How much are you willing to pay me if I can offer you a Serrano amount of measurable GUARANTEED 100% TRUST? And you can store that “chunk of trust” and use it in the future whenever you want to use it. And everyone will instantly accept that chunk of trust when you show it to them. Yea. Think about that for a second. How much would you value that very chunk of trust?

    Simply put; Bitcoin is invaluable. But is currently being sold at the ridiculously low price of 45000 USD per “Bitcoin” quota size.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Clark says:

    I hope it crashes! More coins to acquire. Any (good) crypto is a LONG TERM investment. Foolproof gains.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peter farmer says:

    if the stockmarket crashes 25% then yes everyting will crash including realestate,stocks,crypto,only bonds and cash if you have plenty of it ,unemployment will go up and so there is a recession and everyone loses expecially that there is inflation or deflation

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Badro Louka says:

    I don't think so. To many players in the game meaning major institutions that see only 1000 % profit in long term. What they are waiting for now is the 15k – 20k bitcoin then you will see the next trillion of investment into the market…and beyond. There will be a crash but by December or next spring summer we will have a btc close to 70k – 100k. Its the easiest money the big players will ever make so there is absolutely no reason for it tobe dumped to what you are saying as this crypto revolution has truly just begun and there is literally trillions at stake. We might see a 10k btc in the future 3_to 5 years with tight regulations that are being worked on as we speak but with a lot less new coins and more stability. The scam.pumps and altcoins or quick profit/loses being a thing of the past.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Andrew says:

    "When the stock market goes up, Bitcoin goes up a lot more. When the stock market crashes, Bitcoin crashes a lot more."

    …have you seen the BTC price chart for the last 3 months??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clive Adams says:

    I'm pretty sure most people know this, well except for the naïve retail investors who think crypto is some kind of get rich quick scheme where a few dollars here and there at 100x will net them a huge return because they've seen it on YouTube. The professional players with the big bucks have to stay in the game while the music is playing but I expect they have strategies to ensure they take as much risk off the table as they can & even then there will be many who take a big hit when it all falls apart.

    The retail investors, though, are going to suffer a lot. I see many being wiped out and worse if they have borrowed heavily to "invest". Cryopto isn't an investment, it's a gambling game, a massive ponzi, with a lot of money to be won and lost and those who see it that way have the best chance of coming away with something. The rest will crash and burn sooner or later, it's inevitable no matter how many stories they make up to say it ain't so.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Vincent says:

    It's game over for the bears, give it up. Official that Amazon is going to adopt bitcoin. There's no bigger company in the world that would be a more resounding endorsement. The twice tested dip to 28.5k area was a double bottom and will likely never be seen again.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tahir Ali says:

    Stock market crash can happen from June 2023 to the end of 2023 not in 2021, in next few weeks, we can see 10% to 13% correction in stock and Bitcoin and crypto will dump around 30% to 40%
    That will be the best time to buy Bitcoin and crypto for the next big leg up 🚀🚀🚀

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Clark says:

    Crypto is monopoly money. When people eventually wake up, yes it will disappear. It's fake. Its counterfeit money. Its let's pretend. It's a joke, that isn't funny.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vfeuer says:

    idk know why this video was featured in bitcoin's obituarie. for me the only currency that has real value now is that one who inventor is unknown

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darren Prior says:

    The stock market going up has a huge effect on BTC. The stock market going down has a huge effect on BTC. Over-reliance on China for BTC mining has a big effect on BTC. China banning BTC has a big effect on BTC. Environmental Concerns have a huge effect on BTC as does El Salvador discovering that volcanoes could power BTC for the next thousand years. The fear of rampant inflation has a huge effect on BTC as does the fear of rampant deflation and stagflation. The list goes on. It seems that whatever FUD there is out there has a huge effect on BTC, as does the occurrence of the exact opposite of the FUD we fear. I'm so f-ing confused as to WTF everyone is carrying on about because it doesn't matter. Somehow BTC continues to carry on doing what BTC does, day after day, FUD after FUD as well as the opposite of such FUD. Incidentally, when you claim BTC hasn't really been tested in a hard crash that's not entirely true. Just this year it has lost more than half its value, in 2018 it dived by 73% and back in 2014 it lost 58% of its value. Each time it went on to newer highs. Regarding additional better, faster, stronger features, there is nothing stopping the introduction of such features if there is a consensus to adopt such features, if they are deemed worthwhile. So no matter what alternative 'shitcoin' comes along, there is no reason BTC can't adopt, adapt and improve exponentially. Not sure why such a system could ever be deemed completely worthless. I guess time will tell.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jish55 says:

    Reminds me of what happened a few years back when Bitcoin was briefly at $16k before it plummeted HARD. In 2017, Bitcoin went from being less than a grand to $16k, and then went back down to $3k a couple of months later and remained in the $3-4k margin until 2019 where it briefly shot up to $10k before again going down to around $6k until the later half of 2020 where it started rising and continued (thanks to covid being a major part of it's climb). So if it goes down again, it won't be too surprising like how it won't be surprising if it again shoots back up after the China crackdown passes through.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Improved2021 says:

