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Oh my gosh, we are back again on Jeffrey Epstein This time we're going through part two. Who thought, Who would have thought that the very next day after we got over 940 pages on Jeffrey Epstein we would have gotten yet another drop of over 300. Pages This time talking about Bill Clinton bursting into Vanity Fair threatening them not to write about his friend Jeffrey Epstein Yeah, there's a lot to cover in this one. We're going to go through all the details these details just dropped.

We're going to go through all of these details. Uh, together here, there is a lot. If you have not yet been caught up, you could go to That's my website where we kind of drop our research and and our annotations and stuff get caught up on everything we talked about on Jeffrey Epstein Yesterday we did a full summary yesterday on the Epstein files. Uh, you can see that right here again, Epstein files.

Not only do we have a summary, but we have all the links to the videos and the documents on there. The documents we're covering now will throw up on there as well. Uh, shortly. But first, let's get into this.

Wow. Okay, so first thing we have here is an email between Virginia remember Virginia is the young uh girl or was the young girl she was born in 83 who is allegedly one of the first or one of potentially many younger AG girls to perform sexual acts on behalf of Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein Virginia claims that it was very common. In fact, the younger the better the for the girls and her. Part of her job was to recruit other young aged girls.

but she believed that most girls working for the Epstein and Maxwell cult were between 15 and 21 years old and they were sent around the world to live a life of luxury but also to have sex with prominent people. People like the Democratic Senate Majority Leader Uh, you had Alan Dich, you had modeling agency, you had prince Andrew a lot of big names again Watch The 25-minute video summary from yesterday: A Lot of people are watching it. A lot of people are enjoying that. this is going to be a longer video because we got to go through part two in detail here.

So this is an email from Virginia she goes by Jenna that becomes important in just a moment. We discovered that yesterday as well. that's her nickname. but anyway, she here This is an email between her Virginia and Sharon Churcher Sharon Churcher is a journalist.

She Virginia writes good points all of them. She's debating with Sharon how much of the story should she should share because she feels this is a gamble. She's not sure what to do. She thinks she wants to write a book.

She thinks she wants to tell the Press some of what's going on, but this is where you'll see in here. the Bill Clinton reference. Listen to this. Good points all of them.

I'm looking at both sides of the picture. On the upside, it will give exposure to build up publicity for the case and the story. But like you said, it must be carefully written. The the journalist article must be carefully written to not give any Notions about the upcoming book.
In other words, she's not trying to pitch or advertise the upcoming book yet. Uh, she doesn't. She doesn't want to get rid of the potential explosiveness of announcing a book. Now this does create some monetary incentives to potentially stretch the truth.

Let's be. and I want to be very, very exceptionally clear here: I'm not here to side with anyone who's sex trafficking anyone. But let's just put it this way, if Virginia is thinking about writing a book, obviously the more juicy the story the better. Okay, and I'll tell you based on what we read yesterday, there was plenty of juice, just not the kind you really wanted.

Anyway, talking about the uh, this right here. what do we got on the upside will give exposure to build publicity for the case must be carefully written to not give away Notions about the upcoming book when I was doing some research into Vanity Fair yesterday. It does concern me what they could want to write about me. So in other words, Jenna Virginia is worried about what potentially Vanity Fair might say about her.

And then she says this quote considering that Bill Clinton walked into Vanity Fair and threatened them not to write sex traffing trafficking articles about his good friend. Jeffrey Epstein Wow, that's that's a pretty big one, right? That's a big allegation right there. This is. this is now alleging that Bill Clinton walked into a Vanity Fair office demanding this is a President demanding they don't write negative articles about a sex trafficker.

Uh, that doesn't look good. It's That's definitely a strong allegation. Uh, so keep this from M Now remember he was um, uh, he was president from 1993 to 2001 Virginia started working with Maxwell and them between 99 and 2001 one, but she basically started working in '99 which is when she was roughly 16 17 years old. Uh, that's when she was picked up essentially a Maro to start working for Maxwell after they met just outside the locker room.

Bill Clinton was President from 1993 to 2001. So it's likely that if Bill Clinton stormed into Vanity fear it occurred after, uh, his presidency. okay, uh, should I be asking what this story they're writing is pertaining to she's asking this other reporter hey, should I ask Vanity Fair what are you all thinking about dropping on me? You going to say something bad about me I wouldn't want to give the public a bad image or anything like that I don't know, it's all such a gamble. I Just thank goodness for having a friend like you on the inside who knows how to deal with the viciousness of today's world.

I Will let Brad know what you have recommended. Thanks again Jenna So then we get uh to Sharon's reply. Sharon's reply is I would let Vanity fair by your picture via Brad So in other words they they copy Brad right here at Path to and they're saying hey, look, let let us have the exclusive rights to your inside photos because the gamble would be uh, letting uh, the big gamble would be to let him also give them a statement saying your interviews with us were accurately reported and you have no more to say. In other words, Sharon wants it to seem like Virginia has way more to say for her.
Tell all book right? uh and uh, you know you want to be able to add details to how you were sexually trafficked, especially since two of the world's most respected politicians were included. Yikes! Now those names are blacked out right here. So we still have a mystery. This mystery is going to be going on for a while, but there is more mystery here as well as women.

The scenes with Maxwell because you're writing a book, the reason this is a gamble is Jeffrey knows some of the most powerful people in publishing and once alerted, will inevitably try to scare off potential buyers. But the upside is it should help you get a good Agent I Would have Brad use the phrase sex traffic as this is a heads up about the book revealing more than we printed. basically. So these are emails going circulating between Clinton and or sorry between Uh the journalist and Virginia where Virginia is spilling beans here or alleged beans on Bill Clinton It's pretty big now.

Uh, in addition to this, there's a Uh phrase that's trending right now. Uh, and it has to do with blackmailing. So we're going to do a quick um find here. It is okay.

let's understand what this is because this is Jane Doe Number Three good Lord Another one. Hold on a sec. Let's see. this is Exhibit C Okay, so this is Uh Exhibit C Hold on.

let's get to the right place. Uh Exhibit C In this document is it looks like a statement of fact. Give me one sec to pull it up here. Oh I Just lost my page standby standby.

There it is. and okay. Exhibit C So this is Jane do 1 and Jane do 2 in addition to Jane Do 3 and Jane Do 4's motion pursuant to Rule 21 for Joiner in action. In words, two women who are still not identified are suing uh uh.

