So you know when i started this channel. The whole idea was for me to talk about things that mainstream media would not share and to provide you actual analysis of. What's going on behind the scenes, not just the agenda and the messages that being spewed from either side, i feel it's a good opportunity right now to do it with gas prices, everybody's talking about gas prices and there's two types of narratives. You keep hearing number one.

It's either putin's fault or it's chevron, axle mobile's fault biden, just came out said. Well, you know the oil companies are making too much money. You know they're just greedy they're pigs, on the other hand, there's a whole different discussion, which you hear right now, which is that this is biden's fault. You know biden caused this to happen and that's why he needs to pay the price et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, so everybody have an agenda and they're trying to push it using gas prices because everybody gets riled about gas prices.

Rightfully so i mean we should be paying five bucks a gallon. My guy that's a whole different discussion, so i'm here to clear up everything and just explain what the hell is going on. Both sides are actually lying to you and let me tell you clearly right now: this isn't biden's fault and i'm not a biden fan this isn't putin's fault. Clearly, i'm not a putin fan has been already established.

I think - and this is not almost kind of in a funny manner - not even exxon, mobils or chevron's fault. In fact, this is not even inflation's fault. Why? Tom? Are you off your rocker? If this is not inflation, if this is not putin, if this is not the greed of exomobile chevron, if this is neither of these things, if it's not biden's fault, so whose fault it is, let me explain so here's how this thing played out over the past Few years, um governments across the world, not just in the us across the world, mainly in western europe and north america, went really ham on esg, renewable energy sustainability, et cetera, et cetera, the most hawkish or davis. Whatever you want to call them were the germans who actually decided to shut down coal plants and nuclear energy plants and basically go all in on russian gas, because this was the most environmentally friendly option, the same thing in do it and to be honest, this has Been going on for quite a few years, i mean sustainably quite a few years so over the past few years, as this whole trend of basically, let's kill the oil companies.

Let's kill the fossil energy blah blah blah, let's go for green. So basically what happened? The past few years as people are pushing for it, there's been a lot of wishful thinking and, as this wishful thinking actually came about and the narratives have become more of kind of what we want the world to be, which is full of sustainable energy. Green energy. For sure, and not what the world is now as long as you didn't have the pandemic as long as you don't have a war in europe as long as you don't have supply chain shortages because of closed down facilities and logistics chains being completely, you can somehow Manage even with this whole kind of agenda of going balls deep into renewable energy when, in fact it is way ahead of its time right now, there's probably five to ten years and being super generous until we can actually make a dent with renewable energy.
It's just not there, so we bet on this thing way before it was too ready, and essentially what happened is that now murphy's law raised its ugly head and said: well now, i'm going to throw a monkey wrench into this whole machine that barely is holding on And i'm going to up i'm going to start the pandemic, i'm going to start a war, i'm going to start inflation, etc, etc, etc. So that's number one now number two. You have to understand that again, i'm not saying that this is biden's fault, but also when biden says that this is excellent. Mobile's fault or chevron's fault he's also full of.

Let me explain why so over the past, i want to say almost two decades: the u.s governments, whether it's democratic governments, republican governments, every single u.s government risks u.s regulator. U.S officials have been bashing the oil companies trying to destroy them pretty much going hard on this. Renewable energy, absolutely discouraging development of you - know new activities, making it pretty much impossible for these companies to invest capex into increasing capacity, and it's been well documented. It's not this government, it's not the previous government.

It's been kind of a last few governments, basically making this push. Now, when you have the government, basically fighting against you and against your industry, you're not going to invest capex, which is capital expenditures into something that's going to take five years to get actually money out, because in those five years you know things can really go south. So as now, the oil companies are actually making good money for the first time in many many years now the government's saying. Well, why aren't you investing more money in increasing capacity, because look at the interview that the chevron ceo gave just a few days ago, he said: hey, i don't think we're ever going to have a refinery in the us ever again.

