With the rise of every successful business, there is bound to be some skeptics. However, sometimes, these doubters go too far. In this video, I cover the man who seeks to arrest Elon Musk.
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Every successful business is bound to have some skeptics, whether it be bearish, analysts, short sellers or jealous citizens. While criticism is helpful in many ways, sometimes it goes too far with the rise of both spacex and tesla. Elon musk has gained not only immense popularity, but also a lot of enemies in this video. I'm gon na go over how a man, by the name of randeep hoffy plans to arrest elon musk if you're new to the channel.

Please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it. Many will say that randeep is a stalker, harasser or perpetrator of violence. Others will argue that randeep is engaging in unorthodox research for a short sale of tesla either way. He certainly has a strange way of doing his investment research, leading to a series of lawsuits back and forth from tesla and randeep.

It all started when he first took notice of tesla's fremont factory near his house. When randeep began doing some research, he claimed that he was witnessing one of the largest frauds in the history of america. After joining a tesla short selling group called tesla q on twitter randi began keeping an eye on tesla's fremont assembly plant, closely, counting the number of cars that were produced and comparing it with tesla's production numbers. During this time he photographed many of the activities going on outside of the plant so that he could post these pictures on twitter.

On february 21, 2019 tesla's employees became tired of randy's suspicious activity and sent a security guard to try to pry him away from the factory when the security guard tyler james, confronted him, randeep fled the scene and hit tyler with his car. Tyler quickly took a photo of randeep in order to help identify and have proof against him, while tyler only ended up with minor injuries. Tesla was extremely concerned about future attacks and reported to the fremont police about the incident. When the police reviewed the case, they concluded that the crash did not meet the requirements to be considered a hit and run tesla.

Employees were enraged at this and had the police forward the case to the county district attorney's office. However, the attorney refused to prosecute randeep, as there was not enough evidence supporting the facts that randeep hit tyler with his car after this incident, randeep concluded that he wouldn't go to the fremont factory for some time to come, as he was scared of the same incident Happening again, nonetheless, he still had other ways to combat tesla. On april 16, 2019, while randy was driving on california's interstate 880, he spotted a red tesla model 3. That caught his eye on the trunk of the model.

3 was a custom tripod that rose 5 feet tall. The back of the vehicle also had manufactured plates, hinting at the fact that this was a model 3 prototype that tesla was filming in order to release a demo of how autopilot works. Randy was fascinated at this opportunity and tailed the vehicle with his white acura randeep then began testing the autopilot's capabilities using risky tactics, for example. He would drive ahead or behind the vehicle and then swerve dangerously close to the model 3, while photographing the reaction of autopilot.
It was later found that these actions were inspired by other tesla short sellers on twitter, who told randeep to drive along with it and create random events for it to react to and break in front of the car and swerve into its lane. After tesla sued went deep for these actions, he began releasing some threatening tweets about elon, musk and tesla in a series of tweets randy made it clear that he had a goal to get elon musk in prison. I will not rest. This is my promise.

Tesla is a zero elon. Musk will go to prison. Tesla is a zero grifters, get prison sentences for fraud. I own you tick, tock ps! You have some capital to raise for your cash burning corporations get to work, we'll keep grinding.

We meticulously read every financial statement and note every line item each lie, misleading statement and dangerous technology that endangers the public will be examined. Pass them on to journalists, discuss them on twitter, get the data out. Without a doubt. Both sides of the war were enraged at one another.

On april 22nd, 2019 tesla was rewarded with the temporary restraining order against randy for tesla's autonomy day, but drops the case two months after randy. Hoffy has lost plenty of his life savings, shorting tesla, but he sees an end where he is rewarded after tesla stock goes to zero, which is far from the current moment. After almost 16 months of researching randeep has completed his case against tesla, as he sued tesla. On august 7, 2020 for defamation, randeep's lawsuit claims that as one of the highest profile and wealthiest individuals in the world, musk knew or should have known that his accusations concerning hothi would be conveyed to a worldwide audience and would result in the accusations receiving significant publicity.