Well, actually this this looks like Jane Doe one and two versus the United States. Oh, this is interesting anyway. so Jane do 1 and two were suing and then three and four are like, you know what? We also are part of this and we also have a claim and what? to sue? Come now Jane Do 3 and four also referred to as the New Victims buing through undersigned Council File this motion uh on the condition that they not relitigate any issues already litigated by one and two the current victims. The new victims have suffered the same violations under the Crime Victims Rights Act as well as the current victims.

Accordingly, they desire to join this action to vindicate their rights as well because these new victims will not relitigate Any previously litigated is litigated issues by the current victims and they are represented by the same legal council. The government will not. Prejudice if the court grants the motion the court. May At any time add new parties to the action.
Okay, great factual background so this is put together. I'm going to put a little note here. Uh, because I think it's worth noting. So this is put together uh, written by the attorneys for victims.

So even though it says factual background, it's still put together by the attorneys of the defendants right? So it's like the defendants facts all right. As the court is aware more than six years ago. Oh, that's been going on for a while. More than six years ago.

Jane Do W Filed the present action against the government alleging a violation of her rights under and this was that same act that we had right here. Crime Victims Rights Act She alleged that Jeffrey Epstein abused her and the United States entered had entered. oh, now we get into the NPA Oh, this is where it gets juicy. Okay, so so they're arguing.

hey, I was abused and you're protecting the abuser. That's what they're arguing here. So look at this. She alleged that Jeffrey Epstein had sexually abused her and the United States entered into a secret non-prosecution agreement NPA regarding those crimes in violation of her rights.

At the first court hearing on the case, the court allowed Jane Doe to to join the action 1 and Two specifically argued that the government had failed to protect their rights to confer to reasonable notice and to be treated with fairness. In response, the government argued that the CV does not apply to one and two because no federal charges had ever been filed against Jeffrey Epstein. The court firmly rejects the United States's position. In a detailed ruling, the court concluded that the Cvra extended rights to one and two Jane do even though the Federal.

even though federal charges were never filed. The C explained that because the non-prosecution agreement barred the prosecution of crimes committed against them by Epstein, they had standing to assert violations in the Cvra. In other words, Jane Doe wanted to have the right to continue going on with their lawsuit against the government for entering into a non-prosecution agreement with Jeffrey Epstein which is also weird like that. that's what should like be making you kind of scratch your head is like, why did Jeffrey Epsteam get another non prosecution agreement like usually Agreements are based on some kind of negotiation, right? You get something.

We get something. What does the government get from giving Jeffrey Epstein a non-prosecution agreement? Well, maybe the government doesn't get anything, but maybe some of the people who were involved get to put this back in the closet. Ah, Interesting. All right.

The court explained that because the NPA Barbed the prosecution okay, we read that. so two other victims who are in many respects similarly situated to the current victims now wish to join this action. The new victims joining the stage will not cause any delay in their Joiner will be expeditious fine. As with Jane Doe 1 and two three was repeatedly sexually abused by Epsteam.
The government then concealed from Jane Do3 the existence of the NPA from Jane Do3 in violation of her rights. Jane Do3 was oh in 1999. that's the same time as Virginia although we don't know is Jane Do 3 Virginia I mean what? she's going to be one of these four Probably. But anyway, Jane Do3 was approached by Maxwell one of the main women whom Epstein used to procure underage girls for sexual activities and a primary co-conspirator in his sexual abuse and sex trafficking scheme.

I'll tell you it was a scheme when you watch this. If you have not yet watched the summary video the 25 minutes from yesterday, make sure you watch that it's linked on In fact, it became known to the government that Maxwell herself regularly participated in Epstein's sexual exploitation of minors including Jane Doe3, right? This is an allegation that we heard from Uh Virginia as well that Maxwell would basically require girls to quote unquote go down on her as well Maxwell persuaded Jane Do3 who is 15? Okay, see, uh, that so that can't be Virginia because Virginia in 1999 would have been well, 199 I Guess she could have been 15 at the early part of the year. Uh, but anyway. uh, the from the testimony we saw yesterday, she was 16.

but again, she's she's one of these Janos Probably Okay, so what do we have here who was 15 years old then? yikes, that's just terrible. Uh, okay, let's throw a highlighter on. here. There we go.

Maxwell proceded Janeo 3 who was 15 years old to come to Epstein's mansion in a fashion very similar to the manner in which Epstein and his other co-conspirators coerced dozens of other children including Jane Do 1 and 2. When Jane Do 3 began giving Epstein a massage Epstein Maxwell turned it into a sexual encounter encounter as they had done with other victims Epstein became enamored with Jane Do 3 and with the assistance of Maxwell converted her into what was commonly referred to as a sex slave. It's interesting, yesterday, we heard one of the girls refer to as a slave. uh I want to I want try to remember which one that was it was n Sarah the Booker but one of them was referred to as a slave.

Let me see if I could get that was in the 943 Pages Yesterday Emmy Taylor was referred to as the slave my slave Emmy Taylor was called my slave So that means Jane Do 3 could have been Emmy Taylor Okay, let's write that down. Uh Emmy Taylor That makes sense because Emmy was the one who seemed young. Remember from Virginia's commentary, she's like yeah, you know I saw this girl who seemed really young and it sounded like she was talking about going to high school. Oh this.
this is such a gross story Epstein kept Jane Doe 3 as his sex slave from 1999 to 200000 when she managed to escape to a foreign country and hide out from Epstein and his co-conspirators for years. Wow! Epstein frequently sexually abused Epstein 3 not only in West Palm Beach but also in New York Mexico The US Virgin Islands and an international airspace on Epstein's private planes and elsewhere. Epstein also trafficed the then minor Jane do making her available for sex to politically connected and financially powerful people Epstein Purposes Epstein's purposes in lending Jane Doe along with other Jo Oh, here we go. this is Juicy ready for this Epstein's purposes in lending Jane Doe along with other young girls to such powerful people were to ingratiate himself What uh with them for business, personal, political and financial gain.