The reason he's saying that is because there's just not enough stability, i mean if this government right now needs oil because of russia, ukraine, what happens when they don't need it as much in a few months, they're going to shellack the oil companies again. So, if that's the case, if that's kind of the mexican standoff, then that does just rather you know max out profits right now get as much cash as they can and not help this government because they know at the end. You know this government, the next government whatever government is going to come, might just absolutely go at them again, so we have kind of the a lot of slight, never mind the unwillingness of all companies to invest in increasing capacity because of how governments have behaved. The past few years, and on top of that, we have supply chain shortages which were caused by the pandemic and the complete rise in demand because of the reopening the summer, and we just removed russia from the supplier list for the us and western europe.
That's like 10 of the supply. This whole combination is what's creating this. This is not biden's fault or chevron's fault or putin's fault. This is what happens when you play stupid games.

You win stupid prizes. Is that simple? You play stupid games. You bet on this esg scam and now we're paying the price. So i think that if you want to find responsible parties to this, i guess this would be the people who were pushing hard in the boardrooms in the regulators in the decision-making offices to go for esg to go for renewables and not sustain a strategic ability to Actually produce oil and energy in the u.s, without relying on fairy godmothers coming in and sprinkling energy dust over your you know over your when you need it.

This is not how the world works. Hopefully, now there's a change in policy and a change that will actually encourage the oil companies to increase capacity, but i wouldn't hold my breath at least not now, let's see how this thing plays out. As always, you know this is for the few people who are actually willing to watch these car videos. Thank you for stopping by i'll, see you next video.

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34 thoughts on “The narrative game around gas prices is a total farse”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alton says:

    The virus didnโ€™t eff up supply chains. Governments did that. And they simply double down on Stupid. Renewables are likely 15-20 year off from being anything remotely a substantial part of the energy infrastructure. Stupid stupid stupid. A pox on every government asshat who supports this insanity that is crushing Main Street.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G G says:

    Dammit, you got me Tom. I'm the cause of high gas prices. But I won't relent. I'll bleed everyone dry before I lower the prices…..

    ……to fund my secret lair.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Koch says:

    It's Biden's fault. He cut off construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, joined the Paris Accord, and stopped new drilling on land and offshore all within his first 30 days in office. Gas prices started going up about two months after he got into office.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles says:

    Tom's Palantir stock does better under Trump's oil and gas supply side economic policies. Biden's woke energy policies are killing woke growth stocks.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael sixty-five says:

    Nothing wrong with ESG as stated to the general public. E – think efficient or low waste, S – think people friendly like customers and employees, and G – think behave honestly. The implementation of ESG seems to be the dystopian nightmare.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alton says:

    It is GOVERNMENTS Fault everywhere. Run by fools who know nothing about economics. Nothing.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Life says:

    Oil subsidies worldwide were $440 billion in 2021 and $40 billion in the U.S. Something is weird since fossil fuel are the single most subsidized form of energy why is it so expensive at the pump?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eli Reinharz says:

    This is nothing! Wait till climate change hits. Typical hindsight.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Ning says:

    Biden is destroying America every single day! Letโ€™s go Brandon!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Phelan says:

    Hey Tom always enjoy your videos. This time I think you are letting the oil companies off a little too easy. They got the willies when the oil price went negative during the pandemic so cut production and laid off staff. When things came back online they just went meh we're good the oil price is up because of a shortage of supply now this is great and we don't need more cap ex , break out the champagne. The US is a net exporter of oil so they are just milking it.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Booth says:

    If you believe in a green energy transition, OPEC wants higher prices to build cash reserves.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophie's Dad says:

    Didnโ€™t the Saudis refuse to release more supply because Biden insulted them during the election?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter McHenry says:

    Please do an ESG discussion.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jetrow S says:

    could not agree with you more anyone that does not agree with tom does not understand the issue. Cutting oil and gas is like cutting your nose to spite your face. Yes renewable is the future but you cannot replace oil and gas for some time to come. time is needed to build the electrical infrastructure and manufacturing. You cannot replace 90million car sales each year with EVs if you don't have the supply nor the energy to power them.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MidWest Cannabis says:

    If Trump was President, America would be energy independant. Party On and NASH it!โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ƒโœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ƒโœŒ๏ธ

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Riebel says:

    100% on Biden, zero debate. Stroke of a pen day #1 of his presidency.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy says:

    Many small American oil companies went out of business the last 6 years.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canyon Racer says:

    The Oil Industry released Covid………….they know how to play the long game๐Ÿ˜Ž
    Excuse my mid-life conspiracy crisis Tom!
    The fact the Oil Industry haven't built a new refinery in the USA in 50+ years…..and those Refineries depend heavily on Imported Oil/Heavy crude to operate, while the US primarily produces Light/Sweet crude………we shouldn't be surprised.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L L says:

    If you're just talking about oil and gas "prices", then the explanation is not complicated.