This publicity, which randeep claims was made to ruin his reputation, led to lots of hate mail, including troubling racist chatter and baseless accusations. Through this lawsuit, he looks to seek general special and punitive damages using randip's publicity lawrence j fossey, who writes articles for seeking alpha under the using a montana skeptic, has fundraised 118 thousand dollars to defend randeep on gofundme. While both went deep and elon musk are looking to have the feud end in their favor, the truth is that the arguments will likely never end the case of randy. Hothy is just one of many cases that has gone on with musk.

For example, martin tripp, a former employee at tesla claims that tesla was knowingly selling defective batteries, resulting in a 167 million dollar lawsuit filed by tesla against martin. According to an anonymous caller, tripp was planning. A mass shooting bloomberg stated that tesla's pr department spread rumors that tripp was possibly homicidal and had been part of a grand conspiracy. Let me know in the comment section below where you think ran deep hockey's lawsuit will settle.
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34 thoughts on “The man who seeks to arrest elon musk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam David says:

    l recommended a professional broker to you guys sometime ago, can I get person who invested with her
    comment below
    let's gooooo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1luv4j says:

    It if you worship him. Musk is a AlphaAiV. Get off the junk humans we be trogen horse, ai bs.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moses Alazzawi says:

    Isn't he (Elon) doing (or did) something with Ghislane Maxwell who worked with Jeffrey Epstein?
    Randeep is crazy, though. But still, that doesn't mean that Elon is clean, even though Tesla is successful, that doesn't make Elon a saint, just a genius legitimate businessman.
    I checked. How can why confirm if Musk told the truth about it being a photo bomb? That would be a dangerous photobomb, seeing as it can lead to a character assassination of such a high-profile figure as Musk, which is probably why he might have been the target of a photobomb.
    I don't like the guy whether or not he's involved with Maxwell; he named his cars after sex, and he is trying to turn people into cyborgs, and I just find him unpleasant and too… American. I am sounding very silly now; I don't like big flashy events with sensation; I like quiet and relaxed type of style; I don't like sports cars, but I like Mini Coopers. Now I'm really sounding silly. I like people who have quieter pleasant personas, less like American TV people or Donald Trump, but more like… Postman Pat. Well, it's not like a persom such as Postman Pat will have the right personality matrix to be an entrepreneur. Elon Musk is a disruptive entrepreneur, not Grandpa Sasaki from Chibi Maruko-Chan. I really should just shut up.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Antony says:

    Randeep should be institutionalized for the insane

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iEuno1 says:

    lol, ridiculous, both the police and the DA are liable.
    File in federal courts and the UN.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Mohamed Nazel says:

    these guys are most probably paid by big oil or big motor companies …as long as tesla's aim is to sincerely help the people and the environment and humanity as a whole, God will be on his side..if that changes like it has for the oil companies and the ICE car companies..its going to become extinct and lost to history..just like many others in the past..GOD is watching and nothing escapes HIM

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Mohamed Nazel says:

    Its always good to have enemies in the business world…They keep u honest by checking anything u might have missed. and pushing u to improve further

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M L Barker says:

    I recall when Elon seemed to allude that there was a hit out on him maybe by big oil/auto. He may have been paranoid but appeared genuinely worried. Pretty sure his comments weren't just about an attack on the business, and it wouldn't surprise my the lengths big oil would go to. That would make a great vid. I know Peter Thiel lives with a car running outside like a high Gov official just in case he needs to take off asap.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Hormann says:

    I look forward to the day, when f*ckstick Randeep… declares BANKRUPTCY, after continuing to short Tesla & when he loses his court case, requiring him to pay Tesla's hefty court costs!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dane van Loggerenberg says:

    These people against Elon are crazy nut bags, all they want is a quick buck. I hope they loose everything. Elon is one of the smartest people in the world, and is now one of the richest. But do you know the best thing about Elon Musk he uses the money he has to fund innovative companies which in turn creates more jobs, and pushing the limits of technology.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morpheus says:

    The amount of energy he has put into this, he could be so far.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Mota says:

    Stick with Tesla news need that's appropriate. Not crap like this.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouAreOneOfUs says:

    Elon should have paid him for testing his driverless car!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dante Fajardo says:

    So the morons from the OPEC and WTI who don't understand Tesla is actually saving them from having oil dried up.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MyPetEskimo says:

    remember people short apple n amazon for some reason

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donavan Shockley says:

    if the broad public would just wake up and do their own research it wouldnt be possible for some moron like this to get any attention at all.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Foo Barrel says:

    Hothi's lawsuit will not be settled but taken to trial by Telsa/Musk. The Courts usually do not take kindly to stalkers/harassers who try to bankrupt legit companies for their own petty vendetta/grift, thus it will end in ignominious failure to prove his claim of defamation. Thus his Kickstarter of $130k will be blown on futile legal costs, but this is the way of TSLAQ losers!

    Martin Tripp, the amazing ScrapMaster, will fare no better.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Herr Wahnsinn says:

    Not just one, all of the fake lying fraud billionaires should be in prison just as these criminals deserve.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelo Cacchione says:

    Wow ! When trolls fall down the rabbit hole 🙁

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryne Sweeney says:

    So the guy that has openly engaged multiple times with Elon on Twitter now seeks money after he got put on blast in the same public forum??? This guy just needs to suck it up, take his losses, and move on.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cmiamt says:

    Why isn't this guy using his energy to spy on Trevor Martin? He would have a field day and be hailed hero.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fanaticvandal says:

    Just spam his twitter, he will soon shut it down.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Grabe says:

    Aren’t there any protective rules and measures that protect a person from such obvious attacks?🤔

    This world is so fucked up.

    How can that be than someone goes away after openly threatening a person or company?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vinny Lamoureux says:

    If there is any justice left in this world, Tesla should win, and this clown should go home broke.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mountain Poo says:

    It be a shame if somebody disable his braking system

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaren B says:

    What a joke. Tesla is trying to make the world a better place. This random nobody is trying to burn it down.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giannis Christopoulos says:

    He is just a psycopath with no future. Pointless video.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheif Investigator says:

    Creepy and at the same time sad. This obsession with destroying Elon and Tesla has become a sickness that is becoming very unsettling to those of us who desire to see Elon succeed in his endeavors. This a story of two contrasting personalities, one man trying to save the planet while the other is trying to destroy that very same man trying to save the planet. Two differing motivations—one for the good of civilization while the other? Who knows…

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameron Hall says:

    As an outsider this looks like a group of people who feel entitled to make a fortune at the expense of Tesla. They believe this is their money after all and they will get what's theirs no matter what it takes.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Old man says:

    What's up with all these Musk haters? I just don't get it. All Musk does is try to make life better for humans. No good deed goes unpunished.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Liu says:

    My car makes zero emissions… so that's what he meant by Elon is zero!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaserGuidedLoogie says:

    This sounds like the sort of fanatical, hateful and obssesive mentalilty that is directed at Donald Trump.
    Hothi's short sale screwed him because he was wrong in his analysis.
    Instead of accepting his losses and trying to do better, he fixated on Elon Musk and made this all his fault. Somehow, Musk is an Evil Villain who must be conquered in order for Hothi to be vidicated.
    Trump is dealing with exactly the same sort of mental illness from the left. They can't really name any particular policy they dislike, all they can do is rage and point and sputter and create wild unsubstatiated accusations about how Evil Villain Trump is getting way with some vague made up crimes.
    These people are a public menace.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tetragramaton OMEGA says:

    Yea.. If anyone watched "Billions" the TV series.. It shows that Billionaires don't like billionaires,and they go above and beywto destroy each other.. So yea I hope Elon can keep up the strength to fight off those jealous rich people.. 😂

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HockeyDay says:

    The Martin lawsuit he fired his lawyer. After it was leak that he was shorting Tesla. It was just in the last few days , I think I have the details right

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