Oh, here it is, as well as to obtain potential blackmail information. Well, now maybe it's no wonder so many of these people ended up dead. Wow, what one such powerful individual was then? Harvard Law Professor former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dersovitz, a close friend of Epstein and criminal Defense attorney Epstein required Jane Do3 to have sexual relationships relations with Dersovitz on numerous occasions. While she was a minor not only in Florida, but on Plains, the Virgin, Islands, New Mexico New York and otherwise.

in addition to being a participant in the abuse of Jane Do3 and others, Jtz was an eyewitness to the sexual abuse of other minors of Uh EP and Epstein's co-conspirators Dersovitz would later play a significant role in negotiating the Mpa on Epstein's behalf. Unbelievable! Duritz helped negotiate an agreement that provided immunity from federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida to not only Epstein but also any potential co-conspirators of Epstein. Thus, Duritz helped negotiate an agreement with a provision that provided protection from himself against any prosecution in Florida for sexually abusing Jane3 that is messed up. If you're one of these young girls and then you hear the people who abused you are so politically powerful that they're basically able to get immunity from the government.

That just makes you feel like crap because of this broad immunity. Because this broad immunity would have been controversial if disclosed, Dersovitz and other members of the Epstein defense team and the Government tried to keep the immunity provision a secret from Epstein's victims and the general public even though they knew such secrecy violated the Crime Victims Rights act. Maxwell. Another person in Epstein's Inner Circle and co-conspirator and the sexual abuse uh was someone who consequently also appreciated the immunity granted by the NPA for the crime she committed in Florida This is terrible Maxwell took numerous sexually explicit pictures of underage girls including Jane Do3.
She shared those photographs which constituted child pornography under applicable federal laws with Epstein the government is apparently aware of in certain instances and in certain instances, possesses some of the photographs. Oh my goodness. perhaps even more important to the role in Epstein's AB sexual abuse ring, Maxwell had directed connections to other powerful individuals with whom she could connect. Epstein For instance, one such powerful individual Epstein forced Jane do to have sexual Rel relationships was a member of the British royal family prince Andrew Duke of York Wow, Uh, that's uh, this is we We heard we heard about this yesterday, but uh, to see we didn't We didn't know the allegation with Clarity that prince Andrew was having relationships with some of the underaged girls.

that was implied, but this is a little bit more blunt on that argument. Okay, uh, uh. let's see here various geographies Epstein instructed Jane Do3 that she would give the prince whatever he demanded and required Jane Do3 to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse. Maxwell facilitated Prince Andrew's acts of sexual abuse by acting as a Madam for Epstein thereby assisting his internationally trafficed Jano 3 and numerous other young girls for sexual purposes.

Another person in Epstein's Inner Circle Uh is Jean Luke Brunell Fcen sexually traffic Jean Jane Do 3 to Jean Luke Brunell Many times, this was the head of that modeling agency Brunell was another of Epstein's closest friends and regular traveling companion who had many contacts with young girls throughout the world. Brunell had been a model Scout for various model agencies for years was able to get passports for young girls to work as models. He would bring young girls ranging as low as young as 12 to the United States for sexual purposes. Wow, as young as 12.

That's horrible. Epstein Also forced Jane Do3 to have uh sex with Brunell on multiple occasions. Uh Epine also required Jane Do3 to describe events she had with those men so she could potentially blackmail them. The government was well aware of Jane Do3 when it was negotiating NPA that's the non-prosecution agreement, as it listed her as a victim in the attachment of the NPA.

Moreover, even rudimentary investigation of Jane Do 3's relationship to Epstein would have revealed the fact that she had been trafficked through the United States and internationally for sexual purposes. Let's take a look at some other names that we have in here and then we'll We'll keep bouncing through some of this. let's look at. Uh, let's see.

So we got blackmail in here. We saw black mail on this page. We saw it here. We saw it.

there. blackmail is mentioned twice. Let's see if uh, let's do quick little scrub here. There is no mention in this document of Trump we do have Clinton that comes up.

We know that, especially regarding the Vanity Fair email. Uh, Okay, so what do we have here? So this is. this. Looks like another Exhibit Four filed under seal.
What is this? This is the Virginia versus Maxwell document. Uh, this is this is an open court speaking directly to the judge. Okay, so this is in the case. Your honor.

Okay, Somehow Clinton comes up here. Your honor. It is a meaningful distinction. I Can explain a little bit of the background here.

Plaintiff came forward and gave an interview in the press in 2021 claiming that my client was somehow involved with Mr Epstein's sexual abuse of her. She gave an exclusive interview to a British newspaper. This sounds like an attorney for Maxwell she. uh, because they're talking about what sounds like Virginia which made the allegation that the uh, uh that the plaintiff did and was paid for it the sexual abuses.

My client issued a general Denial in 2021 saying that the allegations were untrue at the time. The plaintiffs said that although she had been in contact with the likes of Prince Andrew and B Bill Clinton and other famous people, there was no suggestion that such people had engaged in any kind of improper sexual contact with her. That's uh, this is the attorney for Maxwell arguing that Virginia had not had sexual contact with these folks. Okay, what is this? Other highly relevant information? Hold on.

Let's make sure we didn't jump too far ahead. Yeah, that's that's a little bit of a jump. That's that's the one mention of Bill Clinton here. This is an open court.

Here we go. What is this? Duritz came out even stronger and not only flatly denied it, but in fact called her a liar. Yeah, we remember Dersovitz called Virginia a liar and said among other things, if she lied about me, she probably lied about all those other world leaders she claimed she was involved with at the age of 17 or 18 and that story dates back to 1999. Okay, let's go forward a little more.

What is this document? This must be the fact finding. Again, let's see what this document is. Okay, it's not. Let's see here: Motion to quash Subpoena response to non-party Sharon Churcher's motion to squash Seena So it sounds like Sharon Churcher who's the journalist was subpoena and this is a motion to kill That subpoena to prevent Sharon Churcher from having to provide information to the court.