    It's not Biden's or Putin's fault or dems vs Republicans or even xom and cvx.

    1) Oil and gas was always considered highy cyclical to begin with. It always had ups and downs. This cycle was just more extreme because of the pandemic and then the reopening. Hell… some folks were predicting the pandemic would go on for years or indefinitely, thus resulting in crazy sell offs only to then result in a more extreme recovery.

    2) It's not so much that oil companies are greedy. It's that they are paranoid. Because they have been burned by the ups and downs of energy prices over and over again. So they would rather leave money on the table than to take a chance and get their faces ripped off (again).

    3) Thinking Biden caused high energy prices is naive. However, he could be taking alot more action to increase supply and bring prices back down (such as a 2-3 year green light on a national drilling and operating company). The problem is he would get attacked by both sides of the political spectrum. From the left for increasing carbon emissions and from the right for potentially hurting the existing US oil companies. Biden at this point just doesn't have the balls to a make a move like this.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David W Hamilton says:

    Totally disagree with you When Trump was in there gas was $2.46 A gallon for diesel Biden comes in and does 35 executive orders On his first day including shutting down the pipeline and permits for drilling gas immediately started going up and itโ€™s been going up ever cents. Iโ€™m not saying that everything else has an added to it but that was the start of the rise. So as far as Iโ€™m concerned itโ€™s this administration that caused the start of the gas prices rising. This administration is doing the exact same thing with the border itโ€™s totally out of control just like gas and itโ€™s this administrationโ€˜s fault in of story!!!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ari_Is_Faded says:

    If oil wasnt 120 dollars a barrel maybe Putin would have an incentive to end the war and come to peace terms. The silence is deafening just how much damage the Democrats have down to their own country in just less than two years. Inflation rates at 8.6% minus food and energy and still nobody is calling to have Biden impeached.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars htsauce420 says:

    I can't wait to short oil in the fall

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacklyn Czipf says:

    "willing to watch these car videos" Tom, you can make as many car videos as you want. Keep delivering this level of value and I will watch them all.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nimit Desai says:

    US Oil production is at its highest it's ever been. There are over 9500 leases that are already sold which they can use to start drilling. It's nothing but their greed. It's idiotic for you to blame people for wanting to get rid of this exact situation we are going through by going to renewable energy. Also LNG isn't a renewable energy. It might be a clean energy, but not renewable. So the fact that you said that shows us you don't understand the meaning of renewable.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harnoor Singh says:

    Make video on What will happen in world in next 25 years.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CharlieTheCarpenter says:

    Biden is a tool of the nwo and his teleprompter is to fault.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! harry woods says:

    ust a thought, Iโ€™m less interested in whoโ€™s fault it is and more interested in solutions. Elonโ€˜s right we need in the short term more nuclear and more production of oil and gas but we need to do it strategically that means less use of Russian oil and gas . America And her allies need to step up to the plate With timely solutions๐Ÿค”IMO

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El Ta says:

    Itโ€™s the money printing and the sanctions.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Collarge says:

    it wasn't the guy who knocked over the house of cards, it was the ones that stacked them.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars taiwanjohn says:

    Not to nitpick, but… "farce" is spelled with a c, not s. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Investory says:

    not saying its Bidens fault.. but.. he sure has a big part in it.
    also it sure is Putans fault.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hyper Rabbit says:

    So it's Greta's Fault

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby Vincent says:

    how could this possibly be Biden's fault? Gimmie a break. I hate Biden as much as the next guy. But let's get a clue people

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tony464us2011 says:

    Blaming Biden is for simpletons, its the refineries.

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