    Ive been saying this similar thing for over 5 months- but Hopium BTC fools need to sell the buy buy buy BTC-Agenda constantly so the masses being sheep just follow them

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Teo Cezar says:

    To the point, totally contrary to what a lot of smiley ugly faces preach on YouTube. Be prepared for a massive crash. Next step? Maybe you ll be able to buy a pizza with 100 bitcoins. Exactly how it started.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Miranda says:

    did you brush your hair? or do you wake up like that? Thank you for going against the current 🙂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kheebab says:

    Yeah i watched the video… i'm not gonna label this FUD but it's clickbaity and makes sweeping generalisations. When did the stock market ever go up 17x in one year?

    Correlation is not causation and past performance doesn't predict future results… a crash is a crash, a depression is a depression and gold used to be as valuable as salt. Or salt used to be as valuable as gold. It's all perspective anyway, right?

    BTC exists because of the 2008 crash and the way the 'legacy' finance system operates. That's why the headline you mention is in the blockchain. Crypto is digital finance hence why a new headline was recently added about El Salvador adopting BTC as legal tender. Digital money… There will always be BTC just like there will always be gold and sentiment may change but that's not the point. How likely is it? Could be, maybe, sure it's possible. It's a non zero possibility that BTC could retest some serious lows.

    But when you evoke the dotcom bubble and Amazon stock went down to $5 it's disingenuous to make this comparison because not very many people used Amazon back then… Meanwhile in crypto space there's ETFs on the horizon and GBTC. So the crypto bubble bursts and BTC could lose 95% of it's value. People will still use it maybe it was always intended to be a tool to take money back from the financial institutions that were never held accountable for the 2008 crash.

    People are attached to the crypto system because it represents a new way of doing finance and there's a lot of interesting applications for decentralised computing not BTC specifically. And you didn't even explore the stock to flow model. It would be cool to see a more balanced video that explores the topic in a way that doesn't resemble the BBC reporting on Brexit.


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE STAY AT HOME DAD says:

    I dont believe bitcoin and alts will not crash like it did in the past, only because the technology change since than..with Defi and people staking there coins and holding it up for years..I believe bitcoin is going to hold 30k for a while..

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony B says:

    Ok this one is just plain crazy, so many nations have adopted crypto, we will see a crash as usual but not as low and as long as before. The only good crypto strategy is buy and hold long.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRbeybifeyz says:

    You are unable to invest into anything if you fear it may drop 95 pct. If stocks will crash, a lot of things will follow. The house you live in may loose 95 pct of its value too. What about gbp? After so much printing during covid, that may crash too. But after a crash, a recovery is imminent

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Monica Samson says:

    Please does anyone know how I can access my blockchain wallet. My login password isn't working, and I cant remember my word phrase.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prap says:

    NEVER … bitcoin will go to 100k this winter. Believe my words. Good luck homies.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Essence The Artist says:

    I'm concerned honestly for someone I know who put all their faith and savings into this. I admire the enthusiasm but wisdom plzzz

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Translation Service says:

    He has common sense. Yes, anyone can create blockchains like BTC with a limited supply. Source-codes for BTC is open-source. No wonder there are tens of thousands of cryptos like BTC (some are even much better than BTC). People think that money can be created out of thin air like this. Eventually, only the high-tech blockchains that offer utility and have applications will survive.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypt0 Zen says:

    you get a dislike and two hate comments, good for you? no time viewed … don't use titles like this , YOU DUMB …

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Murphy says:

    I own crypto and equities. Surely people who are investing realise that there's a correlation between all markets? NGMI if you don't. Sure it's a house of cards but as Peter lynch famously said "far more money has been lost By investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections then has been lost in corrections themselves". let's face it Volatility is the price you pay for performance.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Wiegman says:

    ETH is anticipated to account for $8 trillion of transactions this year. I just don't see the utility in this. A system responsible for near instantaneous global smart transactions.
    Its like saying the internet has no use of just carrying IP packets around.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Wiegman says:

    You keep saying bitcoin lost value, the supply of bitcoin changed little so 1BTC=1BTC. You keep saying bitcoin's value relative to FIAT. As FIAT grows, each denomination (dollar) becomes worth less, therefore, it takes more dollars to buy a finite number of BTC. So if inflation runs rampant and because they printed too many dollars, the number of BTC didnt change, only its value with relation to FIAT.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raywalt de Cuba says:

    Naaahhh only crashing to 28k -20k but not lower visa. cbdc, FEDs, banks all jumping in you are not up to date with the news.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ukxgerard says:

    Well done. This is the elephant in the room and you have articulated this very well.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Yanshin says:

    I have a feeling there might be a few comments here from people who won't watch the video…

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