BAS Basically, so why does Clinton get mentioned in this Other highly relevant information In Churcher's sole possession is the identification of what documented information Plaintiff was shown by churcher, including flight logs, pictures, or witness statements. For instance, based on an email correspondence, it appears that churcher was in possession of Epstein's flight logs. There is no indication that Plaintiff had seen those flight logs prior to meeting churcher. FL Plaintiff never mentioned certain names that appear in the flight logs prior to churcher's meeting with her in February 2021.
By way of example, Bill Clinton is listed on those flight logs Plaintiff never mentioned or references Clinton yet suddenly out of thin air. Plaintiff alleges allegedly reports the churcher in 20121 that she met Bill Clinton twice and that Maxwell flew Clinton on a helicopter to Epstein's Island a story which has since been fully discredited as a lie. This is simply one of the names and stories that that were mysteriously added to the plaintiff's story, likely through churcher's suggestive questioning and presentation of documents. So this is kind of a way of uh of of the defense for Maxwell arguing that hey, look, you know churcher is just trying to get a story and she's encouraging Virginia to make stuff up about Clinton and other powerful people.

this is that email. Uh, this is the email without highlighting about Vanity Fair That email comes up a few times. He got off the first time around retaining Kenneth Star Who Witched Hunt Bill Clinton and Alan Dersovitz. The Justice Department is investigating corruption allegations against at least one prosecutor involved who wrote this: hi Jared Oh, this is Sharon churcher so this is the um this is the journalist and the journalist writes uh the following she indicates hopefully you have Virginia's book pitch by now.

She has some amazing names which she can share with you in confidence and I think she also has a human interest story that could appeal to the Oprah female set basically trying to pitch Virginia story. Here are a few of the stories about Virginia plus some examples of the massive Us and other International media pickup: Vanity Fair is doing a delete a piece I Believe in August The FBI have have reopened the Epstein case due to Virginia's Revelations I'm also attaching a link to a New York profile magazine profile of Epstein written before his world combusted. The FBI believed he was essentially running a private and mobile brothel for some of the world's richest and most influential men. Wow! those are the Clinton references in this uh in the next Epstein set of files here and uh, this is.

Let's take a peek here. Uh, okay. I should put part two. Uh, part two is in the thumbnail.

There we go I threw that on the title really quick. Um, okay so let's keep going here. there is we know that Tucker dropped a piece today with the brother, so let's go grab that and see what we have here. And then we're going to keep going through these documents as well.

so quickly transition one second. There we go. All right. So here it is around with while he was alive, people who flew on his airplane, people who stayed on his private island in the Caribbean, those who had dinner at his home on Fifth Avenue in New York and to some extent those names are coming out.

not all of them. but we know a lot of the people who were in Jeffrey Epstein's life and we have for several years now. But on another level, that whole story seems like a bit of a sideshow because it doesn't answer the main Mysteries surrending Jeffrey Epstein's life or death And there are three of them, almost none of which is ever discussed in the media. The first is who did Jeffrey Epstein work for, what did Jeffrey Epstein do for a living and on whose behalf we don't know.
The second question is, where did all the money come from Hundred, hundreds of millions of dollars that passed through his hands over many years and where is it now? We don't know that either. And the third question may be the most pressing of all, which is what happened to Jeffrey Epstein On August 10th, 2019 he was found dead in the federal Correction Facility in Manhattan and one of the most secure places in the world. Did he kill himself as the government has claimed ever since, or was he murdered? Well, the overwhelming evidence suggests that he was in fact murdered and that the US government, including the Attorney General of the United States covered up that murder. These are the questions that matter most and they're exactly the ones not being addressed in the news media.

Why is that? We decided to speak to someone who has insight into this question and that is Jeffrey Epstein's only surviving relative. His name is Mark Epstein He was Jeffrey Epstein's brother separated by 18 months. He's a successful real estate developer in New York and he's very concerned for his own safety. So the interview that follows is one that you will listen to rather than see.

Mark Epstein refused to appear on camera, but we think what he has to say is worth hearing. Here it is: Do you think your brother killed himself? Not now? No. When I first heard he was dead from suicide I had no reason to doubt it. So I accepted that.

But then after the autopsy and after Bill Bob made that asinine statement, I said this was not a suicide. Um, but when you first heard the news, you were not. You thought it was a possibility that he killed himself. Yeah, I accepted it as a fact.

I heard it on the news. The government didn't notify me as they said I heard it on CNN in the morning of the 10th and you're his only Survivor you're the only surviving relative. Yes yes, he has no children and our parents are gone and there's no other siblings. When did you start to think that he did not kill himself? Well after the autopsy and the both Pathologists the city pathologist and Dr B came out of the autopsy and they said this, this doesn't look like a suicide, it looks more like a homicide.

So what did you do then? Well I Okay I figured I have to look into this and see what's going on. Were you shocked that he might have been killed? Uh, it came as a surprise. Yeah. so as his only surviving relative, what did you do to find out out what happened to him? Well I started to inquire about what took place.
You know the Justice Department uh was supposedly investigating the initial death certificate uh said pending uh when it said cause of death which means pending further investigation. Yes so but then a few days later it was declared a suicide by the chief pathologist who who was not at the autopsy and uh the questions became what invested and remember the the uh uh lacerations that that you could almost see around Jeffrey Epstein's neck in the autopsy photo which we won't pull up right now of course. uh I'll rewind a little bit. that was the the pathologist who was there suicide by the chief pathologist who who was not at the autopsy and uh, the questions became what investigation was done in such a short period of time to make her determine it was a suicide or was she basing it on Bill Bar's statement and who who was the chief pathologist who made that declaration uh Dr Roman that was the the pathologist who was there.

No, no, no, that was uh oh. Samson Barbara Samson was the chief pathologist Dr Roman did the actual autopsy with Dr B So Barbara Samson is the person who declared it officially a suicide and she was not. As you said at the autopsy I mean she was not present for it correct And you know when they call it a suicide, they stop investigating. There you go, because if there's a suicide, there's really nothing to investigate, right? If it's a suicide because somebody killed themselves, case closed so that's how they can just sort of cover it up.

They never. They never did an investigation, they didn't never interviewed the EMTs that were called to the jail, They never interviewed the hospital Personnel where his body was was shipped, they did I Can't get any answers as to what investigation was done when I Met with the Justice Department people a few months after the death, every question I asked was answered by saying after a thorough investigation we determined it was a suicide. That was the it was like them pleading the fifth I got the same answer to every question I asked. so um, do you have did you speak to Barbara Samson The official who ruled this as no I haven't been able to get to her oh, she never called you no So in Um, in her public explanation, she has been asked about this, we tried to reach out to her.

she refused to speak to us um for reasons we don't understand. uh, but in her official explanation, she suggested that she ruled it a suicide effectively overruling the Judgment of the people who actually perform the autopsy because your brother had attempted suicide previously. Yeah, but that's been shown to be false. You can listen to David shown his attorney on the Podcast the Crime Waves podcast.

He explains that Jeff was attacked by his cellmate, but he didn't want to report it as such because he was afraid of retaliation. Um, but every news account. That's a very interesting argument By the way. This idea that oh, you know you don't want to get your cellmate in trouble because then he might actually really hurt you.
Ah, it's an interesting argument of his initial injuries in the in the weeks before his death said that he had tried to kill himself in in his cell. he was found in fetal position on the floor after a failed suicide attempt, etc. etc. Well, you know, once somebody says that, then everyone picks up the same story and then it becomes you know the truth just because it's been repeated so many times.

But the fact fact is, he was not. He did not attempt suicide that first time. So if he didn't try and kill himself the first time, then the medical examiner had no basis to declare this a suicide when exactly exactly. Plus, there's reasons why he wouldn't kill himself.

Then he had a hearing scheduled for Uh to appeal the bail decision coming up in a few days. and uh, the bail was being uh increased so there's a chance he could have got Bail even as unpalatable as that might have been to some people you know. and the United States You're entitled to bail under certain certain conditions, but um, you know. So I could see if he went for the hearing for bail and it was denied, then I can see him taking himself out if he didn't want to spend a year in jail waiting for a trial.

Yeah, but not a few days before. That makes no sense in all the in your conversations with him and in your conversations with the people who were in contact with him the final weeks of his life. Was there any indication in all that he was suicidal at any point? No. I had no conversations with him once he was arrested I I Spoke to him the day before he was arrested.

He actually called me from Paris just the usual you know how you doing kind of phone call and the next day his attorneys called me and told me he was arrested and that was the last time I spoke with him. I didn't speak to him or see him while he was in jail. But having spoken to his lawyers and and people whom he communicated with from jail, did anybody say that he seemed suici? No. Everybody was shocked that it was a suicide.

Nobody thought he was going to kill himself. Nobody thought he would do that. So what's interesting is that the Attorney General of the United States at the time Attorney General Bar Uh said publicly and then wrote in his Memoir that he had concluded conclusively that this was a suicide based on two pieces of evidence: One, the medical examiner the person who performed the autopsy declared it a suicide which is a lie that didn't happen and two because he had viewed the videotape at the entrance to the tier to the cell block where your brother was being held. What do you make of that explanation? Well, when when I heard boss statement that he said he personally saw the videotape and he concluded it was a suicide because nobody would in her out.
I That's when it hit me that he's covering this up because there's two sort of fallacies in that one. I Thought Why is the Attorney General of the United States who I imagine to be a busy guy? Why is he personally watching the videotape? Couldn't he have two people in his office watch the videotape and say hey, Bill Nobody went in or out. you know, wouldn't that suffice? And two to assume that somebody could get to that door go inside. You know, kill somebody.

Get out completely undetected is just ridiculous because I believe there are six levels of security right before you get to that door. So to assume that somebody could do it that way is crazy. and any third grade investigator will tell you that you know there was anywhere from 7 to 14 people on the other side of that door on the tier that could have killed somebody right? and I had been told from another source. I've been getting a lot of information from all sources that cell doors were left unlocked that night.

I don't know how many cell doors or who cell doors, but if if Cell doors were left unlocked, then somebody could have went into Jeff cell, killed them, went back into their cell undetected. Now in the Justice Department uh report, it says that from three cells you could see Jeff selor. but if you look at the photographs of the tier, there tiny windows in the cell doors. So in order to see Jeff's cell door from another cell, you'd have to be standing at that window inside the other cells in the middle of the night looking towards Jeff's cell.

And if somebody crept low beneath the height of that window, you wouldn't see them. So the fact that you know to say that he could be seen from three other cells and they didn't see anything? Well, chances are the other prisoners were sleeping in those cells if they had nothing to do with it. So again, it it. It's just like a cover up line, right? So in other words, the Attorney General said that nobody moved on to the cell block according to the videotape.

But that is irrelevant because if your brother was murdered, he was almost certainly murdered by someone who was already on the cell block. Exactly right? So um, given that, and it's obvious and logical when you think about it for about 10 seconds, the identities of the other inmates on that cell block are critical. Your brother was alone in his cell, right? Um, so any one of those inmates could have killed your brother. Do we know who they were? No.

I can't find out who they were. It's uh, there was anywhere. There were seven other cells, each with one or two people in them. Yes, which means there either anywhere from seven to 14 people other than my brother on the tier that night.

I don't know who they are or I know one that guy tag Leone who was Jeff's soulmate for a while. Uh, he was there and he was there for a long time. So uh, if if Jeff was killed, it's a possibility that somebody was planted in there. sell doors were left unlocked and then from what I understand a number of prisoners were transferred off of that tier after the death.
So if somebody was planted, he killed Jeff and a day or two later he's transferred out and he disappears. Into The Ether I don't know who the prisoners were I'd like to find out who they are and where are they now. so there's of course a record of this. These are federal inmates in a facility run by the Department of Justice the Bureau of Prisons overseen by the Department of Justice So it's not like nobody knows who they were that they have to have a record right? Sure, but they will not release that to you I Haven't been able to get anything right? Let's go down.

Um, the chain of documents that might explain this mystery. Um, so the first would be the records of the First Responders the EMTs who arrived at the scene and moved your brother's body from the cell to no. That's what I had thought. But when I spoke to an EMT when they got to the prison Jeff was already in the infirmary, they the prison people moved him to the infirmary which they were not supposed to do because when he was found he was clearly dead.

The autopsy showed he was dead for at least 2 hours before he was found. So at that point they're supposed to leave the body and call the medical examiner's office so they can come take photographs, do the initial testing, whatever they do when they find a dead body. but that wasn't done. They moved him to the infirmary and uh, they moved his corpse to the infirmary but notified nobody else.

Well, a 9911 call was made to get the EMTs and we can't get a copy of the 911 call which is you know we hear 911 calls for all sorts of other cases. This one seems to be missing. Uh, when they got there He? you know. One thing I will say that bothers me about this is that this brother didn't contact Jeffrey Epstein once while Jeffrey Epstein was in jail a lot of so far, this brother's account to me sounds like he's obsessed with this story and he's just a watcher like us and throwing in his commentary I keep listening, waiting for the brother to say something unique and I kind of wonder if this is just an outside viewer basically and Tucker's like oh, this will get good views and this person's like I get to be on Tucker I'm a Little sused by this interview I I We'll keep, we're We're almost like we're about halfway through.

We'll listen a little bit more here, but I'm I'm a little disappointed. So far in this interview was in the infirmary and he was clearly dead because like I said he' been dead for two hours and there was a photograph of somebody here in the comments says you can't call people that are in jail yeah you can him being wheeled out of the prison where he was intubated. you know, squeezing an air bulb to try to get you know So I was questioning why are they trying to put you know pump to into a clearly dead body? You know, were they trying to make it look like he was alive so that he could be declared dead in the hospital? Because what? What? I've been told. normally when they find dead bodies in the prisons, they want to ship them to the hospital so they're declared dead in the hospital because like an Unwritten rule is, nobody dies in prison, they didn't want to deal with it.
So they ship him to the hospital where he's declared dead. and when I questioned the EMT why they were intubating him, I said because he was dead for at least two hours the response I got was how do you know that It was a kind of a strange response but I knew that from the autopsy so we don't know who moved him out of the cell No the no person has come forward to say I moved this corpse from the cell No but I was also told that in the infirmary and in The hospital there was somebody with a handheld video camera all the time running videotaping everything. Where are those tapes? That's another question. Despite the fact that your brother was dead in his cell and had been dead for two hours.

At least at least two hours. At least two hours. Somebody cut off his clothing and redressed the corpse in hospital scrubs in a gown. Yeah, I have a photograph of him, uh, in a hospital gown on a gurnie in a hospital where you know his arms were put through the sleeve.

It's one of those gowns you're tie in the back. So the question becomes, you know who decided to dress a dead body in a hospital gown? Normally they're either in a body bag or covered in by a sheet. That's bizarre. Yes.

And four and a half years later, you have no answers at all on any of these questions. None, none. And I've tried to get the the PCR report or the ACR report, which is the report that the EMTs fill out on every call they make. It's just their recordkeeping system and these are filed with the fire department.

and and uh, as the video I sent you show, they have no record of it. so there are essentially no records of what happened at all. There's no videotape, the cameras were broken, the guards were supposed to be keeping watch, were asleep. They were convicted of lying, but then they were pardoned by a judge later.

Apparently One still works for the Federal government I Believe So yes, um I tried to talk to the gods they I couldn't get to them I tried to contact them through their attorneys and I couldn't get to them. Um, Okay, so then there was famously an investigation into this overseen by the department of Justice's head investigator. Where is that? Well, they came out with a report, you know, a few months ago and uh, for four years we've been trying to find out what position his body was in when it was found and we couldn't get an answer to that either. But in the report it described how he was found, it said that he was in a seated position with his legs extended in front of him and he was hanging from the top bunk.
So if you if you picture that, you know, uh, basically all of his body weight or most of his body weight was hanging by this noose around his neck or the ligature around his neck. He had some weight on his feet, but the bulk of his 180 some OD pounds was hanging. Uh, and they said when they cut him down or tore him down, his buttocks was an inch or inch and a half above the ground Again, which means his body weight was on his neck. Now if somebody's hanging like that, the news or Li would would ride up high on the neck and go high behind your ears to to where it was tied to.

but uh, the autopsy photographs show that the liat J mark on Jeff's neck is in the middle of his neck and goes straight back as if someone put a rope around his neck and strangled him like Carlo and The Godfather in the car or the electrical cord to a SE or electrical cord or whatever was there. but it doesn't look like the fabric from a bed sheet. So if um, it seems clear just from the photographs of his autopsy that he was strangled with say a cord, wouldn't you test that cord for his DNA Yeah, nobody know seems to know where. That is.

also the way they said he was hanging and again, he had to be there for at least 2 hours. When you die, the blood in your body settles to the gravity, takes the blood down to the lowest parts of your body and they become blotchy from the uh, blood pooling. Under The Skin So the back of his legs and his buttocks should have what's called lividity. They should have this blotchiness like bruising look on the back of his legs and his buttocks.

The autopsy photographs show that his legs are clean clear so he couldn't have been hanging that way for more than you know. For Two Plus hours, he'd have blood pulling in his legs. That's not the case. So did the report explain the discrepancies from the autopsy that bones in his neck were broken that are not seen in hangings but are seen in strangulations? Those broken bones are not.

They're seen in strangulations. but because he had three bones, it's also from uh, karate chop to the neck will break bones like that and that seems to be what. I've spoken to military people. a preferred way of killing people is you karate chop them in the neck really hard.

You collapse their windpipe and that disorients them and incapacitates them. and then usually they just break their neck or you can strangle them so the the brakes in his neck are more consistent with a karate chop than a soft what's called a soft hanging. You know when you tie something around your neck and you sit down or hang yourself from something soft like you know. Unfortunately, Robin Williams or Andre you know Bain was it who killed himself? B right? Those are soft hangings as opposed to you know Brooks in the Sh Shank Redemption who stood on a chair and sort of jumped off.
That's a hard hanging that will snap the bones in your neck. but that wasn't what happened with Jeff So Dr Michel Baden who participated was present at the autopsy. Um has participated in like over a thousand autopsies of prison deaths. I Have never seen three fractures like this in a suicidal hanging.

Going over over a thousand jail hangings suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40 50 years no one had three fractures. His fairly firm conclusion is that this was not a suicide. Is that correct? Yes, Yeah, he was holding off on that determination pending determination of how the body was found. Which we finally, now that they say the way the body was found just only shows that it was not that way the autopsy shows, it's not that way.

Which further convinced Dr B and that this was not a a hanging, not a suicide. So um, here's what we wind up with. At the end of all this, we wind up with a high-profile inmate in the most secure Federal facility in the country's largest city who was somehow murdered clearly with the knowledge of the Justice Department. and the Attorney General of the United States lies about it, which he did, and there's no reason to do that except to cover up the crime.

So so what does that? What does that tell us about this? Oh, it's a scary thought that you could be killed in prison by the government, because again, that my life would have been a lot easier if he committed suicide. I could have put it behind me. But uh, it's obviously it's obvious at this point in time that he was. it was not a suicide and so means somebody killed him.

So who killed him and why right? So in talking to all the people around him or people who were connected with him in one way or another in the final weeks of his life, have you detected a fear in those people and talking about this? uh no, not really. I don't think they're fearful of anything I was the one getting the death threats not not them I don't think they did. Why were you getting death threats? Well when Jeff died people tried to link me to his activities in some way shape or form uh again I I had not seen Jeff for seven years prior to his death we were in community. We emailed his death, we were in communication, we spoke, we emailed but we lived two different lives so I didn't know his me me to his activities in some way shape or form uh again I I had not seen Jeff for seven years prior to his death we were in communication, we spoke, we emailed but we lived two different lives.

so I didn't know his in a circle and he didn't know mine. uh but people try to link us try to link me to his activities and I was getting I was in contact with the with the FBI and the New York Police Department about the death threats and I had at times had armed Gods when I went to the autopsy I had armed Gods with me to protect myself from whom from whoever killed Jeff But anyone who could murder someone in a Federal Detention Facility obviously has a lot of power. Yeah, well. I was trying to protect myself as best as I could.
Yeah H do you fear for I noticed you're not appearing on camera. you've asked not to appear on camera. Yeah, just I don't want to be recognized I travel a lot and there's no need for me. This is not about me.

this is about Jeff's death. Did you have any inkling at all that your brother was involved in anything that might get him killed by a government? No, no. like I said I wasn't involved with his day today life, you know and uh, you know his troubles he had with the charges with the girls was from the early two You know, 2006 is when he first got into trouble and he uh, spent time in jail for that. Well, that's that.

That's a question that's occurred to me. I mean he went through all this whatever you think of it. Um, and then he was charged again for the same for the same things. Effectively right.

I mean from what I understand that was going. he had a non-prosecution agre agreement with the federal government on that when he made his plea deal. Uh, so he believed he was safe from further prosecution and then he flew home from Paris in July and they arrested him on the same charges and his def. I believe his defense was going to be well, hey, you know I have a non-prosecution agreement with the federal government and supposedly they say well that was like the southern district or some area.

Well as far as I know we have one federal government and if you make a deal with the federal government it covers the entire country. Has it occurred that maybe the point of rearr resting him on the same charges was to get him into a facility where he could be killed that you know I' I've shied away from speculating about all of this, you know I try to stick with the facts but that's a possibility. Um, do you think other governments might have been involved in this? not just the US government? Uh, I I Would on the surface say no I don't see why I mean again I don't know what he was doing dayto day so you know again. that's speculation which I don't want to do but I don't think so.

You know on the surface I don't see why. um what information are you still seeking about his death? Well who were the prisoners on that Ward that night? how long were they there for now? If somebody was on that Ward for you know, a long time like his roommate then you know obviously he they wer imp planted there you know, two years ago to kill Jeff then so who was transferred onto that ward in a week or two before he was killed and and where are they now? Where were they transferred to? Were these real prisoners or was at a plant? Have you asked the Inspector General at the Department of Justice We asked all these questions yes, way back when and we get no Yeah, After a thorough investigation, we've determined it was a suicide, but no one's giving you any details. After a careful investigation, we've determined it was a suicide. That's what I've been was getting from them.
I'm doing to you what they were doing to me. What's your next move? Well I'm still trying to find the information I have in you know, foils out to try to get the medical reports, to try to get the 911 call and just to get people thinking about this. people shouldn't like you said, people shouldn't. uh, be complacent with the fact that somebody was killed in a federal prison under Federal Protection Yeah, and officials at the very highest levels are lying about it.

Yeah, and people should be aware of that whether we ever figure out exactly what happened I don't know. but uh. I don't want people to think he committed some suicide because that's not the case. Markstein, Thank you very much.

You're welcome H Yeah I'm a little sussed out. Didn't see the guy lived Separate Lives didn't see the guy for seven years. It's not very brotherly. It sounds to me like uh I mean It makes sense that you'd be obsessed with the story after the fact.

but it it. It doesn't mean you knew anything special. So uh uhuh uh I don't know. Uh.

all right. So let's get into some more of the documents here: I Pulled up some more of the documents that just released today, so we actually have another set of testimony here that I want to understand. This is the definition. The deposition.

excuse me, The deposition of Joseph Reri Joseph Rer. Which guess what folks, how weird is this much like yesterday? Also dead? Yeah. I I Don't know what it is, but the ratio of people involved in this stuff we now dead Very high. Uh, and so this is the wow that is Sussy.

Oh, that is weird. Listen to this. Palm Beach Detective who led the Epstein investigation. No way.

Um, the F investigation. That's crazy. Okay, let's write that down. All right.

So the detective who led it who died at 50 I wonder what what it says they died of after a brief illness. Are you kidding me? Brief illness? You've got to be freaking kidding me. Uh, Rer was known for his practical jokes. Uh, thorough investigations, work ethic.

uh, people really seem to like him. What the hell? No other information was revealed on the cause of death. Some people say it was sleep apnea, huh? Okay, well. I don't know.

Let's just say it's a little weird. All right. So what is this? So this is the deposition this is uh, also being taken at Los Solas Boulevard We've we've had other Uh depositions over there as well in this case. so far, all right.

I Wanted to speak with everyone related to this home including Miss Maxwell My contact was through Gus attorney Gus Frosten at the time who initially told me he would make everyone available for an interview uh, during your investigation. What did you learn in terms of Maxwell's involvement if any witness Miss Maxwell during her research was found to be Epstein's longtime friend during interviews Miss Maxwell was involved in seeking girls to perform massages and work at Epstein's home. Did you interview? How many girls did you interview that you saw? how many girls did you interview that were sought to give or that actually gave massages at Epstein's home? approximately 30 to 33 I Believe two of them may have, uh, how many actually had massage experience I Believe two of them may have. The one with the massage experience was older.
Correct. You got this darn attorney in here constantly objecting to the form of the question. uh, they they? They do this to preserve their rights to try to get you to, uh, uh, you know, kick out uh, evidence or whatever. It's just, it's just annoying to read in.

SHP The remainder of the 30 girls that went to this house for the purpose of a massage Or were recruited for a massage which my understanding they had no massage exper. erence. That's correct. The majority of these girls that you interviewed over and under the age of 18, the majority were under wow is So is is the detective seen as the witness here? Let me see here.

Uh I believe So yeah, they don't clarify that, but I'm assuming so given that this is the deposition uh of the detective and he's the the one answering the questions. Okay, so and as we go through this report, you may remember the names correct. Let me correct myself. I believe I only had one and that was one of the similar age.

What? Okay regarding with massage experience, the one with massage experience the older. okay, got it. The remainder of 30 girls that went to this house for the purpose of massage is my understanding. they had no massage experience.

That's correct, Majority were underage. Each of the victims that went to the home were asked to bring their friends to the home. Ooh, at the end of that massage, if that victim brought other friends, would she get paid for the recruitment of those friends? Correct? Additionally, Hey, it's like an MLM but except it's like Jeffrey Epstein's MLM Additionally, did your investigations reveal that the assistance of Jeffrey Epstein would call and set up for these girls to come over Correct and certain people that were friends or girlfriends or assistants of Jeffrey Epstein would recruit girls under the pretense of giving a massage. Correct is what your investigation revealed in terms of the system of getting these girls over the house? Yes, Uh, okay.

talking about the massages. When did these various girls that you interviewed describe the massages? Was there a pattern of what occurred during these massages? Yes, there was describe for us what you were told by the 30 or so girls. Initially, when the victims would come home, they were brought upstairs to provide a massage. Epstein would lay on the massage table where they would start to rub his back and back of his legs.
Epstein would either attempt to fondle the girls or touch the girls inappropriately and at which point he would pleasure himself and when he was done he would get up and go wash off while the girls would get dressed and go back downstairs and get paid. Okay, so did you determine that massage was actually a code word for something else? When they went to perform a massage, it was for sexual gratification and when the assistants would call and ask these girls to work, what did you learn from the term work work meant to come and provide Epsteina massage? Wow. This guy needed a lot of massages. Apparently during the investigation, it was determined that he would have multiple M Oh man, that's gross I Didn't know, didn't know that I was going to go to this during the investigation, it was determined that he would have multiple massages during the day.

Good. Lord He would have some some in the morning, some in the afternoon, and sometimes into the evening. Oh my gosh, Uh, so he would. All right.

And so when you went to speak with the victims, what did the victims say about their experience with Jeffrey Epstein Once they were recruited, they were brought home to give massage. Some of the victims did not want to be touched. Some of the the victims did not want to partake in that. so was I believe For a couple of them only a One-Shot deal.

but others continued to come. And so you interviewed some of those victims. Did you learn that some of those victims also brought additional girls? That's correct. So as you're investigating the case, part of your investigation, you're learning information that these victims from these victims and then going to talk to the next person down the line if you will correct what's the purpose of that to identify further victims.

In doing that, were you able to corroborate the accuracy of what the first victim told you? Correct? You know. What's scary is that this person talking right now is dead. Died at 50, died suddenly before died suddenly was like a trend. Jeez, what was her role? Uh, let's see, did you turn over all your files to the Secretary or the State Attorney's officer? FBI Correct.

H Around the time of your investigation, around the time you ended your investigation afterwards were various newspaper articles written about the substance of some of your investigation. Yes, Did it become well known to the public that Jeffrey Epstein had recruited high school girls for a house and for the purposes of some sexually involved massage? This is correct. And in fact, haven't you read many of these newspaper articles? This is correct. This was not hidden a hidden secret from the public in 2006, right? No.

And from your overall investigation, kind of just big picture. What was the criminal activity as specific as you can that you learned from Jeffrey Epstein it was sexual battery and luden lascivious conduct for under the age of 16 under 16. Even worse, from the recruitment to the how did they get them, what did they do, How did you keep it going? As it became known to us that the victim was recruited, brought to the home, provided the massage, and was paid whether there was inappropriate touching, whether there was sexual activity, whether there were actually there was actually intercourse, All of this was documented and asked about whether they brought anybody else to the home. Okay, this is during the questioning.
Basically Hey Look, it's like what I mentioned an MLM they're literally using the word they stole my word Well, I didn't actually say the word I said MLM Okay, one of the earliest victims in terms of the chronologically of this pyramid of girl. for lack of better word, you understand what I mean Yes, that there's there's one of the earliest victims you interviewed was Haley Robson Right, it was actually SG I think was the first one I interviewed? would that be Sarah SG SG Anyway, uh okay, my the question was uh, my bad. I Know the first person interviewed that kicked off the investigation was SG But just to create a picture of what we have here here this is and tell me if I characterized it wrong, a scheme that Jeffrey Epstein engaged in by using assistance to recruit girls right? Yes, Under the pretense of giving a massage Correct. either massage or to become models for Victoria Secrets or their connections.

Wow. Wow. And he was able to get these girls home. He would offer them money to become recruiters for him.

Correct. And you've mapped it out. This kind of spiderweb pyramid of girls? Correct. So when I say one of the first I mean the top of the pyramid correct and I think you testified that Molly and Tony drove HR to Epstein's house the first time? Correct? Did you trace all the way out back to the highest level to determine who it was that started the particular chain of Palm Beach girls I did not.

Basically, uh ooh and then then it and then it cuts off. Where's the other page? Oh it just it jumps to something else. That's all we're going to get. Really.

oh how weird Sus Wow, How does it go from page 95? What is this crap? Page 95 to page 363? But look at how it's filed lik

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9 thoughts on “The jeffrey epstein files part 2 full document release analysis”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @karbaba says:

    Kevin ….. is Visa partnered up with Blockv (vee)?? Plz let us know !!😊

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @FrankWhite32nd says:

    Being retired from the prison system, dude didn’t kill himself , everything is documented and recorded for legal records

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DeeZee00008 says:

    It's sad some of you people are just figuring this all out. All the people who knew are shaking their heads at everyone who didn't LMAO

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @deltadigger2833 says:

    Please no more Steve Hawkins, I had nightmares 😮

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Robyn-Hood says:

    Wondering if his brother gets all of the money from his estate, since he’s the only family

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @escapegrl1 says:

    Gates, Bernie

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MVPTC says:

    Meanwhile poor people are guilty until proven innocent… rich people are never guilty even when they are proven guilty…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MVPTC says:

    Some of these documents are nearly 20 years old. The justice system is a joke.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @thinkingimpaired5663 says:

    Byden's names probably redacted for 66 years.

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